1.0 / April 11, 2017
(5.0/5) (2)


Coneix els Super Animals que Condist’haportat! Fes un seguiment de les teves targetes de SuperAnimals,desbloqueja insígnies i aconsegueix recompenses a mesuraque vacreixent la teva col·lecció. A més, mira com els animalscobrenvida i es mouen i emeten sons! Ideal pels amant dels animalsdequalsevol edat.

• Escaneja la part de la targeta on hi ha la foto de l’animalperafegir-la a la teva col·lecció
• Col·lecciona tots els animals de les 6 categories:Carnívors,Frugívors, Herbívors, Insectívors, Omnívors,Piscívors.
• Mira com els animals cobren vida! Aplega els “5 grans” i miracomtrepitgen amb força, es revoltillen i es balancegen
• Guanya insígnies a mesura que vas augmentant la col·leccióidesbloqueja recompenses sorpresa mentre recorres el seu camíperconvertir-te en el cap dels guardes forestals
• Fes-te selfies amb el teus Super Animals favorits icomparteix-lesa les xarxes socials
• Coneixes el teu armadillo i el teu orangutan? Aprèn més sobrecadaanimal amb informació fascinant
• Escolta el so de cada animal

Rebràs 4 targetes dels Super Animals per cada 10 euros de compraaCondis.
Descarrega l'aplicació gratuïta i col·lecciona-les totes!

App Information Condis Super Animals 2

Sea Monster Entertainment Show More...

Pick n Pay Super Animals 1.2 APK
Meet the Super Animals, brought to you byPickn Pay! Keep track of your Super Animals cards, unlock badgesandearn rewards as your collection grows. Plus, watch the animalscometo life with movement and sound – look out for the ultra-cuteBigFive! Fun for animal-lovers of any age.- Scan the side of the card where you see the photo of theanimalto add it your collection- Collect all the animals in the 9 categories – Fastest,Fiercest,Showiest, Deadliest, Loudest, Smartest, Sneakiest,Toughest andWeirdest!- Watch the animals come to life! Pet the Big 5 and see themstomp,wriggle and waggle- Earn badges as you collect and unlock surprise rewards on yourwayto becoming a Chief Ranger- Take selfies with your favourite Super Animals and share themonsocial media- Know your Armadillo from your Orangutan? Learn more abouteachanimal with fascinating facts- Listen to every animal’s soundYou’ll receive 4 Super Animals cards with every R150 spentatPick n Pay.Download the app for free and collect them all!
Sea Monster 1.0.0 APK
Ahoy all novice landlubbers & barnacledbuccaneers!Keen to test your skills in the wide unknown?Try our Augmented Reality toy and get a chance to fight a Krakenfrom the deep !To use this app you'll need two Sea Monster businesscards.If you don't have them already, you can download your own to printfrom periscope.seamonster.co.zaThe two Sea Monster business cards must be placed near to oneanother on a flat surface, with opposite sides facingupwards.Run the app and point the device at the cards to see a 3D canon andmonster appear in Augmented Reality and begin trying to destroyeach other.Move the cannon card around to avoid the tentacle smashing the raftand sinking the cannon.Tap the cannon on screen to fire the cannon and hit theKraken.Swipe across the screen to swap the style of the cannon for adifferent look.Note: This app is more of a toy than a game. There are no pointsto be scored and the Kraken will not die. The toy is just a funtakeaway experience with our business cards.Look out for updates in the future where we'll add extra featuresand power ups to the cannons.Thanks for playing, and please visit us at www.seamonster.co.zaany time.
Eish Happens 1.0.4 APK
Enjoy facing those hilarious everyday dangersand turning them into safe activities.From cleaning windscreens to chasing off monkeys - simply swipe,drag or tap your way to a safe environment.GAMEPLAY• Complete a level to move on to the next.• The game gets faster the further you go.• Get onto the leaderboard and compete against your friends.• Use your mouse or fingers to swipe, tap, drag as required.• Windscreen wipers not working? Clear the windscreen to avoid anaccident.• Carrying wads of cash? Tap to transact electronically and avoidlosing your cash.• Carrying lots of valuables? Drag them to a safe place to preventthe monkeys from stealing them.• Driving with your possessions in full view? Store them away sothe Mynah birds don’t take them.• Need to cross a busy road? Make sure you’re visible so the carswill stop.You can find out more about Momentum’s #EishHappens safety gameby visiting our website: www.momentum.co.za
Pick n Pay Stikeez 2 1.8 APK
Stikeez are back, brought to you by Pick nPay!24 brand new Stikeez are waiting to be found in stores aroundSouthAfrica. Use this app to find them, play a game to catch themand addthem to your collection. Unlock rewards and show them offin specialStikeez selfies as your collection grows.  - GPS guided submarine allows you to find Stikeez in Pick nPayStores - Collect all the Stikeez, including 3 special types - glow inthedark, glitter and pearl!- Play a game to catch Stikeez safely in a bubble - don't letitpop!- Earn special under-the-sea treasures as you collect andunlocksurprise rewards on your way to collecting alltheStikeez. - Take selfies with your favourite Stikeez and share them onsocialmedia- Practise your Stikeez catching skills in our play-anywhereminigame.Download the app for free and discover Stikeez 2 - Creaturesofthe Deep!
Maxi Zov divljine 1.0.3 APK
Ослушни Зов дивљине и упознај најневероватније животиње.Пратикартице Зов дивљине, откључавај значке и како твоја колекцијабудерасла, освајај награде. Гледај како животиње оживљавају узпокрет извук! Придружи се забави за љубитеље животиња. - Скенирајстранукартице на којој се види слика животиње да би је додао/ла усвојуколекцију. - Сакупи све животиње у 9 категорија –Најбрже,Најснажније, Најопасније, Најлукавије, Најпаметније,Нејнеобичније,Насјмртоносније, Најбучније и Најчудније. - Гледајживотиње какооживљавају! Помази 5 Величанствених и гледај их каколупају мигољесе и клате - Освоји значке док будеш сакупљао/ла иоткључавао/ланаграде изненађења на путу да постанеш Главни ренџер.- Направиселфије са омиљеним Супер животињама и подели их надруштвениммрежама - Да ли можеш да разликујеш оклопника иорангутана? Сазнајјош невероватних чињеница о свакој животињи -Слушај звук којиправи свака од животиња СаСамо у Маxi и S&Gпродавницама,добићеш 4 картице Зов дивљине за 1 динар, уколиконаправиш рачунвећи од 700 дин и ако купиш макар један од обележенихартикала.Преузми апликацију бесплатно и сакупи их све!
Condis Super Animals 2 1.0 APK
Coneix els Super Animals que Condist’haportat! Fes un seguiment de les teves targetes de SuperAnimals,desbloqueja insígnies i aconsegueix recompenses a mesuraque vacreixent la teva col·lecció. A més, mira com els animalscobrenvida i es mouen i emeten sons! Ideal pels amant dels animalsdequalsevol edat.• Escaneja la part de la targeta on hi ha la foto de l’animalperafegir-la a la teva col·lecció• Col·lecciona tots els animals de les 6 categories:Carnívors,Frugívors, Herbívors, Insectívors, Omnívors,Piscívors.• Mira com els animals cobren vida! Aplega els “5 grans” i miracomtrepitgen amb força, es revoltillen i es balancegen• Guanya insígnies a mesura que vas augmentant la col·leccióidesbloqueja recompenses sorpresa mentre recorres el seu camíperconvertir-te en el cap dels guardes forestals• Fes-te selfies amb el teus Super Animals favorits icomparteix-lesa les xarxes socials• Coneixes el teu armadillo i el teu orangutan? Aprèn més sobrecadaanimal amb informació fascinant• Escolta el so de cada animalRebràs 4 targetes dels Super Animals per cada 10 euros de compraaCondis.Descarrega l'aplicació gratuïta i col·lecciona-les totes!
AR Baby Rhino 1.0.2 APK
Rhinos are awesome, but they need our help. Toshow how much you care, tweet messages of support and earn heartsof love that you can give to your own virtual baby rhino.
Fire & Ice! Naughty or Nice 1.2.0 APK
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! is all aboutexploring your 'naughty' or 'nice' side; so no better way toexperience it through our Naughty or Nice app. Interact with ourNaughty Devil and Nice Angel by downloading and using this app; andyou can stand a chance of winning some hot prizes to enhance yourexperience at Protea Hotel Fire & Ice!Look out for the 'Naughty or Nice coasters' in the bar, restaurantand lounge areas; once you find them; activate your app and pointit at the coaster and enjoy a conversation with our Naughty Deviland Nice Angel. Share your experience on social and get a chance toSpin the Wheel to win prizes ranging from Gourmet Milkshakes,cocktails to a night's stay at the hotel.Share this with your friends and show them how they can playtoo.Enjoy being naughty or nice!!