Area68 Apps

BikeAid Store Locator 5.62.1
The BikeAid app is the global bike serviceslocator. With over 20,000 bike stores listed globally, the power isin your pocket. The BikeAid app is just what you need to find theclosest bike store to you right now, or search other suburbs,cities and the rest of the world. Get directions direct to the bikestore from the app.Besides bike store listings we have over 1,100 public bike toollocations to make basic repairs yourself 24/7. There’s also a listof online based cycle and triathlon coaches for the more seriousrider. Lastly a comprehensive news, info, products and extrassection. In this section of the app you are also able to submit oredit a bike service listing and contact us. There’s something foreveryone on two wheels in here. Road, Mtb and Tri. We have youcovered...We are committed to having the largest and most up to datemobile bike service database available. We update the app weekly somore locations around the world get added regularly.The app will locate the bike stores in your smartphone's currentarea, as long as the smartphone's location setting is activated,and lists the stores automatically according to distance from yourcurrent location. There is also a manual search feature so if youknow the name of a store but can’t remember where it is, noproblem. Just enter in the name of the bike store, the app willthen show distance to the store and directions from yourlocation.Once you have found the store you are given the:• Name• Address• Phone number with the facility to call at a press of a button -not all available• Website link if available• Directions from your current locationLook out for premium listings within the app that have a lotmore info about each location. You’ll spot them by their logo inthe list within each category. These locations have supported us tobe able to bring the app to you free, so please support them whereyou can.
The Good Dog Co 5.62.1
Welcome to The Good Dog Co, bringing you ourdog services locator app.With thousands of dog related businesses and services listed, wejust might become you and your dog’s new best friend!Search for the best dog friendly places and businesses in NZacross categories including;Vet Services, Pet Stores & Groomers, Dog FriendlyAccommodation, Boarding Kennels & Dog Day Care, Dog FriendlyCafes & Eateries, Dog Friendly Parks & Beaches plus ourNews & Info section.The app will locate the dog related places/services in yoursmartphone's current area, as long as the smartphone's locationsetting is activated, and lists these automatically according todistance from your current location. There is also a powerfulmanual search feature so you can search by suburb, city, nameetc...Once you have chosen the place you are given the:• Name• Address• Phone number with the facility to call them at a press of abutton• Website link if available• Directions from your current locationLook out for premium listed places/services within the app thatgive you access to even more info in their listing.In our News and Info section of the app you can sniff around forgreat products, link to great blog and dog related sites andsupport organisations that we support. Don’t chase your tail allover the place, it’s all right here.Don’t see Spot’s favorite dog park, beach or wag-welcoming cafeyet? Simply use the Add Location feature in the News and Infosection to tell us about your favorite spots—other dog lovers willthank you!We update the content regularly and don’t worry, it’s not goingto be just for New Zealand.We can't wait to be let off our leash and fetch info for the restof the world to use.