AppYourWay Apps

WattchIT HD 1.0.0
WATTCHIT helps people like you who are concerned with how muchtheir home electricity costs. What if you knew how much Joey's roomis costing or how much the office room costs and could see howsimple changes can lower your monthly bill? We provide you with thetools to answer these questions: - How much does it cost to operatea specific appliance? - What does a particular room cost eachmonth, each day? - What's the cost to operate my cottage versushome? - Including all taxes what's my actual cost per kilowatthour? - How can I save? It can't be easier than we've designed.Choose what type of rooms you have in your house such as kitchen,bathroom, living room etc, then our program does the rest. You arepresented with a sample home with typical appliances in each roomwhich you can then modify to suit your needs. Choose from over30,000 appliances to be as precise as you want to be or just choosefrom the generic appliances - the choice is yours! Tired of justpaying your electricity bill and feeling as if you can't doanything about it? We give you information about the cost ofoperating each appliance in every room in your house - beinginformed means you can choose to control those escalatingelectricity costs. We have the largest appliance database in theworld with over 30,000 appliances to choose from. We offer thelargest single tips database anywhere, each tip informs you of howmuch it would cost to implement savings, this way you get todecide. Our easy to use interface means you are up and running inless than 2 minutes. The low cost to buy this program is recoveredin savings by you in less than one month! Time of use has beenadded, that means you can record your TOU from your electricitybill and then start to reduce the usage for the times you spend themost - WattchIT helps get you there. All of us can help WATTCH ourcosts, one appliance, one room or one house at a time. Try WattchITtoday!
Pain Tracker 2.0
keep track of how often our body is in pain?PainTracker makes it easy.For those of us who experience chronic pains, arthritis,headaches, Gout or recovering from an accident or fall, PainTrackerhelps you to record how often these 'Pain Events' occur and whatmedications you've taken to easy that pain.By recording these pain events along with the medications youmight have taken, it makes it easier for you to see patterns.Perhaps you experience more pain events when it's colder or whenyou're feeling more stress. PainTracker will help.We often minimize our pains to our most recent events, so ifyou're not experiencing as many Gout attacks, you might tell yourdoctor that you're fine but if the doctor knew that just a fewweeks earlier and almost every month you experience Gout painevents, it might help them to help you.PainTracker provides an easy way to record the pain event. Youdefine your pain areas or choose from our default set. You definewhich medications you're taking or choose from our default set.Then simply add a pain event either by choosing from the list ofpain areas you've created or from our avatar of your body andpoints on it where pain events can occur. Then simply indicate whatthe weather was like, your level of stress, the kind of foods youconsumed and intensity of the pain event. You can optionallyindicate which medications you consumed and that's it.Then when you want to see how often you experienced pain eventsthis month or past months, simply select the calendar icon. You'llnotice that pain events are lumped into three colors, green for 1-3severity of pain, orange for 4-6 and red for 7-10. This will giveyou a really quick sense of how often you experience painevents.We hope you enjoy using PainTracker and welcome any feedback youmight have so that we can continue to improve the application tobetter serve others.
Eclipz Hair Salon 1.0
Eclipz Hair Salon has a team ofstylistswaiting for you.Franco, Domenic and the team have over 100 yearsstylingexperience. Their goal, is make you feel and lookbeautiful.Use this app to book an appointment today.
WattchIT 1.0
WATTCHIT helps people like you whoareconcerned with how much their home electricity costs. What ifyouknew how much Joey's room is costing or how much the officeroomcosts and could see how simple changes can lower your monthlybill?We provide you with the tools to answer these questions:- How much does it cost to operate a specific appliance?- What does a particular room cost each month, each day?- What's the cost to operate my cottage versus home?- Including all taxes what's my actual cost per kilowatthour?- How can I save?It can't be easier than we've designed.Choose what type of rooms you have in your house such askitchen,bathroom, living room etc, then our program does therest.You are presented with a sample home with typical appliancesineach room which you can then modify to suit your needs.Choose from over 30,000 appliances to be as precise as youwantto be or just choose from the generic appliances - the choiceisyours!Tired of just paying your electricity bill and feeling as ifyoucan't do anything about it?We give you information about the cost of operatingeachappliance in every room in your house - being informed meansyoucan choose to control those escalating electricity costs.We have the largest appliance database in the world withover30,000 appliances to choose from. We offer the largest singletipsdatabase anywhere, each tip informs you of how much it wouldcostto implement savings, this way you get to decide.Our easy to use interface means you are up and running inlessthan 2 minutes.The low cost to buy this program is recovered in savings byyouin less than one month!All of us can help WATTCH our costs, one appliance, one roomorone house at a time. Try WattchIT today!
Ottawa Business Journal - OBJ 1.0.0
The Ottawa business journal has been serving Ottawan's for manyyears...
Insidephone 1.0.0
The Insidephone app is designed to permit signing up to the ourservice and to provide existing customers with the ability tomonitor their call usage, update their contact information andsubmit payments to their account. Below is an explanation of theservice we provide to thousands of Canadians. Paying Too Much ForCollect Calls? ​Are you paying high fees for collect calls fromloved ones in Canadian Federal or Provincial institutions? Weunderstand and want to help​ you pay less!! We offer the lowestprice anywhere in Canada. We're open 7 days a week. Start savingtoday! Call us toll free NOW 1-855-246-7433! No Fuss ​No contracts- pay using gift cards, credit cards or e-mail transfers, no fuss!We get you signed up in mere minutes and we service everyinstitution, Federal or Provincial in Ontario and Quebec, startsaving today! Call us toll free NOW 1-855-246-7433!​​ ​Our loyalcustomers can earn 30 days FREE service. That's right, 30 daysabsolutely FREE, no collect call fees, no service fees, nothing.It's our way of saying THANK YOU for being our customer. Call us1-855-246-7433 to see how we'll give you 30 days FREE! 30 DaysFREE! At Inside Phone we implement the latest technologies toprovide you with the clearest possible line quality and the mostreliable phone service in the industry. If you experience anydifficulties with our service, we're here for you 7 days a week,extended evening service. We'll be waiting for your call, just likethe Maytag repairman. Here For You 7 Days A Week ​​We don't chargeon a per minute basis, one flat fee is all you pay for all the talktime you want - UNLIMITED talk time means just that! Ease of mind -don't feed the meter!​ View your past and current call historyalong with trends to forecast usage via this app or online, 24hours a day. Call us toll free NOW 1-855-246-7433! Pay Less EachCall ​Nobody wants to miss a phone call from their loved one. WithInside Phone, you can receive collect calls right to your cellphone or home phone so you can remain as mobile as you want to bewithout missing a call. Make your choice or choose both, the choiceis yours and it's FREE.
LogIT Healthy Living 4.0.0
Living a healthy lifestyle includes learningfrom our past.There are many diet apps, meal journaling apps, so why did wecreate LogIT HD?Because we wanted something simple, something informative,something that helps us learn from our past. Something available toeveryone on any phone or tablet for absolutely NO money yet fullyIOS 9 compatible with 3D quick action menus and multitaskingcapabilities.LogIT HD helps by informing you about the calories (or values)you have available during the next 7 days. So if you have 2000calories that you can consume each day to meet your goal, thenyou're allowed 14,000 a week, this means you can be careful allweek in order to eat that Pizza on the 7th day without going overyour weekly calories.Perhaps one of your goals is to consume less sodium, LogIT HDhelps by tracking that information for you where you can see it sothat you can make decisions quickly.LogIT HD also allows you to record your weight as often as you'dlike and provides you with the previous days consumption so you cansee any correlation of weight gain or loss to food consumption. Youcan even view your weight loss or gain over time, year overyear.LogIT HD can help by keeping track of your blood pressure,physical body size such as your forearms or thighs, neck etc. thenyou can compare your last several measurements to see how thingsare progressing towards your goal.LogIT HD provides your recommended daily allowances for you tosee how you're doing in meeting the RDA while at the same timepermitting you to override the RDA for personal circumstances.One of the biggest strengths of LogIT HD is our Histogram - aquick means for you to compare the last 7 days consumption brokendown into the periods of day such as Lunch or Dinner, Snacks orBreakfast along with how much exercise credits you have earned.LogIT HD has thousands of food items ready for you to search butalso allows you to add your own. Any food items added automaticallygets added to the entire community so all benefit.LogIT HD permits the ability to add a meal consisting of manyfood items - simply add the items that make up a meal and LogIT HDcalculates the total nutritional elements.Rather than searching on a food item that you consumefrequently, you can instead go to the day you consumed that fooditem and duplicate it to the current day, this makes entering yourfood consumption easy.Choose the favourites icon to view just the food items youconsume the most, again making it easy to enter your daily foodconsumption.So learning about your history means educating ourselves on whatwe're consuming.You don't have to be precise, it's not about that, it's about atleast understanding how many calories on average a particular typeof meal or drink is so that eventually your mind gets conditionedto know this quickly. So if you look up a cheeseburger, there maybe many cheeseburgers listed - choose one that best describes whatyou've consumed - don't get too hung on on being precise.Pat yourself on the back for the regular exercise you do byrecording the exercise as you get approximately 100 calories creditfor every 20 minutes of exercise.After 7 days tracking your meal consumption and exercisepatterns, LogIT HD reveals your lifestyle, your average dailyconsumption. It's then that you start to make changes to align toyour goals.Don't do anything drastic as that rarely results in lastingchange, choose a goal of having 100 calories left over each day orreduce the % of fat you'll consume each day - simple goals thatwon't make you feel exhausted or frustrated but instead you'llstart to live a healthy lifestyle one calorie at a time.Nobody truly enjoys tracking their food consumption but try itfor just 7 days and see the difference being informed makes in yourdaily life.
Georgian Bay Boating 2.0
Are you a sail or power boater visiting the Georgian Bay, Ont.Canada area?
Jen's Zen 1.0
Confused? Lost? Need some direction? let spiritual science helpyou.
Star Motors Of Ottawa 3.0
Star Motors of Ottawa, “Ottawa’s original Mercedes-Benz dealer”.Three generations of commitment to Mercedes-Benz customers spanning55 years. Our new state-of-the-art facilities and equipmentcombined with a staff that is focused on the highest level ofcustomer service ensures an efficient and pleasant Mercedes-Benzexperience. Star Motors of Ottawa is committed to preserving theperformance, safety, reliability and long-term value of yourMercedes-Benz. Buying a Mercedes-Benz is the beginning of alifelong partnership, with your car and your Mercedes-Benz dealer.With this app, Star Motors of Ottawa provides it's clients with theability to make appointments, contact our departments and browseour extensive inventory of products.
Halifax Boating 2.0.0
Are you a sail or power boater living in or is visiting Halifax NS,Canada?
Toronto Boating 3.0
Are you a sail or power boater that lives inthe Toronto, Ontario, Canada and surrounding areas?Toronto Boating app gives you all the information you need toenjoy the water.We provide a list of sailing clubs, marinas, part suppliers,repair shops and weather conditions so that you can enjoy thatperfect day.Free to download and use.A perfect compliment to the Georgian Bay Boating App.
Ontario Hydro Helper 4.7.0
Do you live in Ontario Canada and want to quick means to accesselectricity consumption information for your city? Would you like aquick way to determine how much an appliance might cost you orwould you like to see how much each room in your house consumes andcosts so that you can start conserving electricity? Ontario HydroHelper provides quick, mobile access to: - Time Of Use Quickly seehow much your electricity is costing you based on the current timeof day. - Outages Want to know where the current electricityoutages are in your area? - Free Coupons Coupons that provide awide range of energy efficient products can be found here. -Tip/Tools A wide arrangement of energy saving tips and tools thatyou can use right away. - Energy Calculator This tool allows you toquickly calculate the cost of using a particular appliance. Perhapsyou're in a store and want to see what an appliance might cost you.An excellent tool. - WattchIT App Access Winner of the 2014 EarthDay Award in conservation, this software lets you see how muchelectricity costs in each room and by each appliance in your home.This then lets you make decisions on how to conserve and save.
Dog Walker Online 1.1.0
Looking for a dog walker in your area or wanting to get moreclients as a dog walker? This app connects local dog walkers withthe dog owner, best of all it's totally FREE! Dog Walker Onlineprovides you, the dog owner the ability to search by zip/postalcode or area code or even the walkers name for a specific date. Aresults screen provides a list of walkers for you to choose fromincluding how others rate the walker, how much the walker charges,what services they offer and how far they are from you includingtheir bio. If the walker you've chosen has a website, there's alink to that site within the app so you can read more about thewalker, be completely informed before making a decision. Then whenyou're ready to decide on a walker, you can see their calendar andbook them instantly. No need to wonder if they are available! Youcan send a message to the walker once you book them or have been aprevious client of theirs. They can likewise respond to yourmessage, all within the app. Your walker can keep you informed howthings went by sending you a message after each walking, giving youpeace of mind while away. You also get to rate the walker and leavea comment so that others may know how well they did. If you are awalker, you can join Dog Walker Online and be found by dog ownersright away, it takes mere seconds and you're ready to go. Your dogwalking business can be anywhere, small town or big city, anexcellent way of increasing your client base and you are onlybooked as often as your calendar permits. You can view yourcalendar at a glance, change your hours and days of availabilityall within seconds. As a walker, you get to see the customer bioalong with the details about the dog, send the customer a messagewith any questions about the walking. You can also rate the clientso that other walkers know how terrific of a customer they are.Most of all as a walker, you now have an app and it's FREE todownload and use, no fees, no cost - FREE. Simply tell yourcustomers to download the app too and search for you, it's thatsimple. Finally, a way for Dog Owners to meet Dog Walkers and forDog Owners to find a walker at the last moment or planning monthsaway. Come join Dog Walker Online today by downloading this app,there's no risk and everything to gain.
WSM Water Polo 2.0.0
Web Sports Manager (WSM) is pleasedtointroduce 'WSM Water Polo' an app dedicated towards the sportofwater polo.For leagues that still use spreadsheets to manage schedulesandstandings, we hope you'll try WSM Water Polo and experiencetheconvenience that an app can bring.This app will permit players to quickly see their teamsscheduleand standings within their league. They will also be ableto viewtheir stats and update their profile as necessary.Administrators and Captains, will be able to constructcompletegame schedules for their divisions, leagues and teamsincludinglocations where the games can be played.Referees can be either external or players and recordpenaltiesas required.Players histories are maintained indefinitely as is allgameschedules and standings.
VankleekFM 88.7 1.0.0
What Is VankleekFM?VankleekFM is a live-streaming radio app where you will hear abouteverything that is going on in and around Vankleek Hill, Ontario,Canada. If you have ever lived in the Gingerbread Capital ofOntario, or if you've ever come to one of our many events likeBeau's Oktoberfest, or Trash & Treasure - our town-wide garagesale, this app will allow you to stay connected to the busiestlittle town in Eastern Ontario.How Do I Navigate?Press “Start” to connect to our live stream. The “Past Shows” menubutton will bring you to the archives of all of our Podcasts tolisten to, at your convenience. The “On-Air Sked” button will takeyou to a detailed description of our radio programs and when theygo to air with a brand new, live edition, before making their wayto the Past Shows archives. The “Interviews” menu item gives you alist of all of our Feature Interviews, available on-demand.What Will I Hear?The live stream will carry breaking news bulletins as newsworthyevents happen in our region - brought to you courtesy of theVankleek Hill Review newsroom. The rest of the time the stream willcarry readings of community events, updated on a daily basis aswell as excerpts from past interviews and past radio programs thatyou can find in our Past Shows or Interviews archives, allinterspersed with music by local musicians.Whether it's our Feature Interviews with the movers and shakers inour community, local music by local musicians or the fun,wide-ranging and eclectic radio shows produced by our local hosts,everyone will find something to remind them of their great times inVankleek Hill -- on VankleekFM.Flashback Alert:Have you ever climbed to the top of the historic Higginson Tower,or toured some of the Victorian houses featured in the annualVankleek Hill Christmas Home Tour, or attended a vernissage atArbor Gallery or sampled your way down Main Street during theFestival of Flavours? If so, you may experience flashbacks whenlistening to VankleekFM.How Do I Contact You?Press “TalkBack” to let us know what you think of our radioservice, to make requests for music or interviews, or to pitch anew show that you would like to host on VankleekFM.
Pain Tracker HD 1.1.0
Pain Tracker provides the means to track pain events for any partof your body. Quickly see the default pain areas using a bodyavatar which shows which part of your body has the most pain andthe last time a specific pain area was experienced, great for whenspeaking with your physician. No more guessing how often youexperience a pain event for a specific part of your body, now youwill know for certain. You can add the type of medications you areon and the dosage. While adding the pain event you can record themedication you took during the pain event. Record your bloodpressure readings as often as you'd like and see how yourpressures's history over time. You can configure your own painareas and medications or use the default values contained withinPainTracker. You can quickly see which pain areas you experiencemost often and the calendar view lets you see the degree in whichyou experienced the pain using green, orange or red. Ever wonderhow your pain this year compares to last year? PainTracker providesyou with comparisons to see how things are improving. Ideal forthose who want to see if over time, their pain events areincreasing or decreasing. You can then discuss these with yourdoctor showing the pain information during your appointments. Easyto enter, easy to retrieve, perfect for phone or tablet.
Kitchissippi Times 1.0
Established in 2003, the Kitchissippi Timesisan Ottawa-area community newspaper owned by Great River Media.KTcovers the neighbourhoods of McKellar Park, Highland Park,HamptonPark, Westboro, Westboro Beach, Champlain Park, CivicHospital,West Wellington, Hintonburg, Tunney’s Pasture, andMechanicsville.The Kitchissippi Times app is the easiest way to stayconnectedto your community. It provides an instant link to localnews,upcoming events, and KT social media channels.
Pathway Hyundai 1.0.0
Welcome to the new app for Pathway Hyundai,theCapital Region's most established Hyundai dealer, withourbeginnings rooted as Ottawa's first Hyundai dealer in 1983.With this app, you can quickly and easily bookserviceappointments or browse through our new and used carinventory.In 2002, Greg Stewart purchased Acacia Motors, soon re-namedthedealership, and moved it to its current location on 1375YouvilleDrive, in Orleans, Ontario. The entire Pathway Hyundai teamisdedicated to providing consumers with a new- orpre-owned-vehiclebuying or leasing experience that will create alastingrelationship. Pathway Hyundai strives to have the largestinventoryof new and pre-owned Hyundai vehicles in the Ottawa regionat alltimes.Whether you need a great new or used car, truck, minivan orSUV,Pathway Hyundai works with all major finance institutions toensureaccess to finance and lease terms that meet your needs. ThePathwayHyundai difference is founded on total customersatisfactionthroughout every department. The dealership is amultiple winner ofthe Hyundai President's Award and is an HonourRoll Member of theBBB (Better Business Bureau ofOttawa-Gatineau.)The Pathway Hyundai Service Department is staffed byHyundaifactory-trained technicians who use only genuine Hyundaiparts.Whether you need genuine Hyundai accessories or parts, thePathwayHyundai Parts Department maintains a large inventory toensureyou?re getting the right item.Discover the Pathway Hyundai difference.
CopyrightsNow 1.0.0
CopyrightsNow™ is a Fast and Easy3-StepApproach to register your copyrights with the U. S.CopyrightOffice.... providing protection and copyright enforcementfor yourlifetime + 70 years!A copyright is your exclusive legal right to use anddistributeyour creative work – and receive compensation – whileexcludingothers from using your work without permission.You must register your copyrights within 3-months ofpublicationor before any infringement occurs to enforce your fullcopyrightsand claim up to $150,000 in statutory damages plusattorneyfees!
Vancouver Boating 2.0.0
Are you a sail or power boater living in or visiting Vancouver,Canada?
City of Ottawa Helper 6.0.0
Ottawa is the capital of Canada, a beautiful city with fantasticpeople and lots to do and see. For those who live in Ottawa, thisapp provides a means to quickly and easily access city services. -See What's New - Meet the team at city hall - View major projects -Access parking and transportation information - Keep up to date onthe financial transparency of city hall - Introduce yourself to thecity Mayor - Listen to council meetings - Get biking information -Checkout when your garbage and recycling is picked up Having easyaccess using City Of Ottawa Helper to publicly availableinformation is the first step towards bringing the City Of Ottawacloser to you. This app is not affiliated directly or indirectlywith the City of Ottawa and is provided for informational purposesonly.
OPES Wealth Management 1.0
Through our unique wealth managementprocess,we provide our clients with the intellectual framework tomakesound financial decisions.We continually work to provide our clients withunparalleledpersonal service and Peace of Mind to allow them toDream, Plan andProsper.This app provides our clients with a convenient means ofaccessingtheir account, view weekly market updates, contact us andso muchmore.We offer a professional athletes program and privatewealthmanagement services that our clients benefit from byquicklyaccessing their services via our app.This app helps to extend our passion and commitment to anunrivalledclient experience.
The Review Newspaper 1.0.0
This app contains the mobile version of The Review newspaper,wherethey can read local news, see photos, find out aboutupcomingevents in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec includingVankleekHill.
NBILL Consulting 1.0
This app provides a means for customers of NBILL Consulting toviewthe services that NBILL Consulting provides and includes anmeansto easily contact NBILL Consulting if required.
AppYourWay 1.1.0
Do you have a mobile friendly or web based database solutionthatyou'd like to get on Android or Apple devices but can't affordthethousands that developers want to charge? AppYourWay hasdevelopeda technique for both stores that allows us to charge justafraction of what others would charge. This app is aninternalapplication designed for AppYourWay consultants as a CRMtool. Ifyou're interested in knowing more about our service, pleasevisitour website
OC Community Resource Centre (CRCOC-OCCRC) 4.7.0
This app provides convenient access to theOrléans-CumberlandCommunity Resource Centre (OCCRC) which is thelargest multiservicecentre located east of the city of Ottawa’sgreen belt. The OCCRChas been providing a variety of bilingualprograms and services tothe individuals and families who n on AppsStore SPK This appprovides convenient access to theOrléans-Cumberland CommunityResource Centre (OCCRC) which is thelargest multiservice centrelocated east of the city of Ottawa’sgreen belt. The OCCRC has beenproviding a variety of bilingualprograms and services to theindividuals and families who needassistance for almost 30 years.These services include, among manyothers, food support at the foodbank; individual, couple, or familycounselling; job assistance;early years education from 0 to 6 yearsold; speech therapy forchildren; diabetes education; breastfeedingassistance for newmothers; and smokingcessation._________________________________________________________________LeCentre de ressources communautaires Orléans-Cumberland (CRCOC)estle plus grand centre multiservice situé à l’est de la ceinturevertede la ville d’Ottawa. Le CRCOC offre une variété deprogrammes etservices bilingues aux individus et aux familles quiont besoin desoutien depuis presque 30 ans. Ces servicescomprennent, entreautres, du soutien en nourriture à la banquealimentaire ; ducounseling individuel, en couple et en famille ;de l’aide àl’emploi ; l’éducation à la petite enfance de 0 à 6 ans; servicesd’orthophonie pour les enfants ; de l’éducation sur lediabète ; del’aide à l’allaitement pour les nouvelles mamans ; etateliers surla cessation du tabac.
Keeping Their Memories 1.0.0
Keep Their Memories is a personal app where you can help keepthememories alive of our loved ones who have passed away in death.Alltoo often our loved ones are forgotten, their smiles,theirlaughter, their stories The app let's you add a loved one,addphotos and videos that meant something to you about your lovedonefor everyone who has the app to see and enjoy. You and otherscanwrite stories or send messages in English, French or Spanish totheloved one as a way to express their love. We all have familythathave passed away in death and while a grave offers the abilitytophysically visit, many can't who live too far away, yet theywantto express themselves in remembrance of their loved one. NowwithKeeping Their Memories app, folks from all over the world cansharein the life and memory of a love one, keeping the memories ofaloved one alive. Never again does a loved one have to beforgotten,this is a personal app, it's about you adding loved oneswho matterto you. Others can search and possibly find the personyou'veentered. They too can add stories and photos. It's anopportunitythat we all have to share stories, pictures and videosof a lovedone so that we never forget how much they meant to us.This is nota chat system, there's no way to send messages toothers, it's anapp about those who passed away and whom we want tocarry aroundwith us, every day on our mobile devices. Then at amoment that'simportant to us, we open the app to remember them, toshare a newphoto we've recently discovered or submit a story.
My Life's Goal 1.0
Are you curious about what your body will look like in 10yearsbased on the way you live today? Are you looking to loseweight,maintain your weight or gain weight so that you can achieveyourhealthy and ideal BMI without counting calories? Do you wantalasting solution that will help you enjoy the benefits ofhealthyliving in a way that goes far beyond just dieting andcountingcalories? If so, then My Life’s Goal is EXACTLY what you’vebeensearching for! ***About My Life’s Goal*** My Life’s Goal (MLG)is aunique and innovative app that helps you envision and achievethehealthy body that you’ve always wanted – whether you want toloseweight, maintain your weight, or gain weight. ***IntegratedWeightManagement System*** My Life’s Goal features an integratedweightmanagement system that identifies your BMI for both yourcurrentand target weight, and tracks your progress towards thatgoal.Plus, you’ll be motivated along the way by a by a female ormalesilhouette that adjusts as you improve, and by a stream ofhelpfulinformation on current and future trends regarding fat,sugar,antioxidants, exercise, sleep, and so on. ***Remarkable,Built-InInteractive Personal Fitness Advisor*** My Life’s Goalalsofeatures an interactive Personal Fitness Advisor that works via5steps: >Step 1: Input your vital statistics (e.g. age,BMI,etc.) to determine your initial body profile. All measurementsandweights are provided in both imperial and metric units. >Step2:Adjust your current and target profiles, so that the apppreciselycaptures how you look today -- and how you want to look 10yearsfrom now. >Step 3: Answer a series of questions --called“challenges” -- that are related to sleep, energy levels,attitudeand more, in order to see how your current lifestyle willaffectyour future health and BMI. >Step 4: Receive a score outof 5that helps you see, based on your current habits and otherfactors,how your body will change in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and10years. >Step 5: Based on what you see, return tothe‘challenges’ to identify what you need to adjust or improvetoday,so that you’re happy with your 10 year outlook and areaimingtowards the healthy body you’ve always wanted! These becomeyourlife goals. Quite simply, My Life’s Goal is a remarkable toolthatwill help you achieve lasting results, and have you wondering“howdid I ever manage without this?” ***Learn More + GetSupport***Learn more about My Life’s Goal by can also contact us for support, and tosend your suggestionsfor future improvements and enhancements.
My True Self 1.0
Do you find yourself feeling alone while in a relationship? Doyoufeel emotionally drained? Do you feel that your partner isdistant,putting on masks making it difficult for you to reallyconnect? Thefirst step in answering these questions is by gettingto know whoyou are first. My True Self is here to help. My TrueSelf (MTS)answers the age old question ‘why do so manyrelationships fail’and helps a person to clearly see how to betteralign themselves inrelationships based on who they are. Who doesn’twant to have arelationship that will last? We’ve all been there, wethink it’sgoing to last forever at the start and then therelationship startsfailing. Before we know it, it’s too late and westart askingourselves why? Often pointing the blame on the otherperson. Wewonder whose fault it is. We analyze the relationshipshistory andall the small things that seemed to add up to it’sconclusion. Whatwe’re not very good at is looking at ourselves inthe mirror to seewho we truly are and are not. My True Self is anapp that wasdesigned to help anyone who wants to know who they arefrom arelationship point of view, so that they can seek partnerswho morealign to their lifestyle or to see how they might helpthemselvesin their existing relationship. Our team worked withAuthor CathyLumsden M.A who wrote the highly successful book ‘TheBest AdviceYour Mother Never Gave You’ and who hosted the TV show‘The BestAdvice’ in developing the app ‘My True Self’. We ask theuser tofirst evaluate themselves based on what they believe theyare likein specific areas of a relationship, then they answer aseries ofquestions that compare what they feel they know aboutthemselves towhat they’ve actually answered. Then we provide themwith acollective conclusion on what kind of relationships best suittheirpersonality. Throughout the application, expert advise isgiven byCathy to help you along the journey to discover your trueself.Most of us choose our partners unknowingly based on ourlimitingbeliefs and MASKs. Now you can understand why you choosecertainindividuals over others, why your relationships are workingor notand where you need to improve either individually or as acouple.How can you get to know your relationship needs based onyourpersonality without first understanding your true self?Downloadthe app and begin the journey of a lifetime.
Parti Pizza 1.0
Parti Pizza, serving Ottawa Canada since 1972
AppYourWay Info 1.1.0
AppYourWay sample look/feel of what our apps could look likeforyour business.