Bernie 2016 Apps

Bernie QR 1.2.3
Bernie 2016
Help the Bernie 2016 revolution grow bygathering signups for the mailing list! When you host an event,simply direct your guests to visit on their smartphone ortablet and complete the signup form. Then, use the Bernie QR app toscan the generated QR code and register the signup.Paid for by Bernie 2016.
Field the Bern 1.0.4
Bernie 2016
FieldTheBern helps you go door to doorandcanvass for Bernie. Knock on doors, tell people about Bernie,findout their level of interest.Next to phonebanking, canvassing is probably the second mostcrucialand effective way to get votes.The app allows volunteers to enter data about the visit.For example: if no one was home, or the resident stronglysupportsBernie, and if they have been contacted before, or want tobecontacted again.A map shows pins for houses that have already been visited sothatother volunteers don't overlap each other.The app also includes all the issues information from (cached for offline)aswell as primary and caucus dates and info for all 50states.Canvassers can also track progress and score points and competewithother volunteers.
Bernie Messenger 1.0.2-995525
Bernie 2016
Bernie Messenger helps you communicateofficialcalls to action from the Bernie 2016 campaign to yourpersonalcontacts.• Help get your friends registered to vote.• Invite your friends to volunteer or attend campaign events.• Organize with friends to get out the vote!The Revolution starts with getting millions of new peopleinvolvedin the political process. If we stand together, there'snothingthat we cannot accomplish.Bernie Messenger is fully open source and does not collectanypersonal data on you or your contacts. For more information,visit