1.0 / April 12, 2015
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Biology A2.

This is specifically for AQA Biology A2

The topics covered in multiple choice question section aredetailedhere:

Unit 4

3.4.1 The dynamic equilibrium of populations is affected byanumber of factors. 
3.4.2 ATP provides the immediate source of energy forbiologicalprocesses. 
3.4.3 In photosynthesis, energy is transferred to ATP inthelight-dependent reaction and the ATP is utilised inthelight-independent reaction. 
3.4.4 In respiration, glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasmandthe remaining steps in the mitochondria. ATP synthesisisassociated with the electron transfer chain in the membranesofmitochondria.
3.4.5 Energy is transferred through ecosystems and the efficiencyoftransfer can be measured. 
3.4.6 Chemical elements are recycled in ecosystems.Microorganismsplay a key role in recycling these elements.
3.4.7 Ecosystems are dynamic systems, usually movingfromcolonisation to climax communities in the processofsuccession.
3.4.8 Genetic variation within a species and geographicisolationlead to the accumulation of different genetic informationinpopulations and the potential formation of new species.

Unit 5

3.5.1 Stimuli, both internal and external, are detected andleadto a response. 
3.5.2 Coordination may be chemical or electricalinnature. 
3.5.3 Skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by nerves andactas effectors. 
3.5.4 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constantinternalenvironment.
3.5.5 Negative feedback helps maintain an optimal internal stateinthe context of a dynamic equilibrium. Positive feedbackalsooccurs.
3.5.6 The sequence of bases in DNA determines the structureofproteins, including enzymes.
3.5.7 Gene expression is controlled by a number of features.
3.5.8 Gene cloning technologies allow study and alteration ofgenefunction in order to better understand organism function andtodesign new industrial and medical processes.

App Information Biology A2

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Biology As 1.0 APK
Biology AS full revision guideContains quiz questions for the following topic areasUnit 13.1.1 Disease may be caused by infectious pathogens or mayreflect the effects of lifestyle PathogensLifestyle3.1.2 The digestive system provides an interface with theenvironment. Digestion involves enzymic hydrolysis producingsmaller molecules that can be absorbed and assimilated.The Digestive systemProteinsEnzyme actionEnzyme propertiesCarbohydrate digestion3.1.3 Substances are exchanged between organisms and theirenvironment by passive or active transport across exchangesurfaces. The structure of plasma membranes enables control of thepassage of substances across exchange surfaces. CellsPlasma membranesDiffusionOsmosisActive transportAbsorptionCholera3.1.4 The lungs of a mammal act as an interface with theenvironment. Lung function may be affected by pathogens and byfactors relating to lifestyle. Lung functionThe biological basis of lung disease3.1.5 The functioning of the heart plays a central role in thecirculation of blood and relates to the level of activity of anindividual. Heart disease may be linked to factors affectinglifestyle. Heart structure and functionThe biological basis of heart disease3.1.6 Mammalian blood possesses a number of defensive functions.Principles of immunologyUnit 23.2.1 Living organisms vary and this variation is influenced bygenetic and environmental factors. Investigating variationCauses of variation3.2.2 DNA is an information-carrying molecule. Its sequence ofbases determines the structure of proteins, including enzymes.Structure of DNAGenes and polypeptidesDNA and chromosomesMeiosis3.2.3 Similarities and differences in DNA result in geneticdiversity. Genetic diversity3.2.4 The variety of life is extensive and this is reflected insimilarities and differences in its biochemical basis and cellularorganisation. HaemoglobinCarbohydratesCells3.2.5 During the cell cycle, genetic information is copied andpassed to genetically identical daughter cells. Replication ofDNAMitosisCell cycle3.2.6 In complex multicellular organisms, cells are organisedinto tissues, tissues into organs and organs into systems. Celldifferentiation3.2.7 Factors such as size and metabolic rate affect therequirements of organisms and this gives rise to adaptations suchas specialised exchange surfaces and mass transport systems. Sizeand surface areaGas exchangeMass transportThe blood systemThe passage of water through a plant3.2.8 Classification is a means of organising the variety oflife based on relationships between organisms and is built roundthe concept of species. Principles of taxonomy3.2.9 Originally, classification systems were based onobservable features but more recent approaches draw on a widerrange of evidence to clarify relationships between organisms.Genetic comparisonsDNAProteinsBehaviour3.2.10 Adaptation and selection are major components ofevolution and make a significant contribution to the diversity ofliving organisms. AntibioticsGenetic variation in bacteria3.2.11 Biodiversity may be measured within a habitat. SpeciesdiversityIndex of diversity
Biology A2 1.0 APK
Biology A2.This is specifically for AQA Biology A2The topics covered in multiple choice question section aredetailedhere:Unit 43.4.1 The dynamic equilibrium of populations is affected byanumber of factors. 3.4.2 ATP provides the immediate source of energy forbiologicalprocesses. 3.4.3 In photosynthesis, energy is transferred to ATP inthelight-dependent reaction and the ATP is utilised inthelight-independent reaction. 3.4.4 In respiration, glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasmandthe remaining steps in the mitochondria. ATP synthesisisassociated with the electron transfer chain in the membranesofmitochondria.3.4.5 Energy is transferred through ecosystems and the efficiencyoftransfer can be measured. 3.4.6 Chemical elements are recycled in ecosystems.Microorganismsplay a key role in recycling these elements.3.4.7 Ecosystems are dynamic systems, usually movingfromcolonisation to climax communities in the processofsuccession.3.4.8 Genetic variation within a species and geographicisolationlead to the accumulation of different genetic informationinpopulations and the potential formation of new species.Unit 53.5.1 Stimuli, both internal and external, are detected andleadto a response. 3.5.2 Coordination may be chemical or electricalinnature. 3.5.3 Skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by nerves andactas effectors. 3.5.4 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constantinternalenvironment.3.5.5 Negative feedback helps maintain an optimal internal stateinthe context of a dynamic equilibrium. Positive feedbackalsooccurs.3.5.6 The sequence of bases in DNA determines the structureofproteins, including enzymes.3.5.7 Gene expression is controlled by a number of features.3.5.8 Gene cloning technologies allow study and alteration ofgenefunction in order to better understand organism function andtodesign new industrial and medical processes.
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AS Business StudiesOver 150 multiple choice questions (in straight quiz format, aswell as an interactive one and two player game) written for the AQAAS Business Studies syllabus (Business Studies AS 1131 2014onwards). This App is also suitable for other specifications (OCRand EDEXCEL).This App covers Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the specification.Professionally written questions cover the following topicsUnit 1Starting a Business EnterpriseGenerating and Protecting Business Ideas Transforming Resources into Goods and Services Developing Business Plans Conducting Start-up Market Research Understanding Markets Choosing the Right Legal Structure for the Business Raising FinanceLocating the BusinessEmploying People Financial Planning Calculating Costs, Revenues andProfits Using Break-Even Analysis to Make Decisions Using Cash Flow Forecasting Setting Budgets Assessing Business Start-ups Unit 2Finance Using Budgets Improving Cash Flow Measuring and Increasing Profit People in Business Improving Organisational Structures Developing an Effective Workforce: Recruitment, Selection,TrainingDeveloping and Retaining an Effective Workforce: MotivatingEmployeesOperations Management Making Operational Decisions Developing Effective Operations: QualityDeveloping Effective Operations: Customer ServiceDeveloping Effective Operations: Working with SuppliersDeveloping Effective Operations: Using Technology inOperationsMarketing and the Competitive Environment EffectiveMarketing Designing an Effective Marketing Mix Using the Marketing Mix: Product Using the Marketing Mix: Promotion Using the Marketing Mix: Pricing Using the Marketing Mix: Place Marketing and Competitiveness 
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Chemistry As 1.0 APK
AS Chemistry; designed for exams from June2014onwards.Questions are targeted for the AQA AS award 1421 and A level2421(Unit 1 and Unit 2), but is more that suitable forotherspecifications (please see the topic list below). Multiplemodestarget your learning, with explanations of correct answers(andScheme of work reference).Topic list -3.1.1 Atomic Structure Fundamental particlesProtons, neutrons and electronsMass number and isotopesElectron arrangement3.1.2 Amount of Substance Relative atomic mass andrelativemolecular massThe mole and the Avogadro constant (L)The ideal gas equationEmpirical and molecular formulaeBalanced equations and associated calculations3.1.3 BondingNature of ionic, covalent andmetallicbonds Bond polarity Forces acting between molecules States of matter Shapes of simple molecules and ions 3.1.4 PeriodicityClassification of elements in s, p anddblocks Properties of the elements of Period 3 to illustrateperiodictrends 3.1.5 Introduction to Organic ChemistryNomenclature Isomerism 3.1.6 AlkanesFractional distillation of crude oilModification of alkanes by crackingCombustion of alkanesUnit 23.2.1 Energetics Enthalpy change (DH)CalorimetrySimple applications of Hess’s LawBond enthalpies3.2.2 KineticsCollision theoryMaxwell–Boltzmann distributionEffect of temperature on reaction rateEffect of concentrationCatalysts3.2.3 Equilibria The dynamic nature of equilibriaQualitative effects of changes of pressure, temperatureandconcentration on a system in equilibriumImportance of equilibria in industrial processes3.2.4 Redox ReactionsOxidation and reductionOxidation statesRedox equations3.2.5 Group 7(17), the HalogensTrends inphysicalpropertiesTrends in the oxidising abilities of the halogensTrends in the reducing abilities of the halide ionsIdentification of halide ions using silver nitrateUses of chlorine and chlorate(I)3.2.6 Group 2, the Alkaline Earth MetalsTrends inphysicalpropertiesTrends in chemical properties3.2.7 Extraction of MetalsPrinciples of metal extractionEnvironmental aspects of metal extraction3.2.8 HaloalkanesSynthesis of chloroalkanesNucleophilic substitutionElimination3.2.9 AlkenesAlkenes: structure, bonding and reactivityAddition reactions of alkenesPolymerisation of alkenes3.2.10 AlcoholsNomenclatureEthanol productionClassification and reactionsElimination3.2.11 Analytical TechniquesMass spectrometryInfrared spectroscopy
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