1.3 / August 3, 2012
(3.8/5) (9)


Fisherman’s Helper – the ability to make theknots belongs to the ABC of a proper fisherman (an unsuccessfullytied knot can lower the tensile strength of the line up to 50%,while a well-tied knot can maintain ~90% of the line strength).

“The Fisherman’s Knots Primer” has been meant both for theprofessional and the beginner fisherman. The given applicationprovides a selection of the most popular knots – with theirdescription and video material. At the same time I would like topay attention to the fact that it is advisable to practice makingthe knots at first in domestic conditions, for there may not be thebest practising conditions by the water body.

App Information Animated Fishing Knots

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Kalastaja Sõlmeaabits 1.2 APK
Abimees kalastajale - sõlmede tegemise oskuskuulub ühe korraliku kalastaja ABC-sse (ebaõnnestunult seotud sõlmvõib alandada liini tõmbetugevust kuni 50%, samas hästi seotud sõlmvõib säilitada ~90% liini tugevusest).“Kalastaja Sõlmeaabits” on mõeldud nii professionaalile kui kaalgajale kalastajale. Antud rakenduses on toodud valikpopulaarsematest sõlmedest – kirjelduse ja videomaterjaliga. Samasjuhiks tähelepanu, et sõlmede tegemist on soovitav harjutadakõigepealt kodustes tingimustes, sest veekogu ääres ei pruugiharjutamiseks olla kõige paremad tingimused.
Animated Fishing Knots 1.3 APK
Fisherman’s Helper – the ability to make theknots belongs to the ABC of a proper fisherman (an unsuccessfullytied knot can lower the tensile strength of the line up to 50%,while a well-tied knot can maintain ~90% of the line strength).“The Fisherman’s Knots Primer” has been meant both for theprofessional and the beginner fisherman. The given applicationprovides a selection of the most popular knots – with theirdescription and video material. At the same time I would like topay attention to the fact that it is advisable to practice makingthe knots at first in domestic conditions, for there may not be thebest practising conditions by the water body.
Give Way To The Right 1.1 APK
Right-hand rule is one of the most confusingrules in traffic and misunderstanding of that rule may have veryserious consequences. The Right-Hand Rule in Traffic applicationhas been produced in order to understand better the right-hand rulein traffic situations and is a good assistant both to peoplestudying traffic rules and also to professional road users. Theapplication generates different right-hand (or left-hand) rulesituations which the user has to solve. Such an approach helps tomaster the right-hand rule, which will make the traffic safer bothto the user of the application and to other road users.NB: This application is absolutely recommended to people studyingtraffic rules. The application is also useful for road users whohave difficulties in understanding the right-hand rule.Instructions for use: When starting to use the application, firstselect the language of the application (Russian, English,Estonian). Next, select the type of traffic (right-hand orleft-hand traffic). If these necessary settings have been madeaccording to your choice, you can start the game. Select the gamelevel when starting the game (easy, medium, hard). Vehicles aredisplayed on street intersections depending on the game level.Proceeding from the right-hand rule, touch the vehicle which hasthe right of way in your opinion (the vehicle colour shows thedirection of the vehicle). You earn a point if you guessedcorrectly (if not, you lose one „life“). If a situation iscorrectly solved, a new situation is automatically generated – youcan continue the game as long as you like. After you finish thegame, your score shows you how well you have mastered theright-hand rule.