91APP, Inc. (11) Apps

Always夯美玩:時尚第一線 2.10.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
Always 夯美玩 時尚分享第一線時尚穿搭|彩妝保養|夯美味 全方位購物商城Always夯美玩專門提供正韓質感流行服飾/鞋包配件/韓系美妝保養品及美味小品。全方位穿搭及實用的美妝保養教學和料理TIP影片,讓忙碌又嚮往追求美麗的您輕輕鬆鬆就可以學到私房小撇步和時下最新時尚,永遠走在流行尖端。專屬於您的線上購物商城,隨時隨地掌握台韓同步時尚。一機在手,24小時輕鬆購物不打烊。▶搶手折扣|週週優質新品上架,再享行動專屬折扣▶快速結帳|使用手機號碼或Facebook帳號即可加入會員,購物方便迅速▶簡約介面|清晰質感APP介面,初次使用就上手▶收藏最愛|可針對喜歡的商品進行收藏,免去重複搜尋的困擾。▶推播提醒|超值優惠商品推播通知,好康消息不錯過▶行動專屬|不定期推出APP會員獨家優惠券折扣▶安全購物|最高等級加密的多元付款系統,結帳最安心▶多元付款|超商取貨付款,信用卡付款宅配等功能完備品牌宗旨A lwaysS hine you withH igh QualityI n-fashionN ew tipsE verydayAlways 夯美玩官網&社群網站上固定分享最新時尚穿搭焦點及實用美妝保養技巧等全方位情報。快來跟我們一起變漂亮吧!Followus, Always shine~▶Always 夯美玩 官方網站http://www.alwayshinetw.com▶Always 夯美玩 粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/AlwaysShineKorea您的批評和建議是我們成長的動力,有任何建議請儘速透過客服信箱給予我們指教,我們會竭盡全力改善您的購物體驗。▶客服E-mail: info@alwayshinetw.com
歐聯集司-威寶五金: 歐洲進口新潮家具及裝潢五金配件 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
威寶居家 行動購物APP正式起跑囉.專屬您的線上商店,彈指之間與國際時尚同步,掌握最新居家趨勢.1.用facebook帳號或手機號碼即可輕鬆加入會員.2.以關鍵字搜尋,快速連結商品. 24H訂購不打烊.3.使用最高等級加密系統,付款安全有保障.4.購物車/訂單查詢,涵蓋七日內處理情形.5.手機/平板/電腦,同步收藏最愛商品.避免重複搜尋.6.活動推播好康連連,不定期釋出優惠折扣&促銷方案.(要下載APP才有好康歐)威寶居家介紹:歐聯集司-威寶五金.累積26年系統櫥櫃&歐化廚具相關裝潢五金之經驗,成立於1999年,並取得歐洲多項品牌銷售代理,寶足力牌,護衛牌,雄客牌,怡樂暢牌等等,近期再度創新匯集歐洲最先進的變形家具,功能齊全,徹底解決釋放空間之渴求,另外引進酷炫飾品及居家裝潢五金功能配件.專業、品質、誠信、服務為本公司一貫之經營理念,如需進階了解產品特性,歡迎利用電話洽詢或蒞臨展示中心親自體驗.謝謝.E-mail: superwalco.tw@gmail.comFacebook: 歐聯集司-威寶五金TEL: 02-8369-1738.Verbatim Home ActionShopping APP official start Hello.Your exclusive online store at your fingertips with theinternational fashion synchronization, the latest home trends.1. you can easily add members with facebook account number orcell phone number.2. keyword search, quick link commodity. 24H ordering is notclosing.3. Use the highest level of encryption systems, payment safe andsecure.4. cart / order inquiries, covering the situation within seven daysof treatment.5. phone / tablet / computer, sync collections favorite merchandiseavoid duplicate search.6. Push goodies activities again and again, from time to time therelease of discounts & promotions. (To download the APP have agood Kangou)Verbatim Home description:European union Division - VIBO hardware accumulated 26 years ofexperience in systems Europeanization kitchen cabinets &decoration of related hardware, established in 1999, and made anumber of European brands, sales agents, Bao full force card,escort cards, the male passenger card, Elegance Chang cards and soon, the recent re-innovation brings together Europe's most advanceddeformation furniture, fully functional, completely solve thedesire to free up space, the additional introduction of cooljewelry and home decorating accessories, hardwarecapabilities.Professional, quality, integrity, service-oriented company hasalways been the philosophy,For more advanced understanding of product features, please contactby telephone or visit the exhibition center for yourself. Thankyou.E-mail: superwalco.tw@gmail.comFacebook: European union Division - VIBO HardwareTEL: 02-8369-1738.
Candy Shop 2.5.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
Candy小舖百變、性感、甜美等多重風格創造出最絢麗的迷人光彩, 跟著CANDY一起品味流行的步調,挑選最適合自己的時尚穿搭。
瑪思黒格敏弱肌研所 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
鏡感樂活市集 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
TAISSCO 泰睛典 2.9.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
*行動購物|最輕鬆的逛街新趨勢*推播訊息|掌握TAISSCO 泰睛典第一手消息*快速結帳|最簡化的付款取貨流程*熱門搜尋|最快速了解熱門產品新品發表,掌握最新優惠訊息,APP專屬折扣與折價券!簡單易懂的操作介面,輕鬆使用FB帳號加入會員,在家躺著都可以購物唷!TAISSCO 泰睛典是您專屬的泰國生活百貨購物&以提供您可以找尋到只有在泰國可以買到的商品我們以優質水晶產品及泰國熱門商品為主要服務項目我們另一個服務是施華洛世奇水晶批發,由我們獨有的開模製作出的水晶項鍊.耳環.手環.胸針&獨特手工設計.毫無仿冒疑慮.目前規劃針對台灣地區性的消費者與商店平台、購物平台、針對國際買家的貿易平台我們的宗旨為平價 嚴選 奢華 一定讓感到賓至如歸* Action Shopping |easiest shopping and new trends* Push message | grasp TAISSCO typical Thai hand-eye news* Quick Checkout | pick up the most simplified paymentprocess* Top Search | most popular products quickly understandNew publication, the latest Exhibitors News, APP exclusivediscounts and coupons!Easy to understand user interface, easy to use FB account to joinmembers can shop at home lying yo!TAISSCO Thai eye CodeYour exclusive department store shopping & Thai life to providethat only you can find in Thailand can buy merchandiseOur high-quality crystal products and Thai hot commodity as themain service projectAnother service we are wholesale Swarovski crystal,By our unique mold to produce crystal necklace earrings bracelet.Brooch & unique handmade designs. There is no counterfeitingconcerns.Currently planned for the Taiwan regional consumers and storeplatform, shopping platform for international buyers tradingplatformOur aim is strict selection of affordable luxury must make feel athome
SPAR 2.5.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
*spar 行動購物APP--提供隨時便利購物,走到哪逛到哪,立即掌握spar最新即時動態.*即時推播--提供最新優惠資訊,好康商品不會錯過*手機結帳方便又快速,簡易介面一下就上手.*連結FB粉絲團,不定時推出優惠商品組合資訊.關於spar:健康、窈窕兼具舒適與美麗的設計主張。專業、時尚、科技的風格走向。提供各式外套、休閒服、休閒褲。
ibs行動購物男女休閒時尚服飾 2.9.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
ibs - 台灣本地經典品牌從休閒牛仔服飾到運動休閒服飾,休閒服飾的時尚自信美學,APP強勢開幕!簡單便利的瀏覽介面,讓人輕鬆上手,隨時隨地接收ibs新品資訊,‧ 瀏覽最新休閒服飾資訊,手機消費的最新體驗。‧ 即時掌握獨家活動通知,享受優惠。‧ 從每周話題新品找出屬於自己的穿搭靈感。專屬自己的購物平台,輕鬆購物現在就下載ibs行動購物!ibs - Taiwan localclassic brandsFrom casual jeans to sports apparel, casual clothing confidentfashion aesthetics, APP strong start!Simple and convenient browser interface, makes easy to use, ibsreceived new information anytime, anywhere,‧ browse the latest information casual clothing, the latestmobile experience consumption.‧ immediately grasp the exclusive event notification, enjoy thebenefits.‧ to find their own outfit inspiration from the new weeklytopic.Exclusive own shopping platform, easy shopping cart now downloadibs action!
固鋼健康生活 2.13.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
- 買固鋼等於買健康 -固鋼健康生活以售後服務和服務使用者為主,提供食譜、使用方式、小方法...等等,帶給一般使用者資訊的來源,更給予有購買固鋼鍋具的會員們尊榮級的服務。固鋼成立於民國82年,創辦人簡錦洪先生堅持以「無毒、創新、好品質」為出發點,陸陸續續推出固鋼奈米鍋、鈦鋼鍋、空氣清淨機、全自動脫把、淨水機…等等,為大家的健康做把關。以健康為基本的概念也建立了國人的認可,每支鍋子都可通過美國FDA及歐盟檢驗標準,讓人能夠安心使用。在這二十年來賣出近千萬支的鍋子,平均每10個家庭就有一個使用固鋼的產品,眾多的肯定達到「買固鋼等於買健康」的標準。固鋼不僅僅追求創新好品質,成功奠定在台灣的基礎,並且將視野拓展至歐美、韓國、日本及東南亞國家,均受到相當的肯定,以健康好品質的堅持,努力耕耘,期望能夠將固鋼以健康的概念發展,成為獨一無二的國際知名品牌。
愛車萬能倉庫 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
還在煩惱汽車周邊商品購物得依賴電腦下單嗎?還在苦惱替愛車找不到適合的改裝零件精品嗎?全新APP購物平台 [愛車萬能倉庫]將提供完整專業汽車周邊精品販售服務平台,主要販售汽車美容相關清潔產品,已陸續整合其他相關業者,未來將提供汽車多元整合服務平台(包括美容、精品改裝、保養訊息等眾多業者),讓愛車族擁有APP線上瀏覽及快速方便購物及施工安裝,擺脫滑鼠鍵盤複雜購物程序。手機號碼或臉書帳號即可加入會員,APP輕鬆購物下單!
韓迷兒:妳的時尚隨身衣櫃! 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
韓迷兒 MeLove 官網,提供最佳手機購物APP介面一手掌握最新款式與促銷優惠訊息只要動動手指就能輕鬆選購喜愛的商品獨家推出品牌限定款服飾堅持細心挑選每一樣商品讓您盡情享受寵愛的衣著打造專屬女孩們的時尚隨身衣櫃* 用手機號碼或Facebook帳號就可快速加入會員* 24H行動購物不打烊,走到哪逛到哪* 活動即時推播通知,不會錯過任何最新資訊、優惠活動* 簡易購物機制,完整的購物車功能,一次就上手* 線上刷卡使用最高等級加密系統 ,安全無慮* 超商取貨付款,方便的物流模式好貼心* 貼心七日鑑賞期,可享免費退換貨服務Korean fan childrenMeLove official website to provide the best mobile shopping APPinterfaceHand grasp the latest models and promotions NewsJust move your finger you can easily buy favorite productsLimited models exclusive launch apparel brandAdhere to the same carefully selected each commodityAllowing you to enjoy favorite clothingCreate exclusive fashion portable wardrobe girls* Use the phone number or Facebook account you can quickly joinmembers* 24H action is not closing shop, where they go shopping* Activities instant push notification, never miss the latest news,promotions* Easy shopping mechanism, full shopping cart functionality, onceyou get started* Online credit card with the highest level of encryption systems,safe and secure* Chain Store to pick up payment, to facilitate logistics modelgood to excellent* Intimate appreciation of seven days, enjoy free returnservice
機車兄弟-行動商城 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
【機車兄弟-行動商城】我們提供多種多樣的機車精品24H 購物不打烊,透過行動裝置,隨時選購好方便門市促銷推撥通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過手機付款快速又安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳加入會員超方便,手機號碼、Facebook帳號都可以輕鬆加入會員如果對產品或安裝有任何問題,請E-Mail或撥打客服電話。客服信箱 tscb007@gmail.com客服專線 04-2277-1796服務時間 週一至週五 9:00-18:00[Locomotive brothers -Action Mall]We offer a variety of locomotive boutique24H shopping is not closing, your mobile device, at any timeconvenient to buy goodRetail sales pushed aside notice, will not miss the goodiesactivitiesMobile payments quickly and safely - use SSL128 bits to encryptcredit card highest level of security Express CheckoutJoin Now super convenient, phone number, Facebook account you caneasily add membersIf you have any questions about the product or installation, pleaseE-Mail or call customer service calls.Customer Service tscb007@gmail.comCustomer Service Hotline 04-2277-1796Service hours Monday to Friday 9: 00-18: 00
FeatherKorea羽韓舍 2.14.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
IGF - 你的時尚流行衣櫃 2.13.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
IGF -時尚男裝,引進歐美日韓流行時尚潮流元素,豐富多樣的流行商品,高品質與時尚的完美結合,打造您個人魅力的穿搭風格,IGF就是要您成為眾人的目光焦點!*優惠商品推撥通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過*貨量充足,手機/網路店面同時新品上架*24H小時購物不打烊,走到哪、逛到哪*完整購物機制,手機/平板,可同步蒐藏商品&購物車,切換使用好方便*手機/信用卡 付款快速又安全- 使用SSL128 bits 最高安全等級加密*操作介面簡單易懂,指尖滑動隨心所欲*超商取貨付款,取件便利百分百*購物車:讓購物、支付更方便更實惠*訂單查詢:可查詢7日內訂單明細和處理情形*快速搜尋:key入關鍵字,快速找到想要的商品*我的收藏:可針對有興趣的商品進行收藏,讓您方便快速的買到更具價值的商品
PureShe-手作飾品,手錶 2.11.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
Pure She 她 飾品手錶黃銅手作找到自己的風格,才叫時尚。適合自己的飾品,才能完美詮釋自我個性。2014年推出全台首個分尺寸的訂製型飾品品牌【JOWA】讓大小尺碼的女性,都能享受愛美的權利。手機app購物好處多多‧ 24小時不打烊,隨時隨地可購物‧ 週週新品上架,多元獨特商品,喜歡的可快速收藏‧ 加入會員超方便,手機號碼、臉書帳號都可以輕鬆加入會員‧ 促銷活動搶先知,好康優惠絕不會輕易錯過‧ 多種付款方式,讓您輕鬆付款快樂Shopping獲獎紀錄‧ 2012yahoo奇摩金拍獎業績獎第三名.‧ 2013數位時代網路人氣賣家100強‧ 每週四精選韓國/日本/歐美空運飾品PureShe官網:http://www.pureshe.com.tw/
創意巴巴 2.11.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
紫梅王生技:無農藥養生梅精薑黃 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
‧ 紫梅王無農藥行動商城APP,讓您簡單快速購物‧ 掌握第一手最新優惠活動通知、完整商品資訊‧ 簡單易懂的介面操作,讓您上手免煩惱‧ 手機付款快速又安全天然。健康。無農藥【紫梅王生技擁有二處有機農場】穿山甲自然生態農場(慈心有機認證,證書編號C0029)及仙人農莊(MOA有機認證,證書編號MOA1510150),位於台東縣關山鎮的美麗山頂,農場毗鄰森林,有獨立的水源,方圓三十公里內無任何污染性工業,農場內富含多種生態動植物,是自然生態鏈完整的保育農場。農場的所有作物,皆以自然農法,無農藥栽培,遵循二十四節氣、植物循環生長的道理孕育而成,農場主要出產有機青梅、有機諾麗、有機薑黃、有機香椿、有機澳洲茶樹、有機紫蘇,以及各類有機養生保健植物。紫梅王生技堅持:不使用化學肥料--------------------避免土壤酸化不使用動物性肥料-----------------避免抗生素殘留不使用化學除草劑-----------------避免破壞土壤物性不使用生長激素--------------------避免對人體造成危害以維護這片美麗的山林土壤、珍惜大地的恩賜,期望所生產的原料能夠帶給人們健康豐富的生活。感謝您的支持與愛用!只要健康,不要農藥,不要人工化學添加物純淨的食物是紫梅王生技自我的要求與對您的承諾
mix1健康飲品 2.9.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
MIX1的理念很簡單:我們只以高品質的原料創造天然的產品,我們相信,自然的產品比人工來得好,而且關鍵在於領導一個健康平衡的生活。作為一家公司,我們希望通過促進積極的生活方式和整體健康,提高人們的生活。這些信念讓我們創造了MIX1。MIX1始建當今創造美味,有效的,自然的,健康的替代品,我們的產品融合了蛋白質和其他營養物質,以積極的態度支持世界各地的人們追求完美健康的生活:MIX1擁有完美的搭配,以適應你的生活和時間表。你絕不會再錯過獲得每天必要的營養物質,在你忙碌的每一天,我們努力幫助你做出健康的選擇,以幫助您維持一個健康的生活方式。我們的特色:@ 行動商城APP 天天提供爆殺商品@@ 優惠商品推播通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過@ 簡單易懂的操作介面,第一次就上手@ 手機付款快速又安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳
橘子包舖 2.16.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
橘子包舖正式在手機版上與大家見面了,免費的應用程式提供簡單又便利的良好購物新選擇~* 不定時推出超殺組合、超優價格* 超快速加入會員- 用 Facebook 帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員* 24H小時購物不打烊* 行動商店走到哪、逛到哪* 手機付款快速又安全- 使用 SSL128 bits 最高安全等級加密* 信用卡快速結帳,超商付款取貨更便利Orange bag shop officialversion on the phone to meet with you, free application provides asimple and convenient new choice of good shopping -* Irregular Release overkill combination, super-excellentprice* Ultra Fast Register - can easily add members or cell phone numberwith a Facebook account* 24H hour shopping is not closing* Action shops go, where to visit* Mobile payments quickly and safely - use the highest securitylevel SSL128 bits encryption* Credit Express Checkout, convenience stores and more convenientpayment pickup
Vern 韋恩~美,從頭開始~ 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
美,從頭開始。掌握流行趨勢,接收美髮知識輕鬆打造個人實用、時尚、創意、獨有造型韋恩美髮學院有【全球首創】美髮界的革命技術〝韋恩雙手零缺點剪法〞、為設計師量身訂製的〝韋恩智慧型組合剪刀〞以及享譽全世界的〝韋恩國際美髮名師〞。針對大眾市場嚴選沙龍頂級整髮器具、新秘最愛100%真髮片、日韓優質造型假髮…等系列商品。+第一手韋恩資訊(新品上市、表演秀、流行髮型、優惠活動等)+Vernhair髮妝館高品質真髮片、日本高仿真假髮等+沙龍級多功能離子夾、造型夾、電捲棒,操作簡單、創意無限+韋恩國際名師團隊線上美髮免費影音教學+全世界都在學、全世界都在用,國際流行時尚+與韋恩國際名師團隊線上諮詢解答+韋恩智慧型組合剪刀功能效果,完整解析+歡迎報名韋恩髮型模特兒免費剪髮、染髮、整體造型體驗官網:http://tw.vern.com.tw/E-mail:vernhair@yahoo.com.twThe United States, fromthe beginning.Grasp trends, the reception salons knowledgeEasily create personal practical, stylish, creative, uniquestylingWayne Hairdressing College] [the world's first revolutionarytechnology hairdressing sector, "Wayne zero defects cut it withboth hands," the designer tailored "Wayne intelligent combinationof scissors," and the world-renowned "Wayne Internationalhairdressing teacher. " Carefully selected for the mass markethair-dressing salon top appliances, new secret favorite 100% realhair piece, Japan and South Korea, and other high-quality modelingwig ... commodity.Wayne + firsthand information (new products, performance show,popular hairstyle, promotions, etc.)+ Vernhair hair and beauty shop high quality real hair pieces, wigsand other Japanese high simulation+ Salon multifunctional hair iron, shape clip, curling, simpleoperation, creativity+ Wayne international division team online salon free videotutorials+ Over the world are learning around the world are using, theinternational fashion+ International division team with Wayne online consultation toanswer+ Wayne smart combination scissors functional effects, fullyresolved+ Welcome reported Mingwei En hairstyle model free haircut, haircolor, the overall shape ExperienceOfficial website: http: //tw.vern.com.tw/E-mail: vernhair@yahoo.com.tw
鏡之秘密-專業肌膚保養 2.14.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
守護妳最重要的秘密,專業沙龍級保養呵護,讓妳的年齡永遠是秘密。*官方行動購物APP,24H隨時隨地買買買,即刻下載享好康!*每日優惠好康不錯過,隨時掌控最新優惠!*操作介面簡潔易懂,結帳流程超快速,只要3步驟,美麗輕鬆購!*使用SSL 128 bites最高安全加密等級處理,讓您購物超安心!*手機號碼或FB帳號即可快速加入會員,享受行動購物好方便!*手機/平板/電腦可同步收藏商品&購物車,打造跨屏無縫體驗!*即時線上客服,美麗諮詢零時差。FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/kagaminohimitsuU most important guardianof secrets, the professional salon-grade maintenance care, make ofyour age will always be a secret.* Official actions shopping APP, 24H buy buy buy anywhere,instantly download enjoy goodies!* Daily Deals goodies miss, to keep control of the latestoffers!* User interface is simple and easy to understand, super fastcheckout process, as long as the third step, easy to purchasebeautiful!* Use SSL 128 bites highest level of security encryptionprocessing, allowing you to shop over the peace of mind!* Phone number or FB account to quickly join members enjoy goodaction shopping convenience!* Phone / tablet / PC can be synchronized Favorite & cart,creating a seamless experience across the screen!* Instant online customer service, beautiful zero-dayconsultation.FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/kagaminohimitsu
形向刷具:美容乙丙級專業刷具 2.19.6
91APP, Inc. (11)
形向刷具 行動商城APP正式在手機版上與大家見面囉!免費的應用程式提供所有愛購物的人能夠簡單又便利的買到自己想要的商品日後會不定時推出好康的優惠活動,大家千萬不能錯過唷!*活動推播通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過。*超快速加入會員-用FB帳號或手機號碼就可以輕鬆加入會員。*簡單易懂的操作介面,第一次就上手。*手機付款快速又安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳。*超商付款取貨最方便。我們擁有熱情、負責的態度,堅持用心為大家挑選最優質的商品,希望每個愛購物的人都能以最愉悅的心情享受購物的樂趣!美容乙丙級不可錯過的專業刷具~xingxiang形向國內學業界最大彩妝刷具的首選,有Xingxiang、Mack Bank、More Color三大品牌在日本、泰國皆設有專業毛刷製造廠,歡迎進行OEM生產製造。Shaped brushes action tostore on the phone APP official version to meet with youHello!Free app provides all who love shopping can be easy and convenientto buy their desired productsWill be introduced from time to time in the future goodiespromotions, we do not miss yo!* Activity push notification, goodies activities will notmiss.* Ultra Fast Register - you can easily add members with FB accountor phone number.* Easy-to-understand user interface, the first time to getstarted.* Mobile payments quickly and safely - use the highest securitylevel SSL128 bits to encrypt credit card Express Checkout.* Stores can pick the most convenient payment.We have a passionate and responsible attitude, we insist on themotive for the selection of the best quality goods,Hope everyone who loves shopping can be the most pleasure to enjoyshopping!Beauty B Grade C unmissable professional brushes ~xingxiang shape toThe first choice of the industry's largest school of makeup brusheswith Xingxiang, Mack Bank, More Color three brands in Japan,Thailand are a professional brush factory, welcome for OEMmanufacturing.
Crocodile鱷魚休閒服飾 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
1 超商取貨付款,方便又貼心。2 輕鬆下載行動購物APP,即可享有第一手最新資訊及優惠活動。3 24小時行動購物不打烊,讓你走到哪逛到哪。4 享有7天免費鑑賞期讓你好安心好購物。5 用Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員。6 線上刷卡使用最高等級加密系統,安全無慮。歡迎加入 Crocodile鱷魚休閒服飾Facebook粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/tw.crocodile
ibella艾貝拉 2.10.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
ibella-艾貝拉流行女裝-手機、平板行動購物APP免費下載,讓女孩們隨時隨地掌握最新流行服飾訊息。‧超商取貨付款,刷卡宅配送到家,快速又便利。‧嚴選新品每10天上架,即時推撥通知,掌握最新時尚資訊。‧手機購物超便利,臉書帳號或手機號碼輕鬆加入會員。‧簡易APP操作介面,好買好逛,24小時輕鬆購物。‧手機付款快速安全,使用SSL128bits最高安全等級加密。ibella- Yi Beila popularWomen - phone, tablet action shopping APP free download, let thegirls abreast of the latest fashion information anytime,anywhere.‧ stores can pick up payment, credit card Delivery to home, fastand convenient.‧ strict selection of new shelves every 10 days, immediatenotification pushed aside, the latest fashion information.‧ mobile shopping super convenient, face book account number orcell phone number easily add members.‧ APP simple user interface, good bought shopping, 24 hours easyshopping.‧ phone payments quickly and securely, using SSL128bits highestlevel of security encryption.
iLens愛能視:專業隱形眼鏡 2.19.6
91APP, Inc. (11)
小千金精品 2.9.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
小千金精品APP商城就是一本電子型錄時尚聖經,『美麗的女人,寵愛自己』讓更多喜愛我們商品的美眉們更容易且更方便購買,至今親自飛往韓國由每月飛一次縮短為每周飛一次讓客戶們更快速得到流行資訊的商品哦~APP small boutique malldaughter is an electronic catalog fashion bible, "Beautiful woman,pampered" allows more crush love our product easier and moreconvenient to buy, has personally fly to South Korea once a monthby a shortened flying once a week to make customers more quicklyget popular information goods oh ~
呷七碗好呷: 台灣美食專家 2.11.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
陪伴您三十多年的小吃專家「呷七碗」,秉持著傳統的好口味和踏實的品質控管行銷全台灣,擴展成擁有國際驗證的食品工廠。從獨家口味的招牌彌月油飯、蛋糕,到廣受好評得獎連連的年菜系列,每年狂銷數百萬顆的粽子,近年來「呷七碗」嚴然已成為台灣美味小吃的代表品牌之一。在2015年起,呷七碗正式推出APP行動購物商店囉!訂購熟食超迅速!無論是訂購家常菜、台灣小吃、年菜、肉粽,或查看彌月油飯型錄並且來電預約訂購,從手機操作就可以一次搞定,冷凍配送到府的服務,讓您不用再跑遍市場,即使是費工的辦桌菜也可以在家就輕鬆搞定。【行動熟食超市】- 從年菜、肉粽等季節性商品,到家常菜、主食類等多樣化的商品,隨時訂購配送到家。- 直覺的操作介面配合高清晰度商品圖,感受商品極致細度- 限時優惠專區,推薦超人氣和最優惠的商品,天天特價驚喜不斷!- 快速搜尋:鍵入關鍵字,立即找到想要的商品。【彌月型錄線上看】- 手機可查看呷七碗彌月商品最新型錄- 可直接透過電話連絡客服人員,訂彌月一手搞定【最新優惠即時通知】- 商品出貨時發送提醒- 搶購商品開賣日通知- 優惠促銷活動即時推播【貼心結帳&會員登入】- 安全第一:最高等級加密的信用卡付款功能- 訂單查詢:可查詢7日內訂單明細和處理情形。- 使用Facebook帳號或手機號碼即可加入會員- 一鍵收藏:針對有興趣的商品,按一下即可加入收藏清單,節省您搜尋商品的時間。
KiKiBEAR日系子供服 2.13.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
魚舖子專營水族造景及周邊商品 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
天天美容美髮材料百貨 2.10.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
30年的專業美材領導品牌「天天美容美髮百貨」【美容、美髮、美甲、美睫及新娘秘書等最具專業的材料總匯】我們承諾『高品質、最低價』!從實體門市到網路商店經營,為的就是提供最新的品牌資訊、最具專業的產品、最嚴謹的品質把關,最堅強的團隊服務,並以業界最低的批發價格給全世界各個角落的你。從學生上課的教材,國家職訓局考試、美容乙丙級、美髮乙丙級、美睫美甲等專業證照考試所需教材,以及創業開店所有儀器設備應有盡有。天天美容美髮百貨(手機板)是專為手機用戶推出的手機購物軟件,具有:(1)輕鬆加入會員:擁有手機號碼.Facebook帳號即可快速入會。(2)24小時購物不打烊:最高等級加密系統,付款方便又安全,刷卡送到府好方便。(3)手機/平板/電腦同步:隨時隨地皆可快速搜尋(收藏)商品,加入購物車結帳。(5)訂單查詢:可查詢7日內訂單明細和處理情形。(6)線上客服:線上行動客服專員即時回覆。(7)即時推播功能:即時公告促銷商品及活動資訊,好康不錯過。---天天讓妳成為 少男的殺手 情場的高手 可敬的對手 成功的舵手。---天天千方百計 要讓妳變成 世界最美的女人。30年來始終秉持著「誠信可靠」、「專業平價」、「使命必達」為服務客戶為最高宗旨。30 years of professionalbeauty material leading brand, "every day hairdressing department"[Beauty, hair, nail, eyelashes and bridal secretaries mostprofessional material summary]We are committed to "high quality, low!"From the physical store to store network management, is to providethe latest brand information, the most professional products, themost stringent quality checks, the strongest team services, and theindustry's lowest wholesale price to every corner of the world you.Textbooks from class, the students, the National VTC exam, beauty BClass C, B Grade C hairdressing, manicures eyelashes professionallicense exam required materials, and set up shop all the equipment,everything.Every day hairdressing department (phone board) is designed formobile phone users to launch mobile shopping software, has:(1) Easy Register: have a cell phone number .Facebook account toquickly join.(2) 24-hour shopping is not closing: the highest level ofencryption systems, convenient and safe payment, credit card 送到府good convenience.(3) Mobile / Tablet / PC sync: anytime and anywhere Quick Search(collection) of goods, add to cart checkout.(5) Order Query: can query the details and handling within 7 daysof the order situation.(6) Online Customer Service: Online Action Service Commissionerimmediate reply.(7) Instant push features: Instant announcement of promotionalmerchandise and event information, goodies miss.--- Every day, putting you become a master assassin boys in loverespectable opponent successful helmsman.--- Every day to do everything possible to make u become theworld's most beautiful woman.30 years, always uphold the "integrity and reliable","professional parity", "the mission will be" to serve our customersas the highest purpose.
尚恩美材百貨行 2.13.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
山姆百貨:喬大百貨 美髮美妝店 2.13.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
精選 台歐美日韓熱門話題的必備小物,及專業沙龍美髮洗護造型品,把優質的商品、用批發價格提供給每位顧客。讓大家出門在外、任何時刻可以一指輕鬆購物。也提供 專業客服人員做免費諮詢服務,讓買家可以找到最適合自己的產品。本賣場有實體店面,加上安全的APP購物平台的雙重保障,讓你買的安心,用的放心。
台灣水科技/水達人淨水系統 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
水達人淨水系統,堅持淨水的品質健康好水,關心您全家人的健康整合各大品牌淨水器、濾水器、飲水機、全戶過濾(全戶式淨水)等淨水設備打造全社區/全大樓~全水淨化;後端導入生飲系統包含濾菌及UV殺菌系統等。透過軟體分類及導引讓使用者了解以上產品差異及功能比較,有效選擇採購安心,最新商品及產品更新資訊完整;永續服務技術支援確實,相關耗材濾心零件維修一手掌握。人氣商品親朋好友團購首選~立刻下載登入淨水達人APP~✫最新商品隨時掌握~採購需求一次到位~行動購物報好康!✫全系列知名品牌商品完全服務~水達人用心更安心!✫全省設有北中南分服務站及直營實體門市,編制專屬工班維護技術人員到府服務!✫各大品牌優惠商品好康活動全省同步上線✫操作介面簡易,採購比較一次上手✫手機付款刷卡安全快速~超商付款取貨方便✫全商品現貨供應~下單收單發貨到府服務迅速享受好水 擁抱健康 ENJOY WATERDaren water purificationsystem, adhere to the quality of water purificationHealthy water, care for your family's healthIntegration of the major brands of water purifiers, water filters,water dispensers, all households filter (all household waterpurifiers) water purification equipment to build the wholecommunity / whole building - all water purification; drink importedbackend system includes filter bacteria and UV disinfectionsystems. Classification and guide through the software allows usersto understand the differences between these products and featuresmore effectively select purchase peace of mind, the latest updateson commodity and product integrity; sustainable service technicalsupport indeed, related supplies Filter parts repair one hand.Popular item to buy preferred friends ~Download Now Log in water up to people APP ~✫ New Products - the procurement requirements to keep the firstplace - action Shopping newspaper goodies!✫ full range of branded goods and services - water completelyintentions of people more at ease!✫ province has divided the island over the service station andDirect physical store, prepare the exclusive maintenancetechnicians working class to the government service!✫ major brands promotions merchandise goodies province synchronousactivity on the line✫ simple user interface, procurement comparison once started✫ phone payment card payments safely and quickly pick upconvenience - convenience stores✫ whole commodity shelf - orders received orders shipped togovernment services quicklyEnjoy good water embrace health ENJOY WATER
NEW STAR 包包 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
NEW STAR 購物APP最適合手機使用操作介面,購物更便利(折價卷,一鍵收藏,快速結帳,LINE客服)(購物車,交易查詢,快速搜尋,瀏覽紀錄)1.推播:活動即時通知,掌握最新優惠訊息2.快速:使用FACEBOOK帳號或手機號碼即可輕鬆加入會員3.安心:七日鑑賞期放心購物4.安全:使用最高等級(SSL 128bits)加密系統5.便利:信用卡付款送到家,超商取貨付款貼心隨時取貨6.舒服:直覺人性化操作畫面NEW STAR shopping APPThe most suitable for mobile phone use user interface, moreconvenient shopping(Volume discount, a key collection, express checkout, LINEService)(Shopping cart, transaction inquiries, quick search, browserecords)1. Push: Activities instant notification, the latest promotionsNews2. Fast: Using FACEBOOK account number or cell phone number caneasily add members3. Confidence: seven appreciation of secure shopping4. Safety: Use the highest level (SSL 128bits) encryptionsystem5. Convenience: credit cards to home stores can pick up at anytime to pick up payment intimate6. comfortable: intuitive user-friendly operation screen
Kidschool英語圖書網 2.16.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
英語童書購物網,父母為孩子購書的第一站。依主題及適讀年齡分類,方便父母老師搜尋,透過商店類別您可以快速搜尋到想要的商品。每月進口歐美新書,全館滿490元免運費!!!書籍分類:適合0~3歲閱讀選書:觸覺觸摸/布書聽覺壓壓有聲書視覺厚頁/拉拉書趣味洗澡/軟墊書看圖說故事繪本小小口袋書適合4~8歲閱讀選書:創意磁鐵/貼紙書奇幻3D/立體書適合9~12歲閱讀選書:兒童小說/繪本青少年閱讀卡通人物:Peppa Pig 粉紅豬小妹Lulu露露Disney迪士尼Little PrincessDora朵拉Maisy 小鼠波波Smurfs 藍色小精靈Five Little Monkeys 五隻猴子Gruffalo古肥玀經典卡通人物Warriors貓戰士Wimpy Kid遜咖日記有聲書:自然發音有聲書押韻童謠歌曲經典故事有聲書迪士尼有聲書主題專區:主題:生活經驗主題:英語學習主題:冒險故事主題:童話寓言主題:身體保健主題:交通工具主題:寶寶安眠主題:浪漫公主主題:漫畫讀本主題:童趣幽默主題:各行各業主題:藝術培養主題:海底世界主題:恐龍怪獸主題:認識動物主題:電影卡通主題:英雄系列主題:情緒教養主題:品格教育主題:啟蒙認知主題:學校生活主題:節慶節日English children's booksshopping network, parents who buy books first stop.By topic and appropriate reading by age, parents and teachers tofacilitate searching through the store category you can quicklyfind desired products.Monthly imports of European and American books, the whole museumfull of 490 yuan free shipping !!!Books Category:Suitable for 0-3 years old reading book selection:Tactile Touch / Cloth BookAuditory pressure pressure audiobooksVisual thick pages / lesbian booksFun bath / cushion bookPicture Story IllustratedSmall pocket bookSuitable for 4 to 8 years old reading book selection:Creative Magnet / Sticker BookFantasy 3D / stereoscopic bookFor 9-12 years reading book selection:Children's Fiction / IllustratedTeen ReadCartoon characters:Peppa Pig Peppa PigLulu LuluDisney DisneyLittle PrincessDora DoraMaisy Mouse BoboSmurfs blue elfFive Little Monkeys five monkeysGruffalo ancient Luo fatClassic cartoon charactersWarriors cats warriorWimpy Kid Johnson coffee diaryAudiobook:Phonics AudiobookNursery rhyme songClassic story AudiobookDisney audiobooksTopic Area:Topic: Life ExperienceTopic: Learn EnglishTheme: Adventure StoryTopic: fable fairy taleTopic: Body CareTopic: TransportTopic: Baby sleepTopic: Romance PrincessTheme: Comics ReaderTopic: playful humorTopic: businessesTopic: Art CultureTheme: Underwater WorldTopic: Dinosaurs MonstersTopic: Understanding AnimalsTopic: Movie CartoonTopic: Heroes SeriesTopic: Emotional educationTopic: Character EducationTopic: Cognitive EnlightenmentTheme: School LifeTopic: Festivals Festivals
萊美HomeLiving家居店 2.11.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
萊美嚴選完美品質,Safron Home Living .歡慶20周年推出萊美家居線上app,手機系統即時上線同步更新,讓您購物零時差。※眾多家居用品選擇-緹花、活性印花、素色件套及天然纖維羽絨被,不同類型枕頭等床用居家商品以及餐桌廚具與廚房配件的多項產品豐富你的生活!※創新科技纖維-與德國、日本多方技術合作,開發自然清新多樣材質件套組,讓您睡得健康又安心。例: 降低敏感肌膚的氧化鋅及護膚的冰島褐藻件套組。※便利購物-線上隨時隨地輕鬆購物,瀏覽紀錄保留讓您不需費心找尋。※Facebook整合-快速更新活動資訊與客服連線,不需多方尋找即可解決您的問題。※國際服務-APP瀏覽服務遍佈台灣、中國與美國,登入即可下訂(需要台灣手機門號或Facebook帳號),線上購物擁有多項取貨方式,除宅配外,也可選擇店面或便利商店取貨,保證品質安心。※最佳客服-秉持以客為尊,服務至上的精神,擁有實體店面與專屬客服,讓您不擔心有問題時求助無門。萊美Home Living家居館-※希望能提供顧客自然、完美、典雅的產品,每項產品皆經過巧思設計,完善消費者的睡眠條件。※擁有廈門工廠自產自銷,原料、製造、設計到加工出廠直營店銷售,完整通路更能提供顧客透明資訊等多項服務。※作為羽絨零售商超過30年的時間,我們更懂得品質重要。※歷經多重挑戰與改變,從台灣到中國留下服務的足跡,堅持好產品的品牌理念,誠摯為顧客服務著。※產品資訊透明,線上與實體店面皆能解決您的問題,安心購買。產品系列擁有多項產品提供顧客完善的家居生活※精緻件套:嚴選精埃及棉作為布料,不同裁剪作法的設計,擁有緹花、活性印花、素色件套組以及國外技術合作的氧化鋅及褐藻件套組,給您多重選擇,讓您睡得安心保健。※各類材質被子擁有量輕質地細軟、透氣保暖,且無厚重壓迫感的羽絨被、防止過敏及皮膚刺激專用的三合一海藻氧化鋅恆溫被,實驗證實擁有抗菌效果,以及Dowzn獨家保健羽絨被,帶給您不同體驗。※專業枕頭:擁有透氣舒適、蓬鬆柔軟且能幫助釋放頭部壓力的羽絨枕以及綠豆、香蒲絨、蕎麥等天然材質製作而成的冬夏兩用枕,提升睡眠品質。※歐洲進口瓷器水晶潔淨完美的骨瓷融合傳統與現代風格的簡約與繁複手工,偶有火花激盪推出寓意新舊文明交融的創造性產品※不銹鋼廚房餐具配件:將安全高級不銹鋼概念帶入家庭用品,挑選適合家庭生活耐用與良好材質的廚具與不同的各式配件,尋找符合需求的特色鍋具為出發點,搭配不同選擇豐富空間,使產品貼近您。※天然香氛:自然萃取不添加任何化學成分的精油,淨化生活撫癒身心靈,給您放鬆好心情。※多款羽絨衣:經SGS驗證含絨量90%的羽絨填充,產品擁有內外穿背心、外套、男式大衣、女士長短大衣,以及兒童外套。※機能內衣:吸濕排汗材質,纖維中添加氧化鋅,海藻或恆溫材質,穿著舒適保護敏感性肌膚,讓您改變對貼身衣物的既定印象。※機能外套:吸濕排汗材質,纖維中添入咖啡紗,環保抗uv安心穿著不擔心沾附異味。※鹼性水淨水器:生活周遭太多的有害物質,一杯乾淨簡單的水就能幫助我們身體正常運作,礦物質的鹼性小分子團水具有低氧化還原電位消除自由基,讓您喝了健康放心。採用日本進口超大白金電解板、濾心及不鏽鋼管線,保障材質安全耐用。※多項系列產品陸續推出中 功能-1.用手機號碼或Facebook帳號就可快速加入會員。2.24H行動購物不打烊,走到哪逛到哪。3.活動推播通知,不會錯過任何最新資訊、優惠活動、會員獨享好康,各式新品資訊不漏接。(需開啟推播功能,可及時得知第一手好康消息!)4.一鍵收藏我的最愛商品、可與好友分享(FB、簡訊、e-mail),免去重覆搜尋,優惠時即時提醒您。5.三種瀏覽依個人喜好選擇,大圖、多圖、詳細排列,讓您輕鬆瀏覽。6.清楚的商品分類,簡單易懂的操作介面,以及關鍵字快速搜尋功能。7.手機付款加密環境購物,使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡,快速結帳,方便、安全、輕鬆完成購物。8.超商付款、便利取件。9.訂單查詢,確認訂單狀況、訂單明細和處理情形,追蹤最新進度。10.掌握各店門市活動資訊。11.3、6、12、24期信用卡分期,分期免利息。12.上APP就能領折價券,期間內折扣。Grammy strict selectionof perfect quality, Safron Home Living.Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the launch of Grammy homeonline app, the phone system for real-wire synchronous update,allowing you to shop zero difference.※ many household items selection -Jacquard, reactive printing, plain sets and natural fiber duvet,bed pillows and other types of home merchandise and dining utensilsand kitchen accessories for a number of products to enrich yourlife!※ Innovation and Technology fiber -Germany, Japan, the multi-technical cooperation, the development ofnatural, fresh and varied material piece set, allowing you to sleephealth and peace of mind.Example: Reducing zinc oxide sensitive skin and skin care setsIceland alginate group.※ convenience shopping -Easy shopping online at any time, allowing you to browse recordsretention without bother looking.※ Facebook Integration -Quick update activity information and customer connections, withoutmany find to solve your problem.※ International Service -APP browsing service throughout Taiwan, China and the United Statessign in the next set (requires Taiwanese mobile phone numbers orFacebook account), online shopping has a number of pick-up mode, inaddition to home delivery, but can also choose to store orconvenience store to pick up, quality assurance peace ofmind.※ Best Service -Uphold customer-oriented, service-oriented spirit, have physicalstores with exclusive customer service, so you do not worry about aproblem with nowhere to turn.Grammy Home Living Home Museum -※ hope to provide customers with a natural, perfect, elegantproduct, through the ingenuity of each product are designed toimprove the consumer's sleep condition.※ has a factory in Xiamen homegrown, raw materials, manufacturing,design and sales processing factory outlets, complete access tobetter provide customers with transparent information and manyother services.※ As a feather retailers for more than 30 years, we know howimportant quality.※ After multiple challenges and change, leaving footprints andservices from Taiwan to China, adhere to good products, brandconcept, with sincere customer service.※ Product Information transparent, online and physical stores haveencountered solve your problem, buy peace of mind.Product SeriesHas a number of products to provide customers with the perfect homelife※ exquisite sets:Strict selection of fine Egyptian cotton as a fabric, differentcropping practices in design, with jacquard, reactive printing,plain pieces of kit as well as zinc oxide and alginic sets group offoreign technical cooperation, give you multiple selection, Allowing you to sleep at ease care.※ various materials quiltPossession of light to soft, breathable warmth, and no heavyoppressive duvets, prevent allergies and skin irritation specialtriple algae zinc oxide is heated, experiments have confirmed theantibacterial effect, and Dowzn exclusive health duvets, bringingyour different experiences.※ Professional pillow:Have breathable and comfortable, fluffy and can help release thepressure head down pillows and green beans, cattail down, buckwheatand other natural materials made of dual summer and winter pillow,improve sleep quality.※ imported European porcelain crystalSimple and complicated bone china by hand clean and perfect fusionof traditional and modern style, with occasional stirring Releaseimplication spark creative blend of old and new civilizationsproducts※ stainless steel kitchen utensils accessories:The safety concept into high grade stainless steel householdproducts, selection of suitable family life durable material withgood kitchen with different kinds of accessories, look for cookwareto meet the needs of the characteristics as a starting point, witha different selection of space, so that the products closer toyou.※ natural fragrance:Natural extracts does not add any chemical composition of essentialoil, clean living Healing body and soul, to relax a goodmood.※ variety of down jackets:Verification by SGS cashmere 90% down filling products withinternal and external wear vests, jackets, coats for men, womenlength coats, jackets and children.※ Functional underwear:Wicking material, zinc oxide is added fiber, seaweed or heatedmaterial, comfortable protection for sensitive skin, allowing youto change the impression given to personal clothing.※ Functional Jacket:Wicking material, fiber yarn inserted coffee, green anti-uv easewearing not worry odor buildup.※ Alkaline water purifier:Life around too much harmful substances, clean and simple cup ofwater can help our body function properly basic small molecules ofwater with a low mineral redox potential elimination of freeradicals, allowing you to drink healthy assured. Japan imports large platinum electrolysis board, Filter andstainless steel tubing to ensure safe and durable material.※ number of products launched inFeatures -1. you can quickly join members of the mobile phone number orFacebook account.2.24H action is not closing shop, where they go shopping.3. Activity push notification, never miss the latest news,promotions, exclusive membership goodies, all kinds of newinformation is not missed.(Need to open push function, learned first-hand goodies timelynews!)4. One key collection of my favorite commodities, sharing (FB,newsletters, e-mail) with friends, without having to repeat thesearch, Shipping instantly alert you when.5. Three browsing preferences according to personal choice, thebigger, more maps, detailed order, so you can easily navigate.6. clear classification of goods, straightforward userinterface, and Keyword search capabilities.7. Mobile Payment encryption shopping environment, use SSL128bits to encrypt credit card highest level of security, fastcheckout, convenient, safe and easy to complete shopping.8. Payment convenience stores, convenient pickup.9. Order inquiries, confirm order status, order details and dealwith the situation, to track the latest progress.10. acquire all shop store event information.11.3,6,12,24 of credit card installments, interest-freeinstallments.12. The APP will be able to receive the coupons, discountperiod.
汪汪寶貝 2.16.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
許許兒 森紛設計衣著 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
出門前你想要今天的自己是什麼樣子?包含著一些任性,一些改不掉的習慣,一些對未來生活的美好期許。想要這樣任性而且用自己真實的樣子,熱情的生活到很老很老。You Are What You Wear.許許兒做的事:MIT手工設計製作服飾/跨品牌服裝合作/有機棉系列商品
金格彌月蛋糕禮盒 2.13.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
1980年獨家取得日本長崎本舖的授權指導,完全承襲正統古法精技長崎蛋糕(Nagaski Castella)獨特的香氣與細膩的口感,是於日本流傳五百年,歷久不衰的極品糕點。對於許多台灣人來說,長崎蛋糕代表的是隆重的祝福以及幸福的回憶。金格食品在1980年獨家取得日本長崎本舖的授權指導,完全承襲正統古法精技,採用原料與慢火烘焙技術。直到現在,講到長崎蛋糕,第一個想到的就是金格。
彤彤小舖-專營美國知名保養品 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
始於2003年,經營美妝保養產品已將近10年,主要銷售各式美國當地知名品牌及藥妝產品,保證原廠正品,不定期採購新款新鮮商品,讓消費者隨時可在國內購買美系商品並與流行時尚接軌。另有提供國外美顏美體、化妝品、保養品代買服務。近期也將陸續販售更多日韓美妝保養品,歡迎消費者來參觀選購!-賣場特色-物品新鮮、服務快速,包裝完整仔細。-服務特色-加入會員超方便:Facebook帳號及手機號碼,直接輕鬆加入會員24小時購物不打烊: 隨時隨地走到哪逛到哪手機快速付款:最高等級的加密系統,付款結帳安全又方便活動即時推播:活動即時通知,優惠好康及最新資訊絕不錯過專屬於您的線上美妝保養專家,讓您隨時隨地選購好方便!
卡瑞妮MIT手工真皮鞋 23.6.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
Easy to buy in to MIT high-quality leather! 24-hour shoppingconvenience is not closing, Where one can immediately enjoy thelatest events and new information.
Qmono紙膠帶通販 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
Qmono為日本KAMOI mt, Mark's, 倉敷意匠, Aimez lestyle, amifa, Nichiban 等多家和紙膠帶及文具品牌之正規經銷商,商品與日本同步販售,在台灣就能購買到最新款式!Qmono也與台灣多位知名插畫家、設計師合作推出聯名款紙膠帶。為什麼選擇在Qmono購物?* 商店品項選擇多、風格多元。* 圖片清晰,商品介紹詳細。購物方式輕鬆簡單又安全~* 價格比市面更優惠,提供滿額免運及折扣優惠! 還會不定期舉辦商品促銷回饋會員~* 包裝用心,出貨快速~快來體驗在Qmono購物的樂趣!讓紙膠帶的美麗色彩帶給您更繽紛的生活Style!Qmono Japan KAMOI mt,Mark's, Kurashiki artistic conception, more than Aimez le style,amifa, Nichiban, etc., and paper tape and stationery brand regulardealer, selling goods with those of Japan, in Taiwan will be ableto buy the latest styles! Qmono also Many well-known Taiwaneseillustrator, designer to launch a joint section of paper tape.Why choose Qmono shopping?* Store select multiple items, a variety of styles.* The picture is clear, detailed product description. Shopping easyand simple and safe -* Prices are more favorable than the market, providing fullcapacity free transport and discounts! Also holds occasionalmerchandising rights reserved Member ~* Packaging carefully, shipping fast ~Come and experience Qmono shopping!Make paper tape beautiful colors to bring you more colorful lifeStyle!
讀書共和國行動書店 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
里昂烘焙坊-牛軋餅/鹹蛋糕 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
里昂烘焙坊-牛軋餅/鹹蛋糕/冰淇淋銅鑼燒/奶凍捲您會在鹿港巷口找到家鄉的古早味~招牌肉燥鹹蛋糕筍香肉燥鹹蛋糕/素食鹹蛋糕!我們把傳統的鹹蛋糕拿來改良、讓鹹蛋糕耐冷藏、口感更溼潤、一改就牽一髮動全身、豬肉的大小要改,讓冷藏的豬肉肉質爽口不澀、用魯味的老魯汁概念,讓肉燥更香!蛋糕體的做法要改,讓蛋糕更耐冷藏、蛋糕裡加了海藻糖,讓蛋糕更保溼、蛋糕不用蒸的改用烤的,增加香氣、讓消費者吃起來更安心!然後「好手藝」多了「創意」和「傳統」這塊表面布滿油蔥的鹹蛋糕,製作方式可是大有學問呢!將預備做成蛋糕的奶泡,突破傳統「蒸糕」的方式,改用烤的,讓製作出來的蛋糕,口感更加綿密!蛋糕分為上下兩層有青蔥與紅蔥酥,中間則是夾著瘦肉、美乃滋二種配料混合而成的內餡,融合中西式料理素材,味道卻沒有一點突兀感,反而創造出另一種新口味。吃一口我們特製的鹹蛋糕,更能體會,阿嬤的味道。就像這塊鹹蛋糕,帶著油蔥及古早味肉燥的香氣,就像阿嬤身上的那份樸實感。內夾的美乃滋,甜甜的,就像被阿嬤擁抱的那種幸福滋味。也難怪這款鹹蛋糕,會讓吃過的人都難以忘懷呢!避開吃素者忌諱的香蔥,而特別推出的這款「素食鹹蛋糕」,主要成分以抗氧化第一名的香椿製作而成,適合給吃蛋素的顧客,綿密的口感可不亞於葷的鹹蛋糕!里昂本土的純樸、實在、不計較成本的利潤;也相當程度經過時間的考驗,得以屹立不搖,有著一定的品質。雖是簡單的工作,也是一步一腳印.真善永留存~!里昂的堅持給您最好的美食。讓我們為鹿港保留一些古早味.見義勇為的古早味、慷慨分享的古早味、友善不計較的古早味、救弱扶貧的古早味,微笑鹿港城歡迎您來趣陶!鹿港名產:招牌肉燥鹹蛋糕/素食鹹蛋糕 /筍香肉燥鹹蛋糕美食宅配通推薦TTNews大台灣旅遊網報導中時電子報導Joyce食在遊趣愛評網美食部落客口碑推薦中時百大商圈樂活網推薦榮獲台灣百大伴手禮優良名店手機購物EX 24H便利購物、結帳快、方便隨時購物
鏝鈮金香台灣製造香中極品 2.11.0
91APP, Inc. (11)
鏝鈮金香以『產銷合一』方式來經營,鏝鈮金香意為,鏝鈮金『MONEY』,香-『台語,金香[很香]』,讓傳統商品更國際化,更貼近您我生活,鏝鈮金香主要以網路銷售,把中間商利潤直接回饋給消費者,讓您可以獲得到更好品質,更優惠價格,鏝鈮金香期待將台灣民間傳統文化繼續『傳承』『延續』,為台灣文化盡一份心力,俗諺說『蕃薯毋驚落土爛,只求藤葉代代湠』。經營理念產銷合一的方式,掌握原物料,讓品質『穩定』,『安心』,網路銷售讓商品價格『優惠』,『便利』,更重要是能延續台灣傳統文化,『舉頭三尺有神明』,民間宗教信仰是維持社會安定強而有力的支柱。Trowel niobium incense to"marketing one" way to run, meaning incense trowel niobium, niobiummetal trowel "MONEY," Shannon - "Taiwanese, incense [veryfragrant]" to let traditional commodities more international andmore I live close to your trowel niobium incense mainly in networkmarketing, the middlemen profits directly back to consumers, sothat you can get to a better quality, more favorable prices, trowelniobium incense expect Taiwan to continue traditional folk culture" Inheritance "" continue, "and make a contribution to Taiwaneseculture, proverbs say" no surprise sweet potatoes falling rottensoil, vine leaves just one generation Tan. "Business philosophy Marketing one way to grasp the original material, so that thequality "stable", "peace of mind", web-based sales commodity pricesmake "concessions", "convenient", but more importantly is able tocontinue Taiwan's traditional culture, "give the first three feetof the gods "Religion is the maintenance of civil society AndingJiang and powerful pillars.
草本源小舖 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
天空樹生活館SkyTree 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
【日本同步銷售DIY家具、生活用品】※本店DIY家具不提供組裝服務※購買前請確認好商品尺寸在下標【服務時間、聯絡方式】每週一至週五8:30am~5:30pm電話:05-2812848mail:fullrise.service@gmail.com【出貨時間】※大型家具為一、三、五出貨※超商取貨為每日出貨[Japan simultaneouslyselling DIY furniture, household items]※ Our DIY Furnishing assembly services※ Please confirm the size of the next good product label beforebuying[Service hours, contact information]Monday to Friday 8:30 am~5:30pmTel: 05-2812848mail: fullrise.service@gmail.com[Shipping time]※ large furniture for the one, three, five shipments※ stores can pick up daily shipments
貝康-專業嬰幼兒食品 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
Nutriben貝康,歐洲原裝進口,專業嬰幼兒食品。品牌、產品及活動分享。討論最新育兒資訊,給寶寶完整的營養。Nutriben Beikang,imported from Europe, specializing in infant food. Brands, productsand activities to share.Discuss the latest parenting information, complete nutrition to thebaby.
高視能:日本流行零時差隱眼首選 2.12.5
91APP, Inc. (11)
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