1.3 / January 5, 2016
(3.8/5) (23)



『千古英雄集結 為你而戰』

『強悍兵團 指揮三軍作戰』

『三大PVP玩法 激情爆表』

『絕世名將免費得 超爽福利』


台灣:+886 2-77290505
※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務

Cooking wineoperationshero, top artist surgeon to rhyme circulation realisticstyle, trueto reproduce ancient battlefield, fingertip operation,winningthousands of miles away.

[Game Features]
"Eternal Hero assembled fight for you."
Across age, Chu and Han, Three Kingdoms, Sui and five thousandyearsof history, Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, Lu Bu,theemperor, Wu Mei Niang ...... eternal hero Fuzion crossing,peerlesshero attributed arm work for you.

"Powerful armed forces command combat corps"
True to the ancient cold weapons battlefield, cavalryassault,infantry close fight, archer remote kill; multiplearmscooperation, commander of the armed forces, strikes.

"Three PVP play passion burst table."
Aspirations to the world, Yanwu Fatal, fight warlords, threePVPplay, combat power ladder match, fair gaming, singled outgangwarfare passion burst table to cooking wine operation infightinghero enjoy the thrill of a key battlefield.

"Peerless star get free super cool welfare."
Peerless champion free extraction, many generals activities,redeem,a copy of dropping, etc., as well as powerful arms andingot propscan be obtained through the copy. Goodies stop, oh lotwelfare

Official website: http: //m2.efuntw.com/

Contact us === ===
If you encounter in the game any questions, please feel freetocontact us, we will be happy to serve you!
Customer Service: service03@inchtw.com
Customer Complaint Service Hotline
Taiwan: +886 2-77290505
Service Hours: 24/7
※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game
※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging

App Information 煮酒操英雄

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 5, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Inch Interactive Entertainment(TW) Ltd 1
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email service03@inchtw.com Privacy Policy
    地址:台北市信義區文昌街316號4樓之7 Email:service02@inchtw.com
  • Google Play Link

Inch Interactive Entertainment(TW) Ltd 1 Show More...

Efun-Leaders 1.8 APK
*** The #1 FREE Online Game Customized ForSOUTHEAST ASIAN ***---------------------------------------------------*HIGHLY RECOMMENDED* by Thousands Of Players! It's nevereasy to stand on top of the world, but we make it happen here!Become a leader now!Thousands of different army combination and defense layout arewaiting for you to create. What would you like your empire to be?Your choice.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fantastic eastern building and vivid sound effect make you bepersonally on the scene. Leader offers you not only innovativegameplay, but enjoyment of visual sense and hearing sense aswell!The evil forces have dominated the world, a super hero like you isneeded! Come and save your people from chaos before the end of theworld!!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Players' reviews:" It's very exciting to plunder the resources from others, I'mtotally enjoying the pleasant sensation of being the winner!""Come on!! You worth having Leader in your phone. You have mywords!! I cannot find any word to describe how exciting the gameis! "FEATURES★FREE TO PLAY☆Join together with other players to form the strongest Clan★Challenge players from all over the world☆Defend your village with Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Trapsand Walls★Build your stronghold into an undefeatable fortressContact UsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/leadersMEE-mail:efunleaders@efun.comTime of customer service: 24hours, do our best to serveyou!
代號:雷霆行動 1.5.1 APK
尊敬的各位大大,安安:您好,目前Andriod6.0更新後,由於權限獲取的方式變更,導致部份尚未更新至新版Andriod系統的遊戲出現閃退或無法登入等異常問題;目前我們已安排協請開發商加速進行更新修正中,在遊戲的更新版本上架前,建議各位大大可以嘗試使用以下方式進行排困:(部份機型經測試可有效降低問題發生機率)在【設定】 →【 應用程式】 → 【遊戲/應用名稱】 →【 權限】,然後將默認已關閉的權限全部開啟。--------------2015本格軍事SLG遊戲重磅大作《代號:雷霆行動》全球重磅首發!軍事迷絕對不容錯過!超清畫質製作,高精度真實還原美、德、蘇、日等七國百餘款知名坦克,體驗經典戰役,感受戰鬥快感,在炮火下捍衛正義,用坦克保衛家園,肅清一切!登錄就有經典虎式坦克保駕護航,第二天便可領取黃金59式,一周即可再獲得稀有黃金59!15天還有超級黑市幣讓你任選重磅鼠式、E100突、查狄倫25t等霸氣橙色戰車,戰力爆表不是夢!坦克大戰爆發在即,感受鋼與鐵的生死碰撞,身臨炮火橫飛、硝煙四起的經典歷史戰役,引領坦克部隊,擊潰敵軍,等你來戰!為了勝利與榮譽,即刻出發吧!【遊戲特色】**重譜戰車歷史**三大陣營鼎立,知名坦克完美重現,中、美、德、蘇、法、英、日七大國家百餘款坦克由你掌控!身臨1939,一切由波蘭開始,波蘭閃擊戰、巴巴羅薩行動、阿拉曼戰役一切經典盡在《代號:雷霆行動》,史書將由你改寫!**打造最強坦克戰隊**百搭戰車配件、尖端科技輔佐,超強坦克隨意養成,提升戰力碾壓敵軍!坦克訓練、配件改造、研究科技,360度全方位強化坦克不拔頭籌不甘休!**超真實戰爭體驗**物理引擎打造超一流戰爭畫面,全方位感受鋼鐵巨獸的力量,未能榮耀參軍?未能征戰沙場?在這裡一切願望將得到滿足,體驗真正的坦克戰爭,感受坦克碾壓一切的力量!**多樣玩法全新體驗**攻打補給線、突襲兵工廠、挑戰朵拉巨炮、搶奪軍備、保衛戰……多樣玩法讓你個欲罷不能,根本停不下來!競技場、陣營戰炫耀你的超強坦克,還有軍團戰釋放你的無限戰力!**豐富豪禮**登入就有經典虎式坦克,一周領取黃金59!福利活動不間斷,每天登錄送大禮!任務獎勵超豐富!金幣,原油,鑽石,超級坦克瘋狂送,你還在等待什麼?!快來領取你的獎勵!【聯繫我們】我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!香港專線:+852 81925396台灣專線:02-8780-0800客服信箱:service02@inchtw.com若想收到更多關於遊戲的最新消息或是和其他玩家交流,請到我們的 Facebook 粉絲頁點讚。efun遊戲平台官方粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/efuntw本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
臥虎藏龍 2.3.4 APK
尊敬的各位大大,安安:您好,目前Andriod6.0更新後,由於權限獲取的方式變更,導致部份尚未更新至新版Andriod系統的遊戲出現閃退或無法登入等異常問題;目前我們已安排協請開發商加速進行更新修正中,在遊戲的更新版本上架前,建議各位大大可以嘗試使用以下方式進行排困:(部份機型經測試可有效降低問題發生機率)在【設定】 →【 應用程式】 → 【遊戲/應用名稱】 →【 權限】,然後將默認已關閉的權限全部開啟。----------------===【遊戲介紹】===機型適配機型需求:智慧型手機或平板Android2.3以上版本適配機型:CPU雙核,記憶體1.5G以上,解析度960*540完美運行:CPU四核,記憶體1.5G以上,解析度1280*720----------是的,本遊戲僅支持高階手機,但只要你能玩,保證遊戲畫面內容超屌!===【指尖紅塵•肆意江湖】===2015重度手遊鉅作——超自由度3D武俠RPG《臥虎藏龍》震撼來襲!《臥虎藏龍》再掀風雲,英雄豪俠齊聚江湖,多股勢力在暗中湧動,正邪的力量反復交織,平靜的武林又將掀起一場腥風血雨!★武林:中原、南疆、西域、惡人谷☆門派:武當、丐幫、逍遙、明教、五毒、天龍★實力:裝備、寶石、武學、坐騎、幫會☆社交:好友、人脈、師徒、結義、婚姻★武學:招式、內功、經脈、輕功☆玩法:歷練跑環、每日副本、情緣論劍、江湖拓碑、金戈沙場===【聯繫我們】===台灣專線:02-8780-0800香港專線:+852 81925396Email:service02@inchtw.com服務時間:24小時全年無休Efun官方臉書:http://goo.gl/EVmNMn===【遊戲特色】===★真3D技術•唯美音畫•摒棄傳統偽3D技術將所有人物、建築、場景、物品進行細化創建真正意義上的3D無束縛遊戲世界★飛簷走壁•自由輕功•顛覆以往固定路線跑圖模式另闢蹊徑開創零要求超自由度輕功系統上天入地轉瞬之間體驗武俠傳說中「水上漂」快感★多國頻道•語音聊天•多國頻道結合新型語言聊天更加促進玩家之間交流增強公會凝聚力一起結識江湖好友闖蕩江湖吧===【溫馨提示】===√基本配備:Android2.3以上版本,CPU雙核,記憶體1.5G以上,解析度960*540√推薦配備:Android2.3以上版本,CPU四核,記憶體1.5G以上,解析度1280*720※依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
Efun-魔卡幻想 1.7.2 APK
歡迎來到魔卡幻想!魔卡幻想是一款魔幻偏卡通風格的集換式卡牌對戰遊戲,玩家通過收集卡牌、技能符文,並能強化提升它們的品質,最終憑藉手中已有的卡牌靈活地排兵佈陣,組合成最佳的對戰陣容。等級的差異不再是唯一決定勝利的條件,無論是陰謀詭計,還是光明正大的陽謀,只要靈活使用卡牌就能擊敗魔卡世界中的所有神魔,打開勝利之門。上百張能力迥異的卡牌賦予玩家萬種不同的戰術想像空間,加之決鬥對手也總是冷不防地使出奇策的逆轉,隨時的風雲突變讓戰局保持了緊張與刺激,最終勝利者可堪稱亞瑟王;遊戲裡的卡牌分為四大種族,除了種族所賦予的鮮明特點外,每張卡牌本身也有其能力上的偏向,這些傳統要素再配以符文、迷宮、盜賊等創意玩法,奠定了它在卡牌遊戲市場的扛鼎地位。★精緻的卡牌人物大量製作精美的卡牌,蘿莉、禦姐、神女、帥哥、正太……令人目不暇接,愛不釋手!★華麗的技能效果聞所未聞的魔法也會出現其中,華麗不浮躁,簡約不簡單,尊享掌上視覺盛宴!★豐富的劇情關卡上百關難度各異的關卡講述從未體驗過的魔幻之旅!更有隱藏關卡等你來發現!★多元的互動元素競技場、排名戰,PK爭奪王者之位!挑戰BOSS、發掘寶藏,合作分享勝利果實!★激烈的軍團戰無論是MT、DPS、控制類卡牌,都是逆轉失敗的關鍵,在魔卡幻想的世界中不會是三國鼎立,同時我要為王不會是幻想!★隨機的迷宮生成隨機生成的複雜迷宮讓你百玩不厭!迷宮中探尋寶物,奮勇殺敵,證明王者之師!依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為輔導十二歲級,十二歲以上之人始得使用.趕快來開啟魔卡幻想的魔幻之旅!。★我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!香港熱線:81925396(國際用戶請加852)台灣熱線:02-77290505(國際用戶請加886)客服信箱:service02@inchtw.com若想收到更多關於遊戲新的消息或是交朋友,請到我們的 Facebook 讚好。魔卡官方粉絲頁:http://www.facebook.com/mkhx.vqw※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導十二歲級:十二歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
Efun-第一神劍-龍虎亂舞 1.60.0 APK
「超」動作3D ARPG手遊《第一神劍-龍虎亂舞》,俾你體驗地表最強的即時戰鬥!【遊戲特色】★超‧越動作的「超動作!」,以攻擊制止攻擊★PVP、PVE、PVPE等各種‧超‧技術格鬥展開★地表最強格鬥RPG,超‧打擊感完全實裝化★10萬人快速匹配對戰,超‧快速入副本★超‧高清2K畫質 2048x1536 手機極限解象度★反重力實境物理引擎搭載,超‧3A級世界構成★全手繪插畫,一部可以玩的超‧無雙動漫★硬直、浮空、連擊、受身、霸體,超‧格鬥遊戲設定★攻擊判定快、狠、準,體驗超‧真實格鬥爽感★《聖女之歌》正統外傳,原製作人帶你重溫十二年前的超‧刻骨銘心★超‧精彩過場動畫,劇情控、故事控必不容錯過★超‧穩定連線,2G、3G環境下仍然順暢無比【第一神劍背景】斯坎蒂伐王國對待北方沙漠的傳教士們越來越殘酷,終於以宗教為名,爆發了和北方沙漠王朝托賴辟瑪之間的戰爭。禁衛軍的第一劍士斬魂,來自神秘組織的暗殺者影刃,風之國度的王子鬼手,因為戰爭走上了各自的宿命。從未見識過殘酷戰爭的熱血少年們,,將在兩國交鋒中尋找到停止戰爭,大地重回安寧的終極奧義…【三大特色職業】戰鬥狂人——斬魂美豔殺手——影刃魔法少年——鬼手無雙爽快連招、自由跑位,手動技能讓你打到無法罷手!【功能及副本介紹】同伴系統: 玩家可以在劇情關卡中結實朋友和收服BOSS的方式獲得同伴。裝備系統: 可升級、可製造,隨等級提升獲取特殊效果或新的屬性條數技能系統:技能在釋放過程中可隨時打斷、也可通過操作取消後搖時間,保證操控性。天賦卡系統:每一個卡片都是一個特殊效果,通過搭配組合帶來策略性。神器系統:聖女之歌1、2代中象徵七個末日的神器,每一個都蘊含了毀天滅地的巨大力量,屬於遊戲中的後期追求。戰役副本:劇情關&精英關&雙人卡(總關卡長度162關)精英副本:人魚的寶藏、布魯夫礦坑、英雄試練、戰神賽、無雙賽、名人戰我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!客服信箱:service02@inchtw.com香港專線:+852 81925396臺灣專線:+886 2-77290505巴哈:http://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=77544服務時間:24小時,全年無休,全力為您服務!※依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔15級※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Super" action 3D ARPGhand tour "First Excalibur - dragon Flurry," and let you experiencethe most immediate battle ground![Game Features]★ Super ‧ "super action!" More action to halt attacks Attack★ PVP, PVE, PVPE other ‧ ‧ technical Fighting super Expand★ strongest ground fighting RPG, ultra ‧ complete mounting of thefight against flu★ 10 million fast matching gaming, ultra-fast into a copy of‧★ Super ‧ HD 2048x1536 phone 2K definition limits the resolvingdegree★ anti-gravity Reality physics engine equipped, world class super‧3A constitute★ full hand-drawn illustration, can play a cartoon super ‧Warriors★ hard straight, floating, batter, uke, Pa body, ultra ‧ fightinggame set★ attack to determine fast, aggressive, accurate and experience theultra-cool fighting ‧ real sense★ "Shengnvzhige" orthodox rumored to bring you back to the originalproducer 12 years ago over ‧ unforgettable★ Super ‧ wonderful cutscenes, plot control, control will not missthe story★ Super ‧ stable connection, 2G, 3G environment remains extremelysmooth[Background] The first ExcaliburCutting treat northern desert kingdom 斯坎蒂 missionariesincreasingly brutal, and finally the name of religion, war brokeout and northern desert dynasty monarch Mary Tuolai between.Guards first swordsman cut the soul, from the mysteriousassassin Shadowblade organizations, Wind kingdom prince ghost hand,because the war took their fate. Never seen the cruelty of warblood teenagers ,, will be looking to stop the war, to return to apeaceful earth esoteric ultimate confrontation between the twocountries ...[Career] three characteristicsFighting madman - cut the soulGlamorous killer - ShadowbladeMagic Boys - Ghost HandWarriors refreshing even move, freedom movement, manual skills sothat you can not give up hit![Function and a copy of the presentation]Peer System: Players can strong friend in the story levels and getin the way rein BOSS companion.Equipment systems: scalable, manufacturing, with the level ofpromotion get special effects or the number of new propertiesSkill system: Skills in the release process can be interrupted atany time, can also be canceled by operation of shaking time, ensurehandling.Talent Card system: Every card is a special effect, by bringingstrategic combinations.Artifact System: 1,2 generation Shengnvzhige seven symbolic end ofthe artifact, each one contains a huge Armageddon force, belongingto the game late pursuit.Battle copy: Drama Off & Off & Double elite card (totallength 162 levels off)Elite copy: Mermaid's Treasure, Bulu Fu pit, hero Trials, God ofWar game, Warriors game, Ming RenzhanWe are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered in thegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Customer Service:service02@inchtw.comHong Kong Line: +852 81925396Taiwan Line: +886 2-77290505Bach: http: //acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php s = 77544?Service time: 24 hours, year round, to serve you!※ hierarchical management approach according to the game, thisgame is supplemented by 15※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtual gamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
Efun-第一神劍-金鐘國神力代言 1.60.0 APK
第一神劍乃3D超動作手遊,帶你親歷充滿冒險、燃燒夢想的格鬥大陸!【遊戲特色】★全手繪打造,一部可以玩的無雙動漫★即時對戰PK系統,讓你跟百萬玩家實時格鬥★硬直、浮空、連擊、受身、霸體,純正格鬥遊戲設定★攻擊判定快、狠、準,體驗真實格鬥爽感★《聖女之歌》正統外傳,原製作人帶你重溫十二年前的刻骨銘心【遊戲背景】第一神劍描述斯坎蒂伐王國對待北方沙漠的傳教士們越來越殘酷,終於以宗教為名,爆發了和北方沙漠王朝托賴辟瑪之間的戰爭。禁衛軍的第一劍士斬魂,來自神秘組織的暗殺者影刃,風之國度的王子鬼手,因為戰爭走上了各自的宿命。從未見識過殘酷戰爭的熱血少年們,,將在兩國交鋒中尋找到停止戰爭,大地重回安寧的終極奧義…●三大特色職業:戰鬥狂人——斬魂、冷血殺手——影刃、魔法少年——鬼手●無雙爽快連招、自由跑位,手動技能讓你斬到無法放手!●日韓漫畫大師監製,全手繪特效渲染●《聖女之歌》原作者親撰第一神劍故事劇本我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!客服信箱:service02@inchtw.com香港專線:+852 81925396臺灣專線:+886 2-77290505巴哈:http://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=77544服務時間:24小時,全年無休,全力為您服務!※依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔15級※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。Excalibur is the firstsuper-action 3D hand travel with you experience the full adventure,fighting burning dream continent! [Game Features]★ full hand-painted building, one can play the Warriors anime★ Instant PK battle system that lets you real-time fighting withmillions of players★ hard straight, floating, batter, uke, Pa body, pure fighting gameset★ attack to determine fast, aggressive, accurate, cool fightingexperience the real sense★ "Shengnvzhige" orthodox rumored to bring you back to the originalproducer never forget 12 years ago [Game Background] The first Excalibur description 斯坎蒂 Laval northern desert kingdomtreat missionaries increasingly brutal, and finally the name ofreligion, the outbreak of war and the northern desert dynastymonarch Mary Tuolai between. Guards first swordsman cut the soul, from the mysterious assassinShadowblade organizations, Wind kingdom prince ghost hand, becausethe war took their fate. Never seen the cruelty of war bloodteenagers ,, will be looking to stop the war, to return to apeaceful earth esoteric ultimate confrontation between the twocountries ... ● three characteristics Occupation: fighting madman - cut soul,cold-blooded killer - Shadowblade, Magic Boys - Ghost Hand● Warriors refreshing even move, freedom movement, manual skills sothat you can not let go to cut!● Japan and South Korea comic artist producer, all hand-paintedrendering effects● "Shengnvzhige" Excalibur story author pro-essays firstscreenplay We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered in thegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Customer Service:service02@inchtw.comHong Kong Line: +852 81925396Taiwan Line: +886 2-77290505Bach: http: //acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php s = 77544?Service time: 24 hours, year round, to serve you! ※ hierarchical management approach according to the game, this gameis supplemented by 15※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtual gamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
Efun-霹靂傳奇 1.0.3 APK
【霹靂傳奇】是正宗霹靂授權,首款跨劇情手機遊戲巨作。遊戲中玩家不但將體驗到霹靂原汁原味的經典劇情,同時藉由八音才子黃文擇大師的配音、霹靂眾多知名英雄人物的登場以及遊戲多樣化系統及副本,將帶您更加深入霹靂的武學精髓世界。※正宗霹靂授權,首款跨劇情巨作※遊戲包含了霹靂九皇座~末世錄、刀戟戡魔錄1.2、霹靂劫之闍城血印等四大劇集的經典劇情,全程原汁原味完整呈現,從劍君、傲笑紅塵登上玄空島開始,緊張劇情高潮迭起。※霹靂英雄語音及武學完整重現※大霹靂正版授權,官方錄製的英雄語音,獨具特色的武學效果,讓人重溫霹靂劇集中的經典人物,時刻相伴,如影隨形。※微操的即時橫向戰鬥遊戲※簡易好上手的操作,便於觀看的橫向畫面,隨著劇情關卡進入霹靂世界。搭配自訂的英雄組合,抓緊時機施放技能,扭轉情勢,一指搞定。※所有英雄都可進階升級※誰說低階英雄無用武之地?只要有愛,你的英雄就是最棒的!從頭開始培育,升級!進階!升星!一手打造你的最強團隊,更多英雄等你來收集。※豐富多元的系統及副本※多種副本:異界魔境〈清聖古域、探秘奇境〉、風水禁地〈馭武極地、凝能異界、邪派試煉〉、千邪洞等,讓你能收集大量裝備及英雄強化的素材,快速提高團隊戰鬥力。※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:service03@inchtw.com服務時間:24小時全年無休
夢想星城-我要上車 1.0.11 APK
夢想星城<3見證愛情!全新本土社交遊戲,一齊入嚟做星星的後裔啦!愛情隨時發生,搭地鐵坐巴士,緊有一個女仔喺你附近玩緊《夢想星城》~全港最多女仔玩嘅手機遊戲《夢想星城》(๑•́ ₃•̀๑)新居入伙,全屋裝修任你佈置。上堂吹水溝女搵返那些年返學嘅樂趣。帶埋寵物去散步,話唔定你都有一段寵物情緣!夜晚約埋班豬朋狗友開P玩通頂,唔驚差人查牌阻住晒!最後,喺度搵返個理想情人,陪你過埋下半世(^u^)<3男男女女語音傾計喺星城入面你會搵到個耐心聽你講嘅人,係邊個雖然冇人知,不過我可以話你知嘅係只要你有夢想《夢想星城》一定會幫你實現(*´∀`)~♥<3打造你嘅夢幻小屋現實「上車」唔容易(#`Д´)ノ不過喺《夢想星城》入面就唔同啦,想點裝修間屋都冇問題,因為呢到係你話事架!而《夢想星城》更加獨創「愛人共建系統」可以同心目中嘅Mr.Right共築愛巢!<3藝人助你圓明星夢當紅偶像藝人化身NPC助你一步步踏上演藝之路!下一站「天后 /天王」絕對可以喺你身上發生(๑´ㅂ`๑)因為《夢想星城》夢想無處不在!<3挑戰成就成就人生多達百種成就等你挑戰達成,下至「搵野能手」上至「天王巨星」《夢想星城》陪你體驗各種人生百態(๑´ㅂ`๑)<3Q爆寵物一路陪你除左喵星人同汪星人外,呢到恐龍怪獸都可以由細養到大(๑´ㅂ`๑)每日仲可以帶寵物出去散步添,或者你可以喺散步途中遇到心儀嘅「佢」Σ(lliд゚ノ)ノ!?<3女僕管家隨傳隨到遊戲獨有管家系統,以及有唔同個性嘅管家比你揀緊有一款岩你口味唔好以為佢地得個樣吖,做任務果時好多時都要靠佢地架。<3你都係潮流教主千樣百搭,潮流服飾,想每日換唔同嘅衫(*゚∀゚*)?其實好易,喺呢到你都可以打扮出只屬於你嘅個性裝扮。撞衫?《夢想星城》入面係冇可能發生<3成就社交女王 / 王子創建俱樂部,邀埋豬朋狗友晚晚開P,就算你嘈到拆天喺呢到都冇人會話你,因為社交Is my life(`3´)<3經營店鋪賺錢換裝今鋪由你做老闆自己創業自己賺,幾時返工幾時放工全權由你話事(´・ω・`)玩《夢想星城》有得揀先至係人生!※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:service03@inchtw.com服務時間:24小時全年無休Dream Star <3 witnessof love! The new local social games, do the stars come out and walktogether into the descendants of it!Love occur at any time, the subway by bus, there is a tightGirls playing near you play tight "Dream Star City" ~Hong Kong Up Girls play with your phone game "Star Dream" (1 • ₃ •1) new home occupation, no matter how you arranged the whole houserenovation. Blowing on the Church back to the gutter press withfinger female fun generous return to school in those years. Buriedgo for a walk with a pet, then you have a set period of Well Man'sBest Friend! Night buried about classes boon to play through thetop opening P, Well surprise police raids block the sun! Finally,back to press with finger Bei degree ideal lover, accompany youplanted Half (^ u ^)<3 men and women poured voice countStar City Bei into the surface you will patiently listen to youtalk Wendao a generous man, though Nuisance side of a line ofpeople know, but I know you can talk as long as you have a dreamtie generous "Dream Star City" will help you achieve (*'∀`) ~ ♥<3 generous build your dream houseReality "on the train" Well easy (# `Д') Techno but Bei" Star dream"into the surface on Wu Tong friends, like to point decorationJianwu she has no problem, because if you do it to the system rack!The "Star dream" more original "love to build the system" can begenerous with the eyes Mr.Right Gongzhuaichao!<3 artists help you Yuanming XingmengPopular idol artists incarnation NPC help you step by step toembark on an acting career! Next "days / King" Bei can definitelyhappen to you (1'ㅂ `1) because the" Star Dream "Dreameverywhere!<3 Life Achievement ChallengeUp to one hundred kinds of achievements and other challenges youreach down to the "wild press with finger expert" on to the"superstars" "Star Dream" to accompany you to experience variousvicissitudes of life (1'ㅂ `1)<3Q burst pet accompany you all the wayChuzuo with Wang meow Star Star, but it can be raised to a dinosaurmonsters from small to large (1'ㅂ `1) the daily secondary can addpets out for a walk, or you can take a walk on the way encounteredfavorite Bei generous" Drainage " Σ (lliд ゚ Techno) Techno! ?<3 maid housekeeper goes toGame exclusive butler system, as well as personalized butler WuTong generous than you have to pick a tight rock taste you do notattempt to obtain samples that drainage acridine, a lot of time todo the task when the fruit have to rely on canal to stand.<3 You are all current leaderOne thousand kind of wild, trendy clothing, to daily change Wutonggenerous shirt (* ゚ ∀ ゚ *)? In fact, good easy, Bei you can do todress up only part of your generous personality dress. Zhuangshan?"Dream Star City" into the surface of the system may occurNuisance<3 achievements social queen / princeCreate club, invited buried boon every evening open P, even if youdo noisy to Chai Bei Nuisance people to have a session you becausesocial Is my life ( `3')<3 shop operators make money DressupShop now own their own business by the boss you earn, when they gohome when full rework your rules ( '· ω · `) playing" Star dream"pick something-rock-based life!※ This game requires an Internet connection※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgame currency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging-------------We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered in thegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Taiwan Line: +886 2-77290505Hong Kong Line: +852 81925396Email: service03@inchtw.comHours: 24/7