1.1 / November 12, 2013
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Introduction: Thesoftwarecontains a Bible (New Testament contains the OldTestament)collection of bilingual.
    The system supports background, fontsize,font color settings, support for automatically opens the lastreadscreen.

"The Bible" is the Christian soul. To understandWesterncivilization. Would have to read "the Bible." Today thereare morethan one billion people of the "Bible" as their spiritualfood."The Bible" has been translated into more than 1800 kinds oftext,has long been the world's most widely circulated book.

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古灵小说全集 1.1 APK
系统支持背景、字体大小、字体颜色设置,支持自动打开上一次阅读画面。本书收录了古灵作品集,共计108部的简繁体:《「丑」人多作怪》《一家都是宝PART IV》《一家都是宝part Ⅲ》《一家都是宝PART2》《一家都是宝》《七年之痒》《上天下海守着你》《不是搞鬼》《不败黑鹰》《与君共舞》《丝丝扣情》《乞丐天才男朋友》《亲爱的千黛可屯》《亲爱的陌生人》《人前躲你人后盼你》《人生自是有情狂》《你是我爸爸!》《偷人》《偷吃蜜糖》《出嫁不从夫》《出嫁从夫》《出嫁必从夫》《出嫁愿从夫》《出嫁誓从夫》《出嫁该从夫》《出嫁难从夫》《千万买主》《另类灰姑娘》《只怕相思苦》《只想爱一个人》《哥哥爸爸真伟大》《喜气洋洋》《嘴里骂你心里想你》《四月一日》《地下情夫》《大侠,请多指教》《大野狼绅士》《天使与恶魔(上)》《天使与恶魔(下)》《天使之翼》《妻奴》《姐姐宝贝》《娘子,请多指教》《宝贝姐姐》《害臊大侠刁姑娘》《小鬼跑错边》《岛主》《岛主之子》《左手爱你右手娶你》《异星》《引郎上勾》《征服者的飨宴》《心疼姊姊》《忧郁回旋曲》《怨天怨地舍不得怨你》《恩人,请多指教》《恶羊扑郎》《我依恋的只有你》《我家有个小可怜》《把美眉》《拉丁混小子》《拼命三郎》《捉妖》《搞什么鬼》《放胆拥抱蓝眼珠》《无巧不成爱》《无怨无悔爱着你》《早春小老婆》《明里赶你暗里救你》《暴风雨奏鸣曲》《替身》《柔情似水》《梦世界(上)》《梦世界(下)》《楚楚夫君》《沙漠苍鹰的欲望》《泡哥哥》《浪漫首部曲》《淘气小紫狐》《激情魔咒》《火爆甜心》《狂郎傻婢》《生死相许无尽处》《男大十九变》《白色天使》《相公,请多指教》《眼里怨你梦里念你》《缚神(上)》《缚神(下)》《肉脚老么万岁》《脱线娘娘》《脱线小女佣》《良兄宝妹》《见鬼》《贴心妹妹》《超能力接触》《都是温柔惹的祸》《铁汉追密码(上)》《铁汉追密码(下)》《霸爱邪君》《顽女戏蔷薇》《鬼面夫君》《黑市情妇》《黑魔王传说Ending》《黑魔王传说Part1》《黑魔王传说Part2》《黑魔王传说Part3》《黑魔王传说Part4》古灵,是台湾的流行小说作家,以写言情小说为主。作品风格轻松诙谐。她小时候学古典钢琴,高中改习爵士钢琴,后考上食品营养科。职业从梦想的钢琴老师、饭店琴师、营养师突变成小说家。迄今创作小说100余本,是一位高产作家,于1999年开始写作,第一本作品为《引郎上钩》,至今作品数量已达一百多本,第一百本为《早安,亲爱的》。其中最著名的作品有《一家都是宝》系列、《出嫁从夫番外篇》系列、《黑魔王传说&巫马王》系列、《皇京四大禁卫》系列、《心电感应》系列等,2007续写《七阎罗&七修罗》系列。The system supportsbackground, font size, font color settings, support for automaticscreen opens on first reading.  This book contains gouring portfolio, totaling 108 insimplified and traditional:"" Ugly "people more trouble.""One is a treasure PART IV""One is a treasure part Ⅲ""One is a treasure PART2""One is a treasure.""Seven Year Itch""The world sea guarding you.""Not up to no good.""Undefeated Black Hawk""Dancing with the king.""Cecil buckle Love""Beggar genius boyfriend""Dear thousand Dai may Tun""Dear Stranger""You hide in front of people who hope after you""Life is naturally affectionate mad""You are my father! ""People steal""Steal honey.""Married without their husbands'"Married husbands.""From the husband must be married.""Married willing husbands'"Married oath from husband""The marriage from husband""Difficult marriage from husband""Do buyers""Alternative Cinderella""I'm afraid Acacia bitter""Just wanted to love a person.""My brother really great dad.""Beaming""Mouth curse you thought you""April""Underground lover""Heroes, please advise.""Great Wolf gentleman""Angels and Demons (on).""Angels and Demons (below)""Angel Wings""Wife slave""Baby Sister""Lady, please advise.""Baby Sister""Diao heroes shy girl""Home run the wrong side.""Main island"'Main island of the child ""Love your left hand to marry you.""Alien""Cited Lang uppercut""Conqueror of the feast.""Distressed sister.""Melancholy Rondo""Blaming Heaven complain to bear blame you.""Benefactor, please advise.""Evil Sheep flutter Lang""I am attached to only you.""My family has a little pathetic.""To crush""Latin mixed kid.""Workaholic""Vampire Killers""What the hell""Boldly embrace blue eyes.""No coincidence Love""No regrets love you""Early Spring concubine""Overtly or covertly rush you to save you.""Tempest Sonata""Avatars""Rouqingsishui""Dream World (on).""Dream World (down)""Chuchu Fu Jun""Desert eagle's desire""Bubble brother""Romance of the Rings""Naughty little purple fox""Passion curse""Hot sweetheart""Mad Lang stupid servant.""Endless Shengsixiangxu office""Men and nineteen change""White Angel""Dear husband, please advise.""Eyes blame you read your dream.""Tied to God (on).""Tied to God (the)""Long live the youngest Roujiao""Off-line Goddess""Off-line small maid""Good brother Sambo""The Eye""Intimate sister""Super ability to reach""Blame is gentle.""Hud chase password (on).""Hud chase password (below)""Pa love evil king.""Stubborn actresses Rose""Ghost husband.""Black mistress""Legend of the Dark Lord Ending""Legend of the Dark Lord Part1""Legend of the Dark Lord Part2""Legend of the Dark Lord Part3""Legend of the Dark Lord Part4"  DIE, popular fiction writer in Taiwan, mainly to writeromance novels. Relaxed style of humorous works. She was a child tolearn classical piano, jazz piano learning high school reform,admitted after food nutrition. From the dream of professional pianoteacher, restaurants musician, nutritionists mutated novelist. Sofar, more than 100 fiction book, is a prolific writer, beganwriting in 1999, the first of this work is "Lang cited bait", hasreached more than one hundred of the number of works, this is thefirst one hundred, "Good morning, dear of. " The most famous worksare "one is a treasure" series, "married husbands side story"series, "Legend of the Dark Lord & witch champion" series,"Huang Jing four Guard" series, "telepathy" series et al, 2007writing "Seven & seven Shura hell" series.
百家讲坛40合1 1.2 APK
系统支持背景、字体大小、字体颜色设置,支持自动打开上一次阅读画面。本软件包含了以下百家讲坛的简繁体二战风云人生哲学篇先秦诸子百家争鸣两宋风云刘心武揭秘红楼梦动物世界名家谈文学和珅品读汉代风云人物外国文艺欣赏多尔衮大师语录孟子的智慧宇宙与自然影视漫谈教育与成功易中天品三国易经的奥秘李白历史与文化篇水浒清十二帝疑案王立群读史记生活保健科技之光笑书神侠红楼梦经济与社会老子胡雪岩的启示庄子心得艺术漫谈说慈禧论语心得讲聊斋读史记道德与法律金正昆谈礼仪钱文忠解读三字经鲍鹏山新说水浒The systemsupports background, font size, font color settings, support forautomatically opens the last read screen.This software contains the following simplified and traditionalLectureWar 2Philosophy of life chapterPre-Qin contendingTwo Song FengyunSecret called A Dream of Red MansionsAnimal WorldMasters in LiteratureAnd ShenMan read of the Han DynastyForeign literary appreciationDuoergunMasters QuotationsMencius wisdomUniverse and NatureTV TalkEducation and successYi Zhongtian Three KingdomsBook of the mysteryBaiHistory and culture articlesWater MarginTwelve Emperors of the Qing MysteryWang Liqun Reading RecordsLife CareKejizhiguangLaughing book God XiaDream of Red MansionsEconomic and SocialFatherHu InspirationZhuangzi experienceArt TalkSaid the EmpressAnalects of ConfuciusStresses Ghost StoryReading RecordsEthics and LawTan Jin Zhengkun etiquetteQian Wenzhong Interpretation Three Character ClassicPeng Bao Shan said a new Water Margin
福尔摩斯全集(簡繁體) 1.1 APK
系统支持背景、字体大小、字体颜色设置,支持自动打开上一次阅读画面。本书收录了福尔摩斯全集的简繁体:《冒险史》《四签名》《回忆录》《失去的世界》《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》《归来记》《恐怖谷》《新探案》《最后的致意》《福尔摩斯东方探案》《福尔摩斯探案续集》《血字的研究》歇洛克•福尔摩斯(SherlockHolmes,又译作夏洛克•福尔摩斯),是一个虚构的侦探人物,是由19世纪末的英国侦探小说家阿瑟•柯南•道尔所塑造的一个才华横溢的侦探形象。福尔摩斯自己称自己是一名“咨询侦探”,也就是说当其他私人或官方侦探遇到困难时常常向他求救。大部分故事都集中讲述一些比较困难、需要福尔摩斯出门调查的案子。福尔摩斯善于通过观察与演绎法来解决问题。柯南•道尔是从自己见习于爱丁堡皇家医院时一名善于观察的老师的身上获得灵感,创造了福尔摩斯这一人物的。系統支援背景、字體大小、字體顏色設置,支援自動打開上一次閱讀畫面。本書收錄了福爾摩斯全集的簡繁體:《冒險史》《四簽名》《回憶錄》《失去的世界》《巴斯克維爾的獵犬》《歸來記》《恐怖穀》《新探案》《最後的致意》《福爾摩斯東方探案》《福爾摩斯探案續集》《血字的研究》歇洛克•福爾摩斯(SherlockHolmes,又譯作夏洛克•福爾摩斯),是一個虛構的偵探人物,是由19世紀末的英國偵探小說家亞瑟•柯南•道爾所塑造的一個才華橫溢的偵探形象。福爾摩斯自己稱自己是一名“諮詢偵探”,也就是說當其他私人或官方偵探遇到困難時常常向他求救。大部分故事都集中講述一些比較困難、需要福爾摩斯出門調查的案子。福爾摩斯善於通過觀察與演繹法來解決問題。柯南•道爾是從自己見習於愛丁堡皇家醫院時一名善於觀察的老師的身上獲得靈感,創造了福爾摩斯這一人物的。The system supportsbackground, font size, font color settings, support forautomatically opens the last read screen.  This book contains the complete works of Jane HolmesEnglish:  "Adventure History"  "The Sign of Four"  "Memoirs"  "Lost World"  "The Hound of the Baskervilles"  "Comeback"  "Uncanny Valley"  "The new Holmes"  "Last tribute"  "Sherlock Holmes Orient"  "Sherlock Holmes sequel."  "A Study in Scarlet."  • Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, also translated• Sherlock Holmes), is a fictional detective character, by the late19th century British detective novelist Arthur • • Conan Doyleshaped by a brilliant detective image. Holmes himself said he was a"consulting detective", that is, when other private or officialdetectives often encounter difficulties to him for help. Moststories focus on some of the more difficult, requiring Holmes outinvestigation case. Holmes good through observation and deductionto solve the problem. • Conan Doyle from his novitiate at EdinburghRoyal Infirmary when an observant teacher who was inspired tocreate the character of Sherlock Holmes.  System supports background, font size, font colorsettings, support automatically open the last read screen.  This book contains the complete works of Jane HolmesEnglish:  "Adventure History"  "The Sign of Four"  "Memoirs"  "Lost World"  "The Hound of the Baskervilles"  "Comeback"  "Uncanny Valley"  "The new Holmes"  "Last tribute"  "Sherlock Holmes Orient"  "Sherlock Holmes sequel."  "A Study in Scarlet."  • Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, also translated• Sherlock Holmes), is a fictional detective character, by the late19th century British detective novelist Arthur • • Conan Doyleshaped by a brilliant detective image. Holmes himself said he was a"consulting detective", that is, when other private or officialdetectives often encounter difficulties to him for help. Moststories focus on some of the more difficult, requiring Holmes outinvestigation case. Holmes good through observation and deductionto solve the problem. • Conan Doyle from his novitiate at EdinburghRoyal Infirmary when an observant teacher who was inspired tocreate the character of Sherlock Holmes.
单反摄影 1.11 APK
英语口语三百句 1.0 APK
全球通史 1.1 APK
全球通史全书材料新、范围广,除了政治、经济外,还涉及军事、文化、教育、宗教、科学技术等各个方面,并吸收了20年来世界历史学研究诸领域的新成就,有强烈的现实感。自问世以来,赞誉如潮,被译成多种语言流传于世,可谓经典之中的经典。作者文笔隽永、笔力深厚、才思横溢,整部著作前后一贯。这部通史被认为是第一部由历史学家运用全球观点囊括全球文明而编写的世界历史。系统支持背景、字体大小、字体颜色设置,支持自动打开上一次阅读画面。本书收录了全球通史上下册的简繁体Global History bookmaterials and new, a wide range, in addition to political,economic, but also involve military, culture, education, religion,science and technology and other aspects, and absorbed the 20 yearshistory of the world study the areas of new achievements, there isa strong reality feeling. Since its inception, winning criticalacclaim and was translated into many languages ​​spread in theworld, can be described as classic among classics. Authors writingmeaningful, deep pen force, creativeness Smirnov, coherent wholebook. History is believed this is the first historian to use by theglobal civilization and a global perspective covers the preparationof world history.  The system supports background, font size, fontcolor settings, support for automatically opens the last readscreen.  This book contains the Global History volumes ofsimplified and traditional
英语口语天天练 3.2 APK
本应用收录了英语日常生活中经常使用的习惯用语900句,分为9个单元,由简入难,循序渐进。支持收藏夹功能,可以对重点句型进行收录,以加强记忆。支持黑夜模式,可设置字体大小和背景色。支持手势左右滑动翻页功能。可设置每页显示的句子个数,以适应各种屏幕。支持横竖屏,无需联网,可离线使用,随时随地练习口语!This application containsfrequently used in everyday English idiom 900,Divided into nine units, from simple to difficult, step bystep.Support the favorites feature, you can be included on the keysentence in order to enhance memory.Support night mode, you can set the font size and backgroundcolor.Support gesture sliding around flip function.You can set the number of sentences per page to fit a variety ofscreens.Support horizontal and vertical screen, no network can be usedoffline, anytime, anywhere to practice speaking!
宝宝故事 1.1 APK