Astroid Ace Tech Apps

健康生活之中医养生 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:养生先养元气做女人,就要做妖精:一个34岁女人的保养秘诀中医揭秘痘痘成因 教你治痘妙方陈允斌食疗养生全集女人7年一个坎,教你神秘的中医古法养生经期保养攻略老中医53个很牛的秘方老年人养生保健常识高血压中医保健方案中药养生泡脚配方大全国宝级名老中医秘方集锦老年人饮食养生原则中医悬灸推荐15个超级有效穴位美容养生之怎样使头发变得既乌黑又浓密中医养生之道日常经络养生之道中医教授教你如何养肾补肾老年人用药安全问题一个女中医写的女人保养秘笈_女性一定要看养生泡酒配方中医六大神奇点穴急救大法南怀瑾谈睡眠养生Software includes thefollowing:Health first raised vitalityBeing a woman, you do goblins: a 34-year-old woman's maintenancetipsCauses of acne medicine teach you Zhidou Secret recipeThe Complete Works of Chen Yunbin therapeutic regimenWoman seven years a bucket, teach you the mysterious ancientChinese medicine and healthRaiders menstrual care53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleElderly health care knowledgeHypertension medicine health programsChinese Herbal foot bath recipe DaquanOld Chinese national treasure recipe galleryThe principle of the elderly diet regimenMoxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine recommend 15super-efficient pointsHow to make hair beauty regimen become both black and thickTCM regimenMeridian daily regimenTCM professor to teach you how to Kidney Yang ShenOlder drug safety issuesTCM write a female woman women unmissable Maintenance Tips _Health sparkling wine recipeEmergency medicine acupuncture Dafa six magicalNan Tan sleep health
孙子兵法 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
《孙子兵法》又称《孙武兵法》《吴孙子兵法》《孙子兵书》《孙武兵书》等,英文名为“TheArt of War”,是中国现存最早的兵书,也是世界上最早的军事著作,被誉为“兵学圣典”。《孙子兵法》是中国古典军事文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝,中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,其内容博大精深,思想精邃富赡,逻辑缜密严谨,是古代军事思想精华的集中体现。作者为春秋时祖籍齐国乐安的吴国将军孙武。“孙子兵法”被称为镇国之宝,在中国被奉为兵家经典。诞生至今已有2500年历史,历代都有研究。李世民说“观诸兵书,无出孙武”。兵法是谋略,谋略不是小花招,而是大战略、大智慧。如今,孙子兵法已经走向世界。它也被翻译成多种语言,在世界军事史上也具有重要的地位。"Art of War" also knownas "孙武兵 Law" "Miss Art of War", "The Art of War book" "孙武兵 book"etc., the English called "The Art of War", is the earliest extantChinese book on military strategy, but also the world's firstmilitary works, known as the "Military Science Codex.""Art of War" is a classical Chinese military heritage treasures inthe bright, an important part of China's outstanding traditionalculture, its content is profound, mysterious rich ideologicalessence age support, careful rigorous logic, is a concentratedexpression of the essence of the ancient military thinking. Theauthor is the Spring and Autumn ancestral Qi Wu, Lok general SunTzu."Art of War" is known treasures of the town country, is regarded asa classic in Chinese military strategists. History has been born in2500, studied history there. Li Shimin says "View all art of war,without the Sun Tzu." Art of War is a strategy, the strategy is nota small trick, but great strategy, great wisdom. Today, The Art ofWar has been to the world. It has also been translated into severallanguages ​​in the world military history also plays an importantrole.
各种场合说话技巧18例 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:大会主持人的说话技巧介绍自己工作情况的语言技巧说笑话的技巧回答复杂问语的基本方法谈判成功的要点寒暄应酬中的控场技巧交谈中诱导的技巧消除交谈中紧张心理的方法1询问的技巧问候三要引发陌生人话题的方法与陌生人缩短距离的方法借东西时的说话技巧新老邻居搭讪的方法孩子间吵架,打架后家长说话的技巧劝架的说话技巧使用称呼语应处理好的七种关系Software includes thefollowing:Conference presenters speaking skillsIntroduce the language skills of their work situationJokes skillsAsked to answer the basic method of complex languageSuccessful negotiation pointsGreetingEntertainment in the control field skillsChat techniques induced inNervousness conversation elimination methodAn inquiry skillsGreetings three toMethod raises the topic of strangersWays to shorten the distance with strangersSomething borrowed when speaking skillsNew and old neighbors approached methodsQuarrel between children, parents fight after speaking skillsMediate speaking skillsUse salutation should be well treated seven kinds ofrelationships
孙子兵法和三十六计 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
《孙子兵法》又称《孙武兵法》《吴孙子兵法》《孙子兵书》《孙武兵书》等,英文名为“TheArt of War”,是中国现存最早的兵书,也是世界上最早的军事著作,被誉为“兵学圣典”。《孙子兵法》是中国古典军事文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝,中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,其内容博大精深,思想精邃富赡,逻辑缜密严谨,是古代军事思想精华的集中体现。作者为春秋时祖籍齐国乐安的吴国将军孙武。“孙子兵法”被称为镇国之宝,在中国被奉为兵家经典。诞生至今已有2500年历史,历代都有研究。李世民说“观诸兵书,无出孙武”。兵法是谋略,谋略不是小花招,而是大战略、大智慧。如今,孙子兵法已经走向世界。它也被翻译成多种语言,在世界军事史上也具有重要的地位。《三十六计》或称“三十六策”,是指中国古代三十六个兵法策略,语源于南北朝,成书于明清。它是根据我国古代卓越的军事思想和丰富的斗争经验总结而成的兵书,是中华民族悠久文化遗产之一。原书按计名排列,共分六套,即胜战计、敌战计、攻战计、混战计、并战计、败战计。前三套是处于优势所用之计,后三套是处于劣势所用之计。每套各包含六计,总共三十六计。其中每计名称后的解说,均系依据《易经》中的阴阳变化之理及古代兵家刚柔、奇正、攻防、彼己、虚实、主客等对立关系相互转化的思想推演而成,含有朴素的军事辩证法的因素。解说后的按语,多引证宋代以前的战例和孙武、吴起、尉缭子等兵家的精辟语句。全书还有总说和跋。三十六计是我国古代兵家计谋的总结和军事谋略学的宝贵遗产,为便于人们熟记这三十六条妙计,有位学者在三十六计中每取一字,依序组成一首诗:金玉檀公策,借以擒劫贼,鱼蛇海间笑,羊虎桃桑隔,树暗走痴故,釜空苦远客,屋梁有美尸,击魏连伐虢。全诗除了檀公策外,每字包含了三十六计中的一计,依序为:金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待劳、擒贼擒王、趁火打劫、关门捉贼、浑水摸鱼、打草惊蛇、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、顺手牵羊、调虎离山、李代桃僵、指桑骂槐、隔岸观火、树上开花、暗渡陈仓、走为上、假痴不癫、欲擒故纵、釜底抽薪、空城计、苦肉计、远交近攻、反客为主、上屋抽梯、偷梁换柱、无中生有、美人计、借尸还魂、声东击西、围魏救赵、连环计、假道伐虢。另有一好事者,也作了一首伏头藏尾打油诗,曰:下策金玉借,以指劫擒贼;草鱼海间笑,山羊桃中击;树暗痴故走,釜空苦远客;屋梁连人尸,隔魏虢国灭。诗去掉头尾的“下策”、“国灭”各二字,余三十六字,一字一计,依序为:金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待劳、指桑骂槐、趁火打劫、擒贼擒王、关门捉贼、打草惊蛇、浑水摸鱼、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、调虎离山、顺手牵羊、李代桃僵、无中生有、声东击西、树上开花、暗渡陈仓、假痴不癫、欲擒故纵、走为上、釜底抽薪、空城计、苦肉计、远交近攻、反客为主、上屋抽梯、偷梁换柱、连环计、美人计、借尸还魂、隔岸观火、围魏救赵、假道伐虢。
儿童故事精选集 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:适合2-3岁宝宝的小故事与马有关的成语故事少儿睡前故事源自圣经文学的成语典故幼儿小故事零至二岁宝宝故事(一)有意义的小故事(适合幼儿园小朋友)成语寓言故事儿童睡前好故事集成语故事大全零至二岁宝宝故事集(二)庄子中的成语故事三国典故与成语勤奋学习的成语故事宝宝睡前故事源于神话故事的成语儿童英语小故事宝宝睡前必听小故事春秋战国时期的成语故事15则中国人不可不知的20成语典故儿童成语故事零至二岁宝宝故事集(三)最受小朋友喜欢的睡前故事小学生励志成语故事成语典故适合2-3岁儿童的睡前小故事宝宝睡前故事精选中国成语故事160篇谜语大全-成语谜及答案零至二岁宝宝故事集(四)历史名人的10个成语故事中国成语故事160篇儿童英语故事、小学生双语故事(超全版)小学成语故事宝宝睡前故事常用成语大全及解释幼儿睡前故事集Softwareincludes the following:Suitable for 2-3 years old baby's storyIdiom stories about horsesChildren's bedtime storyIdiom from Biblical LiteraturePreschool storyZero-old baby to the story (a)Meaningful story (for kindergarten children)Idiom fableGood bedtime stories for childrenIdioms DaquanZero to old baby stories (two)Zhuangzi in idiomsThree allusions and idiomsDiligent study of idiomsBaby bedtime storyThe phrase comes from mythologyChildren's stories in EnglishBaby will listen to bedtime storiesIdioms Spring and Autumn Period 15Chinese people must know the 20 IdiomChildren idiomsZero to old baby stories (three)Like most children's bedtime storyPupils inspirational idiomsIdiomSuitable for 2-3 years old children bedtime storiesBaby bedtime story selectionChinese idioms 160Riddle Daquan - idioms puzzle and answersZero to old baby stories (four)10 idiom stories of historical figuresChinese idioms 160Children's stories in English, pupils bilingual story (super fullversion)Primary idiomsBaby bedtime storyEncyclopedia of common idioms and explanationsChildren bedtime stories
心理学专家教你阅人术 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:女医师阅人无数:孝顺的人才能发达经理的阅人术阅人四步曲望闻问切人生的必修课:阅人术如何阅人FBI超强阅人术教你看穿谎言10个万能谈话技巧实用心理学(非常实用)如何看穿一个人如何判断一个人爱不爱你怎样判断一个人是不是G十种心理现象(非常有用)几千年屡试不爽的识人五法重要的不是TA是否撒谎,而是为什么要撒谎怎样判断你是否爱上某人?Software includes thefollowing:Female doctor reading countless people: people who can developedfilialManagers who read surgeryFour Steps reading people look and smellCompulsory in life: reading people surgeryHow to read peopleFBI super-surgery reading peopleTeach you to see through the lies10 universal conversation skillsPractical Psychology (very useful)How to see through a personHow to judge a person love youHow to tell if a person is not GTen kinds of mental phenomena (very useful)For thousands of years people five time-tested method ofknowledgeTA is important is not lying, but why lieHow to determine whether you fall in love with someone?
成语故事大全 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包含以下内容:中国成语故事篇成语寓言故事成语典故春秋战国时期的成语故事5则中国人不可不知的成语典故三国典故与成语与马有关的成语故事小学生励志成语故事源自圣经文学的成语典故源于神话故事的成语小学成语故事儿童成语故事庄子中的成语故事历史名人的个成语故事勤奋学习的成语故事Software contains thefollowing:Chinese idioms articlesIdiom fableIdiomIdioms Spring and Autumn Period 5Chinese people must know IdiomThree allusions and idiomsIdiom stories about horsesPupils inspirational idiomsIdiom from Biblical LiteratureThe phrase comes from mythologyPrimary idiomsChildren idiomsZhuangzi in idiomsIdiom story historical figuresDiligent study of idioms
易经 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
易经即周易(中国古代著作)《周易》亦称《易经》,简称《易》。“易”有变易(事物变化)简易(执简驭繁)不易(永恒不变)三义,相传系周人所作,故名。内容包括《经》和《传》两部分。[1]周易以高度抽象的六十四卦的形式表征普遍存在的双边关系中可能发生的各种各样的变化[2],并附以卦爻辞作简要说明[3]。传说周文王演周易,其背景是周文王与商纣王之间的斗争。因周有周密、周遍、周流等意,是建立在阴阳二元论基础上对事物运行规律加以论证和描述的书籍。其对于天地万物进行性状归类,天干地支五行论,甚至精确到可以对事物的未来发展做出较为准确的预测。《周易》的诞生地就是现在的古都安阳。羑里城位于安阳市区南10公里处。《周易》是中国传统思想文化中自然哲学与伦理实践的根源,对中国文化产生了巨大的影响。是中华人民智慧与文化的结晶,被誉为“群经之首,大道之源”。在古代是帝王之学,政治家、军事家、商家的必修之术。天师后裔、易经专家张金华云:《周易》含盖万有,纲纪群伦,是中国传统文化的杰出代表;广大精微,包罗万象,亦是中华文明的源头活水ThatChingChing (Chinese ancient writings)"Book" also known as "Book of Changes", referred to "easy.""Easy"has changed easily (things change) Easy (executive Jane YuFan)easy (eternal) Sanyi, according to legend by the Department oftheZhou Dynasty, hence the name. Including "Classic" and"Biography"in two parts. [1] Book of characterization of a widevariety ofchanges in the prevalence of bilateral relations that mayoccur ina highly abstract form hexagrams [2], along with abriefdescription of the Divinatory Words [3]. Ching played thelegendaryemperor, whose background is the struggle between theemperor andKing Zhou. Zhou careful because, surrounding, Zhou flow,etc.Italy, is based on the dualism of yin and yang to bedemonstratedand described on the basis of the law of books abouthow thingswork. For all things carry traits of itsclassification,attribution theory of the five elements, or evenaccurate to thefuture development of things can make more accuratepredictions."Book" is now the birthplace of the ancient capital ofAnyang.Youliucheng located 10 kilometers south of the downtown areaof​​Anyang. "Book" is the root of Chinese Traditional Culturenaturalphilosophy and ethics practices of Chinese culture had atremendousimpact. People and culture is the crystallization ofwisdom, knownas "group after the first, the source of theBoulevard." In ancientemperors of academics, politicians, military,businesses arecompulsory. Fearless descent, I Ching expert Zhang金华云: "Book"covers over all, discipline group of London, is anoutstandingrepresentative of Chinese traditional culture; majorityof subtle,all-inclusive, also serves as a source ofChinesecivilization
心理学志家教你为人处世技巧 1.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:为人处事的22技为人处事100条处事方式与说话技巧瞬间抓住人心的66个关键人际关系的55个绝招处事三十六计袁岳的三十六条人情世故日常生活中的博弈战术生活中的处事禁忌怎样做人_怎样看透人_怎样为人处世受益终生的交际、做人、做事_处世之道该如何为人处事经典法则做人的底线为人处世是门学问处世要霸气_为人要大气做人处世之道你学会为人处世了吗?--经典为人处事:不要只看事情的表象为人处世箴言怎样做人做事教你为人处事的方法[精品]培养人脉、为人处世结交朋友的100技巧职场为人处世之道改变你一生的30个做人智慧为人处事有许多技巧为人处事学Software includes thefollowing:22 people skills skillsPeople skills 100Ways of doing things and speaking skillsMoment to seize the heart of 66 key55 trick relationshipsDoing things SanshiliujiYuan Yue of thirty-six ways of the worldGame tactics everyday lifeTaboo of doing things in lifeHow to see through people how to behave _ what _ mannersA lifetime of communication, life, work _ life skillsThe classic rules of how people skillsThe bottom line in lifeInteraction with others is a learned skillLife skills to the atmosphere to be domineering man _Man life skillsYou learn manners yet? - ClassicPeople doing things: Do not just look at the appearance ofthingsProverbs actedHow doing thingsTeach you ways of doing things [fine]Cultivate contacts, make friends and acted 100 tipsWorkplace manners of the Road30 life changing wisdom of your lifeThere are many techniques of doing thingsLearn people skills
学英语必看英语语法手册 3.0
Astroid Ace Tech
在实用英语备受青睐的现在,大家在学习英语和准备各种考试时,总是把听说读写放在首位,诚然,学习语言重在实践。但是,请不要忽视语法的作用,特别是在阅读和写作中,他能帮助你分析清楚句子结构,准确抓住句子的要点,更能帮你写出复杂而优美的长句。以下为你整理《英语语法手册》全集,不需背诵记忆,只要静下心阅读一遍,就能有所收获!In practical Englishfavored now, we are learning English and preparing all kinds ofexaminations, always speaking and writing in the first place, it istrue, focusing on language learning practice. But please do notignore the role of grammar, especially in reading and writing, hecan help you analyze sentence structure clearly and accuratelygrasp the point of the sentence, but can help you write a complexand beautiful long sentences. The following is your finishing"English Grammar Handbook" Complete Works, without memorization, aslong as Jing Xiaxin read it again, can be harvested!
高中英语语法大全 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:(1)表语从句(2)主语从句(3)宾语从句(4)同位语从句(5)同位语从句(6)不定式的构成(7)-ing分词的构成Software includes thefollowing:(1) predicative clause(2) subject clause(3) the object clause(4) appositive clause(5) appositive clause  (6) constitutes infinitive(7)-ing participle constitute
肌肉型男速成秘籍 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:型男计划练成肌肉男的14式从丑男变型男----最全面的帅哥养成记录锻炼腹肌的方法怎样练习腹肌健美运动中上身几块肌肉的训练技巧如何练成8块性感的腹肌技巧:肌肉练习先练大块的增长肌肉的技巧想要肌肉块咱们有办法 练出完美肌肉10个小技巧超级胸肌训练法打造完美胸肌锻炼出大块的腹肌和有型的胸肌练腹肌最好的锻炼姿势肌肉男健身技巧锻炼背部肌肉技巧小腿肌锻炼方法,小腿肌肉锻炼技巧欧美特种兵训练技巧-- 腹肌训练计划腹肌锻炼方法(个人方法总结及合集)肌肉增强——肱二头肌的技巧锻炼史瓦辛格的腹肌训练徒手的肌肉锻炼技巧杰瑞.罗宾逊腹肌锻炼法增强肌肉技巧中年男人的健身技巧45种全新的增肌训练技巧型男快速增大胸肌技巧十大技巧让你轻松晋级肌肉男男性健身运动的技巧白领型男快速变肌肉男的技巧肌肉训练技巧十四式如何快速练出性感腹肌Software includes thefollowing:14 sportsman plan excel muscular styleDevelop a record from the ugly becomes the most comprehensivehandsome sportsman ----Way to exercise abdominal musclesHow do abdominal exercisesFew muscles in the upper body bodybuilding trainingtechniquesHow to excel eight sexy absTip: chunks of muscle exercises first practiceMuscle growth tipsWant muscle mass we have the perfect way to practice 10 smallmuscle skillsSuper training method to create the perfect pecs pectoralExercise a chunk of a type of abdominal and pectoral musclesThe best abdominal training workout postureMuscular fitness tipsExercise back muscles tipsCalf muscle training methods, techniques calf musclesEuropean and American special forces training techniques -abdominal training programAbdominal training methods (individual Methods andCollection)Strengthen muscles - biceps workout tipsSchwarzenegger's abdominal trainingFreehand muscle workout tipsJerry Robinson abdominal exercise methodBuild muscle skillsMiddle-aged men's fitness tips45 kinds of new training techniques increase muscleSportsman rapid increase pecs skillsTen Tips let you easily cut muscularMale fitness tipsRapid changes in muscular sportsman white-collar skillsMuscle Training Tips fourteen styleHow fast train sexy abs
说话技巧 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:引起女生聊天兴趣的说话技巧掌握聊天技巧和幽默感给异性留下好印象卡耐基说话的艺术说话有技巧沟通讲艺术求人办事应怎样说话如何与客户找聊天话题谈话节目主持人的交流技巧电视谈话节目的采访艺术电视谈话节目与节目主持人的技巧谈话高手的十个技巧成为职场说话高手的技巧职场说话技巧说话技巧的重要性掌握”解剑息仇”的妙方求神要看佛,说话要看人谈话之道你掌握赞美别人的技巧吗说话六必备怎样提高说话技巧网上一直流传的说话技巧掌握拒绝他人的技巧超人气的说话技巧不伤和气的争辩妙招如何善用说话技巧网络聊天泡妞技巧聚会时必须注意的说话技巧提高说话技巧的秘籍言简意赅,别人才会喜欢你勇于张嘴 掌握职场说话之道让自己的声音充满魅力俘获爱情的说话之道内涵深厚才能妙语连珠让你充满魅力的10大说话技巧不可不看的35个说话之道不同情境下如何选择自己的说话技巧送礼说话技巧有”礼”说遍天下都爱听巧妙寒暄拉近彼此的关系和对方找到有”共鸣”的话题业务员的4大说话技巧10个谈话技巧说话之道:懂得把别人放在心上各种场合说话技巧十八例和女生聊天技巧控制好说话的节奏怎样说话让你更有力掌握技巧妙应答让你充满魅力的10大说话技巧掌握好说话的语气要有点”变色龙”的本领如何善用说话技巧应对父母逼婚,要动用蔡康永的“说话之道”说话有八个诀窍如何提高说话技巧Software includes thefollowing:Arouse interest in girls chat speaking skillsMaster the skills and sense of humor to the opposite sex chatimpressCarnegie Art talkingSpeak with communication skills to speak of artHow should ask for things to talkHow to find chat topics with customersTalk show host communication skillsArt TV talk show interviewTV talk show host and skills programsTen master conversation skillsWorkplace speaking skills to become a masterWorkplace Speaking SkillsThe importance of speaking skillsMaster "solution sword-bearing hatred" recipePray to see the Buddha, to see people talkingTalk of the RoadYou master the skills you praise othersSpeak six essentialHow to improve speaking skillsThe spread of the Internet has been speaking skillsOthers refuse to master skillsPopular speaking skillsAmicable debate coupHow to use speaking skillsInternet chat Paoniu skillsCare must be taken when the party speaking skillsImprove speaking skills CheatsConcise, others will love youThe courage to grasp the workplace mouth to speak of the RoadTo make their voices full of charmCapture of love words of the RoadDeep meaning to quipsLet your charismatic speaking skills 10I can not see the 35 words of the RoadUnder different scenarios of how to choose their own speakingskillsGifts Speaking SkillsThere "ceremony," said all over the world want to hearClever greeting closer relationship to each otherAnd each other to find the "resonance" of the topicThe clerk of the four major speaking skills10 conversation skillsWords of the Road: understand the mind of othersVarious occasions speaking skills eighteen casesTips and girls chatControl the rhythm of speakingWhat makes you more powerful speakerMaster the skills wonderful responseLet your charismatic speaking skills 10Master tone of voiceTo little "chameleon" skillsHow to use speaking skillsForced to deal with parents, Kevin Tsai to spend the "words of theRoad"There are eight tips to speakHow to improve speaking skills
心理学专家教你说话技巧 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:怎样引起女生聊天的兴趣怎样提高和女孩说话的技巧与趣味性说话办事的99个细节说话的艺术教你如何说话35招教你如何聪明说话如何让自己说话幽默让你充满魅力的10大说话技巧职场中和老板说话的艺术不同情境下如何选择自己的说话技巧让你口才出色的说话四大技巧掌握好说话的语气不同情境下如何选择自己的说话技巧提高说话技巧的秘籍业务员的4大说话技巧职场谈话技巧与人说话的方式技巧控制好说话的节奏成为职场说话高手的技巧各种场合说话技巧十八例让你充满魅力的10大说话技巧50个提高会话技巧的方法怎么样练习说话技巧言简意赅,别人才会喜欢你10个谈话技巧如何提高说话技巧职场说话技巧沟通有技巧 说话有艺术送礼时说话技巧有哪些?送礼技巧求神要看佛,说话要看人聚会时必须注意的说话技巧如何善用说话技巧网络聊天泡妞技巧沟通技巧:说话也有温度和女孩说话技巧巧妙寒暄拉近彼此的关系说话技巧的重要性掌握拒绝他人的技巧超人气的说话技巧职场新人该掌握的说话技巧?和对方找到有”共鸣”的话题内涵深厚才能妙语连珠不伤和气的争辩妙招说话有八个诀窍10个说话技巧让你的语言有魅力女人应该掌握的说话技巧怎样提高说话技巧让自己的声音充满魅力掌握”解剑息仇”的妙方如何善用说话技巧语言技巧在沟通中的一些表现说话技巧:做个人气女王和女生聊天技巧要有点”变色龙”的本领掌握技巧妙应答说话六必备人际交往中的技巧网上一直流传的说话技巧送礼说话技巧有”礼”说遍天下都爱听你掌握赞美别人的技巧吗最实用说话技巧Software includes thefollowing:How to arouse interest in girls chatHow to improve speaking skills and girls and funSpeak and act for 99 detailsThe art of speakingTeach you how to speak35 clever trick to teach you how to speakHow to make your own humorous talkLet your charismatic speaking skills 10Workplace and dairyman ArtUnder different scenarios of how to choose their own speakingskillsLet your mouth speak excellent four skillsMaster tone of voiceUnder different scenarios of how to choose their own speakingskillsImprove speaking skills CheatsThe clerk of the four major speaking skillsWorkplace conversation skillsSkills and the way people speakControl the rhythm of speakingWorkplace speaking skills to become a masterVarious occasions speaking skills eighteen casesLet your charismatic speaking skills 1050 ways to improve conversational skillsHow to practice speaking skillsConcise, others will love you10 conversation skillsHow to improve speaking skillsWorkplace Speaking SkillsThere are artistic communication skills to speakWhat gifts when speaking skills? Gift tipsPray to see the Buddha, to see people talkingCare must be taken when the party speaking skillsHow to use speaking skillsInternet chat Paoniu skillsCommunication skills: speaking there are temperatureAnd girls speaking skillsClever greeting closer relationship to each otherThe importance of speaking skillsOthers refuse to master skillsPopular speaking skillsThe new workplace master speaking skills?And each other to find the "resonance" of the topicDeep meaning to quipsAmicable debate coupThere are eight tips to speak10 speak your language skills make attractiveWoman should master speaking skillsHow to improve speaking skillsTo make their voices full of charmMaster "solution sword-bearing hatred" recipeHow to use speaking skillsLanguage skills to communicate some of the performanceSpeaking Skills: to be a popular queenTips and girls chatTo little "chameleon" skillsMaster the skills wonderful responseSpeak six essentialInterpersonal skillsThe spread of the Internet has been speaking skillsGifts Speaking SkillsThere "ceremony," said all over the world want to hearYou master the skills you praise othersThe most practical speaking skills
中医偏方秘方 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:老中医53个很牛的秘方民间中医治疗癌症的三大秘方偏方中医治疗糖尿病偏方秘方汇集美容秘方(精选)全国名老中医秘、偏方超过100个中医偏方、秘方宝宝发烧怎么办——老中医给您天然退烧方子中药泡脚极品药方大全皮肤科常见病防治秘方解烟毒、酒毒秘方中医治脱发---中药生发的秘方Softwareincludes the following:53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleFolk medicine to treat cancer of the three secret recipeChinese medicine treatment of diabetes secret recipe bringstogetherBeauty secret (selection) old Chinese national secret, recipeMore than 100 traditional Chinese medicine recipe, recipeBaby fever how to do - give you a natural fever old ChineserecipeNeed prescription medicine feet EncyclopediaPrevention and treatment of common diseases dermatologyrecipeXie drug charges recipeChinese medicine in the treatment of hair loss --- germinalrecipe
中医养生宝典 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:宝宝发烧怎么办——老中医给您天然退烧方子国宝级名老中医秘方集锦美容养生之怎样使头发变得既乌黑又浓密中医六大神奇点穴急救大法皮肤科常见病防治秘方中医教授教你如何养肾补肾做女人,就要做妖精:一个34岁女人的保养秘诀老中医53个很牛的秘方老年人养生保健常识中医养生之道一个女中医写的女人保养秘笈_女性一定要看中医揭秘痘痘成因 教你治痘妙方日常经络养生之道解烟毒、酒毒秘方中药泡脚极品药方大全中医悬灸推荐15个超级有效穴位经期保养攻略养生泡酒配方老年人饮食养生原则女人7年一个坎,教你神秘的中医古法养生中医治疗糖尿病偏方秘方汇集中药养生泡脚配方大全养生先养元气高血压中医保健方案老年人用药安全问题南怀瑾谈睡眠养生美容秘方(精选)全国名老中医秘、偏方中医治脱发---中药生发的秘方民间中医治疗癌症的三大秘方偏方超过100个中医偏方、秘方老中医53个很牛的秘方陈允斌食疗养生全集Software includes thefollowing:Baby fever how to do - give you a natural fever old ChineserecipeOld Chinese national treasure recipe galleryHow to make hair beauty regimen become both black and thickEmergency medicine acupuncture Dafa six magicalPrevention and treatment of common diseases dermatologyrecipeTCM professor to teach you how to Kidney Yang ShenBeing a woman, you do goblins: a 34-year-old woman's maintenancetips53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleElderly health care knowledgeTCM regimenTCM write a female woman women unmissable Maintenance Tips _Causes of acne medicine teach you Zhidou Secret recipeMeridian daily regimenXie drug charges recipeNeed prescription medicine feet EncyclopediaMoxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine recommend 15super-efficient pointsRaiders menstrual careHealth sparkling wine recipeThe principle of the elderly diet regimenWoman seven years a bucket, teach you the mysterious ancientChinese medicine and healthChinese medicine treatment of diabetes secret recipe bringstogetherChinese Herbal foot bath recipe DaquanHealth first raised vitalityHypertension medicine health programsOlder drug safety issuesNan Tan sleep healthBeauty secret (selection) old Chinese national secret, recipeChinese medicine in the treatment of hair loss --- germinalrecipeFolk medicine to treat cancer of the three secret recipeMore than 100 traditional Chinese medicine recipe, recipe53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleThe Complete Works of Chen Yunbin therapeutic regimen
必须知道的心理学知识 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:谈判与交涉的艺术重要的不是TA是否撒谎,而是为什么要撒谎掌控自我心理操纵术十六则市场交易心理学行为心理学--教你读心术沉默是金:六大黄金战术爱情心理学:对方在乎你的10种表现应该对抑郁症朋友说的十句话10个最有用的行为心理学现象实用心理学200条,读完你会更强大如何看穿一个人如何阅人走路快者,目标坚定心理学教你摆脱痛苦淡定姐遇劫匪一语吓软对方 "心理战术"逼退劫匪心理学家拆穿你的谎言20个常用的心理战术对付男人5个心理战术在生意场上得心应手的心理战术10个万能谈话技巧实用心理学(非常实用)教你看穿谎言让对方无法说不的心理操纵术眼睛眨动,学问无穷常用的谈判技巧:把沉默当作语言女性眼睛上扬对异性有着极强的吸引力。男人恋爱心理学:4句话真正读懂他行为心理学教你看穿谎言心理学教你说服别人【控心术】巧用9大恋爱心理战术 轻松攻陷男人心十四个谈判技巧:让双方都在谈判中成为获胜者谈判的两大特点如何判断一个人爱不爱你管理心理学案例分析谈判桌上的信任与信任感十四个很准的心理暗示喋喋不休者,多爱听奉承眼是一道关重要的不是TA是否撒谎,而是为什么要撒谎大师教你看穿谎言十种心理现象(非常有用)常说"这个……"者,处世谨慎十句教你识破谎言经理的阅人术如何看穿一个人刚需买房砍价攻略 运用心理战术砍出白菜价爱情心理:为什么小男孩会爱上大姐姐远离“恋爱恐慌症”走路优哉游哉者,缺乏进取心教你琢磨透女性恋爱心理 爱情更甜蜜儿童15种表情背后的心理分析(家长要好好看看)FBI教你如何识破谎言几千年屡试不爽的识人五法10个万能谈话技巧如何请求别人帮忙更有效果?揭秘神奇"魔术心理学" 3大绝招让观众自欺欺人走路双手叉腰,一种自信、果断的姿势女人恋爱就变怪?揭秘女人的恋爱心理怎样判断一个人是不是Glie to me,行为学大师教你看穿谎言两手相扭且十指交叉,表示无助恋爱心理 揭秘爱情中男人的5大软肋拳头紧握,内心可能缺乏安全感谈判进退自如谈判计——如何在冲突和争执中占上风识别恋爱心理坚决不做备胎女恋爱心理学_恋人必看(恋爱的道理)自上而下,高调看人怎样判断一个人是不是G说话音量高者,性情多粗犷没有人是不可以沟通的女医师阅人无数:孝顺的人才能发达十四个很准的心理暗示什么是谈判心理学常识:留面子效应线初次见面先移开视,多想处于优势地位弗洛伊德《爱情心理学》浅析几种日常生活中的心理学效应说话时常清喉咙者,可能在掩饰情绪婚恋心理:8种蠢行为毁掉婚姻教你怎么看穿一个人说的是谎话首先人右脑主要控制创造力几千年屡试不爽的识人五法十种心理现象(非常有用)教你看穿谎言怎样判断你是否爱上某人?双手半插于口袋者,怀有激情拉近与孩子距离 让心理学走近千家万户心理学家推荐三类沟通技巧 可助人际和谐消费者心理学:三个趣味经济学原理坐时常双手抱头者,是领导型的人说服别人的5种心理战术不愿谈论自己者,大多有自卑心理十四个很准的心里暗示谈判中的艺术:如何收尾?21个技巧让你成为名副其实的开心果压力大不满多 教你控制愤怒的5大方法心理学 教你怎么去看懂人心眼帘低垂,有轻蔑意实用销售心理学坐时双腿并拢、双手交叉于大腿两侧者,通常比较古板数数女人恋爱心理“七宗罪”猛然坐下者,内心大多隐藏不安善用幽默应对僵局者,脑筋转得快先凝视对方再握手的人,想在心理上占优势头晃脑者,内心充满自信数字背后的心理操纵术微表情及行为心理学人生的必修课:阅人术教你看穿谎言解读12星座的爱情心理常说"对啊"者,多圆滑世故走路文气十足者,遇事沉着冷静莱特曼的识别谎言技巧汇总做好谈判的准备:制定谈判战略浅谈谈判成功的关键握手时大力者,多为独断专行两眼无神,斗志稀缺不敢注视对方眼睛不敢注视对方眼睛,可能内心十分自卑心十分自卑大龄剩女需警惕的7大恋爱心理误区爱情心理学 五大男人女人慎选恋爱心理:如何快速处理好与旧情人的关系?说话时双掌摊开,表示诚实可靠实用心理学(非常实用)如何读懂90后的微妙的恋爱心理谈判的一般程序FBI超强阅人术摆个简单姿势,获得强大的自信和力量怎样判断你是否爱上某人?心理学之不要做错九件事如何判断一个人爱不爱你(太准了!)有趣的爱情心理学效应阅人四步曲望闻问切禅定与心理学心理学教您1分钟打动你技巧谈判中易犯的16种错误6招恋爱心理技巧 抢占情感致胜先机
读心术 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:读心术与微表情FBI教你读心术读心术知识大全读心神探学习读心班读心专家读心术100案例分析教你看穿谎言FBI超强阅人术女医师阅人无数:孝顺的人才能发达10个万能谈话技巧实用心理学(非常实用)经理的阅人术如何看穿一个人如何判断一个人爱不爱你阅人四步曲望闻问切怎样判断一个人是不是G十种心理现象(非常有用)人生的必修课:阅人术几千年屡试不爽的识人五法重要的不是TA是否撒谎,而是为什么要撒谎如何阅人怎样判断你是否爱上某人?Software includes thefollowing:Read minds and micro-expressionsFBI teach you to read mindsMind reading knowledge DaquanDetective learn mind reading mind reading classesMind reading specialistsMind reading 100 Case StudiesTeach you to see through the liesFBI super-surgery reading peopleFemale doctor reading countless people: people who can developedfilial10 universal conversation skillsPractical Psychology (very useful)Managers who read surgeryHow to see through a personHow to judge a person love youFour Steps reading people look and smellHow to tell if a person is not GTen kinds of mental phenomena (very useful)Compulsory in life: reading people surgeryFor thousands of years people five time-tested method ofknowledgeTA is important is not lying, but why lieHow to read peopleHow to determine whether you fall in love with someone?
坐月子食谱大全 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:剖腹产坐月子参考食谱台湾广和月子餐食谱,小S月子餐餐单及详细做法产妇坐月子的食谱大全月子餐食谱及做法张境原月子餐新妈妈产妇坐月子食谱大全产后月子催奶食谱大全孕妇坐月子专用食谱艾佳人月子餐权威官方版产妇坐月子食谱做法大全冬天坐月子食谱坐月子,15个食补小秘诀准妈妈产后补血食物大搜罗月子中妈妈最需哪些营养?产妇分娩后的膳食四大宝产妇应吃哪些水果?产妇适宜食用的蔬菜产后1-30天每日月子餐食谱安排月子期间吃什么好月子期间四大饮食禁忌月子餐食谱表(带日期安排)Software includes thefollowing:Caesarean confinement Reference RecipesTaiwan wide and month of meals recipes, meal one month of small Sand detailed approachMaternal confinement recipes DaquanMonth of meals recipes and practicesZhang month of meals throughout the formerNew mothers maternal confinement recipes DaquanPostpartum month of lactation recipes DaquanConfinement special recipes for pregnant womenAi beauty month of meals authoritative official versionMaternal confinement recipes Daquan practiceConfinement winter recipesConfinement, 15 tonic tipsGreat food postpartum mothers collecting bloodThe month in which the mother of the most needed nutrients?Four mothers after childbirth diet treasureWhat mothers should eat fruit?Maternal fit for consumption of vegetables1-30 days postpartum month of meals daily recipesarrangementsAte during the monthDuring the month of the four food taboosMonth of meals recipes table (with the date set)
健康常识大汇总 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:你必须知道的45个医学健康常识戒烟健康教育食品营养与健康儿童保健养生保健常识大全健康饮食小常识养生先养元气做女人,就要做妖精:一个34岁女人的保养秘诀中医揭秘痘痘成因 教你治痘妙方陈允斌食疗养生全集日常经络养生之道女人7年一个坎,教你神秘的中医古法养生经期保养攻略老年人养生保健常识高血压中医保健方案国宝级名老中医秘方集锦老年人饮食养生原则中医悬灸推荐15个超级有效穴位美容养生之怎样使头发变得既乌黑又浓密中医养生之道老中医53个很牛的秘方中医教授教你如何养肾补肾老年人用药安全问题一个女中医写的女人保养秘笈_女性一定要看养生泡酒配方中医六大神奇点穴急救大法南怀瑾谈睡眠养生中药养生泡脚配方大全Software includes thefollowing:You must know the 45 medical and health knowledgeSmoking Cessation Health EducationFood Nutrition and HealthChild HealthHealth care knowledge DaquanHealthy eating tipsHealth first raised vitalityBeing a woman, you do goblins: a 34-year-old woman's maintenancetipsCauses of acne medicine teach you Zhidou Secret recipeThe Complete Works of Chen Yunbin therapeutic regimenMeridian daily regimenWoman seven years a bucket, teach you the mysterious ancientChinese medicine and healthRaiders menstrual careElderly health care knowledgeHypertension medicine health programsOld Chinese national treasure recipe galleryThe principle of the elderly diet regimenMoxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine recommend 15super-efficient pointsHow to make hair beauty regimen become both black and thickTCM regimen53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleTCM professor to teach you how to Kidney Yang ShenOlder drug safety issuesTCM write a female woman women unmissable Maintenance Tips _Health sparkling wine recipeEmergency medicine acupuncture Dafa six magicalNan Tan sleep healthChinese Herbal foot bath recipe Daquan
你必须知道的45个医学健康常识 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
你必须知道的45个医学健康常识一个人健康还是多病,长寿还是短命,内因(遗传因素)只占15%,而外因(环境环境)占85%。外因中,医疗条件占8%,个人生活方式占60%。医生只对你的健康起到8%的作用。任何高科技都不可能使病人恢复到病之前的状态。“健康60%要靠自己掌握,健康的金钥匙在自己手中。本软件介绍了一些日常生活中经常用到的医学常识,为了身体的健康收藏起来吧。You must know the45medical and health knowledge A person healthy or sick, longevity orshort-lived,internal (genetic factors) accounted for only 15%,while theexternal (environmental environment) accounted for 85%.Externalfactors, and medical conditions accounted for 8%, 60%personallifestyle. Doctors only 8% of your health plays a role. Anytechcan not be restored to the state of the patient's diseasebefore."Healthy 60% rely on their own grasp, healthy golden key intheirhands.The software introduces some medical knowledge frequently usedindaily life, in order to get up collection of physical health.
大学英语四级听力技巧 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:四级英语听力25必备词汇大学英语四级听力攻略大学英语四级听力技巧新东方四级听力技巧四级考试听力场景词汇大全新东方四级精品班Tom老师新四级听力笔记新东方英语四级听力词汇及短语Software includes thefollowing:Four essential vocabulary Listening 25Raiders hearing CETCET listening skillsNew Oriental four listening skillsFour words Daquan scene examination hearingNew Oriental four new four special class teacher Tom hearingnotesNew Oriental English words and phrases four hearing
大学英语六级作文写作技巧 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:2012年12月CET6作文万能模板英语六级作文写作技巧六级作文万能模板英语六级作文万能模板汇总英语六级作文模板大学英语六级作文范文大全英语六级翻译词组与作文常用短语历年英语六级作文题目及范文大学英语六级写作高分模板大学英语六级作文模板大全英语六级作文万能句型经典的大学英语六级作文模板历年六级作文范文英语六级写作必背优秀范文Software includesthefollowing:December 2012 CET6 essay universal templateCET essay writing skillsSix essay universal templateUniversal template summary essay CETEnglish six essay templateCET essay essay EncyclopediaEnglish translation of the phrase six commonly used phrasesandCompositionEnglish six essay topics over the years and Pham VanWriting scores template CETCET essay template EncyclopediaCET essay universal sentenceThe classic essay template CETEssay writing six calendarBibei excellent essay writing CET
西游记 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
《西游记》中国古典四大名著之一,是中国古代一部浪漫主义长篇神魔小说,作者吴承恩,成书于16世纪明朝中叶,主要描写了唐僧、孙悟空、猪悟能、沙悟净师徒四人去西天取经,历经九九八十一难最后终于取得真经的故事。《西游记》自问世以来在中国乃至世界各地广为流传,被翻译成多种语言。书中孙悟空这个形象,以其鲜明的个性特征,在中国文学史上立起了一座不朽的艺术丰碑。《西游记》不仅内容极其丰富,故事情节完整严谨,而且人物塑造鲜活、丰满,想象多姿多彩,语言也朴实通达。更为重要的是,《西游记》在思想境界和艺术境界上都达到了前所未有的高度,可谓集大成者。内容分为三大部分:第一部分(一到七回)介绍孙悟空的神通广大,大闹天宫;第二部分(八到十二回)叙三藏取经的缘由;第三部分(十三到一百回)是全书故事的主体,写悟空等降伏妖魔,最终到达西天取回真经。One of the four famousChinese classic "Journey to the West" is a romantic long mythicalancient Chinese novels, the author of Wu, a book in the mid-16thcentury Ming Dynasty, the main description of the Monkey, Monkey,Pig Wu energy, Sha Monk division only four to Buddhist sutras,after Hong eighty-one hard and finally made Scriptures story."Journey to the West" since the advent of widely circulated inChina and around the world, has been translated into severallanguages. Monkey book this image, with its distinctive personalityin the history of Chinese literature erected a monumental artisticmonument. "Journey to the West" is not only extremely richstoryline full rigor, and characterization of fresh, plump,colorful imagination, language is simple and accessible. Moreimportantly, the "Journey to the West" in the ideological realm andthe realm of art have reached an unprecedented height, can bedescribed as a master.Content is divided into three parts: the first part (one to seventimes) describes the Monkey King's magical wand, Monkey King;second part (eight to twelve times) Syria Sanzo learn the reason;Part III (thirteen to one hundred back) is the main story of thebook, writing, etc. subdue demons Goku finally arrives Buddhistscriptures back.
英语学习通 1.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:四级高频词汇学英语必看英语语法手册疯狂英语脱口而出900句16天记住7000考研英语单词初中英语的八种时态中考英语易错题小学英语语法及习题40天攻克大学英语四级英语四级作文万能模板熟读100句英文,记7000单词中国人最容易说错的30句英语口语提高英语写作分数的88个词组面试时如何自我介绍17句搞定考研英语作文英语常用的50句口头禅英语自我介绍范文建议背诵的50句英语口语英语阅读理解技巧让你英语作文得高分的句型Software includes thefollowing:Four high-frequency wordsLearn English Grammar Handbook must-seeCrazy English blurted 90016 days to remember 7000 English words PubMedEight junior high school English tensesExamination questions in English fallibilityElementary English Grammar and Exercises40 days to overcome CETEnglish four essay universal templateFamiliar with the 100 in English, write 7000 words30 English speaking Chinese people most likely got it wrong88 phrases to improve English writing scoresHow to introduce yourself interview17 get PubMed English CompositionEnglish common mantra 50English self introduction essayRecommended 50 English spoken recitationEnglish reading comprehension skillsEnglish writing to let you get a high score sentence
大学英语四级作文写作技巧 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:英语四级作文万能模板英语四级写作技巧英语四级作文(CET4)新东方万能作文模板讲义英语四级作文模板背诵30天大学英语四级作文模板大全新东方大学英语四级强化班之书面表达英语四级作文经典句子、句型及作文万能模板历年大学英语四级作文题目及范文CET4作文常用句型50句Software includes thefollowing:English four essay universal templateFour English writing skillsEnglish four essay (CET4) New Oriental Universal essay templatehandoutsEnglish four essay template recite 30 daysCET essay template EncyclopediaNew Oriental writing CET Intensive presentationEnglish four classic essay sentences, sentences and writinguniversal templateCalendar CET essay topics and essayCET4 essay sentence patterns 50
经典成语故事 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:谜语大全-成语谜及答案中国成语故事160篇小学生励志成语故事源于神话故事的成语儿童成语故事历史名人的10个成语故事成语故事大全源自圣经文学的成语典故成语典故成语寓言故事三国典故与成语春秋战国时期的成语故事15则中国人不可不知的20成语典故庄子中的成语故事与马有关的成语故事勤奋学习的成语故事常用成语大全及解释Software includes thefollowing:Riddle Daquan - idioms puzzle and answersChinese idioms 160Pupils inspirational idiomsThe phrase comes from mythologyChildren idioms10 idiom stories of historical figuresIdioms DaquanIdiom from Biblical LiteratureIdiomIdiom fableThree allusions and idiomsIdioms Spring and Autumn Period 15Chinese people must know the 20 IdiomZhuangzi in idiomsIdiom stories about horsesDiligent study of idiomsEncyclopedia of common idioms and explanations
让你拥有超常记忆力的小习惯 3.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:让你拥有超常记忆力的小习惯怎样快速提高记忆力最全面的提高记忆力训练方法、原理介绍提高记忆力的食物有哪些成年人如何提高记忆力?日常减压保健提示:6个习惯 提高记忆力英国杂志刊登研究证实 咖啡因有增强记忆力效果5个小妙招 让大脑永保年轻 提高记忆力养生:菠菜健脑益智 常吃这11种食物能快速提高记忆力记忆力 记忆力训练 提高记忆力 增强记忆力 右脑记忆法Software includesthefollowing:So you have a little habit of extraordinary memoryHow to quickly improve memoryThe most comprehensive improve memory training methods,principlesintroducedWhat food improve memoryAdults how to improve memory?Decompression routine care tips: six habits improve memoryBritish magazine published studies confirmed the effect ofcaffeineenhance memory5 small coup to allow the brain to improve memoryforeverYoungHealth: Spinach Jiannaoyizhi eat 11 kinds of food which canquicklyimprove memoryMemory Memory training improves memory and enhance memorybrainmemory method
考研英语必备 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:16天记住7000考研英语单词17句搞定考研英语作文新东方魔鬼训练营8天攻克8000词汇考研英语狂人95分笔记考研英语作文模板考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总赵丽考研英语词汇笔记2014年考研英语大纲词汇新东方考研英语强化班写作讲义刘一男考研词汇5500笔记考研英语复习方法考研复试英语自我介绍 面试资料大全2014最新版考研英语词汇考研英语阅读技巧2014考研规划考研英语语法大全2014年考研英语真题及答案考研英语历年真题词汇手册考研英语分频词汇考研英语熟词生意考研英语作文2014年考研英语作文万能模板历年考研英语作文范文Software includes thefollowing:16 days to remember 7000 English words PubMed17 get PubMed English CompositionNew Oriental training camp eight days to overcome the devil 8000words95 points PubMed English madman notesEnglish Composition template PubMedPubMed retest classic problem of spoken English summaryZHAO PubMed vocabulary notes2014 Outline of English vocabulary PubMedNew Oriental PubMed Intensive English Writing HandoutsLiu and a man PubMed vocabulary 5500 notesReviewsystem methodsPubMed retest interview self-introduction in EnglishSourcebook2014 The latest version of English vocabulary PubMedPubMed English reading skillsPubMed Plan 2014PubMed English Grammar2014 English PubMed Zhenti and answersPubMed vocabulary of English Studies Management ManualDivide PubMed English vocabularyPubMed cooked English word businessPubMed English Composition2014 English Composition universal template PubMedEnglish composition essay calendar PubMed
实用礼仪知识大全 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:社交礼仪知识大全幼儿园教师礼仪规范中国社会社交礼仪知识大全办公室接待礼仪商务礼仪大全女性职场礼仪酒友礼仪常识之如何敬酒公司前台接待礼仪公关礼仪基本知识Software includes thefollowing:Social etiquette knowledge DaquanKindergarten teachers etiquetteChinese society social etiquette knowledge DaquanOffice Reception EtiquetteBusiness Etiquette EncyclopediaWomen workplace etiquetteHow to toast etiquette of drinking buddyCompany ceremonial receptionPR etiquette basics
老子道德经译文 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
中国历代诗文,是中华文化宝库的璀璨明珠。多少诗人、才子,激扬文字,浮想联翩,思如泉源,妙语如珠,为我们留下了光耀千古的传世之作,留下了令人唇齿留香的千古绝唱。《庄子》、《老子》、《三国演义》、《毛泽东诗词》备受广大读者青睐。它们以广博的文化内涵,陶冶了无数文学爱好者,堪称中华文学瑰宝。为了弘扬中华传统文化,普及硬笔书法艺术,《中国硬笔书法百科全书系列字帖》编委会特邀国内硬笔书坛名家、金奖得主以多种书体,书写了以上各书的精彩片断。字帖字体清新优美,笔精墨妙,自然天成;尺幅之中,显方寸之华美;点画之间,融神采之追求,美不胜收,令人叹为观止。当代书家的神笔与古今文化巨匠们的智慧,珠联璧合,相得益彰。它是最佳习字法帖,是书法爱好者进入书法艺术殿堂之门的金钥匙,是硬笔书法爱好者的良师益友。Chinese ancient poetry,is a shining pearl in the treasure house of Chinese culture. Howmany poets, wit, Jiyangwenzi, imagination, thinking like afountain, Witty, left us a glorious handed down through the ages,leaving a very fragrant lips and teeth eternal farewell."Zhuangzi", "I", "Three Kingdoms", "Mao Zedong" much readers of allages. Them in a broad range of culture, cultivate numerous loversof literature, called the Chinese literary treasures. In order topromote the Chinese traditional culture, the popularity ofcalligraphic art, "Encyclopedia of Chinese calligraphic seriescopybook" Editorial invited domestic Pen calligraphy masters, goldmedalist in several body of the book, writing the above highlightsof each book. Copybook fresh and beautiful fonts, pens, inkwonderful, naturalness; Kampf among the significant loss to thegorgeous; between pointillism and into the pursuit of vivid,beautiful, amazing. God contemporary calligraphers pen and mastersof their ancient cultural wisdom, perfect match, complement eachother. It is the best penmanship Fateh, is the art of calligraphycalligraphy lovers to enter the golden key to the door of the hall,mentor pen calligraphy lovers.
三十六计 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
《三十六计》或称“三十六策”,是指中国古代三十六个兵法策略,语源于南北朝,成书于明清。它是根据我国古代卓越的军事思想和丰富的斗争经验总结而成的兵书,是中华民族悠久文化遗产之一。原书按计名排列,共分六套,即胜战计、敌战计、攻战计、混战计、并战计、败战计。前三套是处于优势所用之计,后三套是处于劣势所用之计。每套各包含六计,总共三十六计。其中每计名称后的解说,均系依据《易经》中的阴阳变化之理及古代兵家刚柔、奇正、攻防、彼己、虚实、主客等对立关系相互转化的思想推演而成,含有朴素的军事辩证法的因素。解说后的按语,多引证宋代以前的战例和孙武、吴起、尉缭子等兵家的精辟语句。全书还有总说和跋。三十六计是我国古代兵家计谋的总结和军事谋略学的宝贵遗产,为便于人们熟记这三十六条妙计,有位学者在三十六计中每取一字,依序组成一首诗:金玉檀公策,借以擒劫贼,鱼蛇海间笑,羊虎桃桑隔,树暗走痴故,釜空苦远客,屋梁有美尸,击魏连伐虢。全诗除了檀公策外,每字包含了三十六计中的一计,依序为:金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待劳、擒贼擒王、趁火打劫、关门捉贼、浑水摸鱼、打草惊蛇、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、顺手牵羊、调虎离山、李代桃僵、指桑骂槐、隔岸观火、树上开花、暗渡陈仓、走为上、假痴不癫、欲擒故纵、釜底抽薪、空城计、苦肉计、远交近攻、反客为主、上屋抽梯、偷梁换柱、无中生有、美人计、借尸还魂、声东击西、围魏救赵、连环计、假道伐虢。另有一好事者,也作了一首伏头藏尾打油诗,曰:下策金玉借,以指劫擒贼;草鱼海间笑,山羊桃中击;树暗痴故走,釜空苦远客;屋梁连人尸,隔魏虢国灭。诗去掉头尾的“下策”、“国灭”各二字,余三十六字,一字一计,依序为:金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待劳、指桑骂槐、趁火打劫、擒贼擒王、关门捉贼、打草惊蛇、浑水摸鱼、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、调虎离山、顺手牵羊、李代桃僵、无中生有、声东击西、树上开花、暗渡陈仓、假痴不癫、欲擒故纵、走为上、釜底抽薪、空城计、苦肉计、远交近攻、反客为主、上屋抽梯、偷梁换柱、连环计、美人计、借尸还魂、隔岸观火、围魏救赵、假道伐虢。"Thirty-Six" or"thirty-six policy" refers to the ancient Chinese art of warthirty-six policy language from the Northern and Southern, a bookin the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is made according to theexcellent summary of military thinking and a wealth of experiencein the fight against the art of war in ancient China, is one of along heritage of the Chinese nation.The original book by the name of total arrangement consists of sixsets, that victory total war, the enemy battle gauge, all wordsmeter, melee meter and total war, total war defeat.The former three are in a dominant position with the meter, thethree are used in a disadvantage in total. Each set contains sixdollars each, a total of thirty-six. Each account name whichexplain later, they were all based on truth "Book of Changes" inthe changes of yin and yang and the ancient military rigid,oppositional relationship is surprising, offense and defense, hehas been, the actual situation, such as subject and object ofthought into each deduction is made, containing Factors simplemilitary dialectics. Commentary after the note, citing previouswars multi-Sun Wu Song Dynasty and Wu Qi, Wei Liao Zi and othermilitary strategists incisive statement. The book says there istotal and Postscript.Thirty-Six is ​​a valuable heritage of ancient military strategyand military strategy summary to learn, to facilitate the people tomemorize this thirty-six coup, there are scholars in Sanshiliujitake every word in a song sequence composition PS: Jin Tan publicpolicies, in order to capture Jiezei, sea snakes between fish laughevery sheep tiger peach mulberry trees go crazy so dark, emptykettle bitter far off, there is beauty beams corpse, even cuttingstrike Wei Guo.In addition to public policy Tan poem, every word contains a totalof thirty-six, in order: a quick change, initiate, Collateral, towait at Plaza, ringleader, looting, close thieves,Fish in troubled waters, to arouse his suspicions, sneak, discordamong, idiom, pilfering, Tiaohulishan, Lidaitaojiang, obliqueaccusations, standing on the sidelines, the trees blossom, steal,go for the fake crazy not insane, murderer, drastic, empty city,desperate, Yuanjiaojingong, become masters, the House Ladder,perpetrating a fraud, nothing, honey trap, reincarnated, diversion,Weiweijiuzhao, Interlocking, false passage cutting Guo.Otherwise a busybody, also made a first-volt head hidden taildoggerel, said: Jin worst borrow to refer to rob Qinzei; betweensea grass laughing goat peach blow; tree so crazy to go dark, emptykettle bitter far off; beams even people dead, separated Wei GuoState off.Poetry remove the head and tail of the "worst", "destroy thecountry" each word, more than three sixteen words, the word of ameter, in order: a quick change, initiate, Collateral, to wait atPlaza, oblique accusations, looting, ringleader, closed Catch aThief, arouse his suspicions, muddy the waters, trying to cheat,discord among, idiom, Tiaohulishan, pilfering, Lidaitaojiang,fabricated, diversion, tree blossom, steal, fake crazy not insane,murderer, go to the root of the problem, empty city, desperate,Yuanjiaojingong, become masters, the houses Ladder, substitution,Interlocking, Notorious, reincarnated, standing on the sidelines,Weiweijiuzhao, false passage cutting Guo.
周易译文 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
《周易》亦称《易经》,简称《易》。“易”有变易(事物变化)简易(执简驭繁)不易(永恒不变)三义,相传系周人所作,故名。内容包括《经》和《传》两部分。周易以高度抽象的六十四卦的形式表征普遍存在的双边关系中可能发生的各种各样的变化,并附以卦爻辞作简要说明。传说周文王演周易,其背景是周文王与商纣王之间的斗争。因周有周密、周遍、周流等意,是建立在阴阳二元论基础上对事物运行规律加以论证和描述的书籍。其对于天地万物进行性状归类,天干地支五行论,甚至精确到可以对事物的未来发展做出较为准确的预测。《周易》的诞生地就是现在的古都安阳。羑里城位于安阳市区南10公里处。《周易》是中国传统思想文化中自然哲学与伦理实践的根源,对中国文化产生了巨大的影响。是中华人民智慧与文化的结晶,被誉为“群经之首,大道之源”。在古代是帝王之学,政治家、军事家、商家的必修之术。天师后裔、易经专家张金华云:《周易》含盖万有,纲纪群伦,是中国传统文化的杰出代表;广大精微,包罗万象,亦是中华文明的源头活水。"Book" also known as"Book of Changes", referred to "easy." "Easy" has changed easily(things change) Easy (executive Jane Yu Fan) easy (eternal) Sanyi,according to legend by the Department of the Zhou Dynasty, hencethe name. Including "Classic" and "Biography" in two parts. Book ofcharacterization of a wide variety of changes in the prevalence ofbilateral relations that may occur in a highly abstract formhexagrams, each accompanied by a brief description of theDivinatory Words. Ching played the legendary emperor, whosebackground is the struggle between the emperor and King Zhou. Zhoucareful because, surrounding, Zhou flow, etc. Italy, is based onthe dualism of yin and yang to be demonstrated and described on thebasis of the law of books about how things work. For all thingscarry traits of its classification, attribution theory of the fiveelements, or even accurate to the future development of things canmake more accurate predictions. "Book" is now the birthplace of theancient capital of Anyang. Youliucheng located 10 kilometers southof the downtown area of ​​Anyang. "Book" is the root of ChineseTraditional Culture natural philosophy and ethics practices ofChinese culture had a tremendous impact. People and culture is thecrystallization of wisdom, known as "group after the first, thesource of the Boulevard." In ancient emperors of academics,politicians, military, businesses are compulsory. Fearless descent,I Ching expert Zhang 金华云: "Book" covers over all, discipline groupof London, is an outstanding representative of Chinese traditionalculture; majority of subtle, all-inclusive, also serves as a sourceof Chinese civilization.
历年英语四级真题答案及解析 2.0
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软件中包括以下内容:2013年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2013年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2013年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2013年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2012年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2012年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2012年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2012年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2011年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2011年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题答案及解析2011年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2011年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2010年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2010年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2010年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2010年6月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分2009年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之真题部分2009年12月英语四级真题答案及解析之答案及解析部分Software includes thefollowing:December 2013 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer andresolveDecember 2013 CET answer answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionJune 2013 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer and resolveJune 2013 CET answer answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionDecember 2012 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer andresolveDecember 2012 CET answer answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionJune 2012 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer and resolveJune 2012 The answer CET answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionDecember 2011 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer andresolveDecember 2011 Zhenti answers and resolve CET answers and resolvethe ZhentiJune 2011 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer and resolveJune 2011 The answer CET answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionDecember 2010 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer andresolveDecember 2010 CET answer answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionJune 2010 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer and resolveJune 2010 CET answer answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissectionDecember 2009 CET Zhenti Zhenti part of the answer andresolveDecember 2009 CET answer answers and resolve Zhenti and analysissection
新房装修攻略 2.0
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软件中包括以下内容:室内装修设计小知识房屋装修全攻略装修材料谁买比较好200条装修小常识水电改造省钱方法十大家居装修风水禁忌_对症下药的解决方案大汇集室内装修之风水学讲究各种收集常用八大类板材怎样避免家庭装修预算陷阱室内装饰材料知识大全春季装修中的注意事项室内装修施工流程步骤怎样去除装修异味怎么装修房子省钱又环保厨房装修的几个误区房子怎么装修好看?教你装修风格有哪些厨房装修的注意事项怎么选择装修公司秘籍室内装修色彩搭配怎样装修毛坯房厨柜装修方案室内装修小常识家庭装修步骤Software includes thefollowing:Interior design TidbitsRaiders home improvementsWho better to buy decoration materials200 decoration tipsWater reform to save moneyTen Home Improvement feng shui taboos _ remedy solutions for alarge collection ofFeng Shui interior decoration of various stress collectionCommon eight categories plateHow to avoid the trap of home renovation budgetInterior decoration materials knowledge DaquanSpring decoration PrecautionsInterior construction process stepHow to remove the decoration odorHow to decorate the house money and the environmentSeveral Mistakes kitchen renovationHow nice house decoration? Teach you what decorPrecautions kitchen renovationHow to choose the decoration company CheatsInterior decoration with colorHow rough housing renovationKitchen renovation programInterior decoration tipsHome improvement steps
男人穿衣搭配技巧 2.0
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软件中包括以下内容:打造帅气型男男人如何穿着打扮矮个子男生怎么样穿衣打扮穿衣颜色搭配穿衣服颜色搭配常识颜色搭配技巧各种身材不完美的人穿衣技巧男士穿衣全攻略Software includes thefollowing:Build a handsome sportsmanHow men dressShorty boys how to dressDress colorsCommon sense to dress colorsColor matching skillsAll sizes imperfect people dressing tipsMen dressing Raiders
生活急救常识 2.0
Astroid Ace Tech
软件中包括以下内容:眼睛里不慎进了沙子鱼骨卡喉小飞虫钻进了耳道吃东西被噎鼻出血醉酒中暑晒伤蜂蜇伤游泳时,小腿抽筋不慎咬碎体温表并吞服了水银外伤出血刀割伤烫伤骨折气胸癫痫发作猫狗咬伤误服灭鼠药踝扭伤呼吸停止(人工呼吸)心跳停止(胸外按压)心跳呼吸全无(心肺复苏)煤气中毒溺水气道异物(手捏喉咙,面容窘迫、恐惧等是气道异物的典型症状)颈椎损伤脊柱骨折头部撞伤触电Software includesthefollowing:Eyes accidentally into the sandFishbone card throatSmall insects got into the ear canalEating is chokingEpistaxisDrunkHeatstrokeSunburn Bee stingsWhen swimming, leg crampsAccidentally chew and swallow the mercury thermometerTraumatic bleedingKnife woundsScaldFracturePneumothoraxSeizuresCats biteSwallowed rat poisonAnkle SprainRespiratory arrest (artificial respiration)Asystole (chest compressions)Cardiopulmonary nothing (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)Gas poisoningDrowningAirway foreign body (pinching the throat, face distress, fearandother typical symptoms of airway foreign body)Cervical spine injurySpinal fracturesHead injuredGet an electric shock
弟子规译文 8.0
Astroid Ace Tech
《弟子规》原名《训蒙文》,为清朝康熙年间秀才李毓秀所作,其内容采用《论语》“学而篇”第六条的文义,列述弟子在家、出外、待人、接物与学习上应该恪守的守则规范。《弟子规》共有360句、1080个字,三字一句,两句或四句连意,和仄押韵,朗朗上口;全篇先为“总叙”,然后分为“入则孝、出则悌、谨、信、泛爱众、亲仁、余力学文”七个部分。《弟子规》根据《论语》等经典编写而成,集孔孟等圣贤的道德教育之大成,提传统道德教育著作之纲领,是接受伦理道德教育的、养成有德有才之人的最佳读物。《弟子规》是一部成书于清朝并广为流传的儿童启蒙读物,目的就是要对孩子进行启蒙教育,为将来成长和发展奠定基础。它采纳《论语·学而》篇中“弟子规,入则孝,出则悌,谨而信, 泛爱众, 而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文”的文意,加以引申扩展,以三字一句,两句一韵的形式进行论述,阐释了“弟子”在家、在外、待人接物、为人处世、求学等方面应具备的礼仪与规范。“弟子”的意思比较多,北京弟子规教育培训中心邓卫东老师指出,“弟子”的意思也应该与时俱进:在家指孩子;在学校指学生;在公司指员工;在单位指下一级;在社会中,指公民。“规”就是规范,就是规矩,就是规则,就是规律。"Students" wasoriginallycalled "training Mongolian," made for the scholar LiyuXiu QingDynasty Emperor Kangxi, its contents using "Analects ofConfucius""Learning and articles" Article VI of the context settingout thedisciples at home, go out, treat, Receiving and Learningshouldabide by the norms of the Code. "Students" There are 360,1080words, words one, two, or four even Italy, and Chek rhymes,catchy;whole first chapter is "total Syria" and then into "into thefilialpiety, the the Ti, I would like the letter, the Pan-lovingpublic,benevolent, I mechanics text "seven parts. The "Students"writtenin accordance with "The Analects" and other classicsmadeculmination of sages such as Confucius and Mencius set ofmoraleducation, moral education books mention the traditionalprogram,is to accept moral education, to develop a virtuous andtalentedpeople Good reading."Rules" is a book widely circulated in the Qing Dynasty andtheEnlightenment children's books, the purpose is to enlightenthechildren's education, laying the foundation for future growthanddevelopment. It adopted the "Analects" chapter "Students, intothefilial piety, out of the Ti, but I would like to believe,thePan-loving public, and benevolence, had any energy left, thenthelearning culture" in the context, be extended expansion tothewords one, two discusses the form of a rhyme, explainsthe"disciples" at home, outside, interpersonal, manners, educationandother aspects of etiquette and norms should have."Disciple" means more, Beijing Education and Training CenterforStudents Deng Weidong teacher pointed out that "disciple" meansitshould advance with the times: at home means a child; referstostudents in the school; represents employees in the company;refersto the next level in the unit ; in society means thatcitizens."Regulation" is the norm, that is, the rule is the rule,that isthe law.