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90's Pop Culture 6
Pop Culture in the 90’s exploded in style withinfluence from around the world. It seems like only yesterday thatflannel was the attire of choice amongst the discerningfashionistas and a certain smooth-talking southern charmer roamedthe halls of the White House. Toys and entertainment from Japansuch as the Tamagotchi and Dragonball Z became the new fad whileAmerica introduced the world to the rising fame of sport stars likeMichael Jordan and the sounds of Rap, Hip Hop and Grunge.Relive the fashion, sounds, films, sports, politics, trends, andattitudes. As world culture continues to expand with the publicused of the Internet, the World Wide Web became a source for peopleto communicate and share; it is truly the beginning to a newera.It's hard to believe so much excitement took place all in onedecade, play 90’s Pop Culture and tests your knowledge of the lastdecade of the millennium and relive the fun!
IQ Battle 11
Are you tired or bored IQ quizzes? Try IQBattle. This game is design for single and multi-play. Play withyour friends and battle WITs.This collection of questions is aim for fun with a variety oftopics. You will need a mensa brainiac level skills to master itall. Do you like mind-bending intellectually challenging questions?Are you up to date on scientific discoveries? Can you process somelogic? These questions test your ability to grapple with puzzles,esoteric trivia, linguistics, logic, mathematical patterns, andother brain twisters, that will make your head pulse.How smart are you? Do you think you have a high IQ? Thequestions in this game will keep you off your feet. So get thecerebrum cranking, and test your skills.
60's Trivia 4
The 60’s permeated all aspects of U.S.culture: movies, music, TV, politics, fashion and more. TheAfrican-American blues music embraced by America in the 50'schanneled through the U.K. into a new sound that changed the world,as a group of boys from Liverpool revolutionized pop culture,music, and entertainment.A charismatic senator from Massachusetts was elected presidentand a new era was ushered in. The civil rights struggles of the1950's were beginning to boil over, and a conflict in the smallSoutheast Asian country of Vietnam was beginning to escalate.Women's rights also came to the forefront, as young ladies began todemand the same rights as men. This also translated into a culturalrevolution, as the conservatism of the past developed into the freelove that defined the decade. This decade began with the staidconservatisms of the 1950's, and ended in a way few couldimagine.The 60's were a pivotal decade in American history. This groovydecade is too cool for one cat to describe, play 60’s Trivia!!!
90's Trivia 2
90’s Trivia is a collection of questions basedon Movies, Music, TV, News and World Events from this fabulousdecade. Journey though the 90's and "party like its 1999" asfamously sung by Prince, this game packs the fun and memorablemoments that concluded not only a century but started a newmillennium.The 90’s were a decade of scandals, achievements andinnovations. We witness the beginning of the World Wide Web thatelevated the way people communicate and move businesses global. TheMovies for the first time cost millions to produce and became muchmore spectacular. Today’s pop stars and actors were just kidssinging and acting in Movies, Sitcoms and Commercials. New musicstyles like Grudge and Hip Hop dominate the airwaves and continueto evolve into today’s mainstream sounds. Who can forget thescandals that almost took down the US president or the tragedy thatkilled a royal princess?Enjoy 90’s Trivia and relive a decade like no other.
70's Trivia 3
70’s Trivia is packed with questions about thebest of the 70’s. What were you doing in the 70’s? Were you solvingcrimes with Scooby Doo? Did you boogie at Studio 54? Who became thefirst female Prime Minister of Great Britain? Where is Jimmy Hoffa?70’s Trivia has many memorable moments from genres like music,movies, television, sports, politics, world events and more. Getready for the psychedelic styles and groovy sounds that changed ageneration. TV broadcast once in black and white became colorful;Movie dynasties such as Stars Wars, Aliens, Halloween and Rockyhave their beginnings; Music became the voice of a generation in adecade of wars, embargos and conflicts.Play 70’s Trivia and blaze though this groovy game in your broadties and platform shoes you know you're dying to wear and let thefun begin! It's DY-NO-MITE!
Mega Music Trivia 2
Music Lovers! Enjoy our collection of triviaall about music. More than just songs, this game challenges yourknowledge of the artists, bands, their albums, and the rise of popculture in music history. Today, music is interconnected withmovies, television, entertainment and woven into our daily lives.Which artist interrupted Taylor Swift during the MTV VMA awards?What song was 1st to be released on an USB format? Who performedthe original South Park theme? When was Michael Jackson’s firstsolo album released?Mega Music Trivia is a fun game for everyone to enjoy. Challengeyour music insight and learn about the people and sounds of ourgeneration.
70's Music Trivia 3
The 70's were a dynamic decade in musichistory. This is the decade that put the "classic" into classicrock. It brought us arena concerts, boogie shoes, flying pigs, andSid Vicious. The sixties solidified rhythm and blues withinsuburban society and the seventies left no doubt that rock wouldnever die. Groups that revolutionized rock in the sixties - theStones and The Who - were even bigger in the seventies. Zeppelindominated the decade with their thunderous sound. Pop legends likeElton John and Billy Joel made their debut. Glam rock wasintroduced as David Bowie reincarnated himself as Ziggy Stardust.As the decade progressed, the Sound of Philadelphia gave way todisco, and the funky sounds synonymous with the 70's. Of coursethere was the great rebellion known as punk. A middle finger in theface of staid commercial western society, the punk movement wasmore an ethos than a form of music.There's almost too much music for one Trivia Game to hold! Get70's Music Trivia and Get Yer Yas Yas Out!
80's Television Trivia 8
The 80’s introduced some of the best sit-comsand television series in television history. Come experience yourfavorite TV again!!!The Facts of Life in the 80's was pretty simple and Hollywoodproduced the best characters to satisfy our cravings. Aliens fromMelmac lived in the suburbs; group of friends Cheers each other onat the local drinking spot and Alex P. Keaton was theexemplification of the political mindset that replaced Baby Boomeridealism. Smurfs wandered around a forest pursued by a miserly oldmagician, and G.I. Joe provided after-school advice. It was a greattime to be alive!The TV shows of the 80's were instantly classics. How could yougo wrong with a Dodge Charger called the "General Lee" drivenaround by a couple of good ole boys? Or a talking Firebird drivenaround by a man only known as "The Hoff"? Play 80’s Television!!!What are you waiting for? Download the app and have fun!!Keywords:80 80's 80s TV Television Show Sitcoms Networks Game Games QuizTrivia Challenge 1980s 1980's
70's Television Trivia 4
It's time to get in the Way-Back in televisionhistory. TV shows are now in color, do you remember the good times?The Love Boat, Archie Bunker, M.A.S.H.? J.R. was a nefarious oilbaron before getting shot in the 80's, Dallas debuted its longrunning series while Jack Tripper lives with his two gorgeousroommates under the pretense of being a gay man (while gettin' downat the Regal Beagle, of course).70’s Television Trivia is all about the groovy shows, grippingdramas and exciting characters. The Fonz could still turn on ajukebox with a sharp punch, and Fred Sanford is still drinkingShampipple (that's champagne and ripple folks!), along with thefoxy ladies from Charlie's Angels, and the original "Not Ready forPrimetime Players" of Saturday Night Live.So what are you waiting for? Moving on up, and download 70's TVTrivia!
70's Pop Culture 3
Have some fabulous fun with 70’s Pop Culture.This game is loaded with fun facts and trivia about one of thegrooviest decade. Do you love the 70’s? Were you watching ElectricCompany? Did you boogie at Studio 54 when you had Night Fever?Where are your broad ties and platform shoes?The fabulous 70's funky fashion as alternative lifestylesbecomes the talk of mainstream media. The 'fros were big, the jeanswere to the ground, and the man in the White House was...well, alittle paranoid. The 70s closed the chapter on the idealistic BabyBoom generation, and Generation Jones took over.Well, kiss my grits, get 70’s pop culture and let the fun begin!It's DY-NO-MITE!
70's Movie Trivia 3
The 70’s are called "The Jazz Age of AmericanFilm" for a reason. Some of cinema's greatest movies came from thisdecade: The Godfather, Chinatown, Mash, Taxi Driver. The list goeson. Of course, the 70’s are best known for the creation of theHollywood blockbusters that lead to worldwide releases,merchandising, sequels, trilogies and more. Movie cinemacornerstones like Aliens, Star Wars, Rocky, Star Trek, Superman,Halloween and Jaws are just a few that continues to be reprisedtoday.The 70’s also ushered in a new generation of American directorswho would go on to change movie history, the entertainmentindustry, and pop culture. The names are now ingrained as icons:Spielberg, Scorsese, Coppola, Altman - these figures loom large aswe continue into the 21st Century with technique, style and visionof these great directors embedded in our movie culture.So come up to the lab and see what's on the slab. I see youshiver with anticipation to enjoy 70’s Movie Trivia.
Bible Battle Trivia 9
Bible Battle is a collection of trivia thatchallenge your knowledge of the stories in the Bible. How well doyou know some of these stories? Why did David choose to fightGoliath? Why was Joseph sold into slavery? What lead to Jesus’sexecution after being found innocent of crimes?The Bible encompasses numerous stories of Love and Faith as wellas Murder, Deceit and illustrates the strength and might of God.Disasters like flood and fire destroys cities and culture, peopleescape from slavery and persecution, peasants unite and emperorsfall. These are stories that repeat in our history and show thefallacy of people. Through our Love and Faith, humanityre-establishes what is good and continues to battle against theevil in the world.This game is great for everyone who wants to know more about theevents and people in the bible that shape the history of our worldtoday.
Speak & Learn Chinese 1.0
Learn Chinese the easy way with pictures,phonetics, and sounds.Learning a new language is challenging because it requires therepetitive use of words, along with the need to memorize phoneticand spoken sounds to anchor new pathways in the brain for learning.This mental anchoring is often repetitive and dull.The Speak & Learn series of language tutors are aimed to addexcitement and fun to your learning experience. It is designed tooffer vacationers and business travelers a quick but in depthreview of words that are common for traveling and communication.The Speak & Learn series is particularly unique because itoffers the actual pronunciation of the foreign vocabulary.Each lesson is short, and offers escalating difficulty. Retainedknowledge gained in the beginner modes is used in the challengemode to test your skills. In a few quick games, you will learn someof the over 270 words taught in Speak & Learn Chinese. The appwill improve your communication and understanding of MandarinChinese.More than learning, Speak & Learn Chinese is a fun game thatrewards with points and challenges to stimulate the mind.
80's Movie Trivia 10
Ahh...the 80's. 80’s Movies became wide spreadwith the adoption of VCRs. As movie rentals became a part ofAmerican history, these films became a part of worldwide popculture. Most importantly, the movies were, like, totally radical!This games tests your film knowledge of that most awesome ofdecades. Who was Indiana Jone's sidekick in the Temple of Doom?What was E.T.'s favorite candy? Who acted in both Stars Wars andBlue Brothers? Which SNL starred in Coming to America?80’s Movie Trivia is loaded with questions about the actors,films, awards and top movie moments that are ingrained with ourmemories of a time when our hair was high, and jeans werestonewashed. Reagan was president, and David Hasselholff's dependedon his talking car.Play 80’s Movie Trivia and travel back in time without aDeLorean, and challenge your expertise of 80’s Movies. Enjoy!
90's Movie Trivia 7
90's Movies Trivia features an amazingcollection of fun facts, movie quotes and challenging moviequestions ranging from the indie films to the blockbusters thattook world dominance and became the highest grossing films of thetime.What is the first movie to gross over $1 billion dollars? Why isJohnny Depp’s character in Las Vegas for Fear and Loathing? WhoPlayed Bela Legosi in Ed Wood? What was Christopher Nolan’s debutfilm? Where is Site B in Jurassic Park?90’s Movie Trivia is expanded with over 50% more trivia. Enjoythis entertaining game and test your knowledge of the films of the1990’s.
Old Testaments Trivia 6
The Old Testaments presents some of the oldestliterature in the world. Christians, Jews and many other religionsalike share the wisdom of these stories in the bible and itsscriptures are followed thought-out the world shapes our societytoday.We know God created the world then rest on the 7th day. But doyou know the meaning of “Israel”? Do you know how God punish Cainwhen he killed Abel? How many books of the Old Testaments are inthe Hebrew Torah? Where was God’s third writing after the 10commandments?Test your knowledge of the Old Testaments. This fun trivia gameis challenging and great for learning about the bible.
Christian Bible Quiz 6
Christian Bible Quiz is an excellent game tolearn about the life and history of Jesus Christ as observed in thebible. This large collection of trivia is fun for young and seniorto develop a better understanding of the bible.Where was Peter when he denied Jesus for the second time? Whendid Jesus teach the Lord’s Prayer? How did Jesus heal the blindman?Learn about the bible, life of Jesus and his disciples throughthe scriptures of Mark, Luke, John, Matthew and the holy book. Havea great game.
Holy Bible Quiz 12
The holy bible quiz is fun and filled with thehistory and facts from the scriptures. It encompasses the old andnew testaments and illustrates the strength and might of the lordsavior though events and the will of men.Discover who was the first man killed, why did David fightGoliath, and the many events of the holy wars as told in the bible.This will all be revealed in the Holy Bible Quiz.Holy Bible Quiz brings you a collection of questions to revisitthe darker side of the bible. Brother killing brother, peasantsunite and emperors fall. Challenge your knowledge of the historyand facts related to the scripture.This game is great for adults who want to know more about theevents and people in the bible that shape the history our worldtoday.
New York Sports Trivia 11
Hey New York Sport fans, do you love somesports trivia challenge? Are you a fanatic and know about all thehistory, stats, the legendary sports figures and moments that shapethe New York sport scene. Our sports trivia is designed toentertain you while tingle your memory with all the facts and statsof your favorite players and teams. Enjoy Trivia from teams andstars like Yankees, Mets, Knicks, Nets, Rangers, Islanders, MikeTyson, US Open and More.Do you know who the NY Giants beat to get to last Super Bowl?What year did the Knicks trade for Carmelo Anthony? Who won thefirst game of the 1977 World Series? Who was the Rangers 1994 MVP?Remember the shot heard around the world and Broadway Joe's SuperBowl guarantee? How about Willis Reed's hobbled playoff heroics? -The Big Apple is the site of sport's history.
Celebrity Quiz 11
We love our Celebrities, like in oldendayswhen Kings and Royalties are worshipped, admired anddespised,modern day’s movie stars, musicians, politicians andathletes claimour attention. Sometimes they are born from fame butoften they area common person that does something special andunique. That’s whywe crave their fame and the media follows.Celebrity Quiz has questions about the news, gossips, awardsandachievements of the modern day Kings and Queens. Who gaintheirfame as the winners of American Idol? Why did Lindseygetarrested…again? Was Marilyn with JFK, RFK, and Sinatra?Whichartist started their world tour in 2014? Who was in a realityshowwith Paris?This game is all about fun, challenge and insight on thepeoplethat shape our world. Are you ready for a Celebrity Quiz?
90's Television Trivia 5
Remember those funny sitcoms and TV showsthatwe grew up with? The 90's brought a new wave of nowclassictelevision. Rachel is everybody's best friend; Jerry’s onceagainbeats this high school track rival; 90210 is the coolest zipcodeever; Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy jumping around with Ren &Stimpy;Did Charissa really explain it all?90’s Television Trivia has the brilliant dialogue, thehilariouscharacters, the lovable cartoons and prime-time hits. Itseems likeonly yesterday that the Olsen Twins were cute babiessinging withUncle Jesse, and Screech was hanging with Mr.Belding.Play 90’s TV Trivia, this game is all about the top showsandfavorite sitcoms that dominated the 90’s TV airwaves.
Sci Fi Trivia 11
Some will swear by their paranormalencountersand experiences: a spectral image on a desolate highway;an eerieconcentrated light in the sky that moves in an unworldlyway, andthen suddenly disappears; a hand that brushes a shoulder inanempty building in which a tragic death took place.What do you know about the supernatural? Detractors saytheseexperiences are delusions – desperate attempts to gainnotoriety,or make sense of a random world. This game entertainswithquestions surrounding the haunting, extraterrestrialencounters,and paranormal experiences mythologized – or perhapsactualized –throughout history.Fact or Fiction? UFO, Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghosts,Vampires,Werewolves, Mayan 2012 prediction and Nostradamus: Arethey True?Do you know?Come visit "Sci-Fi Trivia" for all your answers.
World Cup Trivia 12
Celebrate the most beloved sport acrosstheglobe - Join all the football and soccer fans and test yourtriviaskills on the history of the top teams, playerachievements,rivalries and the most celebrated moments in the WorldCupTournament. Do you know leading scorer of all time? How manyWorldCups did Pele win? Which nation has participated in themosttournaments in history?Ready for a Challenge? Celebrate with the millions of soccerfansand root for your favorite teams and play World CupTrivia.
Music Trivia Challenge 1
Music reverberates the sounds of life.MusicTrivia Challenge is packed with the history, lifestyle, andsoundsfrom the top artists and their work that inspires ageneration. Whois the best new artist in 2013? Did you know Gangnamstyle is the5th album by PSY? How many awards did Taylor swift wonsince beinginterrupted by Kanye West?Music Trivia Challenge covers all the top hits of today withasplash of challenging trivia from decades past. Enjoy allthemoments that bring the music we love to life. Can you finishthisgame with a perfect score? Challenge yourself and your friendsto agame of epic music trivia.
Dinosaur Quiz 3
Dinosaurs are animals of the ancient past.Itamazes us that large creatures such as dinosaurs existedmillionsof years ago before the dawn of humankind. Learn aboutthediscovery of dinosaurs, the paleontologist who study them,andscientific facts recently discovered.Who coined the term dinosaur? What was the largest dinosaureverdiscovered? Who was Edward Drinker Cope’s rival in the bonewars?Test your knowledge on a subject that was once shrouded inmysteryand now a goldmine of information about the history of theearthand its ancient inhabitants. It is amazing how much we havelearnedand continue to discover.Dinosaur Quiz is a great start in your quest of discovery!Testyour knowledge of amazing facts and obscure details of theancientearth. Take a glimpse into the past to understand facts thatmayreflect the future of our own survival on planet earth.
NY Baseball Trivia 11
Do you know the history of New YorkBaseball?Our trivia takes you through all the best hitters,pitchers, andbest games in baseball history. Teams like theYankees, Mets, andBrooklyn Dodgers and their players created thedynasty we knowtoday.Do you know babe's stats? The Mick's hits? What year didJackieRobinson debut for the dodgers? What team did the Mets beatto wintheir first World Series? We have all the facts and answersfromthe yesteryears and today.NY Baseball Trivia is great for the young and seniors tojourneythrough the history of baseball and re-live the bestmoments.
Hallelujah Bible Quiz 7
Hallelujah!!! It is a joyful timelearningabout the bible. The scriptures contain inspirationalstories thatteach us about faith, biblical history and the worldthat we livein. How well do you know "The Good Book"? HallelujahBible Quizoffers an insightful look into the facts and historyillustrated inthe scripture. From genesis to revelation, learn whobaptizedJesus, what trees were planted in Eden, and who was therich fool.Learn about famous biblical figures such as Moses, Noah,Lot,Joshua and many others.Hallelujah Bible Quiz is a great game to learn about the Bibleandits scriptures. Have a fun experience learning abouttheBible.
90's Music Trivia 5
90’s Music continues to evolve as popstarsbecame mega stars on the world stage. The hair metal bandsthatthrived with glitz and soothing ballads were transposed withtherebellious sounds of grunge, rap and hip-hop. The 90’s witnessthemainstreaming of rap and hip-hop as an alternative to rockandmetal while brooding and angry young men from Seattlereplacedpretty boys in leotards, clad in plaid flannel. It was adecadewith amazing new music.New artists such as Nirvana, Snoop Dog, Pearl Jam, Wu TangClan,Alice in Chains, Green day and many more became the forefrontof90’s music. As the suburbs embraced the urban music genre,theseartists made an imprint on music history and transformed thesoundswe hear today.Now get ready for a little retro action with 90’s MusicTrivia.Do you smell like teen spirit? What music did Jay-Z samplewith ahard knock life? Did you jump around with the house ofpain?Experience 90’s music and feel the good vibrations.
Monster Trivia 2
Monsters, the creatures of night thatscares,haunts and stirs our imagination. Since childhood, ghouls,ghosts,zombies, vampire, werewolves, witches, lochness and numerousothersare modern day spooks that originated from books, television,andlegends. Do you know their origins? Why do they intrigue us? Whydothey rise from the dead and how do we destroy them?Monster Trivia possesses countless number of questions allaboutthe modern day legends of horror. What is the most commonwitch’sfamiliar? How long does a decapitated head stay alive? WhatcausesZombieism? Have a frightful time learning about the historyfactsand fictions of Monsters, Halloween and much more.
80's Music Trivia 4
The 80’s are known for the birth of popmusicas more and more sounds are produced with synthesizers andotherelectronic instruments. Meanwhile, Rock music dominated asmetal,new wave, soft rock and others filled the radio waveswithgenerational hits. It began with the mainstreaming of punkrock,and the emergence of poppy and synthy new wave. Hair metalreignedsupreme, as the ozone layer thins out due to the abundanceofhairspray that was liberally doused on the heads ofleotard-cladrockers. Underground indie rock continued to producebrilliant actslike The Pixies and Sonic Youth. Meanwhile, a newform of music -rap - was beginning to chart a whole new path forthe musicindustry.Music from the 80's was broad and revolutionary. Do you knowwhodiscovered the Violent Femmes? Which actress pranced on the hoodinWhitesnake’s “Here I go Again”? How did Def Leppard drummerRickAllen lose his arm? Play 80’s Music Trivia and challengeyourfriends to see who really knows their 80’s music.
80's Pop Culture 7
Ah the 80's, the hair, clothes,people,politics, and the media craze: it's the prime of PopCulture. 80’sPop Culture has totally rad questions about a decadefilled withrock bands, movies, sitcoms, fads, trend, world news andpolitics.The 80’s brought us so many wonders; Compact Disc (CD),theGameboy, Cell Phones and much more. 80’s movies are modernclassicsand 80’s music puts the Pop in Pop Culture. The 80’s were adecadebefore the Internet but its pop culture is ingrained intoday’sworld.Are you ready to relive 80's? Put on the parachute pantsanddance to some Madonna and Paula Abdul. Kiss a little longerwithsome Big Red watching Mikey on Growing Pains. Enjoy 80’sPopCulture and have some retro fun !!!
80's Trivia 5
Remember the 80’s? The 80’s were a decadefullof exciting inventions, music, and world changing events. Retroisin and retro is all about the 80's. The hair, clothes,style,celebrities, politics, and the media craze: it's the prime ofPopCulture. Are you ready to time travel the 80's and challengeyourknowledge? Do you know the Facts of Life? Do theyinvolvejellybean-eating former B-movie actors as US Presidents?When wasMTV invented? What is Alf's favorite food?80's Trivia will tingle your memory of your favorite movieandthat crazy song. 80’s Trivia is an exciting game with a varietyofquestions like music, movies, TV, world events, and sports.GetReady, wear your slap bracelets, put away the Simon, andjourneythrough the 80's.