北京亿心宜行汽车技术开发服务有限公司 Apps

e代驾 3.1.1
※谁说开车不喝酒,e代驾只需39元,全国最大代驾公司!※史上唯一能救命的软件,唯一拥有代驾责任险的代驾公司,秒杀酒精临检,避免吊销驾照的危险!※5年以上驾龄专业代驾司机,高超的驾驶技术,规范的服务,保证您的人身安全!e代驾——全国最大的代驾公司,结合移动互联网优势定位离您最近的代驾师傅。时光匆匆e代驾发展至今,在我们成长的路上一直有您陪伴,使得e代驾俨然成为您生活必备APP。e代驾定义幸福的标准:应酬过后,能有个安心、舒心的人送您到家!您看呢?亲们,目前500000+下载用户正在使用时下最火、最酷、最实用的手机客户端——e代驾,不要再犹豫,立刻搭载e代驾,应酬完后送您幸福到家!目前已在北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、南京、重庆、成都、西安、郑州、武汉、长沙、苏州、天津、济南、青岛、宁波开通代驾业务。我们为您准备了:【最实惠】e代驾打破市场“坚冰”将代驾价格定为39元起,代驾不再是富贵的代名词,让更多大众用得起代驾,与此同时降低了酒驾交通事故,文明开车,共建无酒驾家园!【最安全】e代驾师傅都是拥有5年以上驾龄,经过路考、笔试、上机考试方可获得e代驾从业资格的代驾师傅;e代驾通过星级评价系统和真实的评价助您找到满意的代驾师傅——目前5星代驾师傅2000+、好评100000+,期待为您提供标准化的代驾服务!【最便捷】e代驾,平均15分钟内代驾司机就会到达,为什么呢?我们已经为您准备了“云”呼叫中心、高密度司机布控,随即呼叫,立即响应!使用e代驾,不要再犹豫!※软件中包含的电话呼叫、短信功能,只由通讯运营商收取普通电话、短信资费,本软件无额外收费。※ Who never drinkanddrive, e-generation driving only 39 yuan, the country'slargestdriving on behalf of the company!※ history of the only life-saving software, is the sole ownerofliability insurance on behalf of driving driving on behalf ofthecompany, spike alcohol rummage, to avoid the risk of lossoflicense!※ 5 years driving experience driving on behalf ofprofessionaldrivers, superb driving skills, standardized services,to ensureyour personal safety!e generation of driving - driving on behalf of thecountry'slargest company, combined with the favorable positioningof themobile Internet on behalf of driving nearest you master.Time rush e substitute for driving development so far in thewayof our growth has been accompanied you to make e-generationdriveof your life has become essential APP.e generation of driving the standard definition ofhappiness:After entertaining, to have a peace of mind, comfortpeople takeyou home! You see it?Parents who currently 500,000 + downloads users areusingnowadays the hottest, the coolest, the most practical mobileclient- e substitute for driving, do not hesitate toe-generationequipped with driving, socializing after being sent toyourhome!Currently in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen,Hangzhou,Nanjing, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Wuhan,Changsha,Suzhou, Tianjin, Jinan, Qingdao, Ningbo opened on behalfof drivingbusiness.We prepared for you:[E] the most affordable substitute for driving to breakthemarket, "ice" will substitute for driving the price set at 39yuan,the generation of driving is no longer synonymous with wealth,sothat more affordable driving on behalf of the public, at thesametime reducing drunk driving accident , civilized driving,drunkdriving without build homes![E] the safest driving on behalf of the master are more thanfiveyears of driving experience, after the road test, writtentestexamination on behalf of the drive to be awarded equalificationsof driving on behalf of the master; e generation ofdriving throughthe star rating system and the real evaluation ofaid You find asatisfactory substitute for driving master - masterdriving onbehalf of the current 5 2000 +, praise 100,000 +, lookingforwardto provide you with a standardized driving services onbehalf![E] the most convenient substitute for driving an average of15minutes driving on behalf of the driver will arrive, and why?Wehave prepared for you a "cloud" call centers, high-densitydriverdispatched, then call an immediate response!Using e-generation driving, do not hesitate!※ software includes phone calls, messaging,communicationsoperators charge by only ordinary telephone, SMScharges, thesoftware at no additional charge.