Antonio Jiménez Apps

GPLSI Compendium App 1.1
Antonio Jiménez
GPLSI Compendium App es una herramienta degeneración de resúmenes automáticos que permite al usuario saberqué es lo más relevante de un texto de forma breve, concisa y de unvistazo. Este tipo de herramientas son de gran utilidad cuando nodisponemos del tiempo suficiente para leer toda la informaciónproporcionada en detalle. Además, debido al gran aumento deinformación disponible en la Web, cada vez hay más y másinformación que no somos capaces de procesar.Con esta aplicación podrás resumir textos de periódicosdigitales como,, y Unavez tengas tus resúmenes, podrás compartirlos en tus redes socialeso enviarlos por correo. ¿A qué esperas para hacerlo?GPLSI Compendium App cuenta con seis métodos de resumen, cadauno de ellos consta de una técnica de tratamiento de textodiferente, pruébalos!Además, su buscador te permitirá buscar las palabras que más teinteresen para el resumen.Disfruta de GPLSI Compendium App y..... RESUME!App GPLSI Compendium is atool for automatic generation of summaries that lets the user knowwhat is most important in a text of short, concise and out. Suchtools are useful when you do not have enough time to read allinformation provided in detail time. In addition, due to the largeincrease in information available on the Web, more and more andmore information that we are not able to process.With this application you can summarize texts of digitalnewspapers as,, and you have your summaries, you can share in your social networksor mail. What do you hope to do?App GPLSI has six Compendium summary methods, each consisting ofa treatment technique different text, try them!In addition, your browser will let you search for words thatinterest you to the summary.Enjoy ..... GPLSI Compendium App and RESUME!
iMorse (Morse Code) 1.3
Antonio Jiménez
Try your friends to encode a text in Morseandtry to decipher it, as a personal challenge!iMorse is an application that allows you to learn Morselanguage.Make your own notes and Morse text files and put them inyourdevice to enjoy whit this app.Train this language at Morse challenge zone.Allows creation of files in external memory, both codifiedanddecoded.Notes:- CAUTION: Text files must be in SD card directory forcorrectencode and decode in Morse.-Requires external SD card in device.-This application allows you to encode and decode text and filesinMorse language. When creating files will use 0 for . , 1 for - ,2for new letter and 3 for new word.