3.0.2 / June 25, 2012
(2.7/5) (7)







Also known as theGoldentie or win three Golden fraud, is recognized as the mostfunsolitaire game, fast-paced, fresh and exciting, test playerswisdomand courage.

Cool odd win three in the traditional win three games on a lotofinnovation, faithful to the classic gameplay, operatingexperienceis more suitable for mobile phone users. Especially withthecombination of mobile community, so that players can not onlyplaywith the new and exciting game, but you can meet people fromallover the world.

Cool to win three odd odd one cool amusement park (Qi Yuancoolgame lobby) many fine games, the odd cool amusement park (QiYuancool game lobby) is the most popular mobile games SNS communitytoplay as a link, Community-core, built-in balance of 30 finegame,and the player community, PK units, Competition, andotherfunctions.

There are 30 odd balance games cool games hall now, includingtheodd cool three (three games), the odd cool Landlords, HappyFarm(Happy Farm), happy big landlord, Zombies, music DreamWorks(musicgame), Cool odd Meng Chong (pet game) and so on. All gameshaveseparate leaderboards and discussion area, you can addfriendsmessage each other gamers. You attack me and keep on thelist, befirst; discussion area where tiles flying, chat withfriends.

If you want to know the odd cool amusement park (Qi Yuancoolgame lobby) For more information, or to give us feedback, youcancontact us through the following ways:
Official Website: http: //www.qeekoo.com
Official blog: http: //blog.qeekoo.com

App Information 奇酷贏三張(紮金花、詐金花)臺灣、香港版

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    June 25, 2012
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  • Requires Android
    Android 1.6 and up
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  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
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  • Google Play Link

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XXOO笑话大湿(成人笑话段子大全) 1.1 APK
XXOO笑话大湿,成人笑话大本营,夫妻笑话终结者,致力于精品笑话段子收录,我们只收录笑话中的笑话,段子中的段子。哪个笑话你觉得好,请打个O,觉得不好,请打个 X,我们会定期清除被打 X 较多的段子。在看成人段子、冷笑话的同时,随手XXOO,帮大家挑选最最精品的成人段子。XXOO bigwet jokes, adult jokes stronghold, couples Terminator joke, jokescripts included commitment to quality, we only included jokesjokes, scripts in scripts. What a joke you feel good, please make aO, feel bad, please make a X, we will be playing regularly clearedX more piece. Watching adult piece, joke, while readily XXOO, tohelp you choose the most boutique adult piece.
三國演義合集繁體版,原著+白話文+評書版+英文版+三國志 1.7 APK
史上最全的《三國演義》版本合集,包含 1.三國演義原著 2.三國演義白話文版 3.三國演義評書袁闊成版4.三國演義英文版(Romance of ThreeKingdoms)5.三國志原著。後續版本還將不斷增加其他內容,敬請期待。純觸屏翻頁,可自己定義字體顏色、字體大小、背景顏色等,選擇最適合自己的閱讀模式。補充說明:三國演義評書袁闊成版,原來的版本只有300回,自2013年6月27日之後已經補全,版本號1.7及以後均為全本,總共365回。
三国演义史上最全合集,原著+白话文+评书版+英文版+三国志 1.8 APK
史上最全的《三国演义》版本合集,包含 1.三国演义原著 2.三国演义白话文版3.三国演义评书袁阔成版 4.三国演义英文版(Romance of ThreeKingdoms)5.三国志原著。后续版本还将不断增加其他内容,敬请期待。纯触屏翻页,可自己定义字体颜色、字体大小、背景颜色等,选择最适合自己的阅读模式。补充说明:三国演义评书袁阔成版,原来的版本只有300回,自2013年6月27日之后已经补全,版本号1.7及以后均为全本,总共365回。
奇酷三国OL,社交型手机三国网游 3.0.1 APK
今年人气最旺的新型社交网游奇酷三国,全新的三国网游概念,创新性的盟战模式、比武模式、夺城模式。让关羽赵云为你攻城略地,让孔明鲁肃为你出谋划策,体验征伐天下的乐趣,重温波澜壮阔的史诗。无需实时在线,脱机之后一样玩,更省流量,更多欢乐。最新发布副本《吞食天地》,和无数玩家一起体验抢夺城池的乐趣。奇酷三国特色:★ 不断增加的三国副本,让游戏永远不觉得乏味★ 听说过童渊吗?三国第一传奇武将,赵云的老师,吕布只配提鞋★ 奇酷独门技术,免下载自动升级功能,避免讨厌的安卓程序无休止升级★ 丰富的三国家族活动,聊天交友玩游戏,体味网络上的友情、爱情★ 单一兵种模式,譬如复杂而无意义的兵种选择★ 道具寄卖,把用不着的低级道具卖掉,换购高级装备★ 抢城模式,只要你足够强,三国城池任你抢★ 统一模式,单枪匹马打天下,享受成长的乐趣和统一的快感★ 与斗地主、诈金花的深度结合,发完兵去斗地主,斗完回来看三国关于传奇武将传奇武将是在《三国演义》中没有体现,但在民间传说中广为流传的人物,如童渊、王越等人,更有最近几年在网络才成为三国第一战神、凤仙转世的潘凤将军。奇酷三国传奇武将,将给你不一样的三国游戏体验。奇酷三国是奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)众多精品游戏之一,奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)是国内人气最旺的移动游戏SNS社区,以游戏为纽带,以社区为核心,内置30余款精品游戏,以及玩家社区、PK台、争霸赛等功能。目前奇酷游乐园中有30余款游戏,包括奇酷三国(三国网游)、奇酷斗地主、快乐农场(开心农场),快乐大房东、植物大战僵尸、音乐梦工厂(音乐游戏)、奇酷萌宠(宠物游戏)等。所有游戏都有单独的排行榜和讨论区,玩家之间可以互相加好友发消息。排行榜上你攻我守,争当第一;讨论区里板砖乱飞,聊天交友。如果您想了解奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)更多详情,或给我们反馈,可以通过以下方式联系我们:官方网站:http://www.qeekoo.com官方博客:http://blog.qeekoo.com
正元健康助手(中医穴位按摩保健+健康社区) 1.2 APK
您感到体虚无力吗?你头痛牙痛脖子痛吗?纯中医穴位按摩,10分钟帮缓解疼痛,同时还可与中医名家交流,学习中医知识,为自己和家人的健康保驾护航。正元健康助手以传统中医理论为基础,根据病痛的位置、成因,以及个人的体质等因素,提供了针对颈椎痛、肩痛、牙痛、头痛等疾病以及急救时的有效按摩保健方法。同时,还提供了健康学堂、健康社区等功能,为大家提供日常的健康保健知识和交流的空间。正元健康助手专注于缓解各种痛症,前期主要是城市白领人群常见的颈椎、肩膀痛,以及牙痛、头痛等,之后会逐渐增加痛经等其它痛症的保健。正元健康助手的保健方法,来源于多名经验丰富的知名传统中医人士的多年行医经验,已经在无数人身上经过验证,是一套行之有效的保健方法。现代人工作、生活、学习压力大,很多人都处在亚健康状态,不是这个地方痛,就是那个地方痒,或者四肢乏力、精神衰弱。所谓健康,气足有力为健,经络通达为康,健和康,二者缺一不可。天地间有风寒暑湿燥热,人有喜怒忧思悲恐惊,这些自然的、情志的变化,都会对健康产生影响。同样的病痛表现,因每人的体质、病痛的成因等是不一样的,要根据个体不同采用的不同的方法,当你通过正元健康助手有效时,不要轻易直接让别人怎么做,应让对方按正元健康助手测试后给出的方法操作,否则保健效果可能会打很大的折扣。天道伊始,大哉乾元,正气存内,邪不可干,养浩然之正气,护先天之本元——正元健康,生命之道!祝愿每一个人殾能健健康康,个人和谐,家庭和谐,天下和谐。You feelphysically weak and unable to do? Your headache toothache neckhurt? Pure Chinese medicine massage, 10 minutes to help relievepain, but can also communicate with the Chinese masters, learningChinese medicine knowledge for themselves and their familieshealthy escort escort.Health aide positive element based on the theory of traditionalChinese medicine, according to the location of pain, causes, andpersonal factors such as physical, health massage provides aneffective method for cervical pain, back pain, toothache, headacheand other diseases as well as first aid when. While also providinga healthy school, healthy communities and other functions, providespace for daily health care knowledge and communication. Positiveelement alleviate various health aides focused on pain, mainlyurban white-collar crowd early common cervical spine, shoulderpain, and toothache, headache, other pain will gradually increaseafter health dysmenorrhea. Positive element of health care aidesmethods derived from years of practice experience in a number ofexperienced people well-known traditional Chinese medicine, hasbeen proven in countless humans, is an effective method of healthcare.Modern people work, live, study pressure, a lot of people are inhealthy condition, not a place of pain, is that local itching, orlimb weakness, mental weakness. The so-called healthy, strongenough gas for the health, meridian accessible to health, healthand health, both of which are indispensable. There are hot and coldShushi between heaven and earth, who has joy, anger, fear ofConcerned sad surprise, these natural, emotional changes, will havean impact on health. The performance of the same illness, due tophysical, causes pain and so each person is not the same, accordingto the different methods used in different individuals, when youpass health aide effective positive element, do not easily letothers how to do directly, you should make each element accordingto the method are given health aides after the test operation,otherwise the health effects may play a big discount.Heaven at the beginning of the Great and Qianyuan,righteousness, evil can not dry, raising the awe-inspiringrighteousness, retaining the birth of the yuan - positive elementhealthy way of life! Xun wish everyone could stay healthy, personalharmony, family harmony, harmonious world.
争雄天下OL★三国网游新传奇 2.0 APK
盛世出美女,乱世出英雄。您将扮演一位三国时代的君主,通过自己的努力,成为君临天下的英雄。在成长的过程中,吕布关羽等星级武将都会纷纷登场,更有童渊王越等传奇武将为你效命。战将如云,谋士如雨,百万雄兵席卷三国,一起成就千秋霸业。争雄天下采取单一兵种的模式,与普通手机网游相比,在兵种选择上省去了很多繁琐的操作。采用多种多样的战争模式,来让玩家尽可能的体会战争的乐趣。争雄天下秉承奇酷无限社交化网网游的产品战略,以游戏为核心,以社区家族为纽带,让玩家一边享受游戏的乐趣,一边体验网络上的友情和爱情。同时,争雄天下是一款跨平台网游,不仅可以在Android手机下载安装,还可以在Android、iPhone、iPad、电脑等平台上通过浏览器来直接访问(在线地址:http://zx.qeekoo.com)。如果您在使用过程中,有任何问题或建议,欢迎到争雄天下社区来告诉我们,或随时拔打我们的客服电话,你将得到满意的答复。客服电话:010-65703160(工作日9:00-18:00)、15611862285(24小时)客服邮箱:admin@qeekoo.comQQ群:117293113、173913336Spirit of beauty, startof both. You will play a monarch of the Three Kingdoms era, throughtheir own efforts to become a hero Harbourside. In the process ofgrowing, Riboud Guan Yu and other star generals will have appeared,more Tong Yuan Wang Yue and other legendary generals to fight inyou. War clouds, rain counselors millions of soldier swept threetogether achievements Chiaki dominance.Hegemony in the world to take a single arm model, compared withordinary mobile phone network, in the choice of eliminating a lotof arms tedious operation. Using a variety of war mode to allowplayers to experience the fun of the war as much as possible.Cool 秉承奇 world hegemony of unlimited social network gamingproduct strategy to the game as the core, the family as a link tothe community, while allowing the player to enjoy the game, whilethe experience of friendship and love on the network.Meanwhile, the hegemony of the world is a cross-platform onlinegames, can not only download and install the Android phone, you canalso directly access (online address via browser on Android,iPhone, iPad, PC and other platforms: http: //zx.qeekoo .com).If you use the process, have any questions or suggestions,welcome to the hegemony of the world community to tell us, or feelfree to dial our customer service phone, you will get asatisfactory answer.Customer Service Tel: 010-65703160 (weekdays 9: 00-18: 00),15611862285 (24 hours)Customer Service Email: admin@qeekoo.comQQ group: 117293113,173913336
奇酷游乐园(经典休闲游戏合集) 3.0.2 APK
奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)是国内人气最旺的移动游戏SNS社区,以游戏为纽带,以社区为核心,内置30余款精品游戏,以及玩家社区、PK台、争霸赛等功能。目前奇酷游乐园中有30余款游戏,包括奇酷三国(三国网游)、奇酷斗地主、快乐农场(开心农场),快乐大房东、植物大战僵尸、音乐梦工厂(音乐游戏)、奇酷萌宠(宠物游戏)等。所有游戏都有单独的排行榜和讨论区,玩家之间可以互相加好友发消息。排行榜上你攻我守,争当第一;讨论区里板砖乱飞,聊天交友。Cool odd amusement park(Qi Yuan cool game lobby) is the most popular mobile games SNScommunity to play as a link to the community as the core, built-inbalance of 30 fine game, and the player community, PK units,Competition, and other functions .There are 30 games odd balance cool amusement park currentlyincludes three odd cool (three games), the odd cool Landlords,Happy Farm (Happy Farm), happy big landlord, Zombies, musicDreamWorks (music game), odd Cool Meng pet (pet game) and so on.All games have separate leaderboards and discussion area, you canadd friends message each other gamers. You attack me and keep onthe list, be first; discussion area where tiles flying, chat withfriends.
奇酷鬥地主(臺灣、香港版) 3.0.1 APK
最新的社交型鬥地主網路遊戲,奇酷遊樂園最新出品奇酷鬥地主是一款社交型的鬥地主網路遊戲,不但可以享受鬥地主的樂趣,還可以在鬥地主網游中結識俊男靚女,聊天交友玩遊戲。奇酷鬥地主不怕掉線,伺服器自動託管功能,掉線也能一樣玩,如果該局沒有結束,再上線還能接著玩。奇酷鬥地主還有豐富的成就系統,打出特殊牌型、多倍積分、或累計勝利,均有機會獲得各種榮譽成就。奇酷三國是奇酷遊樂園(原奇酷遊戲大廳)眾多精品遊戲之一,奇酷遊樂園(原奇酷遊戲大廳)是國內人氣最旺的移動遊戲SNS社區,以遊戲為紐帶,以社區為核心,內置30餘款精品遊戲,以及玩家社區、PK台、爭霸賽等功能。目前奇酷遊戲大廳中有30餘款遊戲,包括奇酷三國(三國網遊)、奇酷鬥地主、快樂農場(開心農場),快樂大房東、植物大戰僵屍、音樂夢工廠(音樂遊戲)、奇酷萌寵(寵物遊戲)等。所有遊戲都有單獨的排行榜和討論區,玩家之間可以互相加好友發消息。排行榜上你攻我守,爭當第一;討論區裡板磚亂飛,聊天交友。如果您想瞭解奇酷遊樂園(原奇酷遊戲大廳)更多詳情,或給我們回饋,可以通過以下方式聯繫我們:官方網站:http://www.qeekoo.com官方博客:http://blog.qeekoo.comLandlords latest socialnetwork-type games, the odd cool amusement park new ...Cool odd Landlords Landlords is a social network-type game, notonly can enjoy the fun Landlords can also get to know the beautifulpeople, chat with friends to play games online gamesLandlords.Landlords are not afraid of dropping the odd cool, automatic serverhosting features, can also be dropped like to play, if the councildoes not end, and then on the line can then play. Cool oddLandlords also rich in achievement system, play a special cardtype, integration times, or a total of victory, have access to avariety of honors achievement.Three Cool odd odd one cool amusement park (Qi Yuan cool gamelobby) many fine games, the odd cool amusement park (Qi Yuan coolgame lobby) is the most popular mobile games SNS community to playas a link to the community as the core, built fine balance of 30games, and the player community, PK units, Competition, and otherfunctions.There are 30 odd balance games cool games hall now, including theodd cool three (three games), the odd cool Landlords, Happy Farm(Happy Farm), happy big landlord, Zombies, music DreamWorks (musicgame), Cool odd Meng Chong (pet game) and so on. All games haveseparate leaderboards and discussion area, you can add friendsmessage each other gamers. You attack me and keep on the list, befirst; discussion area where tiles flying, chat with friends.If you want to know the odd cool amusement park (Qi Yuan cool gamelobby) For more information, or to give us feedback, you cancontact us through the following ways:Official Website: http: //www.qeekoo.comOfficial blog: http: //blog.qeekoo.com