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An Unique App which provides references of All the names andattributes of Allah

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عمرہ گائیڈ 1.0 APK
In the Name of Allah the most Gracious most Merciful, Umrah GuidApp is the product of AskIslamPedia Umrah is an Islamic rite andconsists of pilgrimage to the Ka‘bah. A set of religious anddevotional rites performed in Makkah at any time of the year in astate of dress and condition known as Ihram with the intention ofperforming certain religious rites there according to the methodprescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah honour Him and grantHim peace). It has also been referred to in English as the minorpilgrimage andmajor pilgrimage being the Hajj. Umrah can beperformed in few hours whereas Hajj requires 6 days which are fixedfrom 8th of Zilhijjah to 13th of Zillhijjah. It consistsessentially of Ihram (dress and conditions), Tawaaf (i.e.circumambulation) around the Ka‘bah (seven times), and Sa‘ee (i.e.walking between As-Safa and Al-Marwah (seven times) and haircutting or shaving. It is called minor Hajj since it need not beperformed at a particular time of the year and its performancerequires fewer ceremonies than the Hajj. It also requires someobligations from the pilgrim until the state of Ihram is ended. InArabic, the word 'Umrah is derived from I'timaar which means avisit. However, 'Umrah in Islamic terminology, means paying a visitto Ka' bah, performing Tawaaf (circumambulation) around it, walkingbetween Safaa and Marwah seven times. A performer of 'Umrah putsoff his Ihram by having his hair shaved or cut. 'Umrah can beperformed along with Hajj and in other days as well. 'Umrah can beperformed during anytime in the year, there is no fixed time for'Umrah. Obligations (Wajibath) of `Umrah a) Ihram: which is assumedat the Meeqat. b) Tawaaf: around the House. c) Sa'ee: walkingbetween As-Safaa and Al-Marwah, which consists of seven circuits.d) Hair: Shaving or trimming the hair During 'Umrah, pilgrims donot go to Mina, 'Arafah and Muzdalifah or throw pebbles on theJamrahs (stone pillars representing devils) or offer animalsacrifice. These rites are only performed during Hajj. Presented byAskIslamPedia / AskIslamPedia.com -JazakAllahu Qhairan.
Asma Ul Husna 1.1 APK
Asma Ul Husna ( NAMES AND ATTRIBUTES OF ALLAH)An Unique App which provides references of All the names andattributes of AllahThe most important part of Tawheed (knowledge and belief ofoneness of Allah) is the knowledge of the 99 beautiful names ofAllah, and also the attributes of Allah. This is because TheLegislation of Islam directs every Muslim to know these names andattributes, as they are part of the AQEEDAH and part of everydayIBADAH.Allah ordered us in His saying : “ And to Allah belong the bestnames, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those whopractice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensedfor what they have been doing.” Qur’an.surah Aaraaf 7:180Thus the ayath clearly displays :1. The obligation of worship through the Most Beautiful Names ofAllah2. The obligation of abandoning those who believe and indulge in:- tahreef ( to change or distort the wording of Allah’s name orattribute)- tamtheel / tashbeeh (to claim Allah’s Attributes resemble theattributes of the creation),- ta’teel (denying any of Allah’s attributes)- ta’weel (to give a figurative explanation of any of Allah’sAttributes).And this is the backbone of the Aqeedah (creed) of the Prophet(SallahAllahu alayhi wasSallam) and his companions (RadhiyaAllahuanhum ajma’in) and the pious predecessors.Prophet (SallahAllahu alayhi wasSallam) said : “ Allah hasninety-nine names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoeverbelieves in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enterParadise..”Sahih Al Bukhari 6410 (Vol 8:419)Keywords:Asma ul Husna, Allah's Beautiful Names, Authentic IslamicApplication, Beautiful Names of Allah, Authentic Names of Allah,Names of Allah, Names of Allaah, Names of Lord, Names of theAlmighty, 99 Names, Allah, Names Android App, Android Application,Prophet Muhammed, Prophet Mohammed, Messenger of Allah, Islam,Islamic, Religion, Islamic portal, islamic Information, Islam oninternet, Islam worldwide, islam and comparative religion, Islamicwiki, Islamic information in different languages, Islam in world,Islamic Encyclopedia, Islamic search, islamic articles, Lord of theuniverse, Lord of the Worlds, Names of God, Gods names, Know aboutMuhammad(saws), Know about Allah, Know about Islam, IslamicKnowledge, knowledge of Islam, Quran and Sahih Ahadith, Authenticislamic Information, simple format, gateway to islamic information,quran, know islam, new muslims, Makkah live HD, Madinah LIVE HD
Ask Madani 1.0 APK
SHAIKH ARSHAD BASHEER MADANI. Founder & DirectorAskIslamPedia.com
Supplications of Hajj & Umrah 1.1 APK
As-Salamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmathullahi wa Barakatuh, Supplications orDua is an Important part of Hajj and Umrah. There are certain timeswhen dua (supplication) is more likely to be accepted by Allah asmentioned in various narrations of Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم.There are various places during Hajj and Umrah where dua isaccepted. Below are the few references. Prophetﷺ : 'The bestsupplication is the supplication on the day of Arafat'. Tirmidhi2640 and Muwatta Malik 32. Prophetﷺ would stone the small Jamarah(one of the three pillars that is stoned in the last days of Hajj),then face the qiblah, raise his hands, and make du’a for a longtime. He would then stone the middle Jamarah and do the same. Whenhe stoned the large Jamarah, he would depart without making anydu’a. Sahih Al Bukhari 1753 Reading Dua between Rukun E Yamani andHajr E Aswad, “Rabbana atina fid- duniya hasanatau wafil akhiratihasanatau waqina azaban naar” (Our Lord, give us in this world[that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good andprotect us from the punishment of the Fire) Sunan Abi Dawood – 1892It is narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم would make longdu’as at Safa and Marwah. Sahih Al Muslim 1218. And there are manymore Supplications. Barak-Allaahu feek Keywords: Asma ul Husna,Allah's Beautiful Names, Authentic Islamic Application, BeautifulNames of Allah, Authentic Names of Allah, Names of Allah, Names ofAllaah, Names of Lord, Names of the Almighty, 99 Names, Allah,Names Android App, Android Application, Prophet Muhammed, ProphetMohammed, Messenger of Allah, Islam, Islamic, Religion, Islamicportal, islamic Information, Islam on internet, Islam worldwide,islam and comparative religion, Islamic wiki, Islamic informationin different languages, Islam in world, Islamic Encyclopedia,Islamic search, islamic articles, Lord of the universe, Lord of theWorlds, Names of God, Gods names, Know about Muhammad(saws), Knowabout Allah, Know about Islam, Islamic Knowledge, knowledge ofIslam, Quran and Sahih Ahadith, Authentic islamic Information,simple format, gateway to islamic information, quran, know islam,new muslims, Makkah live HD, Madinah LIVE HD
99 Names of Allah 1.1 APK
An Unique App which provides references of All the names andattributes of Allah
99 Names of Allah - Telugu 1.1 APK
An Unique App which provides references of All the names andattributes of Allah
ఇస్లాం ఈమాన్ మూలస్థంభాలు 1.0 APK
ఇస్లాంలో 5 ప్రాధమిక విధులు & 6 విశ్వాసపు మూల స్తంభాలు ఉన్నాయి.
Islamic Dictionary 1.0 APK
ISLAMIC DICTIONARY consists of words usedinIslamic usage or text. It defines the most common words used inthelanguage of Arabic. This will help in understanding Qur'an andtheteachings of Prophet Muhammad (May Allaah honor him and granthimpeace), hence increasing the knowledge of Islam.There are many key terms like Salah, Hajj, Ijma, Fitna etcwhichare not easy to translate in other languages. This dictionarywillhelp people to know the appropriate meaning of these Islamicterms.In-sha-AllahAttempts has been made by the Research Head and theTeamAskIslamPedia to Romanized the pronunciation of Arabic wordsandtheir brief meaning in various languages. Hence made it easierforthe non-native speakers of Arabic.We sincerely pray to Allah to reach this dictionary totheseekers of knowledge of Islam. And more words will get addedtothis dictionary in future, In-sha-AllahIn-sha-Allah coming soon in Multiple Languages.TEAM AskIslamPedia