Al-Chiroq 2.3.4
Ucell abonentlari uchun eksklyuziv tarzda biz Al-Chiroqilovasidoirasida aksiyasini joriy etdik: uning doirasida kunigaatigi 84so‘m evaziga tarmoq ichida daqiqalar, SMS-to‘plamlaryokimegabaytlar taqdim qilinadi! Hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting,MB,daqiqalar va SMSlar oling! Al-Chiroq ilovasidan foydalanishoson:1. Ilovani yuklab oling va uni smartfoningizga o‘rnating. 2.Ucelltelefon raqamingizni va unga SMS-xabar tarzida keluvchikirishparolini ko‘rsatgan holda bosh sahifada ro‘yxatdan o‘ting.3.Sehrli chiroqni ishqalang, keyin raqamingiz hisobiga birlahzadayoqqaysi sovg‘a o‘tkazilishini ekranda ko‘rasiz! Bilishmuhim: -Al-Chiroq ilovasi faqat haqi oldindan to‘lanuvchi xizmatko‘rsatish(Prepaid) tizimidagi Ucell abonentlari uchun amal qiladi.- Ilovabepul taqdim etiladi. Internet-trafik ilovani yuklabolishda,tashqi havolalarda va ilovadan roumingda foydalangandanarxlanadi.Aksiya haqida batafsil ma’lumotni ucell.uz saytidanoling.Exclusively for Ucell subscribers, we launched a campaignwithinAl-Chiroq application, which provides minutes within network,SMSpackages or megabytes for only 84 sum per day! Register now,getMB, minutes and SMS! Using Al-Chiroq application is simple:1.Download the application and install it on your smartphone.2.Register on the start page, indicating the Ucell phone numberandaccess password, which will be sent to your number via SMS. 3.Rubthe magic lamp, after which you will see on the screen whatgiftwill be instantly assigned to the balance of yournumber!Important: - Al-Chiroq application is available only forUcellsubscribers of Prepaid system. - The application is providedfreeof charge. Internet traffic is charged when downloadingtheapplication, going to external links and when using theapplicationin roaming. Find out more about the campaign on ucell.uz
My Ucell 1.2.8
The application allows to: -activate and deactivate services-chooseappropriate tariff plan -control balances -control a fewUcellnumbers through one account -find out about campaigns andnews ofcompany -use database of products and services -create thedetailsof expenses -compare tariff plans -widget for viewingbalances-sending online hits -session control -added roaming
Ucell 1.3.2
Hamisha qo‘lingiz ostidagi shaxsiy kabinetingiz!