4.0.2 / December 22, 2014
(5.0/5) (1)


Black Tie se dedică domnilor care apreciazărafinamentul si excelenta unei ținute exemplare creată din tesaturide calitate și croită special pentru a transmite individualitateasi inaltele standarde ale purtatorului.
Povestea începe cu o vizită în casa Black Tie unde va asteapta celemai fine tesaturi de la Valentino, Albini, Loro Piana, Dormeuil,Carnet, Fratelli Tallia di Delfino, Cerruti, cat si o familie deexperti care se vor bucura sa va indrume la alegerea celor maipotrivite tinute pentru dumneavoastra.
Black Tie reînvie tradiția hainelor create pe comandă, respectândunicitatea si personalitatea fiecarui domn, aplicand rigurozitateași atenția pentru detaliu în procesul de executie și îmbină stilulclasic cu noile accente în design astfel incat costumul Black Tienu se va demoda niciodata, fiind intotdeauna elegant si excelentexecutat.
Black Tie is dedicated togentlemen who appreciate the sophistication and excellence of boundcopies created from quality fabrics and tailor made to convey thewearer's individuality and high standards.
The story begins with a visit to the house where Black Tie waitingfinest fabrics from Valentino Albini, Loro Piana, Dormeuil,Scrapbook, Fratelli di Delfino Tall, Cerruti, and a family ofexperts who will be glad to guide you to choosing the best outfitfor you.
Black Tie revive the tradition clothes created order, respectingthe uniqueness and personality of each ruler, applying rigor andattention to detail in the execution and combines classic stylewith new accents in Black Tie costume design so it will not ever goout of style and is always elegant and excellently executed.

App Information BlackTie

  • App Name
  • Paketname
  • Updated
    December 22, 2014
  • Datei
  • Erforderliche Android-Version
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Hersteller
  • Installationen
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Kategorie
  • Hersteller
  • Google Play Link

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Sun Plaza 4.0.1 APK
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Noblesse 1.0.1 APK
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Imobiliare.NET 4.1.3 APK
Aplicatie dedicata ansamblurilor rezidentialede case si apartamente noi.Imobiliare.NET este un portal imobiliar care editeaza si revistaImobiliare.NET si detine prima aplicatie care contine ansamblurilerezidentiale noi.Aplicatia de mobil este proiectata sa ajute utilizatorul sa facao selectie rapida a ansamblurilor de imobile noi pe baza unorcriterii foarte utile:- Zona in care se afla: Nord, Sud, Est, Vest- Tipuri de locuinte: case, vile, apartamente- Stadiul constructiei: proiect, finalizat, locuit- Preturile practicate de fiecare dezvoltatorInternetul este plin de informatii neactualizate sau eronate siasta face din cautarea unui ansamblu rezidential nou o adevarataaventura. Imobiliare.NET valideaza informatiile din portal siaplicatie si asigura utilizatorului accesul la informatii utile siactualizate zilnic.Legatura dintre utilizatorul aplicatiei si dezvoltatorii care auansambluri rezidentiale listate in Imobiliare.NET se face intr-unmod cat mai simplu si eficient, iar contactul este direct, faraintermediari si comisionul este zero. Nu exista taxe de utilizare aaplicatiei iar preturile apartamentelor si caselor ce apar inaplicatie sunt cele practicate de fiecare dezvoltator direct.Instalarea se face pe orice telefon smartphone si nu suntnecesare date personale de identificare.Drepturile asupra aplicatiei sunt detinute de SC AgentieNET SRL,Bd. Primaverii 39, sector 1, Bucuresti.Prelucrarea informatiilor se face respectand legislatia invigoare cu privire la protectia datelor personale, fiindinregistrati la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a PrelucrariiDatelor cu Caracter Personal cu Numar Registrul General:0003657Application dedicated tothe residential houses and new apartments.Imobiliare.NET is a real estate portal that publishes themagazine and holds Imobiliare.NET first application that containsnew residential complexes.Mobile application is designed to help the user to make a quickselection of combinations of new buildings on the basis of veryuseful:- The area in which there are: North, South, East, West- Types of housing: houses, villas, apartments- Stage of construction: project completed dwelling- Prices charged by each developerInternet is full of outdated or incorrect information and thatmakes looking for a new residential complex a real adventure.Imobiliare.NET validates information portal and user applicationand provide access to useful information and updated daily.The link between the user application and residential developershave listed in Imobiliare.NET is done in a more simple andeffective, and the contact is direct, without intermediaries andcommission is zero. There are no fees for use of application andprices of apartments and houses that appear in the application arethose of each developer directly.Installation is in any smartphone and unnecessary personal dataidentifiers.Are owned rights to the SC AgentieNET SRL, Bd. Primaverii 39,sector 1, Bucharest.Information processing is respecting legislation on personaldata protection, is registered with the National AuthoritySurveillance Data Processing Staff, General Registry Number:0003657
Patient Monitor (en) 1.0.2 APK
When you are in hospital, you are undermedical surveillance: the treatment is administered by medicalstaff, and your health status is permanently monitored. You aresafe!What happens after you leave the hospital and go home? You havereceived a medical prescription that had to be followed andinstructions to contact a doctor in case something was wrong. Is itvery clear for you which pills you have to take and when? If thesymptoms which may occur are normal or not? What if the situationis not "ok" and it requires that you contact your doctor? How andwhen you can contact him? These are only a few of the issues thepatients have to face. Therefore, we created Patient MonitorNetwork, a home monitoring system for your symptoms and yourtreatment.Patient Monitor offers you the access to a modern homemonitoring service for your treatment and your symptoms, namedPatient Monitor Network. The application provides a communicationtool between you and your doctor/ doctors. In order to use thissystem, your doctor / doctors must be member/members of the PatientMonitor Network.The system allows a continuous exchange of information between youand your doctor/doctors regarding the treatment, symptoms orregular checks. It's like your doctor is permanently with you, evenafter you have left the hospital.When you have inhospital, under medical surveillance you have: the treatment isAdministered by medical staff, and your health status isPermanently Monitored. You are safe!What Happens after you leave the hospital and go home? You haveReceived a medical prescription FOLLOWED That had to be a doctorand Instructions to contact in case Something WAS wrong. Is it veryclear for you Which pills you have to take and When? IF theSymptoms Which May occure is normal or not? What if the situationis not "ok" and it requires That you contact your doctor? How andWhen You Can Contact Him? THES has only a FEW of the issues thepatient's have to do. Therefore, we created Patient MonitorNetwork, a monitoring system for your home and your Symptomstreatment.Patient Monitor offers you the access to the modern homemonitoring service for your treatment and your Symptoms, namedPatient Monitor Network. The application provides a communicationtool Between you and your doctor / doctors. In order to use thissystem, your doctor / doctors must BE member / members of thePatient Monitor Network.The system allows a continuous exchange of information Between youand your doctor / doctors regarding the treatment, Symptoms orregular checks. It's like your doctor is Permanently with you, Evenafter you have left the hospital.