Ageelg Apps

تداول ودجت Tadawul Widget 2.12
البرنامج عبارة عن مجموعة ودجتس تعطي لمحة عنالسوق السعودي و تسهل متابعة الاسعار على الجوال- الاسعار تحدث كل خمس دقائق من موقع تداول- امكانية الاختيار بين ثلاثة انواع من الودجت , سهم واحد , مؤشرالسوق , و ملخص من السوق مكون من الاسهم المفضلة لديك- سهم واحد, خيار اضافة ودجت لسهم واحد بخلفية او بدون- مؤشر السوق , خيار اضافة ودجت بمؤشر السوق و نسبة التغيير ووقتالتحديث- ملخص السوق , خيار اضافة ودجت مكون من 1 الى 7 اسهم بتفاصير السعر ,نسبة التغيير , سعر الافتتاح , اعلى و ادنى سعر.- امكانية اضافة اي عدد من الودجت لتخصيص واجهة من الاسهمالمفضلة- مستعرض اسهم شبيه بموقع تداول بشكل ملخص و عند حمل الجهاز بشكل افقييظهر تفاصيل السوق الباقية.طريقة الاستخدام : قم بتركيب البرنامج , اذهب الى قائمة الودجتبجهازك , اختر من بين الودجت الثلاث المتاحة و اسحبها الى المكانالمطلوب. في حالة الودجت لسهم واحد و ملخص السوق , سيتم الطلب منكباختيار الاسهم المطلوبة لعرضها بالودجت.The program is a Djtsgive a glimpse of the Saudi market and facilitate follow-up priceson mobile- Rates are updated each five minutes of trading site- The possibility to choose between three types of Alodjt, oneshare, the market index, and a summary of the market made up ofstocks of your favorite       - One share, the optionof adding Wadjet for one share or without background       - The market index, theoption of adding Wadjet market index and the rate of change andtime update       - Summary of the market,the option of adding Wadjet consisting of 1 to 7 Btfasir stockprice, percentage change, the opening price, the highest and lowestprice.- The possibility of adding any number of Alodjt to customize theinterface of Preferred Stock- Browser-like site shares traded at a summary and carry the devicein a vertical market shows details remaining.How to use: Install the program, go to the list of Alodjtdevice, select from among the three available Alodjt and drag it tothe desired location. In the case of Alodjt for one share andmarket summary, you will be asked to choose stocks required todisplay Balodjt.
Push to JDownloader 1.2
This is a basic support application forJDownloader , where you can push links from your Androidphone/tablet to your JDownloader server (with JD Remote Controlplugin).
Prayer Watch 1.01
A watch face that keeps track of Muslimprayertimes also it shows both Gregorian and Islamic Hijridates.
الساعة الغروبية 1.3
المراد بالتوقيت الغروبي هو التوقيت الذييبدأفيه حساب الوقت اليومي من غروب شمس ذلك اليوم، وضبط الساعة علىهذاالتوقيت صعب للغاية لأنه يحتاج أن تراقب الشمس كل يوم و تضبطساعتكعلى 12 أو صفر، والمراد بالتوقيت الزوالي هو التوقيت النسبيالذييعتبر منتصف الليل هو الساعة صفر وهو التوقيت المعمول به عالمياًلأنهمرجع اعتباري ثابت، والله أعلم.[]icon from Yannick Lung on a git from time Gharwba isthetiming of the daily time calculation starts from sunset onthatday, and set the clock at this very difficult time because itneedsthe sun watching every day and set your alarm 12 or zero, andto betime meridional is the relative timing which is the middle ofthenight is The time zero, a universally applicable timebecauseconstant legal reference, and God knows best.[Http://] icon from Yannick Lung on a git from
NetBurst 2.2
NetBurst is a simple widget to enableWiFiand/or 3G for a predefined amount of time then turns itoffautomatically after said time preset. This is really helpfulwhenyou just want to get the latest instant messages or weatherupdateswithout going through turning WiFi/3G on/off manually.The main advantages of this widget are convenience andsavingbattery life.
WP Sandbox 1.4
A template for a multipurpose app thattakesdynamic content from WordPress sites to create a nativeAndroidapplication.Uses include,News ApplicationsMarketing ApplicationsBlog ApplicationsThe App’s features includePush NotificationGoogle AnalyticEventsPhoto GalleryComments
Volume to Next Track 1.3
A background service that will enable theuserto use the volume up/down keys to skip to next/previous trackwhenthe screen is off. This is very useful when listening to musiconthe phone/tablet and having some control without switching onthephone.** No root required **
Mawaqeet 1.0
A watch face that keeps track of Muslimprayertimes also it shows both Gregorian and Islamic Hijridates.
BuzzMyTab 1.0
Where is my tab ??? This app will help youfindit.BuzzMyTab is a simple app that once setup, you can buzz yourtabanytime to make it play some music which will enable you tolookfor it. Your tab needs to be registered with BuzzMyTab andbeconnected to the internet afterward you can buzz it from yourphoneor any android device.
Last Unlocked Widget 1.0
A basic widget that states the last timethephone was unlocked, can be used as an extra security precautionorto check if you text in your sleep!
Saudi Flag Watchface 1.0
A Saudi Arabia flag watch to celebratetheSaudi National Day (Al-Yaoum-al-Watany,اليوم ) which iscelebratedin Saudi Arabia on every 23 September. Saudi National Dayfollowsthe day where the King Abdulaziz announced the country as akingdomon 23 September 1932.
Max Volume 4 Kids 1.1
"Max Volume 4 Kids" is a simple applicationtolimit the volume level that kids can use, avoiding yourheadacheand lowering your blood pressure :)Icons from
مقهى ثقافات Thaqafat Cafe 1.6
Thaqafat Cafe is a quite place for artiststomeet and converse away from the formalities of official clubsandorganizations.This is the official Thaqafat Cafe app to make it easiertofollow your favorite coffee place's news and announcements. URL shortner 1.05
Ageelg URL shortner app helps you manageandshare custom short links with easeFeatures include- Custom short codes- Usage stats for your links