Awareness Technologies, Inc. Apps

WebWatcher Parental Control 1.0.23
WebWatcher Parental Control allows parentstoremotely manage their children’s screen time on Androiddevices.The WebWatcher Screen Time Manager platform allows parentstoremotely manage children on Android (and iOS) devices.Parents have the ability to remotely block web & apps,andmanage screen time on their children’s Android (and iOS) devicesondemand or by schedule. Parents can enforce bedtime, setdinnertime,manage study time, and schedule family time throughoutthe day fromvirtually any internet-enabled device.Parents can create a free account to get started.Featuresinclude:✔ Block children’s internet access across all Android andiOSdevices✔ Block children’s app access across all Android andiOSdevices✔ Schedule internet and app use according to your child’sdailyroutine✔ Block internet and apps on demand✔ Allow additional web and app access with one button✔ Blocks all third party apps including Block Facebook,BlockSnapchat, Block Instagram, and Block Twitter andthousandsmore!Awareness Technologies developed this parental controlsolutionthat is geared towards the mobile generation. WebWatcherParentalControl is easy to use, easy to set up, and great forparents orfamilies who are concerned about their child’s deviceuse. Whetheryou are introducing a device to your child for thefirst time, orsimply have a teenager who spends too much time onsocial media,WebWatcher Parental Control is the perfect parentalcontrolsolution for your family.For support visit the FAQ page oremailmanagesupport@awarenesstechnologies.comFor more information visit*Negative reviews of WebWatcher Parental Control may befromchildren being blocked by WebWatcher Parental Control.