CssCompany Apps

WordBrain Game Free 1.0
WordBrain Game Free
The Quizzone 1.0
Il Quizzone is a quiz of generalculture.Fun to guess which image is presented on the screen.There are three modes game :- Guess the name of the image ( Word brain );- Guess the picture 4 options ( Endless quiz) ;- Guess the picture 4 options in 10 seconds ( Endless Time Quiz).The categories of quiz are :- FOOTBALL SOCCER LOGOS- Famous landmarks- Flags- Anatomy- Celebrities
Drugs Handbook 1.0
This application helps you find informationabout Drugs. It uses data from Freebase (www.freebase.com).The data of freebase are mostly updated from Wikipedia, butanche from some other sources.
Soccer Players Handbook 1.0
This application helps you find informationabout football soccer players. It uses data from Freebase(www.freebase.com).The data of freebase are mostly updated from Wikipedia, butanche from some other sources.
Anatomy Word Brain 1.0
Anatomy Word Brain is the best game of anatomyword.The game is a quiz for anatomy.Guess the name of anatmical image.
Wrestling Word Quiz 1.0
Wrestling Word Quiz
Basketball Player Handbook 1.0
This application helps you findinformationabout Basketball NBA players. It uses data fromFreebase(www.freebase.com).The data of freebase are mostly updated from Wikipedia, butanchefrom some other sources.
Sexy Shades -Grey Darker Freed 1.0
Sexy Shades -Grey Darker Freed is theperfectfree game way to lightly introduce bondage into yourrelationshipin a non-threatening and fun way.Inspired by the famous film fifty shades of gray youcanintroduce bondage In your couple.BDSM equipment is not necessary as players can use belts,neckties, scarves, or robe ties as suitable replacements.Available categorys :BDSMCoupleDareDominationToysTruth
Genius Word Quiz Game 1.0
"Guess The Word By Hints" is a very funandaddictive game that will test your skills of logicandreasoning.When you open the game you'll see a chain of four words, andyouhave to guess the word request to move to the next level.Download now the must-app "Guess The Word By Hints"andenjoy!
Football Players Handbook 1.0
This application helps you findinformationabout American football players. It uses data fromFreebase(www.freebase.com).The data of freebase are mostly updated from Wikipedia, butanchefrom some other sources.
Game of the Goose finalVersion 1.0
The Game of the Goose or Goose game is aboardgame with uncertain originsThe board consists of a track with consecutively numberedspaces(usually 63), and is often arranged in a spiral with thestartingpoint at the outside.ObjectiveWalk through the whole board the faster you can, gatting intothespace:number 63, “The garden of the geese”.How to playThe game of the Goose is a board game for 2 to 4 playerseachwith a colored piece.The spiral shaped board has 63 spaces numbered from 1 to 63withdifferent drawings. Depending on the space you enter, youpiecewill advance, move back or suffer a penalty.In a turn a player rolls a dice wich indicates the numberofspaces to advance.The space 63 can only be entered with an exact roll. If aplayerrolls and gets a higher number than the number of remainingspacesto the goal, the player will advance to the space 63 and thengoback until completing the number rolled.Special spacesGoose [1,5, 9,14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 50, 54, 59,63]“From goose to goose, faster than a moose”. Advance to thenextgoose and reroll.Bridge [6,12] “From bridge to bridge, I roll as I reach”. Advanceorgo back to the other bridge and reroll.Dices [26,53] “From dice to dice, I roll to win the prize”.Advanceor go back to the orher dices and reroll.Inn [19] You stay in the Inn and loose 2 turns.Jail [56] You’re staying in the Jail for 3 turns.Well [31] You stay in the well until an other player passesoverit or for 4 turns.Mace [42] “Lost in the Mace”. Go back to the space 30.Death [58] You start from the beginning
Euro Quiz 2016 1.0
Euro Quiz 2016
Buggla word game 1.0
" Buggla word game " is a game that helps totrain the mind and the brain.The game is simple, it must discover the words hidden behind aseries of letters.Good fun.
The packages of your deals 1.0
The packages of your deals
How many words do you know 1.0
How many words do you know
Guida Amsterdam in italiano 1.0
Ciao! Benvenuto nella mia nuova app/blogdiitinerari di viaggio!!!Questa app prende spunto dal miobloghttp://itineraridiviaggio.altervista.orgHo viaggiato molto in Europa negli ultimi anni, e vorreimetterea disposizione dei lettori la mia esperienza maturata inquestianni in giro per il vecchio continente.Per via del lavoro, non posso organizzare lunghi viaggi, mamilimito ad organizzare solo brevi viaggi, di tre/quattro giornialmassimo, sfruttando i weekend o i ponti dei giorni festivi.Ogniviaggio lo sforzo maggiore è quello di creare un itinerariochepermetta di esplorare il più possibile in poco tempo, cercandodiottimizzare gli spostamenti e i tragitti.In questo blog, la mia idea è quella di mettere a disposizioneditutti, una guida utile e veloce per tutti coloro che hannovoglia difuggire per il fine settimana in una delle città Europee.Quipubblicherò i miei itinerari consigliati e i percorsi percercare discoprire al meglio la città che vorrete visitare.In questa app parlerò di Amsterdam.Buona lettura a tutti…..Hello! Welcome to mynewapartment / travel itineraries blog !!!This app was inspired by mybloghttp://itineraridiviaggio.altervista.orgI have traveled extensively in Europe in recent years, andIwould put to readers my experience gained in recent yearsaroundthe old continent.Because of work, I can not organize long trips, but Ilimitmyself to only organize short trips, three / four days atmost,taking advantage of the weekend or the bridges of publicholidays.Each trip the main effort is to create an itinerary thatallows youto explore as much as possible in a short time, trying tooptimizetravel and journeys.In this blog, my idea is to make available to everyone, ausefulguide and fast for those who want to get away for the weekendinone of European cities. Here I will publish mysuggesteditineraries and routes to try to discover the best thecity youwant to visit.This app will speak of Amsterdam.Happy reading ... ..
Anatomy Word Brain Quiz 1.0
Anatomy Word Brain is the best game ofanatomyword.The game is a quiz for anatomy.Guess the name of anatmical image.
The King of Riddles 1.0
The King of Riddles is an ideal puzzle gametotrain your mind and do fun games in the company.Try to solve all the puzzles and riddles. ...