1.03 / June 27, 2015
(3.4/5) (19)


安売りで、「1gにするといくら?本当にお得なの?」と思うことはありませんか?120gで200円の商品と300gで478円の商品ではどちらが得?そんな「どっちがお得?」な疑問を一発で解消する超便利な単価計算、最安値・底値チェック、単価比較お買い物便利アプリです。1gごと、1個ごとなど、好きな単位で単価を計算し、商品ごとに最安単価の記録を残すことができるのが最大の特徴です。単に単価を計算するだけでなく、ボタンひとつで登録されている最安値と比較してどちらがお得か調べることができるので、量が違う商品でも本当にお得かすぐにわかります。アプリを終了しても最安値が保存されているので、次回からの入力の手間も省けますし、一覧表示でいつでも最安値の記録を確認することができるのがこのアプリの魅力です。単価が前回登録したものより安いときはその旨お知らせし、データもその最安値に自動的に更新されますので、常に今までで一番安いかどうかを一発で比較することができます。これで常に本当の底値かどうかチェックできるので、お買い得なときだけ安心して買うことができますね。登録をせず、単に単価を知りたいだけのときは、商品名を省略して個数と金額だけの入力で単価計算ができます。人気の「簡単割引計算」のアプリと一緒に使えば、最強です。 賢くお得にショッピングしたい方、お買い物で損したくない方必携のアプリです。母の日や父の日ギフト、おみやげ、まとめ買い、わけあり特価、ネットショッピングなど様々なお買い物で役立ちます。デザインや機能を極限までシンプルにし、とても軽いアプリにしましたので、お買い物時にすぐに使えますし、端末の容量を気にされる方でも安心してインストールできます。操作もとても簡単でサクサク動きますので、毎日のお買い物にぜひご活用ください。 (使い方)初めての商品は新規に商品名と数量と価格を登録すると、単価が計算されて一覧表示されます。すでに登録されている商品と比較したい場合は、一覧からその商品を探し「この商品の比較をする」のボタンを押し、数量と価格を入力すればすぐに単価の比較ができ、どちらがお得かわかります。登録されている単価よりも安いときは、その旨メッセージが出て、登録情報もその最安単価に更新されます。画面の一番下までスライドさせると「背景色を変更する」というボタンがあり、それを押すごとに背景色が変わります。全8色ありますので、お好みの色に設定してお使いください。

App Information 単価計算機|最安値チェック|どっちがお得か比較して節約買い物

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    June 27, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Lightweight Apps Labs
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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ロト7当選予想アプリ|loto7高額当選完全攻略ろと7 1.53 APK
Loupe with light|Reading Glass 1.12 APK
It is an application that can be seen toexpand the text or photos that are difficult to read issmall.If Kazase such as photo books and using this app, your smartphonebecomes magnifying glass, magnifying glass, the magnifyingglass.In addition, since we arrive to light with one button, you can readthe letter or read a book in the dark place.Seniors simple smartphone (Senior smartphones), it is sure to playan active part if I put in (smartphone easily) Hong easily.As easy to understand even the beginner smartphone and theelderly, and it is to be able to work with large buttons all."+" And "-" can be scaled freely buttons, it goes automatically bypressing the button of "focus" when the camera can not focus.If you press the "light ON", the illumination is turned on in adark place.button changes to "Light OFF" or erasing is one button while thelights are on.When you exit the app, and press the "Exit app" button.Without any complex operation, anyone can use immediately by simpleoperation.The easy to operate buttons and characters with big, it was easyto use and squeeze a function.With this app, it is all right without carrying around and readingglasses and magnifying glass again.In addition, since it has to very light application, installationis over soon, and does not pressure the capacity of theterminal.It is free, and it is an application especially recommended for theelderly.Please give me know in the one of your acquaintance elderly, theelderly, the elderly.At the library, at home, at school, in the futon before taking arest, please use it in various places.I make an outstanding performance in reading at night withlighting.I can use instead of magnifying glass, magnifying glass, readingglasses, microscope, telescope, binoculars, of many things.I think Father's Day, Mother's Day, to be pleased even if Ipresent this app to a present of Respect for the Aged Day.Because it is a very simple app, simple smartphone of seniorcitizens for (simple smartphone), simple smartphone (simplesmartphone) is a simple application of excellent at affinity with(such as smart phone easily) Hong easily.(Notes on use)In addition, this app makes use of flash light and camera of yoursmartphone, but sometimes it does not work well depending on themodel.Because it is free, please use it regularly from Feel free towhether we can use without problems in the terminal of your own toinstall once.(It depends on the situation of the surroundings and performance ofthe camera), which may take a little longer to focus.Operation of scaling and light can not be magnified to fill, pleasewait focus until the end.The camera focuses relatively quickly and focusing it from put thelight ahead.Because there is that it is difficult to focus if it is too closeto the object, please use it to expand in the "+" button to adjustthe focus away a little at that time.I project the screen image of the camera, but it does not have theability to take pictures.There are (so, kill it when you start the app) will not use thecamera will freeze rare cases, but to return to the original andrestart the terminal at that time.Operation check, I'm going in the XPERIA IS11S.
面接合格裏ワザ-これで面接の達人!-就活転職受験就職活動に 1.12 APK
面接に強い人と弱い人がいます。その違いは、テクニックがあるかないかだけです。なぜなら、たった数十分の間に、あなたの人間性を判断することなど不可能だからです。面接の時は誰でも緊張しますし、普段と違う行動をしてしまったり、思っていることと違うことを言ってしまったりすることもあります。ですから、面接の時間だけであなたの人間性を判断することはできませんし、判断されては困ります。面接する側だって、そんなことはわかっているのです。しかし、あなたの一生を左右する場面で、必ず面接を受けるという機会がやってきます。その時にマル秘テクを知っていたかどうかで、あなたの人生が決まるといっても過言ではないでしょう。たった数十分で、一生笑って暮らせるか、一生後悔して暮らすのかが決まるのです。そもそも、面接官はどうやって合格・不合格を決めるのでしょうか。その基準は、面接官が期待した答えを言えるかどうかです。マル秘テクを身につけると、面接官がどういう答えを期待しているのかがわかってくるようになります。ですから、あなたの考えとは関係なく、「ここはこう答えればいいんだな」ということがわり、緊張することもなく面接を受けるのが楽しくなってきます。面接試験は、他の受験者との相対評価となるため、ライバルたちといかに差をつけるかで合否が決まります。そのテクニックが、ここにあるのです。このアプリは、公務員試験をはじめとする難関試験など数十回の面接を一発クリアしてきた面接の達人が、その経験から導き出したマル秘テクをみなさんのために書き下ろしたもので、他では手に入りません。あなたの一生を決める面接に、マル秘テクなしで挑戦して後悔するのか、それともマル秘テクを使って一生笑って過ごすのか。答えはひとつです。就活(就職活動)、転職、大学受験、その他の面談など、どんな面接でも役立つテクニックを紹介しています。面接の準備は今日から始めてください。There are weak people andstrong people to interview.The difference technique is simply whether or not there.Because, that during several tens of minutes only, to determineyour humanity and because it is impossible.It can also be or has gone to be different that anyone nervouswhen the interview, and can happen to the behavior different fromthe usual, and thinks.So, you will not be able to determine your humanity just in timeinterview and then what you want, it is determined.Side to even interview, I know such a thing.However, opportunities in the scene that affect your life, andbe interviewed always come.It would not be an exaggeration to say that on whether I knew thesecret tech at that time, your life is determined.I determined a sufficient number only, or live to laugh life, inorder to check live with regret life.First of all, interviewer or will decide the yes / no how.The reference is whether say the answers interviewer had hoped.You will now come to know and wear secret tech, interviewer orare you expecting what kind of answer.So, it can become enjoyable receive the interview regardless of thethought of you, without even that "this place is good I will replythis way" and is assigned to be nervous.The interview, to become a relative evaluation of the othercandidates, success or failure is determined by whether adifference how and rivals. Its technique, is there here.With that master of the interview, which has been one shot clearthe interview dozens of times, such as barrier test, including thecivil service test, written down for you the secret tech that wasderived from the experience, this app, in the others It does not gointo.Do you spend laughing life using the secret tech to interview todetermine the life of you, or whether regret to challenge withoutsecret tech.The answer is one.I have some techniques to help job hunting (job hunting), careerchange, college entrance examination, and interviews of other, inany interview.Please start with today preparing for interview.
Time calculator as simple 1.02 APK
What time is a fraction what many minutes seconds later What timehow many minutes? It is very convenient because she can in aninstant calculation of complex time of such. For very lightapplication, I can use crunchy with a very simple operation. Ofcourse to calculate a little time daily, it is recommended forthose who have been working for frequent computation of time, suchas program production companies and TV stations. You can not onlycalculate the time, also the calculation of the The elapsed time.In the calculation of the time, of course, time and number ofminutes after the future, I can be calculated at the touch of abutton and also time minutes before in the past. In addition, thecalculation of time consecutive number of minutes after the numberof seconds before the hours after such called ... is also possible.In addition, you can also enter a start time and an end time, tocalculate the The elapsed time. You can then also be reflected inthe calculation of the time that The elapsed time. You cancalculate the result of time is stored when you exit the app, youmust enter from the more the next time you start up. To reset thedata, please press and hold "long tap to delete all" button. Alsothe calculation of the time troublesome unexpectedly, so you canaccurately easily if there is this app, please use it convenient toinstall all means. Since it has been in very light application tothe limit to simplify the design and functionality, the better thecapacity of the terminal to be worried about is reliable. Who areoften those who have been programming for television and radio,towards the timekeeper, who master room service televisionstations, such as those of the work dealing with timecode, thecomputation of time, but also for work by all means please use it.
Ultra quick memo notes 1.11 APK
It is an application that can be taken note immediatelyultra-simple operation of just close it hit open. Super easyfastest operation that is saved when you can input or when you wantto keep the note immediately that you have flashed suddenly, forexample, when you do not have the writing instrument and memopaper, and at the same time open the app, exit the application Itis an application which was particular about. By maximally tosimplify the design and functionality, I aimed a note notebooklight and fast to the highest level. It is an application ofrecommended if we may note any time soon, people-oriented response.(Operating Instructions) When you start the app, input screen isdisplayed. Enter a character, press the button "EndApp with Save"of, save the note along with the date application is terminated.Open,Input,Exit, that's it. If you want to continuous save,pressthe button "Save only". Note saved because it is listed under theinput field, tap the character part of the list you want to see thefull text will be displayed. You can delete a note in the deletebutton on the left. If you want to delete all your notes, press andhold the button "DeleteAll(LongTap)" on the bottom. Backgroundcolor will change each time you press the button at the bottom ofthe "ChangeColor", please use the color of your choice. Colorsettings are saved. When you press the button at the bottom of the"LaunchConfig", automatic startup setting screen is displayed. Canbe set for each day of the week app to stand up automatically whenyou start the charge. Because it is a very light app, without alsobe pressure on the capacity of the terminal, download also endsoon. Than design and production, the person you want to givepriority to "light" and "fast", "easy" anyway, please use it toinstall once by all means because it is free.
Sound effects reproduction 1.3 APK
This app can play sound at the touch of a button. Act also year-endparty, New Year's party, such as in Gokon, it will more folds, ifthere is a sound effect, is also effective to attract the hearts ofthe audience such as speech or presentation. Once you haveinstalled, is a very handy app active in various situations.Because the display with battery power, it helps to minimizeforget charging , and it also acts as the battery checker app.Sound effects, recording the type 40. From such classic chime andapplause, and crossing the shutter, to kiss and burp, they maysound a variety of genres, you can use in various situations. Howto use up to you. Because a lot of recorded sound file, thecapacity of the application has become a slightly larger. It hasbeen tested with Xperia IS11S, but there are some sounds that cannot be played depending on the model.
Percentage Graph Calculater 1.11 APK
It is an application to calculate the ratio of the number of eachitem (percentage), to be displayed in a pie chart. It is convenientto aggregate the questionnaire. The operation is very simple, youcan add as many items as you want, and continue to count in the"CountUp" button to display on a separate pie chart and percentageby pressing the end "aggregate" button. The numbers can alsodirectly input, input menu appears on the screen by a long tapnumbers. In addition, the item name is also rejected by theautomatic No. 1,No.2... by default, but you can also edit free todo long tap. The item name will be reflected in the chart legend.It is a handy app, for example, when you want to see immediately inthe graph aggregate result of a simple questionnaire. By maximallyto simplify the function, since it has become a very lightapplication, please try to install and feel free.
軽自動車比較ランキング|自動ブレーキ有無スライドドア燃費など 1.2 APK