AVLStuff.com Apps

Random Quotes 1.1.0
This application shows random quotes from alarge database of more of 40000.
Novelas Ejemplares - Cervantes 1.0
Esta aplicación es un libro electrónico quecontiene las 12 novelas ejemplares de Miguel de Cervantes. Laaplicación dispone de tamaño de fuente configurable, efectopasapágina y lectura día/noche. Las novelas ejemplares son: Elamante liberal, El casamiento engañoso, El celoso extremeño, Elcoloquio de los perros, El licenciado Vidriera, La españolainglesa, La fuerza de la sangre, La gitanilla, La ilustre fregona,Las dos doncellas, La señora Cornelia y Rinconete yCortadillo.This application an eBookthat contains 12 copies novels Miguel de Cervantes. The applicationhas configurable font size, effect and reading pasapágina day /night. The exemplary novels are: El Amante Liberal, The FraudulentMarriage, The Jealous Extremadura, The Dialogue of the Dogs, TheGlass licensed, English-Spanish La, La Fuerza De La Sangre, thegypsy, the illustrious dishwasher, the two daughters, Mrs. Corneliaand Rinconetey Cortadillo.
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes 1.3.0
This application contains more than 600 quotesof the American writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. RalphWaldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882) was an Americanessayist, lecturer, and poet who led the Transcendentalist movementof the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualismand a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society,and he disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essaysand more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States.Emerson gradually moved away from the religious and social beliefsof his contemporaries, formulating and expressing the philosophy ofTranscendentalism in his 1836 essay, Nature. Following thisground-breaking work, he gave a speech entitled "The AmericanScholar" in 1837, which Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. considered to beAmerica's "Intellectual Declaration of Independence".
Pride and Prejudice 1.0
Pride and Prejudice is a novel of manners byJane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the maincharacter, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners,upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of thelanded gentry of the British Regency. Elizabeth is the second offive daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictionaltown of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudicetells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughtersafter the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-consciousfriend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood. WhileBingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter,Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedlyclashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth.Though Austen set the story at the turn of the 19th century, itretains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the topof lists of "most loved books." It has become one of the mostpopular novels in English literature, selling over 20 millioncopies, and receives considerable attention from literary scholars.Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramaticadaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitatingAusten's memorable characters or themes.Source: Wikipedia
Oscar Wilde Quotes 1.2.0
This application contains more than 400 quotesof the Irish author Oscar Wilde. Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie WillsWilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish author,playwright and poet. After writing in different forms throughoutthe 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights inthe early 1890s. He is remembered for his epigrams, his novel ThePicture of Dorian Gray, his plays, as well as the circumstances ofhis imprisonment and early death.
Classical Radio Free 1.1.0
Listen to dozens of selected classicalInternet radio stations for free.
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe 1.1.0
The black cat by Edgar Allan Poe: A drunk mankills his cat and it comes back to haunt him. In Poe's usual style,the narrator of the story is the killer and we see things throughhis eyes. Quite a horrific tale.
Famous Quotes 1.6.0
This app is a searchable database of thousandsof english quotes. The quotes are classified by author and topic.You will find quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oscar Wilde, WilliamShakespeare, Friedrich Nietzsche, Samuel Johnson, Mark Twain,Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and many more. Top topics areLife and Living, Love, Friends and Friendship, Politicians andPolitics, Death and Dying, Action, Happiness, etc.
Metamorphosis by Kafka 1.4.0
This app contains the complete book'Metamorphosis' by the famous writer Frank Kafka as well as abiography of the author. The Metamorphosis is a novella firstpublished in 1915. It has been cited as one of the seminal works offiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges anduniversities across the Western world. The story begins with atraveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himselftransformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-likecreature. The cause of Samsa's transformation is never revealed,and Kafka himself never gave an explanation. The rest of Kafka'snovella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new conditionas he deals with being burdensome to his parents and sister, whoare repulsed by the horrible, verminous creature Gregor hasbecome.
Edgar Allan Poe en castellano 1.6.0
Esta aplicación contiene todo sobre EdgarAllan Poe: una amplia biografía, obra, influencias, legado, frases,así como cuentos en castellano como Berenice, Bon-Bon, Conversacióncon una momia, Cuatro bestias en una..., Cuento de Jerusalén,Descenso al Maelstrón, El alce, El ángel de lo singular, El barrilde amontillado, El coloquio de Monos y Una, El corazón delator, Elcottage de Landor, El cuento mil y dos de Scheherazade, El demoniode la perversidad, El diablo en el campanario, El dominio deArnheim, El duque de l'Omelette, El engaño del globo, El entierroprematuro, Eleonora, El gato negro, El hombre de la multitud, Elmisterio de Marie Rogêt, El poder de las palabras, El pozo y elpéndulo, El retrato oval, Hop-Frog, La caída de la Casa Usher, Lacaja oblonga, La carta robada, La cita, La conversación de Eiros yCharmion, La máscara de la muerte roja, La verdad sobre el caso delseñor Valdemar, Ligeia, Los crímenes de la calle Morgue, Manuscritohallado en una botella, Metzengerstein y Morella.This application containsall about Edgar Allan Poe: a wide biography, works, influences,legacy, phrases and stories in Castilian as Berenice, Bon-Bon,Conversation with a mummy, Four beasts in a ... Tale of Jerusalem,Descent into the maelstrom, Moose, The Angel of the singular, TheCask of Amontillado, The Dialogue of Monos and Una, The Tell-TaleHeart, The cottage Landor, The Tale of Scheherazade thousand andtwo, The Imp of the Perverse, The Devil in the belfry, MasteringArnheim, The Duke de l'Omelette, Deception Globe, The PrematureBurial, Eleonora, the black cat, The Man of the Crowd, The Mysteryof Marie Roget, The Power of Words, The Pit and the Pendulum, TheOval Portrait, Hop-Frog, The Fall of the House of Usher, The OblongBox, The Purloined Letter, the appointment, the conversation ofEiros and Charmion, The Masque of the Red Death, The Facts in theCase Mr. Valdemar, Ligeia, The Murders in the Rue Morgue,Manuscript Found in a Bottle, Metzengerstein and Morella.
Minipedia 1.2.0
This app is a search engine that looks fordefinitions on the Wikipedia in four languages: english, spanish,german and french.
Lector RSS para El Mundo 1.1.0
Esta aplicación permite leer las noticias delperiódico online El Mundo clasificadas por temas.This application lets youread news online newspaper El Mundo classified by subject.
William Shakespeare Quotes 1.2.0
This application contains hundreds of thefamous english writer William Shakespare. You can search quotes bykeyword, see random quotes or the full list of quotes.
Novelas Ejemplares 2.0 1.6.0
Esta aplicación contiene una biografía deMiguel de Cervantes y sus 12 novelas ejemplares: El amante liberal,El casamiento engañoso, El celoso extremeño, El coloquio de losperros, El licenciado Vidriera, La española inglesa, La fuerza dela sangre, La gitanilla, La ilustre fregona, La señora Cornelia,Las dos doncellas y Rinconete y Cortadillo.This application containsa biography of Miguel de Cervantes and his 12 exemplary novels: ElAmante Liberal, The Fraudulent Marriage, The Jealous Extremaduran,The Dialogue of the Dogs, The Glass licensed, The English Spanish,La Fuerza De La Sangre, The gypsy girl, The illustrious dishwasher,Mrs. Cornelia, the two maids and Rinconetey Cortadillo.
Baymatic - eBay Auctions 1.2.0
With this application you can find eBayauctions easily. It provides a powerful search engine for 12 eBaysites.
Brilliant Quotes 1.3.0
This application contains more than 40000 fromfamous authors. It is very easy to use.
Don Quijote de la Mancha 1.2.0
Don Quijote de la Mancha es una novelaescritapor el español Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Publicada suprimeraparte con el título de El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote delaMancha a comienzos de 1605, es la obra más destacada delaliteratura española y una de las más importantes de laliteraturauniversal. En 1615 apareció su continuación con el títulodeSegunda parte del ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha.ElQuijote de 1605 se publicó dividido en cuatro partes; peroalaparecer el Quijote de 1615 en calidad de Segunda parte de laobra,quedó revocada de hecho la partición en cuatro seccionesdelvolumen publicado diez años antes por Cervantes. Es la primeraobragenuinamente desmitificadora de la tradición caballeresca ycortéspor su tratamiento burlesco. Representa la primera novelamoderna yla primera polifónica; como tal, ejerció un enorme influjoen todala narrativa europea. Por considerarse «el mejor trabajoliterariojamás escrito», encabezó la lista de las mejores obrasliterariasde la historia, que se estableció con las votaciones deciengrandes escritores de 54 nacionalidades a petición del ClubNoruegodel Libro en el 2002; así, fue la única excepción en elestrictoorden alfabético que se había dispuesto.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.Don Quixote is anovelwritten by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Spanish novel.Publishedthe first part under the title of The Ingenious HidalgoDon Quixotein early 1605, it is the most important work of Spanishliteratureand one of the largest in the world literature. In 1615hepublished his continuation with the title Part of ingeniousknightDon Quixote of La Mancha. 1605 Don Quixote was published infourparts; but Don Quixote 1615 as Part of the work appear, wasrevokedthe de facto partition into four sections volume publishedtenyears earlier by Cervantes. It is the first genuinelydemystifyingwork of the chivalrous and courteous traditionburlesque treatment.It represents the first modern novel and thefirst polyphonic; assuch, he exerted an enormous influence on theentire Europeannarrative. By considered "the best literary workever written"topped the list of the best literary works of history,which wasestablished with the feedback of hundred great writers of54nationalities at the request of the Norwegian Book Club in2002;so, it was the only exception in strict alphabetical orderwasready.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Macbeth de William Shakespeare 1.2.0
Macbeth, una de las obras más conocidasdeWilliam Shakespeare, es una tragedia en cinco actos, escritaenprosa y en verso, que fue compuesta probablemente hacia 1606yestrenada poco después. Fue publicada por primera vez en 1623,enla edición conocida como First Folio. Macbeth es unatragediaacerca de la traición y la ambición desmedida. No hayseguridadabsoluta de que la tragedia sea en su totalidad obradeShakespeare, ya que algunos afirman que ciertos pasajes podríanseradiciones posteriores del dramaturgo Thomas Middleton, cuya obraLabruja (The witch) tiene múltiples afinidades con Macbeth. Laobraestá libremente basada en el relato de la vida de unpersonajehistórico, Macbeth, que fue rey de los escoceses entre1040 y 1057.La fuente principal de Shakespeare para esta tragediafueron lasCrónicas de Raphael Holinshed, obra de la que extrajotambién losargumentos de sus obras históricas. Holinshed se basó asu vez enHistoria Gentis Scotorum (Historia de los escoceses), obraescritaen latín por el autor escocés Hector Boece e impresa porprimeravez en París en 1527. Para agradar a su mecenas, el reyJacobo V deEscocia, Boece había oscurecido deliberadamente lafigura deMacbeth, con el fin de exaltar a un hipotético antepasadodel rey,Banquo. Es importante resaltar que el texto llega anosotrosúnicamente a través del First Folio, a diferencia de otrasobras deShakespeare de las que además se conservan algunasediciones en"cuartos", aprobadas unas por el autor y otrasprovenientes de lalabor de memorillos. Cierta corriente de lacrítica sostiene que,dada la extensión menor de esta obra enrelación con otrastragedias del Folio, puede argumentarse que loque ha llegado anosotros sea un resumen de la obra completa deShakespeare,justificado además por la existencia de ciertos pasajesoscuros enel texto que dan la impresión de necesitar informaciónadicionalpara ser interpretados dentro del contexto de la obra.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.Macbeth, one of thebestknown works of William Shakespeare, is a tragedy in fiveacts,written in prose and verse, which was probably composed around1606and released shortly thereafter. It was first published in1623, inthe edition known as the First Folio. Macbeth is a tragedyabouttreachery and ambition. There is no absolute assurance thatthetragedy in whole Shakespeare, as some claim that certainpassagescould be later additions playwright Thomas Middleton, whosebookThe Witch (The witch) has many affinities with Macbeth. Theplay isloosely based on the story of the life of a historicalfigure,Macbeth, who was King of Scots between 1040 and 1057. Themainsource of Shakespeare to this tragedy were the chroniclesofRaphael Holinshed, work which extracted also the arguments ofhishistorical works. Holinshed was based in turn on GentisScotorumHistory (History of Scots), written in Latin by theScottish authorHector Boece and first printed in Paris in 1527. Toplease hispatrons work, King James V of Scotland, Boece haddeliberatelyobscured the figure of Macbeth, in order to exalt ahypotheticalancestor of the king, Banquo. Importantly, the textcomes to usonly through the First Folio, unlike other works ofShakespeare insome editions are also kept in "quarters", approvedby the authorand some others from the work of memorillos. Somecurrent criticismargues that, given the lower extension of thiswork in relation toother tragedies Folio can be argued that whathas come to us is asummary of the complete works of Shakespeare,also justified by theexistence of certain passages dark in the textthat give theimpression you require additional information to beinterpretedwithin the context of the work.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Holy Bible BBE 1.1.0
With this application you can searchbykeywords for the verses of the Bible in Basic English Versionofthe Holy Bible. The app shows a random verse and you can readthecomplete books or chapters too. The Bible In Basic English(alsoknown as BBE) is a translation of the Bible into BasicEnglish. TheBBE was translated by Professor S. H. Hooke using thestandard 850Basic English words. 100 words that were helpful tounderstandpoetry were added along with 50 "Bible" words for a totalof 1,000words. This version is effective in communicating the Bibletothose with limited education or where English is a secondlanguage.The New Testament was released in 1941 and the OldTestament wasreleased in 1949. This app contains all 66 books fromthe OldTestament and New Testament.
Lector RSS para Marca 1.1.0
Con esta aplicación puedes acceder a todaslasnoticias del periódico deportivo Marca clasificadas por deportesyeventos. Icono de la aplicación en Play Store por http://www.softicons.com/designers/christian-pucci.With this applicationyoucan access all the news ordered by sports daily Marca sportsandevents. Application icon in Play Store for http://www.softicons.com/designers/christian-pucci.
Free Audiobooks 1.1.0
Listen to classic audiobooks for free.Theaudiobooks included are: Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë, AliceinWonderland by Lewis Carroll, Candide by Voltaire, Dracula byBramStoker, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, Sonnets byWilliamShakespeare, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir ArthurConanDoyle, The Dunwich Horror by H. P. Lovecraft, The Gambler byFyodorDostoyevsky, The Odyssey by Homer and Treasure Island byRobertLouis Stevenson. More audiobooks to come.
Crimen y Castigo - Dostoyevski 1.1.0
Crimen y castigo es una novela decarácterpsicológico escrita por el autor ruso Fiódor Dostoievski.Fuepublicada por primera vez en la revista El mensajero ruso, en1866,en doce partes, y publicada después como novela. Junto conGuerra ypaz de León Tolstói, se considera que la novela es una delas másinfluyentes e internacionales de la literatura rusa.Asimismo, losdiálogos mantenidos entre el protagonista,Raskólnikov, y elinspector de policía, son considerados por algunosautores, como elprestigioso literato Stefan Zweig, una de las cimasde laliteratura universal.Crimen y castigo gira en torno a Rodión Raskólnikov.Elprotagonista es un estudiante que apenas tiene para sobrevivir,nisiquiera a través de los esfuerzos de su madre Pulqueria ysuhermana Dunia. Rodión se indigna con Dunia porque quierecasarsecon un abogado, y él sabe que el matrimonio es por interés,paraayudar a Rodión. Así que tiene la idea de matar y robar aAlionaIvánovna, una vieja usurera despiadada que guarda muchodinero ensu casa.Raskólnikov se ve obligado a asesinar también a Lizaveta,lahermana de la usurera, ya que lo sorprende en el lugar delcrimen.Pronto la policía se pone a investigar el caso. Elprotagonista,como persona que usó los servicios de la usurera, esinterrogadopor el comisario, que sospecha de él como uno de losautores eintenta sorprenderlo con preguntas. Ello inquieta muchoaRodión.El crimen deja a Rodión en gran confusión, se debateconsigomismo sobre si su acción ha sido buena o mala. Confiesa a suamigaSonia, una muchacha pobre y buena, las razones de sucrimen.Rodión no confiesa a su hermana el crimen, por lo menos no enlostérminos que sí lo hizo a Sonia. Quien entera a Dunia delcrimen, esSvidrigáilov, en el transcurso de una entrevista llevadaa cabo ensu propia habitación (días antes, éste envía una carta aDunia en laque le expresa que su hermano es un asesino.) Tiempodespués, y trasdar vueltas sin sentido por la ciudad preso de laembriaguezpsicológica que lo embarga, Rodión es visitado en supaupérrimaalcoba por Dunia, quien con evidente amargura corroboraa partir dela expresión de sus ojos, que los rumores sugeridos porSvidrigáilovson verdaderos. Abrumado por las dudas sobre su acto,presionado porlas dos mujeres para que se entregue y acosado porla policía,Rodión no aguanta más y se entrega para ser enviado porsu condena atrabajar a Siberia. Sonia viaja desde San Petersburgo,ciudad en laque se desarrollan los hechos de la novela, a Siberiapara cuidar deRodión mientras cumple una condena de ocho años.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.Crime and Punishment isapsychological novel written by Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky.Itwas first published in the journal The Russian Messenger in1866,into twelve pieces, and then published as a novel. Along withWarand Peace by Leo Tolstoy, it is considered that the novel is oneofthe most influential international and Russian literature.Also,the dialogues between the protagonist, Raskolnikov, andpoliceinspector, are considered by some authors, such as theprestigiouswriter Stefan Zweig, one of the peaks of worldliterature.Crime and Punishment focuses on Raskolnikov. The protagonist isastudent who just have to survive, even through the efforts ofhismother and his sister Dunia Pulqueria. Rodion Duniaindignantbecause he wants to marry a lawyer, and he knows thatmarriage isout of interest, to help Rodion. So you have the idea of​​killingand robbing Aliona Ivanovna, an old ruthless usurer whokeeps a lotof money at home.Raskolnikov is forced to also kill Lizaveta, the sister ofthepawnbroker, and that surprises at the crime scene. Soon thepoliceis set to investigate. The protagonist, as a person who usedtheservices of the pawnbroker, is interrogated by thecommissioner,who suspected him as an author and try to surprise himwithquestions. This greatly disturbed Rodion.Rodion crime leaves in great confusion, debated withhimselfwhether his action was good or bad. He confesses to herfriendSonia, a poor, good girl, the reasons for his crime.Rodion does not confess his sister crime, at least not intermsthat did so Sonia. Who learns to Dunia crime, isSvidrigailov,during an interview conducted in their own room (daysbefore, itsends a letter to Dunia in which he said that his brotheris amurderer.) Some time later, after spinning aimlessly throughtheprison city of psychological intoxication that overwhelmshim,Rodion is visited in his impoverished alcove Dunia, whowithevident bitterness corroborated from the look in his eyes,therumors suggested by Svidrigailov are true. Overwhelmed bydoubtsabout his act, under pressure from the two women to deliverandharassed by police, Rodion no longer stand and delivery to besentby his conviction to work in Siberia. Sonia travels fromSt.Petersburg, the city where the events of the novel take place,toSiberia to take care of Rodion while serving a sentence ofeightyears.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Mark Twain Quotes 1.1.0
This application contains hundreds ofquotesfrom the American writer Mark Twain. The quotes aredisplayedrandomly and you can view all quotes too. The applicationprovidesa search engine.
Holy Bible YLT 1.1.0
With this application you can searchbykeywords for the verses of the Young's Literal TranslationVersionof the Holy Bible. Young's Literal Translation (YLT) isatranslation of the Bible into English, published in 1862.Thetranslation was made by Robert Young, compiler ofYoung'sAnalytical Concordance to the Bible and Concise CriticalCommentson the New Testament. The app shows a random verse and youcan readthe complete books or chapters too. This app contains all66 booksfrom the Old Testament and New Testament.
Holy Bible DBY 1.1.0
With this application you can searchbykeywords for the verses of the Darby version of the Holy Bible.Theapp shows a random verse and you can read the complete booksorchapters too. The Darby Bible (DBY, formal title TheHolyScriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J.N.Darby) refers to the Bible as translated from Hebrew and GreekbyJohn Nelson Darby. Darby published a translation of theNewTestament in 1867, with revised editions in 1872 and 1884.Afterhis death, some of his students produced an OldTestamenttranslation based on Darby's French and Germantranslations. Thecomplete Darby Bible, including Darby's 3rdedition New Testamentand his students' Old Testament, was firstpublished in 1890. Thisapp contains all 66 books from the OldTestament and NewTestament.
Holy Bible KJV 1.1.0
With this application you can searchbykeywords for the verses of the King James Version of theHolyBible. The app shows a random verse and you can read thecompletebooks or chapters too. The King James Version (KJV), alsoknown asthe Authorized Version (AV) or King James Bible (KJB), isanEnglish translation of the Christian Bible for the ChurchofEngland that began in 1604 and was completed in 1611. Thisappcontains all 66 books from the Old Testament andNewTestament.
Cumbres Borrascosas 1.1.0
Cumbres Borrascosas (título original eninglés:Wuthering Heights) es la única novela de Emily Brontë. Fuepublicadapor primera vez en 1847 bajo el seudónimo de Ellis Bell.Su hermanaCharlotte editó una segunda edición póstuma. Aunqueahora seconsidera un clásico de la literatura inglesa, elrecibimientoinicial de Cumbres Borrascosas fue tibio en el mejorde los casos.Su estructura innovadora, que se suele comparar conun conjunto demuñecas de matryoshka, desconcertó a los críticoscuando apareció.Algunos críticos contemporáneos a la autoraincluso pensaron queéste era un trabajo anterior, menos maduro, deCharlotte Brontë (quehabía publicado Jane Eyre ese mismo año bajoel seudónimo de CurrerBell). Las críticas posteriores revisaronesta visión, ycoincidieron en que la originalidad de CumbresBorrascosas excedió ala de los trabajos de sus hermanas Charlottey Anne. CumbresBorrascosas ha dado lugar a muchas adaptaciones,incluyendo variaspelículas, dramatizaciones radiofónicas ytelevisivas, un musical,telenovelas y canciones.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.Wuthering Heights(Englishtitle: Wuthering Heights) is the only novel by EmilyBrontë. It wasfirst published in 1847 under the pseudonym EllisBell. His sisterCharlotte edited a posthumous second edition.Although it is nowconsidered a classic of English literature,Wuthering Heightsinitial reception was lukewarm at best. Itsinnovative structure,which is often compared to a set ofmatryoshka dolls, puzzledcritics when it appeared. Somecontemporary critics the author eventhought that this was anearlier work, less mature, Charlotte Brontë(who had published JaneEyre that same year under the pseudonymCurrer Bell). Subsequentreviews reviewed this vision, and agreedthat the originality ofWuthering Heights exceeded that of the worksof his sistersCharlotte and Anne. Wuthering Heights has resulted inmanyadaptations, including several films, radio and televisiondrama, amusical, soap operas and songs.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Hamlet de William Shakespeare 1.1.0
La tragedia de Hamlet, Príncipe deDinamarca(título original en inglés: The Tragedy of Hamlet, PrinceofDenmark), o simplemente Hamlet, es una tragedia deldramaturgoinglés William Shakespeare. Su autor probablemente basóHamlet endos fuentes: la leyenda de Amleth y una perdida obraisabelinaconocida hoy como Ur-Hamlet o Hamlet original (hecho quese deducede otros textos). El año concreto en que fue escrita sigueaún endisputa, cuestión que se complica porque se han conservado alaépoca actual tres versiones tempranas de la obra, conocidascomoFirst Quarto (Q1), Second Quarto (Q2) y el First Folio (F1);cadacual única, puesto que poseen líneas -e incluso escenas-diferenteso ausentes entre ellas. El consenso general dice queprobablementese hayan compuesto entre 1599 y 1601. Hamlet es lapieza más largade Shakespeare y una de las tragedias más potentes einfluyentes dela literatura inglesa. La aplicación dispone de unlector ePub paraque puedas leer los libros de tu dispositivo.The Tragedy ofHamlet,Prince of Denmark (English title: The Tragedy of Hamlet,Prince ofDenmark), or simply Hamlet, is a tragedy of EnglishplaywrightWilliam Shakespeare. Its author probably based Hamlet ontwosources: the legend of Amleth and a lost Elizabethan playknowntoday as the Ur-Hamlet or the original Hamlet (made deducedfromother texts). The specific year in which it was written isstilldisputed issue is complicated because they are preserved tothepresent time three early versions of the work, known as theFirstQuarto (Q1), Second Quarto (Q2) and the First Folio (F1 );eachunique, since they have -e lines or even differentscenes-absentamong them. The general consensus is that wereprobably composedbetween 1599 and 1601. Hamlet is the longest pieceof Shakespeareand one of the most powerful and influentialtragedies in theEnglish literature. The application has an ePubreader so you canread books on your device.
Holy Bible ASV 1.1.0
With this application you can searchbykeywords for the verses of the American Standard Version oftheHoly Bible. The app shows a random verse and you can readthecomplete books too. The American Standard Version (ASV), whichalsowas known as The American Revision of 1901, is based ontheAuthorized Version of the King James Bible of 1611. Thisappcontains all 66 books from the Old Testament andNewTestament.
50000 Free Books 1.2.0
This app gives you access to tens of thousandsof free classic books. You can read the books with the includedreader. You will find books from William Shakespeare, Jules Verne,Alexandre Dumas, Gustave Flaubert and many more.
Ana Karenina de León Tolstói 1.1.0
Ana Karénina es una novela del escritorrusoLeón Tolstói publicada por primera vez en 1877. Había empezadoaaparecer como folletín en la revista Ruskii Véstnik (Elmensajeroruso), entre enero de 1875 y abril de 1877, pero supublicación nollegó a concluirse a causa del desacuerdo de Tolstóicon su editor,Mijaíl Katkov, sobre el final de la novela. Por lotanto, laprimera edición completa del texto apareció en forma delibro en1877. La novela está considerada una de las obras cumbresdelrealismo. Para Tolstói, Ana Karénina fue su primeraverdaderanovela. La apariencia física del personaje que da nombre ala obraparece estar inspirada en Maria Hartung (1832–1919), laprimogénitadel poeta ruso Aleksandr Pushkin. Poco después deconocerla en unacena, Tolstói comenzó a leer la prosa de Pushkin ytuvo un efímerosueño con «un aristocrático codo desnudo», que probóser el primeracercamiento al personaje de Anna. Aunque muchoscríticoscalificaron la obra en el momento de su publicación comoun«romance de alta sociedad», Fiódor Dostoyevski declaró que erauna«obra de arte». Vladímir Nabókov secundó esta opinión,admirandosobre todo la «magia del estilo de Tolstói» y la figuradel tren,que se introduce ya en los primeros capítulos (los niñosjugandocon un tren de juguete), desarrollada en capítulossiguientes (lapesadilla de Anna) hasta llegar al majestuoso final.La aplicacióndispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leer loslibros de tudispositivo.Anna Karenina is anovelby Russian writer Leo Tolstoy first published in 1877. He hadbegunto appear as a serial in the magazine Ruskii Vestnik (TheRussianMessenger) between January 1875 and April 1877, but itspublicationwas never completed because of disagreement with hispublisherTolstoy, Mikhail Katkov, about the end of the novel.Therefore, thefirst complete edition of the text appeared in bookform in 1877.The novel is considered one of the crowning works ofrealism. ForTolstoy, Anna Karenina was his first true novel. Thephysicalappearance of the character who gives name to the workseems to beinspired by Maria Hartung (1832-1919), the eldestdaughter of thepoet Aleksandr Pushkin Russian. Shortly aftermeeting her atdinner, Tolstoy started reading Pushkin's prose andhad a fleetingdream of "a naked aristocratic elbow", which provedto be the firstapproach to the character of Anna. Although manycritics called thework at the time of its publication as a "romanceof high society,"he said Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a "work of art".Vladimir Nabokovseconded this view, admiring especially the "magicof Tolstoy'sstyle" and the shape train, already introduced in thefirstchapters (the children playing with a toy train), developedinsubsequent chapters (the bane of Anna) until the grand finale.Theapplication has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Guerra y Paz de León Tolstói 1.1.0
Guerra y paz, también conocida como La guerrayla paz, es una novela del escritor ruso León Tolstói (1828–1910)quecomenzó a escribir en una época de convalecencia tras romperseelbrazo por caer del caballo en una partida de caza en 1864.Primerose publicó como fascículos de revista (1865–1869). Guerra yPaz esconsiderada como la obra cumbre del autor junto con su otrotrabajoposterior, Anna Karénina (1873–1877). La publicación deGuerra y Pazempezó en el Ruski Viéstnik (El mensajero ruso), en elnúmero deenero de 1865. Las dos primeras partes de la novela sepublicaron endicha revista en el transcurso de dos años y pocodespuésaparecieron editadas aparte con el título Año 1805. A finesde 1869la obra entera quedó impresa y en 2009 formó parte de lalista delos 100 Libros Más Vendidos. Es una de las obras cumbresde laliteratura rusa y sin lugar a dudas de la literaturauniversal. Enella, Tolstói quiso narrar las vicisitudes denumerosos personajesde todo tipo y condición a lo largo de unoscincuenta años dehistoria rusa, desde las guerras napoleónicashasta más allá demediados del siglo XIX. Una parte de la críticaafirma que elsentido original del título sería Guerra y mundo. Dehecho, laspalabras «paz» y «mundo» son homónimas en ruso y seescriben igual apartir de la reforma ortográfica rusa de 1918. Sinembargo, Tolstóimismo tradujo el título al francés como La Guerreet la Paix.Tolstói dio tardíamente con este título definitivoinspirándose enla obra del teórico anarquista francés PierreJoseph Proudhon (LaGuerre et la Paix, 1861), al que encontró enBruselas en 1861 yhacia el que sentía un profundo respeto.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.War and Peace, alsoknownas War and Peace is a novel by Russian writer LeoTolstoy(1828-1910) who started writing at a time of convalescenceafterbreaking his arm fall from his horse in a hunt in 1864 . itwasfirst published as booklets magazine (1865-1869). War and Peaceisconsidered the masterpiece of the author with his other laterwork,Anna Karenina (1873-1877). Publication of War and Peace beganinRuski Vestnik (The Russian Messenger) in the January of 1865.Thefirst two parts of the novel were published in the magazineoverthe course of two years and soon after appeared publishedseparatewith title Year 1805. in late 1869 the whole work wasprinted in2009 and was part of the top 100 best-selling books. Itis one ofthe crowning works of Russian literature and undoubtedlyof worldliterature. In it, Tolstoy wanted to tell the vicissitudesofnumerous personages of all shapes and sizes over fifty yearsofRussian history, from the Napoleonic wars to beyondmid-nineteenthcentury. Part of the review says that the originalmeaning of thetitle would be War and world. In fact, the words"peace" and"world" are homonyms in Russian and are spelled the samefrom theRussian spelling reform of 1918. However, Tolstoyhimselftranslated the title into French as La Guerre et la Paix.Tolstoygave late this final title inspired by the work of FrenchanarchistPierre Joseph Proudhon theoretical (La Guerre et la Paix,1861),which he found in Brussels in 1861 and towards which he felta deeprespect.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Los Hermanos Karamazov 1.1.0
Los hermanos Karamázov es la última noveladelescritor ruso Fiódor Dostoyevski, publicada en noviembre de1880.Es considerada por muchos autores una de las obras másimportantesde la literatura universal.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.The Brothers Karamazovisthe last novel by Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky, publishedinNovember 1880. It is considered by many authors one of themostimportant works of world literature.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
La Ilíada de Homero 1.1.0
La Ilíada es una epopeya griega y el poemamásantiguo escrito de la literatura europea. Seatribuyetradicionalmente a Homero. Compuesta en hexámetrosdactílicos,consta de 15.693 versos (divididos por los editores, yaen laantigüedad, en 24 cantos o rapsodias) y su trama radica enlacólera de Aquiles (μῆνις, mênis). Narra losacontecimientosocurridos durante 51 días en el décimo y último añode la guerra deTroya. El título de la obra deriva del nombre griegode Troya,Ιlión. Tanto la Ilíada como la Odisea fueron consideradaspor losgriegos de la época clásica y por las generacionesposteriores comolas composiciones más importantes en la literaturade la AntiguaGrecia y fueron utilizadas como fundamentos de lapedagogía griega.Ambas forman parte de una serie más amplia depoemas épicos dediferentes autores y extensiones denominado ciclotroyano; sinembargo, de los otros poemas, únicamente hansobrevividofragmentos. Fue muy famosa en su época y es obligatorioestudiarlaen Grecia.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.The Iliad is a Greekepicand the oldest poem of European literature. It istraditionallyattributed to Homer. Composed in dactylic hexameterconsists of15,693 verses (divided by the editors, as in ancienttimes, in 24songs and rhapsodies) and the plot lies in the wrath ofAchilles(μῆνις, Menis). Narrates the events of 51 days in the tenthandfinal year of the Trojan War. The title of the work derivesfromthe Greek name for Troy, Ιlión. Both the Iliad and the Odysseywereconsidered by the Greeks of the classical period andlatergenerations as the most important compositions in theliterature ofancient Greece and were used as the basis of Greekpedagogy. Bothare part of a wider series of epic poems of differentauthors andextensions called Trojan cycle; however, other poemshave survivedonly fragments. He was very famous in his time and isrequired tostudy in Greece.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Romeo y Julieta en español 1.1.0
Romeo y Julieta es una tragedia deWilliamShakespeare. Se trata de una de las obras más populares delautoringlés y, junto a Hamlet y Macbeth, la que más veces hasidorepresentada. Aunque la historia forma parte de una largatradiciónde romances trágicos que se remontan a la antigüedad, elargumentoestá basado en la traducción inglesa (The Tragical HistoryofRomeus and Juliet, 1562) de un cuento italiano de MateoBandello,realizada por Arthur Brooke, que se basó en la traducciónfrancesahecha por Pierre Boaistuau en 1559. Por su parte, en 1582,WilliamPainter realizó una versión en prosa a partir de relatositalianosy franceses, que fue publicada en la colección dehistorias Palaceof Pleasure. Shakespeare tomó varios elementos deambas obras,aunque, con el objeto de ampliar la historia, creónuevospersonajes secundarios como Mercucio y Paris. Algunasfuentesseñalan que comenzó a escribirla en 1591, llegando aterminarla en1595. Sin embargo, otras mantienen la hipótesis de quela terminóde escribir en 1597. La técnica dramática utilizada en sucreaciónha sido elogiada como muestra temprana de la habilidaddeldramaturgo. Entre otros rasgos, se caracteriza por el usodefluctuaciones entre comedia y tragedia como forma de aumentarlatensión, por la relevancia argumental que confiere a lospersonajessecundarios y por el uso de subtramas para adornar lahistoria.Además, en ella se adscriben diferentes formas métricaspara losdistintos personajes, que, en ocasiones, terminan cambiandodeacuerdo con la evolución de los mismos personajes; porejemplo,Romeo se va haciendo más experto en el uso del soneto amedida queavanza la trama. La tragedia ha sido adaptada ennumerosasocasiones para los escenarios, el cine, los musicales y laópera.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.Romeo and Juliet isatragedy by William Shakespeare. This is one of the mostpopularworks of English author and, along with Hamlet and Macbeth,whichmost times has been represented. Although the story is part ofalong tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity,theargument is based on the English translation (The TragicalHistoryof Romeus and Juliet, 1562) of an Italian tale MateoBandello, byArthur Brooke , which was based on the Frenchtranslation by PierreBoaistuau in 1559. Meanwhile, in 1582, WilliamPainter made a proseversion from Italian and French stories, whichwas published in thecollection of stories Palace of Pleasure.Shakespeare took severalelements of both works, though, in order toexpand the story,created new secondary characters like Mercutio andParis. Somesources indicate that began to write in 1591, leading tocompleteit in 1595. However, others maintain the hypothesis thatfinishedwriting in 1597. The dramatic technique used in itscreation hasbeen praised as an early sign of the skill of theplaywright .Among other features, it is characterized by the useoffluctuations between comedy and tragedy as a way to increasethetension, the plot gives the relevance of secondary charactersandsubplots use to embellish the story. In addition, itformsdifferent metrics for different characters, which sometimesend upchanging with the evolution of the same characters areassigned;for example, Romeo becomes more adept at using the sonnetas theplot progresses. The tragedy has been adapted numerous timesforstage, film, musical and opera.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Search for Instagram 1.1.0
This application is a search engineforInstagram where your can look for photos by user orhashtag.
Oscar Wilde Works 1.1.0
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde(16October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish playwright,novelist,essayist, and poet. After writing in different formsthroughout the1880s, he became one of London's most popularplaywrights in theearly 1890s. He is remembered for his epigrams,his novel ThePicture of Dorian Gray, his plays, as well as thecircumstances ofhis imprisonment and early death. This applicationcontains thefollowing works: A Critic in Pall Mall: Being Extractsfrom Reviewsand Miscellanies, A Florentine Tragedy; La SainteCourtisane, AHouse of Pomegranates, An Ideal Husband, A Woman of NoImportance,Charmides, and Other Poems, Children in Prison and OtherCrueltiesof Prison Life, De Profundis, Essays and Lectures, ForLove of theKing / a Burmese Masque, Impressions of America,Intentions, LadyWindermere's Fan, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime; ThePortrait of Mr.W.H., and Other Stories, Miscellaneous Aphorisms;The Soul of Man,Miscellanies, Poems, with The Ballad of ReadingGaol, Reviews,Salomé / A Tragedy in One Act, Selected Poems ofOscar Wilde,Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde, Shorter Prose Pieces,The Ballad ofReading Gaol, The Canterville Ghost, The Duchess ofPadua, TheHappy Prince and Other Tales, The Happy Prince, and OtherTales,The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy forSeriousPeople, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Picture of DorianGray, ThePicture of Dorian Gray, The Soul of Man under Socialismand Vera;Or, The Nihilists.
George Eliot Works 1.1.0
Mary Ann Evans (22 November 1819 – 22December1880), known by her pen name George Eliot, was an Englishnovelist,poet, journalist, translator and one of the leadingwriters of theVictorian era. She is the author of seven novels,including AdamBede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), SilasMarner (1861),Felix Holt, the Radical (1866), Middlemarch(1871–72), and DanielDeronda (1876), most of them set in provincialEngland and knownfor their realism and psychological insight. Sheused a male penname, she said, to ensure her works would be takenseriously.Female authors were published under their own namesduring Eliot'slife, but she wanted to escape the stereotype ofwomen only writinglighthearted romances. She also wished to haveher fiction judgedseparately from her already extensive and widelyknown work as aneditor and critic. An additional factor in her useof a pen namemay have been a desire to shield her private life frompublicscrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationshipwiththe married George Henry Lewes, with whom she lived for over20years. Her 1872 work Middlemarch has been described by MartinAmisand Julian Barnes as the greatest novel in the Englishlanguage.This application contains the following works: Adam Bede,BrotherJacob, Daniel Deronda, Felix Holt, The Radical, GeorgeEliot'sLife, Vol. III (of 3) / as related in her Letters andJournals,George Eliot's Life, Vol. II (of 3) / as related in herLetters andJournals, George Eliot's Life, Vol. I (of 3) / asrelated in herLetters and Journals, How Lisa Loved the King,Impressions ofTheophrastus Such, Middlemarch, Romola, Scenes ofClerical Life,Silas Marner, The Essays of "George Eliot" /Complete, The LiftedVeil, The Mill on the Floss and Tom and MaggieTulliver.
Plato Works 1.1.0
Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greeceandthe founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institutionofhigher learning in the Western world. He is widely consideredthemost pivotal figure in the development of philosophy,especiallythe Western tradition. Unlike nearly all of hisphilosophicalcontemporaries, Plato's entire œuvre is believed tohave survivedintact for over 2,400 years. This application containsthefollowing works: Alcibiades I, Alcibiades II, Apology,Charmides,Cratylus, Critias, Crito, Eryxias, Euthydemus, Euthyphro,Gorgias,Ion, Laches, Laws, Lesser Hippias, Lysis, Menexenus,Meno,Parmenides, Phaedo, Phaedrus, Philebus, Protagoras,Sophist,Statesman, Symposium, Theaetetus, The Republic andTimaeus.
William Shakespeare - Obras 1.1.0
William Shakespeare (Stratford-upon-Avon, c.26de abril de 1564 / 3 de mayo de 1616) fue un dramaturgo, poetayactor inglés. Conocido en ocasiones como El Bardo de Avon(osimplemente El Bardo), Shakespeare es considerado el escritormásimportante en lengua inglesa y uno de los más célebres delaliteratura universal.Esta aplicación contiene los siguientes libros: Antonio yCleopatra,Comedias & tragicomedias, Dramas históricos, Elmercader deVenecia & Como gustéis, El rey Lear, El sueño deuna noche deverano, Enrique IV Partes I y II, Hamlet, Príncipe deDinamarca,Hamlet, Julio César, La fierecilla domada, Las alegrescomadres deWindsor, La tempestad, La tragedia de Ricardo III, Learrey &mendigo, Macbeth, Mucho ruido y pocas nueces, Otelo,Romeo yJulieta, Sonetos de Shakespeare y Trabajos de amorperdidos.WilliamShakespeare(Stratford-upon-Avon, c. April 26, 1564 / May 3, 1616)is was aplaywright, poet and actor. . Sometimes known as The Bardof Avon(or simply The Bard), Shakespeare is considered the mostimportantwriter in the English language and one of the most famousof worldliteratureThis application contains the following books: AntonioandCleopatra, Comedy & tragi-comedies, historical dramas,Themerchant of Venice & As You Like It, king Lear, aMidsummernight's dream, Henry IV Parts I and II, Hamlet, Prince ofDenmark,Hamlet, Julius Caesar, The Taming Shrew, The merry WivesofWindsor, The tempest, The tragedy of Richard III, king Lear&beggar, Macbeth, Much ado About Nothing, Othello, Romeo andJuliet,Sonnets and love's Labours lost.
ePub Reader 1.1.0
With this app you can read yourePubebooks.
Henrik Ibsen Works 1.1.0
Henrik Johan Ibsen (20 March 1828 – 23May1906) was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright,theatredirector, and poet. He is often referred to as "the fatherofrealism" and is one of the founders of Modernism in theatre.Hismajor works include Brand, Peer Gynt, An Enemy of thePeople,Emperor and Galilean, A Doll's House, Hedda Gabler, Ghosts,TheWild Duck, Rosmersholm, and The Master Builder. He is themostfrequently performed dramatist in the world after Shakespeare,andA Doll's House became the world's most performed play by theearly20th century. Several of his later dramas wereconsideredscandalous to many of his era, when European theatre wasexpectedto model strict morals of family life and propriety.Ibsen's laterwork examined the realities that lay behind manyfaçades, revealingmuch that was disquieting to many contemporaries.It utilized acritical eye and free inquiry into the conditions oflife andissues of morality. The poetic and cinematic early playPeer Gynt,however, has strong surreal elements. This applicationcontains thefollowing works: A Doll's House : a play, A Doll'sHouse, An Enemyof the People, Early Plays — Catiline, the Warrior'sBarrow, OlafLiljekrans, Ghosts: A Domestic Tragedy in Three Acts,Ghosts, HeddaGabler, John Gabriel Borkman, Lady Inger of Ostrat:Henrik Ibsen'sProse Dramas Vol III, Little Eyolf, Love's Comedy,Pillars ofSociety, Rosmersholm, The Feast at Solhoug, The Lady fromthe Sea,The Master Builder, The Vikings of Helgeland: The ProseDramas OfHenrik Ibsen, Vol. III. and When We Dead Awaken.
Herman Melville Works 1.1.0
Herman Melville (August 1, 1819 – September28,1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, and poetfromthe mid-19th century American Renaissance period. Best knownfor hissea adventure Typee (1846) and his whaling novel Moby-Dick(1851),he was almost forgotten during the last thirty years of hislife.His writing draws on his experience at sea as a commonsailor,exploration of literature and philosophy, and engagement inthecontradictions of American society in a period of rapid change.Hedeveloped a complex, baroque style: the vocabulary is richandoriginal, the sentences rhythmic and often Biblical, the imageryisoften mystical or ironic, and marked by an abundance of allusiontoscripture, myth, philosophy, literature, and the visualarts.Melville's way of adapting what he read for his own newpurposes,scholar Stanley T. Williams wrote, "was a transformingpowercomparable to Shakespeare's". The application containsthefollowing works: Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story ofWall-Street,Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War, I and My Chimney,IsraelPotter / His Fifty Years of Exile, John Marr and OtherPoems,Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I, Mardi: and A VoyageThither,Vol. II, Moby Dick, Moby Dick; Or, The Whale, Moby Dick;Or, TheWhale, Omoo: Adventures in the South Seas, Pierre; orTheAmbiguities, Redburn. His First Voyage / Being the SailorBoyConfessions and Reminiscences of the Son-Of-A-Gentleman intheMerchant Navy, The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade, ThePiazzaTales, Typee: A Romance of the South Seas, Typee and WhiteJacket;Or, The World on a Man-of-War.
Alexandre Dumas Works 1.1.0
Alexandre Dumas (24 July 1802 – 5December1870), also known as Alexandre Dumas, père, was a Frenchwriter.His works have been translated into nearly 100 languages,and he isone of the most widely read French authors. Many of hishistoricalnovels of high adventure were originally published asserials,including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers,TwentyYears After, and The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later.Hisnovels have been adapted since the early twentieth centuryfornearly 200 films. Dumas' last novel, The Knight ofSainte-Hermine,unfinished at his death, was completed by a scholarand publishedin 2005, becoming a bestseller. It was published inEnglish in 2008as The Last Cavalier. This application contains thefollowingworks: Ali Pacha / Celebrated Crimes, Balsamo, theMagician; or,The Memoirs of a Physician, Camille (La Dame auxCamilias),Celebrated Crimes (Complete), Cenci / Celebrated Crimes,Chicot theJester, Derues / Celebrated Crimes, Joan of Naples /CelebratedCrimes, Karl Ludwig Sand / Celebrated Crimes, LaConstantin /Celebrated Crimes, Louise de la Valliere, Man in theIron Mask (anEssay), Marguerite de Valois, Marquise Brinvillier /CelebratedCrimes, Marquise De Ganges / Celebrated Crimes, MartinGuerre /Celebrated Crimes, Mary Stuart / Celebrated Crimes,Massacres ofthe South (1551-1815) / Celebrated Crimes, Murat /CelebratedCrimes, My Memoirs, Vol. I, 1802 to 1821, My Memoirs,Vol. II, 1822to 1825, My Memoirs, Vol. III, 1826 to 1830, MyMemoirs, Vol. IV,1830 to 1831, My Memoirs, Vol. V, 1831 to 1832, MyMemoirs, Vol.VI, 1832-1833, Nisida / Celebrated Crimes, Quotes andImages fromCelebrated Crimes, Taking the Bastile / Or, Pitou thePeasant; aHistorical Story of the Great French Revolution, TenYears Later,Ten Years Later, The Black Tulip, The Borgias /Celebrated Crimes,The Companions of Jehu, The Conspirators / TheChevalierd'Harmental, The Corsican Brothers, The Countess of Charny/ or,The Execution of King Louis XVI, The Countess of Saint Geran/Celebrated Crimes, The Forty-Five Guardsmen, The Hero of thePeople/ A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyalty, TheLastVendée / or, the She-Wolves of Machecoul, The Man in the IronMask,The Mesmerist's Victim, The Princess of Bagdad: A Play InThreeActs, The Prussian Terror, The Queen's Necklace, TheRegent'sDaughter, The Royal Life Guard / or, the flight of theroyalfamily. A historical romance / of the suppression of theFrenchmonarchy, The Sicilian Bandit / From the Volume "CaptainPaul", TheThree Musketeers, The Vicomte De Bragelonne, The VicomtedeBragelonne / Or Ten Years Later being the completion of "TheThree/ Musketeers" And "Twenty Years After", The Wolf-Leader,TwentyYears After, Urbain Grandier / Celebrated Crimes and Vaninka/Celebrated Crimes.
Goethe Works 1.1.0
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 –22March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. His body ofworkincludes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of metresandstyles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography;literaryand aesthetic criticism; treatises on botany, anatomy, andcolour;and four novels. In addition, numerous literary andscientificfragments, more than 10,000 letters, and nearly 3,000drawings byhim exist. This application includes the followingbooks:Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life,Egmont,Erotica Romana, Faust; a Tragedy, Translated from the GermanofGoethe, Faust — Part 1, Goethe's Theory of Colours, HermannandDorothea, Iphigenia in Tauris, Maxims and Reflections, The PoemsofGoethe, Translated in the Original Metres, The Sorrows ofYoungWerther and Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels, Vol.I(of 2).
Holy Bible WEB 1.1.0
With this application you can searchbykeywords for the verses of the World English Bible Version oftheHoly Bible. The app shows a random verse and you can readthecomplete books or chapters too. The World English Bible (alsoknownas the WEB) is a free updated revision of the AmericanStandardVersion (1901). It is one of the few public domain,modern-Englishtranslations of the entire Bible, and it is freelydistributed tothe public using electronic formats. The Bible wascreated byvolunteers using the ASV as the base text as part of theebible.orgproject through Rainbow Missions, Inc., a Coloradononprofitcorporation. This app contains all 66 books from the OldTestamentand New Testament.
Lector RSS para 20 Minutos 1.1.0
Esta aplicación muestra las últimasnoticiasdel periódico online 20 Minutos mediante RSS. Las noticiasestánclasificadas por tema. Icono de la aplicación en Play Storeporhttps://www.iconfinder.com/aha-soft.This applicationdisplaysthe latest online newspaper 20 Minutes via RSS. News areclassifiedby topic. Application icon in Play Store for https://www.iconfinder.com/aha-soft.
Multi Game 1.3.0
This application contains a nice bunch ofgamesof several types: math, puzzle, arcade, etc.
Search for Flickr 1.2.0
With this application you can easilyfindphotos from Flickr. You can filter the search results and sortbyname or date. Play store application icon by http://www.pelfusion.com.
Lector RSS para As 1.1.0
Esta aplicación te permite acceder a todaslasnoticias del periódico deportivo online As a través de RSS.Lasnoticias están clasificadas por deportes y, dentro de cada unodeellos, los eventos más importantes.This applicationallowsyou to access all the news online sports newspaper As viaRSS. Thenews are classified by sports and, within each, mostimportantevents.