Creative Noobs Apps

Racun Za Struju 1.1
Creative Noobs
Sa ovom aplikacijom pokušaćemo da vam olakšamonačin izračunavanja potrošnje električne energije (struje).Aplikacija je napravljena da simulira vaš račun za struju, tako štounosite vašu potrošnju, bilo da je jednotarifni ili višetarifnisistem. Zatim aplikacija koja radi kao kalkulator automatskiizračunava potrošnju po zonama (Zelena, Plava, Crvena), i vašupotrošnju razvrstava po tarifama (višoj i nižoj). U aplikaciji suuvrštani i svi ostali troškovi sa računa, kao što su:Obračunska snaga,Trošak javnog snabdevača,Naknada za OIE,Iznos akcize (7,5%),PDV (20%),Taksa za javni medijski servis (RTS).Aplikaciju smo obogatili i sa korisnim savetima za ušteduelektrične energije (struje).Pokušali smo da odgovorimo na često postavljena pitanja: "Na štasve u domaćinstvu treba obratiti pažnju i konkretno šta preduzetida bi uštedeli potrošnju struje?".Ako imate neku zamerku ili sugestiju mošete nas kontaktirati.Rado ćemo vam izaći u susret.With this application, wewill try to help you with a way of calculating the consumption ofelectrical energy (electricity).The application is designed to simulate your electricity bill, soyou enter your spending, whether or TOU-tariff system. Then, anapplication that works as a calculator automatically calculatesconsumption by zones (Green, Blue, Red), and your spending isclassified by tariffs (high and low). In the application uvrštaniand all other expenses from the account, such as:Capacity charge,The cost of the public supplier,The fee for the OIE,The amount of excise tax (7.5%),VAT (20%),The fee for the public service broadcaster (RTS).Application was enriched with useful tips for saving energy(electricity).We tried to answer frequently asked questions: "What do all thehousehold should pay particular attention to what you take toconserve power consumption?".If you have any objection or suggestion you can contact us. Wewill be happy to meet.
Color Mix School 1.0
Creative Noobs
Children will use primary and neutral colorstocreate their ideal color.Educational apps for kids. Primary colors: red yellow blue.Neutralcolors: black and white.Let them have fun with colors!