Ana Patricia Estévez Moreno, Miguel Molina Apps

videogame2all lite version 2
If you think you are a geek of videogamesenjoy testing your memory and remembering retro and new videogamesof all types of game consoles.Face SNES games, NES, MEGADRIVE, SegaSaturn, GAMEBOY,PSX,SegaSaturn, GBA, GameBoy and N64!In this game you have to guess the name of a video gamejustwatching its cover.You have 300 videogames to guess in the full version and 150 intheLite version.And if you do not know much about video games as you thought youcanalways ask for help from your friends via Facebook or get 3hintsthat come with the application but instead of receiving lesspointsfor the success.Dare you try to guess them all!Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Location in English and Spanish# Integration with facebook# 150 arcade classics lite version# 300 Classic games in the pro version (+ will add more infutureupdates)# advertising (free version only)Buy full versión here: Visit hereTAGS: VideoGame, Video Game, Quiz, guess the game,videojuego,trivial, trivia
videogame2all pro version 2
If you think you are a geek of videogamesenjoy testing your memory and remembering retro and new videogamesof all types of game consoles.Face SNES games, NES, MEGADRIVE, SegaSaturn, GAMEBOY,PSX,SegaSaturn, GBA, GameBoy and N64!In this game you have to guess the name of a video gamejustwatching its cover.You have 300 videogamesto guess in the full version and 150 intheLite version.And if you do not know much about video games as you thought youcanalways ask for help from your friends via Facebook or get 3hintsthat come with the application but instead of receiving lesspointsfor the success.Dare you try to guess them all!Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Integration with facebook# 150 arcade classics lite version# 300 Classic games in the pro version (+ will add more infutureupdates)# advertising (free version only)# Non payments, only pay for the game, no more!LITE versionhere:
Test (Google Cloud Messaging) 1.0
Esta aplicación de testing para TestGCM(Google Cloud Messaging for Android) lanza una notificaciónqueverifica que estamos enviando correctamente los mensajesdesdenuestro servidor.Esta aplicación le proporciona al usuario todo lo necesario paraquedesde un servidor remoto podamos verificar que nuestrosmensajesllegan correctamente a los dispositivos android y que estelanza unanotificación al usuario con el mensaje lanzado.Laaplicaciónproporciona un Registration Id(RegistrationId),diferente para cadauno de los dispositivos en los cual se hainstalado, con el cual,mediante la API KEY(APIKEY) que seproporciona dentro de la app,podremos probar a lanzarnotificaciones a la aplicación y verificarque desde nuestroservidor estamos enviando correctamente mensajes anuestraaplicación android mediante la notificación que veremosenpantalla.This applicationtestingfor Test GCM (Google Cloud Messaging for Android) throws anoticethat verifies that we are sending messages correctly fromourserver.This application provides the user with everything needed to fromaremote server can verify that our messages are deliveredcorrectlyto android devices and this throws a notification to theuser withthe application provides a message lanzado.La RegistrationId(RegistrationId), different for each of the devices on which itisinstalled, with which, through the API KEY (apikey) providedwithinthe app, can try to launch notifications to the applicationandverify from our server are sending messages correctly ourandroidapplication by notifying you'll see on screen.