Be Heard LLC Apps

VOICE: Chat & Share Locally! 5.1.13
Be Heard LLC
VOICE is a new free social media app thatletsyou chat and share with everyone or anyone around you.Whetheryou're online for dating, sharing photos, or just to meetnewpeople and make friends, VOICE is the perfect network. Stopbeinglimited to just your phonebook - start messaging text &photosto the world!VOICE is not your parents' social media:VOICE is unlike any other social app. Instead of having tobefriends with someone just to talk to them, your local feed onVOICEis based on GPS. You can talk to everyone and anyonenearbyinstantly. Find new friends or even use VOICE as the chatroomforyour conference or event. So stop sending friend requestsorwaiting for someone to follow you back before you can haveaconversation - VOICE is already an instant network ofeveryonearound you.VOICE is international:We already have users in 120 countries on 6 continents. VOICEisgreat for random chatting and meeting new people, but it'salsoperfect for spreading viral local news. Echo posts you see inthefeed to increase their GPS range to be seen by a larger groupofpeople. Tell your friend about VOICE - VOICE is betterwithfriends!VOICE gets privacy:It's your life - control your online footprint! We saw theissuesthat anonymous apps ran into by making their users anonymous.OnVOICE you have an identity, but you also have control over it.Youcan chat with people in public or private, in groupsorindividually. Your posts and friends list on your profileareprivate so only you can see them. The only way for people seeyourposts and photos is to be looking at the feed at the rightmoment-- and the messages you post in the feed disappear bythemselves.This means that you can say whatever you want on VOICEwithouthaving to be anonymous to protect your identity.On VOICE social media can be social again. Say, Shout orHolleryour thoughts to the world!