丁香园 Apps

丁香医生 - 值得信赖的医疗健康专家 5.2.1
身体不适,来问丁香医生:专属家庭健康医生随时在线,回复你的健康咨询;再也不用担心被虚假医疗健康信息忽悠,再也不用害怕不能正确了解疾病和药品,丁香医生给你的健康保驾护航。因为专业,所以信赖。***************************************************丁香医生 App 能做什么?【就医推荐:看病不再烦恼,智能推荐可靠医院】最良心的医院推荐没有之一,找个靠谱的医院看病不再有难度【全能搜索:杜绝医疗广告,搜索结果值得信赖】你想了解的任何健康问题都可以通过搜索找到答案【问问医生:身体稍有不适,咨询专业健康顾问】专业医生 7x24 小时在线,提供免费健康咨询【健康资讯:文章每日更新,让你远离疾病困扰】每天更新健康科普,从根本丰富你的健康知识,【家人健康:常备家庭药箱,保障你和家人健康】家庭药箱和附近药店帮你快速定位药品药店,减少病痛困扰***************************************************我们期待你的反馈:进入丁香医生App -> 消息 -> 左上角头像 -> 帮助与反馈 -> 意见反馈 。也可通过微博 @丁香医生 和微信「丁香医生」反馈给我们。Physical discomfort, toask Dr. Ding Xiang: Exclusive family health physician at any timeonline, respond to your health counseling;No longer have to worry about being fooled false medical healthinformation, no longer have to fear is not the right understandingof disease and medicine, Dr. Ding Xiang to your healthescort.Because professional, so trust.************************************************** *What Dr. Ding Xiang App do?[Medical recommendation: doctor no longer worry, intelligentrecommendation reliable hospital]Most hospitals conscience recommend no one, to find a fly in thehospital no longer has difficulty[Versatile search: eliminate medical advertising, search resultstrustworthy]Do you want to know any health problems can find the answer bysearching[Ask the doctor: body a little discomfort, consult a professionalhealth consultant]7x24-hour online medical professionals to provide free healthadvice[Health News: articles updated daily, so you stay away from diseaseproblems]Updated daily health science, enrich your knowledge fundamentallyhealthy,[Family health: standing family medicine cabinet, protect you andyour family health]Family kits and help you quickly locate nearby pharmacies pharmacydrugs reduce pain and distress************************************************** *We look forward to your feedback:Enter Dr. Ding Xiang App -> Messages -> Avatar upper leftcorner -> Help and Feedback -> feedback.But also through micro-Bo @ Dr. Ding Xiang and micro-channel"Dr. Ding Xiang" feedback to us.
用药助手 6.3.2
用药助手 6.0,为医药专业人士打造最权威的参考工具用药助手 App由国内最大的医学专业网站丁香园团队研发,是一款专门面向临床医生、药师及医药行业从业者提供的药物信息专业查询工具。应用由一线临床医生参与开发,根据临床医生实际工作流程进行优化设计,以满足医务工作者随时随地查询医药信息的需求,帮助医生更安全、更准确的进行药物信息查询和临床决策参考。6.0 版全新发布:1. 针对医药专业设计的药品搜索引擎,全方位满足医务工作者的各种信息检索需求;2. 提供国内最全面完整的疾病、药品、用药指南数据,并时刻保持更新;3. 基于数百万专业医生的临床用药经验总结,打造最有参考价值的用药知识库。主要功能:药品信息:超过 30000 种药品生产企业提供的说明书;用药指南:超过 2000 个专业学会和权威杂志用药指南;疾病信息:收录近万种临床疾病的介绍、治疗方案信息;用药经验:实时推送临床用药相关的用药经验总结;相互作用:药品相互作用数据和参考文献;医学计算:汇集临床常用医学计算工具。注: 大众用户请选择使用「丁香医生」,在应用商店搜索即可下载。微信公众账号:@丁香园 (DingXiangWang)Medication Assistant 6.0for medicine professionals to create the most authoritativereference toolApp medication aides from the nation's largest medical specialtyteam developed website lilac garden, it is a specifically forclinicians, drug information query tool professional pharmacistsand pharmaceutical industry practitioners to offer. Application bya line clinicians involved in the development, to optimize thedesign according to the clinician actual work processes to meet theneeds of medical workers query medical information anytime,anywhere, to help doctors more secure, more accurate druginformation query and clinical decision-making.6.0 version of the new release:1. The design of drugs for the pharmaceutical specialty searchengines, all to meet the needs of all kinds of informationretrieval of medical workers;2. To provide the most comprehensive and complete disease, drugs,medication guide data, and always kept up to date;3. Based on the millions of professional doctors clinical medicinelessons learned, create the most valuable medication knowledgebase.The main function:Drug information: more than 30,000 kinds of pharmaceuticalmanufacturers instructions provided;Medication Guide: over 2,000 professional institutes and MedicationGuide magazine;Disease Information: a collection of nearly thousands of clinicalpresentation of the disease, treatment plan information;Drug experience: real-time push relevant clinical drug medicationlessons learned;Interactions: Drug interaction data and references;Medical Computing: pooled computing tools commonly used in clinicalmedicine.Note: Please choose to use public users, "Dr. Ding Xiang," searchin the App Store to download.Micro-channel public account: @ Lilac Garden (DingXiangWang)
医学时间——海量医学资讯 4.5
「医学时间」是丁香园资讯频道移动客户端,是临床医生获取权威、专业、最新医药资讯的得力助手。第一时间发布临床医学的最新资讯、指南共识、专家讲座、病例讨论、会议报道及产品资讯等信息。六大产品功能,让你不会再错过关于医学的一切信息。1、最新资讯:最新发布的医学资讯将按时间顺序以列表形式呈现在您的眼前。2、同行推荐:独乐乐不如众乐乐,不仅知识就是力量,分享同样也有乐趣。3、医学指南:由丁香园专业团队制作的各个科室的临床指南,随时祝您一臂之力。4、海量图书:AME出版社和丁香园编辑部一起为您量身定作各科室的专业书籍、年鉴、精选月刊等书籍。5、专业问答:全新推出问答模块,为爱学习的你准备了海量题库。6、一键收藏:看到有用的资讯,不但可以一键收藏,还可多平台同步,供您随时查寻。关于丁香园:丁香园生物医药科技网(DXY.CN)成立于 2000年,自创办以来一直致力于为广大医药生命科学专业人士提供专业交流平台。凭借着专业精神和深厚积累,专业交流不断深入和发展,丁香园已从最初每天只有数人查看的留言板逐步发展壮大成为国内规模最大、最受专业人士喜爱的医药行业网络传媒平台。联系我们:邮箱: App@dxy.cn微信:@丁香园 (dingxiangwang)"Medicine Time" is theLilac Garden News Channel mobile clients, clinicians access toauthoritative, professional assistant, the latest pharmaceuticalinformation. The first time released the latest clinicalinformation, guides consensus, expert lectures, case discussions,meetings reports and product information and other information. Sixproduct features, so you will not miss all the information aboutthe medicine.1, the latest news: the latest release of medical information asa list in chronological order presented in your eyes.2, peer recommendation: Better Together alone, not onlyknowledge is power, there are also fun to share.3. Medical Guide: the lilac garden professional team madevarious departments of clinical guidelines, ready to wish you ahand.4, mass books: AME Publishing and editorial department lilacgarden together tailor-made for your various departments ofprofessional books, yearbooks, monthly selection of otherbooks.5, professional Q & A: Answers launched a new module for thelove of learning you're ready to massive exam.6, a key collections: see useful information, not only can be akey collection, but also multi-platform synchronization, you canalways search for.About Lilac Garden:Lilac Park, Biomedical Science and Technology Network (DXY.CN)was founded in 2000, since its inception has been committed toproviding our pharmaceutical life sciences professionals to provideprofessional communication platform. With professionalism andstrong accumulation, the deepening and development of professionalexchange, Lilac Park, only a few people a day from the initial viewof the message board and gradually grow into the largest and mostpopular pharmaceutical industry professionals to network mediaplatforms.contact us:E-mail: App@dxy.cnMicro letter: @ Lilac Garden (dingxiangwang)
西医综合题库 3.0
「西综题库」是丁香园为医学研友精心打造的复习工具。她囊括了十年西医综合考研真题,每题都附有精编解析。她为你统筹规划,逐一击破五大科目。她有智能科学的出题规则,帮你巩固每一个考点。她可以模拟真实考试,助你评估实力,完美冲刺。西综题库在手,医学考研不愁。"West Comprehensive Exam"is a Lilac Park Friends of the medical research review carefullycrafted tools.She won a decade TCM and Western medicine Kaoyanzhenti Eachquestion is accompanied for fine resolution.She is your overall plan, one by one break five subjects.She has a smart science topic and rules to help you consolidateeach test center. She can simulate the real exam to help you assessthe strength, perfect sprint.West Comprehensive Exam in hand, medicine PubMed worry.
医学深造(原名视听教室) 3.2.4
「执考助手 -视听教室」全新升级为「医学深造」,提供更丰富视频学习资源,助力医学生和医生的终生学习。功能介绍:1. 在线播放:联网状态下,可直接观看视频,简单快捷。2. 离线观看:提供视频下载功能,离线状态也可随时观看,随时提升。3. 播放记忆:记忆上次播放的进度,继续观看,一键完成。4.丰富课程:执业医师考试综合笔试、执业医师考试实践技能考试、医学统计软件的使用、高通量基因组学研究方法等更多课程,随时学习、快速成长。5. 学习记录同步:在安卓手机上的观看记录,可以同步至苹果手机,也可以通过网站(learning.dxy.cn)进行观看。关于丁香园:丁香园生物医药科技网(DXY.CN)成立于2000年7月23日,自创办以来一直致力于为广大医药生命科学专业人士提供专业交流平台。凭借着专业精神和深厚积累,专业交流不断深入和发展,丁香园已从最初每天只有数人查看的留言板逐步发展壮大成为国内规模最大、最受专业人士喜爱的医药行业网络传媒平台。联系我们:Email: app@dxy.com微信: diangxiangwang网站: http://learning.dxy.cn"Executive Assistant exam- audiovisual classroom" new upgrade to "medical studies" toprovide richer video learning resources, help medical students anddoctors of lifelong learning.Features:1. Online Play: network state, can directly watch the video, simpleand quick.2. offline viewing: Provides video downloads, offline can also beviewed at any time, at any time upgrade.3. Play Memory: remember the last play of progress, continue towatch, a key to complete.4. rich courses: more courses practitioners comprehensive writtenexam, practical skills exam exam practicing physicians, medicalstatistics software use, high-throughput genomics research methods,ready to learn, to grow rapidly.5. Learning record synchronization: Watch recorded on Androidphones, and can be synchronized to the Apple phone can also beviewed through the website (learning.dxy.cn).About Lilac Garden:Lilac Park, Biomedical Science and Technology Network (DXY.CN) wasestablished in July 23, 2000, since its inception has beencommitted to providing our pharmaceutical life sciencesprofessionals to provide professional exchange platform. Withprofessionalism and strong accumulation, the deepening anddevelopment of professional exchange, Lilac Park, only a few peoplea day from the initial view of the message board and gradually growto become the largest and most popular pharmaceutical industryprofessionals to network media platforms.Contact us:Email: app@dxy.comMicro letter: diangxiangwangWebsite: http://learning.dxy.cn
执考助手 - 掌上题库 4.1
「执考助手 - 掌上题库」将7000+试题装进手机,随时随地做题。「执考助手」系列 App由国内最大的医学专业网站丁香园团队研发,旨在为参加执业医师资格考试的考生,提供随身携带的复习工具。功能介绍:1、量身定制,轻松做题:根据答题情况,为你量身定制做题计划,新题挑战,错题复习,全都安排妥妥的,只管做题吧。2、海量真题,尽在掌握:囊括海量真题,模拟综合笔试,让你随时随地感受执考氛围,积累实战经验。3、执考资讯,一网打尽:网罗执考最新资讯,整理考题精讲合集,执考动态我先知。4、我的成就,更多惊喜:能力评估助你知己知彼,有的放矢;获得勋章,解锁宝箱,更多惊喜等你来拿。你可以这样用:• 时间不多时,在「开始答题」中随意答几题• 时间充裕时,在「模拟考试」中做一套试卷• 专项较薄弱,在「分类答题」中重点突击• 还有「错题复习」、「题目收藏」……关于丁香园:丁香园生物医药科技网(DXY.CN)成立于2000年7月23日,自创办以来一直致力于为广大医药生命科学专业人士提供专业交流平台。凭借着专业精神和深厚积累,专业交流不断深入和发展,丁香园已从最初每天只有数人查看的留言板逐步发展壮大成为国内规模最大、最受专业人士喜爱的医药行业网络传媒平台。联系我们:Email: app@dxy.com微博:@丁香园 http://e.weibo.com/dxycn"Executive Assistant exam- Pocket exam" will be 7000 + questions put into the phone, doproblems anytime, anywhere. "Executive assistant exam" series Appfrom the nation's largest medical specialty sites lilac garden teamdeveloped, aimed at practicing physicians to participate in thequalifying examination for candidates to provide portable reviewtools.Features:A tailored, easy to do title: According to the answer, the questionis do you tailor-made plan, the new title challenge, wrong titlereview, all arranged properly properly, just do question it.2, massive Zhenti, under control: include massive Zhenti, simulatedcomprehensive written examination, so that you feel anywhereenforcement exam atmosphere and accumulated practicalexperience.3, the Executive exam information, a clean sweep: the quest for thelatest information to perform the test, finishing questionssuccinctly collection, enforcement exam dynamic me a prophet.4, my achievements, more surprises: the ability to assess help youto know ourselves, targeted; get medals, unlock treasure chests,more surprises waiting for you to come and collect.You can use this:• A little time, "began to answer," A few questionsrandomly• When enough time, in the "mock exam" to do a set of papers• Special relatively weak, "Classification answer," the focus ofassault• There are "wrong title review," "subject collections." ......About Lilac Garden:Lilac Park, Biomedical Technology Network (DXY.CN) wasestablished in July 23, 2000, since its inception has beencommitted to providing our pharmaceutical life sciencesprofessionals to provide professional exchange platform. Withprofessionalism and deep accumulation, professional exchanges anddeepening development, lilac garden only a few people from thefirst day to see the message board gradually grown to become thelargest and most popular pharmaceutical industry professionalsnetwork media platforms.Contact us:Email: app@dxy.comMicroblogging: @ Lilac Garden http://e.weibo.com/dxycn
医药调查派 1.0
丁香园调查派是丁香园旗下专门从事调研的平台,调查主要面向医药卫生相关专业人员开放。除自身平台的调查外,我们已携手麦肯锡、M3、KANTARHEALTH等全球知名调研公司开展了大量医药相关调查,大部分调查结果汇同其他国家的数据一并分析,为医药企业产品、服务改进、卫生健康决策制定提供来自临床一线医生的数据支持。我们会定期给您推送适合您参加的调查,并会分享新鲜的调查报告给您。了解医药行业国际研究动向、发表您对相关热点问题的看法、助力医药健康领域决策及政策制定,从丁香园调查派开始。The lilac garden surveyfaction the the Lilac Garden's specializes in research platform,survey open mainly for medical and health professionals. Inaddition to the investigation of their own platform, we have towork together world-renowned research firm McKinsey, M3, KANTARHEALTH carried out a large number of pharmaceutical-relatedinvestigation, most of the survey results are summarized analyzedin conjunction with data from other countries, for thepharmaceutical companies, products, services improved The healthhealth decision-making data from the clinical frontline doctorssupport.Periodically, we will give you push for you to participate inthe survey and will share the fresh investigation report toyou.Understanding of international research trends in thepharmaceutical industry, post your views on hot issues, the boostthe realm of health decision-making and policy formulation, thesurvey sent from the lilac garden.
乐享病例 2.4
乐享病例App是“2015β受体阻滞剂病例荟”的官方移动平台,项目由中国健康促进与教育协会主办,阿斯利康制药有限公司协作实施,提供分享使用β受体阻滞剂经验的平台,实现心血管领域临床医生用药经验的共享,着力为您打造最专业,最实用的β受体阻滞剂病例库。Fun in cases App is"2015β blocker Hui cases," the official mobile platform, theproject by the China Association of Health Promotion and Education,AstraZeneca collaborative implementation, provide sharedexperiences using β-blockers platform, clinicians medicationsharing of experiences in the cardiovascular field, focus for youto create the most professional, most practical cases β-blockerslibrary.
Journal of Thoracic Disease 1.0
Journal of Thoracic DiseaseReaders can now get free access to Journal of ThoracicDisease(JTD) articles through the Android.JTD is an open access journal that publishes new findingsaboutthe diagnosis and treatment of lung disease, cardiologyandesophagus disease. It is published both in print and inelectronicformat, indexed by Pubmed Central in 2011. JTD is theofficialpublication of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease,of ChinaState Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, of TheFirstAffiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, and ofSocietyfor Thoracic Disease.The JTD app allows you to:* View the current issue and all achieved issues of JTD intextand PDF formats* Keep track of your reading via the Favorites andHistorylinks* Automatically refresh with the most up to date content, no needtomanually update* Share articles via emailSupportTechnical SupportDXY (http://www.dxy.cn/) is the largestonlineacademic portal for five million Chinese physicians andlifescience professionals, with average daily page views of1.8million. It was established in 2000, and now has over threemillionregistered members.DXY features >100 columns to facilitatecommunication,information sharing and collaboration of medicalprofessionalswithin practically all sub-specialties of clinicalmedicine, basicmedical research, life sciences, and pharmaceuticalsciences.About JTDJournal of Thoracic DiseaseThe Journal of Thoracic Disease (JTD, J Thorac Dis,pISSN:2072-1439; eISSN: 2077-6624) was founded in Dec 2009, andindexedin Pubmed in Dec 2011. It is published quarterly (Dec 2009-Dec2011) and bimonthly (Jan 2012- ), and openly distributedworldwide.JTD publishes manuscripts that describe new findings inthe fieldprovide current, practical information on the diagnosisandtreatment of conditions related to thoracic disease (lungdisease,cardiology, and esophagus disease). Original articlesareconsidered most important and will be processed for rapid reviewbythe members of Editorial Board. Clinical trial notes,Cancergenetics reports, Epidemiology notes and Technical notes arealsopublished. Case reports implying new findings that havesignificantclinical impact are carefully processed for possiblepublication.All the submission and reviewing are conductedelectronically sothat rapid review is assured.The Official Publication of:* Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease (GIRD)* China State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease* The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College* Society for Thoracic Disease (STD)
PCI 2013 1.1
为提高中国心脏介入手术治疗水平,提倡分享与交流的学术氛围,同时促进临床药物规范化应用,中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会和《中国介入心脏病学杂志》社有限公司于2013年隆重推出PCI精彩病例分享活动。这是中国权威的心血管组织和核心学术期刊与全球品牌制药企业阿斯利康公司协作,共同在心血管领域内开展的大型学术活动。In order to improveChinacardiac intervention treatment level, to promote the sharingandexchange of academic atmosphere, while promotingthestandardization of application of clinical drugCardiovascularMedicine Doctor Association Chinese MedicalAssociation and ChineseJournal of Interventional Cardiology "socialLimited 2013 grandlaunch of PCI wonderful case-sharing activities.This is a large academic authority cardiovascular tissue andcoreacademic journals and the global brand pharmaceuticalcompaniesAstraZeneca collaborate within the cardiovascularfieldactivities.