Alemey Apps

ሕሳብ Hisab work calculating App 1.2
አዛ ኣፕ መዓልታዊ ስዓታት ናይ ስራሕካ: ዕረፍትኻን ደሞዝካን ሓሲባብመዓልታዊ: ወርሓዊ ወይ ድማ ዓመታዊ ጸብጻብ መልክዕ ተቕርበልካ ከምኡ'ውን ትዕቕበልካ። ስለዚብቐሊሉምዓልታዊ ክንደይ ሰዓት ሰሪሕካን የዕሪፍካን ከምኡ'ውን ክንደይ ደሞዝ ከምዝመጽኣካ ብሓገዝ አዛ ኣፕብቐሊሉክትከታተል ትኽአል። This App helps you track your daily work hours,breakhours and your wage. This App calculates your daily workhours,break time and your salary depending on the entries youinput. Youcan easily check the daily, monthly and yearly reportsabout thehours you worked and how much you've got paid forit.አዛ ኣፕ ኣብ ቐጻሊ መስርሕን ምዕባለን ስለትርከብ ዝኾነ ጸገማት ምስዝርከባ ወይ ዝኾነ ሓሳባትምስዝህልወኩምበዛ ኣብ ታሕቲ ትርከብ ኢሜይል ጽሓፉ።
ዳች ተምሃር Nederlands Tigrinya 1.4
መሰረታዊ ቛንቛ ዳች ባዕልኻ ተምሃር Learn basic Dutch/Nederlands in Tigrinya.
German Tigrinya - teach yourse 3.0
Learn basic German in Tigrinya
ጀርመን ፈተና German Tigrinya Quiz 2.9
አዛ ኣፕ መሰረታዊ ቛንቛ ጀርመን ብመልክዕ ፈተና ማለት ሕቶን መልሲን አናገበረት ትምህረና። GermanTigrinya Quiz
ጀርመን Tigrinya Deutsch lernen 1.4
አዛ ኣፕ ፊደላት፡ ኣሃዛት፡ ሰላምታ፡ ዕዳጋ፡ ኣዋርሕ፡ ኣገላልጻ ሰባት፡ ወቕትታትን ኩነታት ኣየርን ካልእንትሕዝቶታት ብቛንቓ ጀርመንን ትርጉሞም ብ ትግርኛን ሓዚላ ትርከብ። አዛ ኣፕ ኣብ ቐጻሊ ምዕባለ አያትርከብ። ስለዚ ቐጻሊ ሓድሽ ትሕዝቶታት ክውሰኻ አዩ። ዝኾነ ርእይቶ ምስዝህልወኩም ብ ርኸቡና። This App helps you teach yourself thebasic German in Tigrigna language. Deutsch Grammatik lernen.
Game ከተማታት ኣፍሪቓ Tigrinya game 1.6
ኣብዛ ኣፕ ርእሲ ከተማታት ናይ ኣፍሪቓ ብመልክዕ ሕቶታት ቐሪቡ ኣሎ። Quiz App for Africancapital cities.
መዝገበ ቓላት Words memorizing App 1.0
ናይ ሓደስቲ ቓላት መጽንዒ ኣፕ - መዝገበ ቓላት Words memorizing App
Tigrinya Quotes and Proverbs ም 8.5
Eritrean and Ethiopian old and modern Tigrinya Sayings andProverbs. ምስላታት ጥቕስታት
German language test A1, A2, B 3.9.1
German language test: A1, A2 and B1 multiple choice questions andflashcards
ምሳሌ Amharic Ethiopian Proverbs 3.2
Ethiopian old and modern Amharic Sayings and Proverbs. ከ300 በላይየኣማርኛ ምሳሌዎች
English - Tigrinya Teach yours 2.0
This App helps you to learn basic english language.
ጥቕስታት ትግርኛ Tigrinya Quotes 1.5
ጥቕስታት ትግርኛ ብዛዕባ ፍቕሪ፡ ዓወት፡ ሞራል ወዘተ Tigrinya Quotes about Love,success motivation
Tigrinya Quiz ሓፈሻዊ ፍልጠት 2.3
ሓፈሻዊ ፍልጠት ብዛዕባ ኤርትራን ዓለምን ብትግርኛ. A Quiz app about Eritrea and theworld.
አማርኛ ጀርመንኛ German Amharic Quiz 1.4
የኣማርኛና ጀርመንኛ ፈተና German Amharic(Deutsch Amharisch) Test
ኢንግልሽ ፈተና English Tigrinya 1.0
አዛ ኣፕ ቛንቛ ኢንግልሽ ብመልክዕ ፈተና ማለት ሕቶን መልሲን አናገበረት ትምህረና። EnglishTigrinya Quiz
ቓላት ድለ ጸወታ - Qalat Dle Tigriny 1.2
ጸወታ ፋሕ ኢሉ ዘሎ ቓላት ደሊኻ ርኸቦ - Qalat Dle Tigrinya or Habesha game ofsearchingwords
Xeweta ጸወታ ናይ ቓላት Tigrinya Wor 1.0
Xeweta ጸወታ ናይ ቓላት Tigrinya Word Game
Word puzzle - Game 1.0
A game of puzzle of about 3000 common English words
Einbürgerungstest - Leben in D 1.4
Naturalization test - life in Germany