АО "Гознак" Apps

Banknotes 2017 1.0.9
АО "Гознак"
The mobile Application "Banknotes 2017" has been designedtorecognize new banknotes of the Bank of Russia, put incirculationsince 2017. The Application allows the user to scan avisual imageof a banknote using a smartphone camera, analyzes theimage todetermine the value of the banknote, displays additionalanimationsof the symbols of the cities represented on banknotesusing theaugmented reality technology , evaluates the presence andplacementof some public features of authenticity on the banknote.Inaddition, the Application informs the users about thepublicfeatures of authenticity of new Russian banknotes. TheApplicationcontains a brief description of public security featuresofbanknotes, in an animated interactive form it demonstratestheappearance of public security features of a banknote, checkedinthe transmitted light, with a magnifying glass, by tactileeffector by tilting a banknote.
АО "Гознак"
The application is designed to obtain information about thejewelryby UIN
Проверка идентификационных мар 1.1
АО "Гознак"
Application for authentication of identification marks.