4.1.1 / August 12, 2015
(5.0/5) (1)


The Cash Bag Anti-Theft Carrying Bag frominventor Cassius Booth. The Cash Bag is a unique bag that isdesigned for use by both men and women and features fashion with apersonal security system for the safety of the user’s valuableseliminating the problems associated with identity theft. The baghas limitless uses, it can be used as a back pack for school agekids which you could use to locate your child.

The Cash Bag features include a combination locking system, GPSlocator, a remote control to lock, unlock and track with GPS and atough, durable, yet attractive exterior material. The bag doublesas a backpack, purse and laptop bag and can be modified to includea key-less entry lock or combination lock. The Cash Bag can beconstructed using standard leather, denim, nylon, cotton or clothmaterials. Color choices, sizes, economy or deluxe version areavailable. The cash bag is still pending patent, if you areinterested in additional information please contact theinventor.

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Cash Bag 4.1.1 APK
The Cash Bag Anti-Theft Carrying Bag frominventor Cassius Booth. The Cash Bag is a unique bag that isdesigned for use by both men and women and features fashion with apersonal security system for the safety of the user’s valuableseliminating the problems associated with identity theft. The baghas limitless uses, it can be used as a back pack for school agekids which you could use to locate your child.The Cash Bag features include a combination locking system, GPSlocator, a remote control to lock, unlock and track with GPS and atough, durable, yet attractive exterior material. The bag doublesas a backpack, purse and laptop bag and can be modified to includea key-less entry lock or combination lock. The Cash Bag can beconstructed using standard leather, denim, nylon, cotton or clothmaterials. Color choices, sizes, economy or deluxe version areavailable. The cash bag is still pending patent, if you areinterested in additional information please contact theinventor.
Jay's Cab Services 1.399 APK
Jay’s Cab Service of Sacramento is part ofA&A Express Cab Association.The locally owned company openedfor business in 2008. It has operated under present managementsince 2008. If you have a meeting across town, night out withfriends, need a Sacramento airport taxi ride, grocery shopping orneed a taxi cab ride anywhere call us for prompt, courteousSacramento taxi cab service. We have clean taxis, courteous andpolite drivers.
RAL Audio 1.399 APK
With over 25 years of recording andsoundreinforcement experience, RAL Audio offers to its clientsuniquedigital audio, video, and public address products, services,andresources to provide the ultimate in esoteric highfidelityprofessional audio performance.
Los Rodriguez De Sinaloa 4.5.1 APK
Originarios del Batamote, Guasave uno delospequeños pueblos del estado se Sinaloa con mas tradiciónmusical,los hermanos Geovanne “Geo” ( primera voz y acordeón ) yJosé“Checho” ( segunda voz y guitarra ), han estado unidosmusicalmentedesde 2006. Su padre Nacido en Sonora y criado enSinaloa al igualque su Madre del Ejido “La Presita” Sinaloa deLeyva han sido unpilar en la carrera musical de ellos.Desde niños escucharon música sierreña, norteña ybandatradicional Sinaloense, lo que los motivo a tomar el acordeóny laguitarra, para interpretar la música preferida por susabuelos.Después de pagar sus deudas en cuanto al aprendizaje dedominar susinstrumentos, pronto consiguieron distinguirse por suestilooriginal. Con el apoyo de creyentes conservadores delestiloRanchero y la música Sinaloense, formaron una plataforma enla redconsiguiendo un extenso seguimiento de su música.Haciendo uso de redes sociales y con la sencillez heredada desufamilia, han logrado mantener el contacto con el publico quelosacompaña en todas sus presentaciones. Con sello independiente yporsus propios meritos acompañados de un excelente equipo detrabajo,son de los artistas mas calientes dentro de sectores comoPandora,Spotify, y iTunes. Inevitablemente “Los Rodríguez deSinaloa” sehan vuelto un producto necesario dentro del generoRegionalMexicano así mismo han recorrido todo Estados Unidos con suBuenaapariencia y Corridos Virales como “El Toro Encartado,ChiquilínAvendaño, La 38 súper de Culiacán, y el Gatillo” demanerarotundamente exitosa. Han tenido un arduo recorrido en elmedio noobstante, todo esfuerzo tiene su recompensa ya que hansidoparticipes de los premios mas reconocidos de la radioytelevisión.Después de darse a conocer en grande escala con temascomo“Mujeriego A Morir” del Compositor Javier “El Tamarindo”González ,Recientemente les llego uno de los Éxitos mas grandes desu carreray todo gracias a sus publico en las redes; “Bye Bye” delreconocidocompositor “Ariel Barreras. Resulta que a pesar de que lacumbia“Bye Bye” iba como relleno en la producción “Entre El Ranchoy laCiudad”, se volvió viral a través de un Meme en las redessocialesdando otra estrella al repertorio de “Los RodríguezdeSinaloa”.Ya con varias insignias en el Cinturón de Grupos Sólidosestánproducciones prolíficas como “Ojitos Negros Chinitos,Pisteando ConTololoche, Mujeriegos A Morir, y Entre El Rancho y LaCiudad”,están Trabajando su Nuevo Material con compositores detalla de“Espinoza Paz, Luciano Luna, Horacio Palencia y JossFavela”.Esta producción incluirá una recopilación de sus temas quehansido éxitos UNDERGOUND ya que esa es la plataforma que agradamas asu publico y donde mas apoyo tienen. Con temas de catalogo yaalaire también empiezan a escucharse temas de la nueva producciónenlas principales radiodifusoras de la México y laUniónAmericana.Los Rodríguez de Sinaloa, concientes de que les espera unlargocamino por recorrer en la carrera musical, disfrutancadaoportunidad de cantar y ejecutar sus instrumentos,siemprecomplaciendo a todos sus seguidores.
Airport Taxi 4.5.2 APK
Our transport service was established backin2009 with a dream to become the best transportationoptioncity-wide. We set out to achieve this by offering ourclientele themost luxurious, reliable and safe rides to and fromLos Angeles,Orange County, Burbank and Ontario & Long BeachAirports. Weare happy to provide you with complimentary drinkswhether you’retravelling to the airport, or just 5 blocks up theroad. Restassured that we’ll get you there in style, glitz andcomfort. Wealso believe in providing the safest rides around. Ourdrivers notonly went through an intense defense driving course, butthey’veall passed background and drug tests.
Royalty Limousine 4.5.1 APK
Royalty Limousine is a family ownedandoperated best price limo service company in San Diego Ca.since2003. We pride ourselves on our courtesy, and honesty alongwiththe reliability of our limousines. Our professionalmulti-linguallimo drivers provide you our customers with anunforgettablepleasant experience when you need affordable San Diegoairporttransportation. We give our 110% to go above and beyondtheexpectations you have from a San Diego airport limocompany.
That's A Catchy Tune 4.5.1 APK
When we created thatsacatchytune.com we madeadecision to be a contest site for songwriters, to betransparentand really reward the winners for their greatsongs...not just oncea year, but many times throughout the year.Our contest formatunites songwriters, musicians, singers, ourjudges, musicprofessionals and the public in general, in acelebration ofcreativity that is unlike any other songwritingcompetition in theworld.
Show Stopper 1.0.1 APK
Welcome to The Showstopper Lifestyle, aworldwhere all your fantasies come true! My lifestyle is allaboutminimizing worries and maximizing life experiences and sharingmydreams with the world.Subscribe to my blog, and you can experience all ofthefollowing:1) If you fantasize about traveling the world, I will share mytipsand photos from the best places to visit around the globe. Ihavebeen to over sixty countries on six continents, and I willdiscussthe most beautiful landmarks, hidden gems, and best placesto eatand stay no matter what your budget is. You can see theworldthrough the eyes of The Showstopper. Remember, “The world isabook, and those who do not travel read only a page.”-St.Augustine2) Movies have been an inspiration for me my whole life. Iloveeverything from classic Hollywood Golden Age films toBollywoodspectaculars. I am also a fan of unintentionally funny badmoviesto the best of modern cinema. Here, you can read my reviewsofeverything from It’s a Wonderful Life to Showgirls. Afterall,movies are not only an institution of escapism, but theyshouldalso be an inspiration for you to live out your ownescapistexperiences.3) There is no more escapist form of entertainment than the wildandwacky world of professional wrestling. The larger thanlifecharacters of wrestling were my heroes as a child, andtheyinfluenced the flash and the confidence of my Showstopperpersona.I have been to thirteen Wrestlemanias, and met nearly everytopstar of the past two decades, from Hulk Hogan to Stone ColdSteveAustin. I am also a columnist for the word’s top wrestlingwebsite,The Pro Wrestling Torch. Here, I will share my articles,reviews onmajor shows, and best of all, discuss my uniqueexperiences ofmeeting the superstars up close and personal.4) I have had a very unique dating life, and I have oftenbeendescribed as The International Playboy. That is not onlybecauseI’ve been a regular guest at the Playboy Mansion, but it isbecauseI have dated hundreds of women from all over the world. Myviews onrelationships have been featured on numerous televisionshows fromThe Tyra Banks Show to Dr. Phil. Here, I will share myuniquephilosophies on relationships that come from a verymodern,practical perspective. Whether you want to enjoy the freedomofsingle life or the companionship of commitment, I will sharemyideas on how to keep things fun and exciting. Remember thatbeingalone does not mean being lonely, and your relationshipsshouldcomplement your life without complicating it.5) Most importantly, The Showstopper Lifestyle is allaboutdiscovering your inner superhero and empowering yourself toliveout your lucid dream. Hopefully, The Showstopper LifestyleBlogwill inspire you to travel the world, enhance your dating lifeandmost importantly, develop the independent happiness andconfidencethat allows you to make all your fantasies cometrue.-The Showstopper Shawn Valentino