BPS-Corp Apps

Эрудиция - стань Эрудитом 1.8.1
«Эрудиция» — это игра, в которой одновременнопринимает участие большое количество игроков в борьбе за рейтинг!«Эрудиция» подходит для всех - присоединяйтесь!В игре представлено огромное количество вопросов различныхнаправлений и этот список постоянно увеличивается! Это новыйувлекательный способ развлечения, расширяющий знания в областяхискусства, литературы, мифологии, истории, философии, религии,науки, изобретений и медицины.Интерфейс игры - русский.Игра проста в освоении и понравится как взрослым, так и детям.«Эрудиция» поможет отточить Вашу внимательность исообразительность. Позволяет делиться с друзьями своими новымидостижениями.Суть игры в том, что необходимо выбрать один ответ на вопрос изтрёх представленных. Отвечая на вопросы, у Вас есть возможностьзарабатывать бонусы-подсказки. Каждый день покорять всё новыеуровни поднимаясь по ступеням рейтинга эрудитов.В игре два режима: "Нокаут" и "Марафон" и три онлайн-рейтинга:"Нокаут", "Марафон", "Цепочка правильных ответов подряд". Такжеесть возможность изменять цветовую схему и стиль обоев в игре.Игра развивает эрудицию, интеллект, расширяет кругозор и багажзнаний.Вопросы абсолютно уникальны. База вопросов постояннообновляется. Если Вы заметите опечатку - просим сообщить наэлектронный адрес support@bps-corp.net, мы будемочень благодарны."Erudition" - a game inwhich both involves a large number of players in the struggle forrating! "Bursaries" suitable for everyone - join us!The game features a lot of questions of different directions,and this list is constantly growing! This is an exciting new way ofentertainment, expanding knowledge in the fields of art,literature, mythology, history, philosophy, religion, science,inventions and medicine.The game interface - Russian.The game is easy to learn and will appeal to both adults andchildren. "Bursaries" will help hone your attentiveness andintelligence. It allows you to share with friends their newachievements.The essence of the game is that you must choose one answer to thequestion of the three presented. Answering the questions, you havethe opportunity to earn bonuses, tips. Every day, new levels toconquer everything up the stairs ranking scholars.The game has two modes: "Knockout" and "Marathon" and threeonline ranking "Knockout," "Marathon," "Chain of correct answers ina row." It is also possible to change the color scheme and style ofwallpaper in the game.The game develops erudition, intelligence, expanding horizonsand knowledge base.Questions are absolutely unique. Base questions are constantlybeing updated. If you find a typographical error - please report tothe e-mail address support@bps-corp.net, we will bevery grateful.
VAT Calculator Material 2.1.0
The easiest to use VAT Calculator and DiscountCalculator for Android devices.More than 100,000 users of the application - join us!Supported languages​​: English, German, French, Russian andUkrainian.VAT calculator allows you to:- Use application as simple calculator;- Calculate the accrued VAT;- Calculate the dedicated VAT;- Calculate the discount;- Copy the result of calculations.The application has an intuitive interface with Material design.For your convenience, we have added a simple calculator. The resultis calculated "on the fly", that brings maximum speed to theapplication.Use menu to choose what to calculate and to change accuracy. Itis possible to enter the fractional VAT and the fractionalamount.
General Knowledge Quiz 2.0.1
"General Knowledge Quiz" - a game where largenumbers of players struggle for rating simultaneously! It issuitable for everyone - join us!The aim of the game is to find the correct answer to thequestion by choosing one of four possible answers. While answeringthe question you could use tips as well as earn bonuses.The game covers lots of different areas and their list isconstantly growing! This is an exciting way of entertainment andexpanding knowledge in the fields of art, literature, mythology,history, philosophy, religion, science, inventions,medicine, sport,general questions, music etc.The game is easy to learn and will approach both adults andchildren. "Quiz Erudition" will help hone your attentiveness andintelligence.The game has two modes: "Knockout" and "Marathon" and threeonline rankings: "Knockout", "Marathon" and "Chain of correctanswers in a row." It is also possible to change the color schemeand style of wallpapers in the game.Questions are absolutely unique and their list is beingconstantly updated. If you find any misprints - please report tothe e-mail address support@bps-corp.net, we will be verygrateful.
Skins for Agar.io 1.7.5
A simple application to select skin forAgar.io game. All presented skins are free! Just set the name ofthe skin!The app also contains guide and tips for the game Agario.Does not require additional permissions.Features:- Don't need internet connection- This app don't need much space- Run in all android devicesLanguages: English, РусскийTo play Agario game with the selected skin, in the Agar game youneed to choose a nickname, as it is written below the skin. If yourdevice allows you to paste from the clipboard nickname in the game- click on the picture and the name will be copied. Have fun!
Spreadsheet Calculator 1.5.3
Spreadsheet Calculator better than jast acalculator.Spreadsheet Calculator has the following advantages:1. Very easy to use the program on your mobile device2. All operations and relationships are evident3. You can create and use exactly the required number of theformulas4. The result is automatically saved until the next programstartForget about reusable computations needed to check the result!Spreadsheet Calculator - a calculator that showcase allcalculations.The program allows you to create linked formulas. Thus, you canuse the results of the preceding formulas in the followingcalculations. This is great!This link is not necessarily to the result, you can create alink to an operand, thereby creating a tree of relationships.Spreadsheet Calculator - calculator of a new generation.
Mental Arithmetic 1.0.2
Good educational game to practice mentalarithmetic. Calculator is no longer needed!Meaning of the game: the screen turns light mathematicaloperations that need to perform in your mind. At the end of thegame shows several answers, you must choose the right, and thenopens the opportunity to play at the next level.The game has 12 levels. Levels are distributed from very simpleto the unreal complexity. Each level defines:1. Set of actions2. The range of values ​​for Action3. Time to show next steps4. Number of actions5. Number of answersThe game is suitable for everyone, especially for students.Great workout for the brain, join us!
Share my Business card 0.9.2
Manager of business cards.This application must be installed on each mobile androiddevice.Whether you are a businessman, a student or a worker, you oftenhave to share contacts with partners or friends. Paper businesscard is not always with you, even so, it does not solve a majorproblem - getting contact directly to your phone!Manager of business cards - this is the type of application thatallows you to fold contacts directly from the phone to the phone(not just your own).Manager of business cards can not scan paper business cards, butthis is not required! Paper cards - this last century, it is timeto move to electronic!At this point, the program has three options exchange businesscards (contacts):1) business cards (contacts) exchanging by Bluetooth;2) generate QR-Code by business card (contact). In this case, thereceiving device details please run the application for readingQR-Code, point the camera at the screen transmitter - contactsare;3) export business card (contact) in vCard format in .vcf file.This file can be copied to target device in any way, click on thefile - contact received. This format is also recognized by allemail-clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)The application allows you to create business cards with adifferent design.
Find a pair 1.1.0
The meaning of the game - to find the samepair of pictures.Game features:- Different levels of difficulty- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- Funny picturesFree trainer for memory for children and adultsAccording to scientists brain, like muscles, need exercise. Thegame "Find a pair" allows you to exercise your memory with gusto.Try it!All Logos & brands shown or represented in this game arecopyright and or trademark of their respective corporations. Thistrivia game is for fun and knowledge.Please note company or event logos are protected by copyrightand/or trademark registration.
VAT Calculator Material Full 2.1.0
The easiest to use VAT Calculator and DiscountCalculator for Android devices without advertisement.More than 100,000 users of the application - join us!Supported languages​​: English, German, French, Russian andUkrainian.Updated! It is now possible to copy the result ofcalculations!VAT calculator allows you to:- Calculate the accrued VAT;- Calculate the dedicated VAT;- Calculate the discount.The application interface is maximally simplified. The result iscalculated "on the fly", what brings maximum speed to theapplication.It is possible to enter the fractional VAT and the fractionalamount.Pressing the "C" - the amount field is cleared and the resulttogether with the input data is placed in the history.In the settings you can change the number of displayed resultsin the history from 0 to 9. You can also set the number of decimalplaces - rounding, which also varies from 0 to 9.
Guide for Soccer Stars 1.3.5
A simple application to do sighting attacks inthe game Soccer Stars.It contains a set of positions with the aiming arrow. The resultof each attack - Goal!Download and hone your technique! The number of positions isgrowing!If you want to help with interesting positions - contactsupport@bps-corp.net, we will be very happy.App does not require additional permits.Languages: English, Russian.
Formula-1 Quiz 1.1.0
"Formula-1 Quiz" - a game where large numbersof players struggle for rating simultaneously! It is suitable foreveryone - join us!The aim of the game is to find the correct answer to thequestion by choosing one of four possible answers. While answeringthe question you could use tips as well as earn bonuses.The game covers lots of different areas and their list isconstantly growing! This is an exciting way of entertainment andexpanding knowledge in the fields of art, literature, mythology,history, philosophy, religion, science, inventions,medicine, sport,general questions, music etc.The game is easy to learn and will approach both adults andchildren. "Formula-1 Quiz" will help hone your attentiveness andintelligence.The game has two modes: "Knockout" and "Marathon" and threeonline rankings: "Knockout", "Marathon" and "Chain of correctanswers in a row." It is also possible to change the color schemeand style of wallpapers in the game.Questions are absolutely unique and their list is beingconstantly updated. If you find any misprints - please report tothe e-mail address support@bps-corp.net, we will bevery grateful.
Defense Maps for COC 1.3.0
Maps of Clash Of Clans!More than 150 maps of COC, try it!Offline version. All the Base Layouts within the app.The app is a reference. It allows for a short time to see a lotbase layouts of Clash Of Clans. The proposed base layouts is wellsuited to defense. Choose your base layout and re-create it in thegame. Good luck!
Find a pair for kids 1.2.8
The meaning of the game - to find the samepair of pictures.Game features:- Different levels of difficulty- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- Funny picturesFree trainer for memory for kids.According to scientists brain, like muscles, need exercise. Thegame "Find a pair for kids" allows you to exercise your memory withgusto. Try it!
Melody Memory 1.1.0
Melody Memory - is a classic memory game, butinstead of pictures you should find the same pair of melodies.Game features:- Different levels of difficulty- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- High quality melodiesFree trainer for memory for kids and adults!According to scientists brain, like muscles, need exercise. Thegame "Melody Memory" allows you to exercise your memory withpleasure. Try it!____Application contains graphics from http://www.freepik.com/
Flashcards for kids 1.0.4
"Flashcards for Kids" is implementation ofDoman's flashcards.Audience is kids 0-4 years old. The app is aimed to learn reading,develop memory and high-speed thinking.You will find more than 200 bright flashcards representing itemsof 13 categories like: food, apparel, pets etc.Cards are translated into four languages: English, German, Spanishand Russian.App is easy to use - just select the category, swipe flashcards andlisten the item name.You can find following categories in app:- Friut- Vegetables- Colors- Shapes- Farm & Pets- Forest- Apparel- Sea & ocean- Insects- Seasons- Digits- Alphabet- Food- Transport
Guide for Alchemy 1.1.5
All alchemy cheats in one application! Try thebest Alchemy guide!Application contains recipes for Alchemy, Doodle Alchemy, DoodleAlchemy Animals, Alchemy Classic, Little Alchemy and recipes forDoodle God.Choose application in main menu. To find recipe use search fieldor scroll the list of recipes.Become a great alchemist with our Alchemy Helper!____Do you see a mistake? Please specify it in the comments. Thankyou!Application contains graphics from http://www.freepik.com/
Baby puzzles 1.0.0
Try our educational game for babies andpreschoolers! It helps to develop matching, tactile and fine motorskills."Baby puzzles" contains the following categories:- Animals puzzles- Toys puzzles- Nature puzzles- Sweets puzzles- Indoors puzzles- Endless mode - wooden blocks are randomly selected.Baby puzzles with wooden blocks are favourite game for babiesand kids!---Graphic design contains materials from http://www.freepik.com/
Пальчиковые игры Зоопарк 1.1.0
Развивающая книжка с пальчиковыми играми"Весёлый зоопарк" для детей от 1 года.Отправляемся на прогулку в зоопарк! На страницах этойразвивающей книжки малыш познакомится с весёлыми зверятами, апальчиковая гимнастика послужит отличным стимулятором речи и мелкоймоторики! Движения пальчиков описаны в подсказке-иллюстрации. Длячтения взрослыми детям.Автор стихов: Горбункова О.Н.Developmental book withfinger games "Funny Zoo" for children from 1 year.We go for a walk to the zoo! The pages of this book a developingbaby to get acquainted with The young cheerful and fingergymnastics will be an excellent stimulant of speech and fine motorskills! Movement of fingers are described in tip-illustration. Foradults reading to children.Author of poetry: Gorbunkova ON
Пальчиковые игры 1.0.0
Пальчиковая гимнастика развивает мелкуюмоторику малыша и послужит отличным стимулятором речи! Движенияпальчиков описаны в подсказке-иллюстрации.В приложении вы найдете четыре развивающие книжки с пальчиковымииграми для детей от 1 года (всего 40 страниц):1. Большое путешествие2. Веселая прогулка3. Мамины помощники4. Веселый зоопарк.Для чтения взрослыми детям.Автор стихов: Горбункова О.Н.Finger exercises babydevelops fine motor skills and serve as an excellent stimulant ofspeech! Movement of fingers are described in tip-illustration.Attached you will find four educational books with finger gamesfor children from 1 year (only 40 pages):1. The Big Trip2. Merry Walk3. Mother's Helpers4. Jolly Zoo.For adults reading to children.Author of poetry: Gorbunkova ON
Business Calculator 1.0.4
A new handy calculator for everydaycalculations with a choice of additional functions to the result ofthe calculation!Key advantages:- Beautiful and intuitive interface- The calculation results appear instantly- Ability to select from a menu the additional functions- Horizontal and vertical orientation of the application
Battle decks for Clash Royale 1.5.0
This application contains guides, strategiesand wiki for Clash Royale game. You can read the detailedinformation about the winning strategies for each arena!Every Clash Royale player must have this application.
Deck Analyzer for Clash Royale 1.3.0
This application must be for each player ClashRoyale!"Deck Analyzer for Clash Royale" allows you to select the gamedeck for the most successful attacks according to available cardsand their level.The analysis is performed on the following criteria:- Hitpoints per card- Damage per card- Ground attack- Air attack- Mass destruction- Attack support- Ground attack defense- Air attack defense- Quick damage tower- Building as a decoyUnits - some abstract values - "parrots". You can pick up hisdeck depending on your style of play. Try it!
Deck Generate for Clash Royale 1.2.11
This application must have every CR player!In game you are always open new cards and want to raise itslevel. But you need to spend some coins for this upgrade! Beforeyou spend coins – please check, whether to raise the level of thecard? Perhaps it will not bring the expected result, and you shouldraise the level of another card!With this app you can generate a lot of battle decks, and thenbuild them in original Clash Royale game. This is fan-madeapplication, all rights for visual content are belong to itsowners.In application you should input all your cards or just yourfavorite cards with indication of the level. Press “Generate”button. Application will generate 10 most relevant decks for thegame. When re-generation - the deck can be resorted.For deck generation following criteria is using:- Ground attack- Air attack- Mass destruction- Attack support- Ground attack defense- Air attack defense- Quick damage tower- Building as a decoyThe best Deck generator! You can choose a deck depending on yourstyle of play. Try it!We added filtering by Deck's average cost (the slider at the topof the screen). So you can get the most appropriate Decks for allavailable Cards. You can get the cheapest, moderate and the mostexpensive Decks with the slider.___Privacy Policy:This is fan-made application and Supercell is not responsiblefor it.Supercell’s Fan Content Policy:www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy.
Word Drop 1.2.0
Word Drop is a fun word game, which thewholefamily can enjoy. Construct the words by rearranging theletters,it is very exciting.The words move slowly, and if you does not catch thecorrectanswer before word reaches the line in the bottom - the gamewillbe over.The first half of the time, you can see the hint in thebottom.The second half of the time - you can see the correct word,whichstill need to make.The faster you construct a word - the more points you getasresult.The game has 12 levels from simple to very complex. Each levelisdifferent in:1. Number of rounds2. The length of the word3. Time for Round
Discount Calculator 1.11.0
The easiest to use VAT Calculator andDiscountCalculator for Android devices.More than 100,000 users of the application - join us!Supported languages​​: English, German, French, RussianandUkrainian.Updated! It is now possible to copy the resultofcalculations!VAT calculator allows you to:- Calculate the accrued VAT;- Calculate the dedicated VAT;- Calculate the discount.The application interface is maximally simplified. The resultiscalculated "on the fly", what brings maximum speed totheapplication.It is possible to enter the fractional VAT and thefractionalamount.Pressing the "C" - the amount field is cleared and theresulttogether with the input data is placed in the history.In the settings you can change the number of displayed resultsinthe history from 0 to 9. You can also set the number ofdecimalplaces - rounding, which also varies from 0 to 9.
Skins for Minecraft 1.0.3
In our app we have collected a thousands ofskins for Minecraft Pocket Edition!You can observe your minecraft skins in different animations andfrom different angles before you decide to implement them.It isabsolutely free and easy to use. Just find your favorite skin andpress "Download" button. Skin will be downloaded to yourgallery.Enjoy!
Clash my face 1.2.1
This is the unique application for funs ofClash Royale and Clash of Clans!It allows you to make avatars, collages, jokes, memes with yourphotos. Huge collection of thematic images from Clash Royale! Bethe first!How it works?- Make a photo or choose it from Gallery- Tap on thematic image- Use 'pinch in' and 'pinch out' gestures to zoom image- Use 'rotate' gesture to rotate image- Save or share your photoWe hope your will enjoy our app!
Avatar maker for Clashers 1.1.0
This is the unique application for fans ofClash Royale and Clash of Clans!It allows you to make avatars, collages with images of yourfavourite troops. Be the first!How it works?- Set a background color of your avatar- Tap on thematic image- Tap on flag of your country (if it needs)- Use 'pinch in' and 'pinch out' gestures to zoom image- Use 'rotate' gesture to rotate image- Save or share your avatarWe hope your will enjoy our app!___Privacy Policy:This is fan-made application and Supercell is not responsiblefor it.Supercell’s Fan Content Policy:www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy.