Datamix Soft Apps

The Master Key System 1.0
Datamix Soft
Initially conceived as a weekly correspondencecourse, this book has been acclaimed as one of the most influentialself development works ever.Its structure is composed of short theory chapters, eachfollowed by study questions, and suggested exercises. Its aim isdeveloping in the student a successful state of mind that helps himachieve any purposed goal. The exercises intend to develop areaslike willpower, focus, visualizing skills, and charge with faithand intention all one's actions so that they obtain easily anydesired result.With a direct language and a clear structure, this book has along record of success stories and acknowledgements that range fromthe time of its publishing to our days, which gives proof of itsusefulness and relevance. A work that can help you create the kindof life you wish.
The Richest Man in Babylon Pro 1.0
Datamix Soft
(AD FREE VERSION)Published in 1926, George S. Clason's 'The Richest Man in Babylon'is a collection of cautionary tales on personal finance. Full ofsolid advice, yet entertaining from the first page thanks to itslively depiction of a luxurious and ruthless land, itsrecommendations and good practices on matters as diverse as saving,budgeting, starting a business or getting out of debt, strike asamazingly up to date.
XP Shortcuts 1.0
Datamix Soft
Keyboard shortcuts can boost yourproductivity; they also improve your body ergonomics while workingat the computer. Either if you are learning them for your own use,or you are teaching someone, this app provides a list of the mostcommonly used, in one convenient place.FEATURES:*Quick consult sheet with the shortcuts prioritized by theirimportance, and divided in sections ('Moving Around', 'WebBrowser', 'File Management' and 'Text Edition')*Activities in this new version have been reformatted anddivided in smaller menus for ease of use, but the previous formatis still available ("Full list"), for those who prefer it*Access to Microsoft's official site with the complete list ofshortcuts for further referenceKey symbols provided by Feather (,under license cc 3.0 (
Metalheadz Hub 1.0
Datamix Soft
Your daily dose of news and interviews fromthe world of metal musicMetalheadz Hub is the easiest way to access the main informationnetworks on metal, frequently updated with all the details on thebands you know and love: new releases, band stories, touring dates,live videos... All main styles are covered (classic heavy, thrash,death, doom...) As a bonus, the app also includes some additionalresources dedicated to classic rock and punk.In addition to multimedia alerts, Metalheadz Hub also includesthree podcasts, which can be listened to directly on line, ordownloaded for access at a later time.Keep up to date and don't miss a beat of the scene withMetalheadz Hub!
El Boom - Guía de Consulta 1.0
Datamix Soft
Esta app pretende servir como recursodeconsulta a estudiantes y curiosos interesados en laLiteraturaLatinoamericana en general, ofreciendo un compendioresumido de losautores más importantes de ese periodo estelar delas letras encastellano.El énfasis ha sido puesto en ofrecer una gran cantidaddeautores, de los que se ofrece una breve reseña, con enlacesarecursos web adicionales para quien desee ampliarlainformación.La selección incluye también a algunos autores que,aunquepertenecientes a un periodo anterior (Ricardo Güiraldes,HoracioQuiroga, Felisberto Hernández, Miguel Ángel Asturias...), sehanconsiderado tradicionalmente vinculados al "boom" comoprecursoreso fuente de inspiración.This app is intendedtoserve as a resource for consulting students and curiousinterestedin Latin American literature in general, offering asummary of themost important authors of that stellar period inCastilian letterscompendium.The emphasis has been put to a lot of authors, which providesabrief overview, with links to additional web resources forthosewho want more information.The selection also includes some authors, though belonging toanearlier period (Ricardo Güiraldes, Horacio Quiroga,FelisbertoHernández, Miguel Angel Asturias ...) have beenconsideredtraditionally held by the "boom" as precursors orinspiration.
Teeth Timer 1.0
Datamix Soft
Take the "must be about right" factor outofyour dental health with this app, created with simplicity inmind.Teeth Timer is a specialized timer that does one thing anddoesit well: helping you brush your teeth for the right lengthoftime.Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for 2-3 minutes aftereachmeal. 3 minutes divided by the four dental sides (superiorexterior,superior interior, inferior exterior and inferiorinterior) gives 45seconds of brushing per side. This app doesexactly that: it counts45 seconds, then warns you with a screenflash that a brush periodis over, so you can start the next side.Once you are ready to begina new period, just push the button andyou're set. If you put yourdevice in some place where you can seethe screen flashing, you caneven do some other activity while youare brushing!Teeth Timer has been designed to get out of the way as muchaspossible; no convoluted interface, no complicated settingstolearn: just one touch and you're rolling. The timer starts assoonas you open the app. If for some reason you need to restartabrushing period, you do it also by pressing the HappyToothbutton.This app makes easier for you to stick to your teethbrushingroutine, and makes sure that you executed it in the rightway. Byreinforcing the right habits, it can potentially save youbothmoney and painstaking visits to the dentist.Button icon by DOTon PAPER (
Franklin's Way to Wealth 1.0
Datamix Soft
'The Way to Wealth' compiles the sayingswritten by Benjamin Franklin on issues like money, time management,work ethic, prosperity... They were published for the first time inan almanac format, under the pseudonym "Poor Richard".Enormously popular in his age, many of these tips have beenassimilated by everyday language and their expressions remain inuse even in our days.This facsimile edition includes the pictures from the originalprinting, to give a feel of how the initial publication lookedlike, and also access to several resources on Franklin's wide rangeinterests, and the intent of his work, which is oftenmisunderstood.The app also includes an audio version of the book, which allowslistening to the contents instead of or in addition to reading.
Lean Charts 1.0
Datamix Soft
This app offers a collection of remindersor"cheat sheets" with some of the most common and importanttoolsused in the Lean business philosophy. The list includeselements asessential as 5S, the PDSA (Plan Do Study Adjust) cycle,SingleMinute Exchange of Dies, the different kinds of waste, anderrorproofing mechanisms (or "Poka Yoke").
Tic Tac Legends 2.0
Datamix Soft
Tic Tac Legends is a game based in thetraditional game of Tic Tac Toe, but introducing a few narrativeand RPG elements.Join the people of Gridonia in their quest to recover the Gemsof Harmony, stolen by the evil Orange Army. To complete each level,the player must win a series of games against the orange team. Eachvictory will push the mace upwards towards the orange shield untilit hits it. Depending on the circumstances of the story and thecharacters involved, the value of wins, losses, and ties variesfrom one stage to the next, introducing different playingconditions.Also in some levels, if the game takes too long, the tie will bebroken through a simple game of heads or tails; this minigame isalso directly accessible through the menu, in case you want to testyour luck... or maybe take a quick decission!The game must be played in portrait mode.
Improvement Kata Questions 2.0
Datamix Soft
This app presents the card of coachingquestions used in the Improvement Kata methodology, exposed by MikeRother in his book 'Toyota Kata'. Their purpose is developingscientific thinking and alignment of purpose in an organization.This app includes:*The Improvement Kata daily coaching questions, so that youdon't have to carry the paper car around!*An example video of how to conduct a daily kata*Access to lots of training videos and PDF materials for furtherlearning
Motivational Boosters 1.0
Datamix Soft
Top quality quotes from the bestproductivityand self development authorsWant to improve yourself? Motivational Boosters is theclosernext thing to having your own personal coach in yourphone.The app includes a selection of texts from some of themostacknowledged contemporary authors in the fields of selfdevelopmentand productivity: Jim Rohn, David Allen, Zig Ziglar,Tony Robbinsand Brian Tracy. You can always get a boost ofproductivity andmorale with this app whenever you need to.You can access the quotes through several options:* All authors: a random drawing from the whole quoteslibrary(more than 500 quotes)* By authors: Quotes classified by authors, to help you find theonethat resonates the most with you* Featured quote of the day: a persistent quote in the menupagethat will be the motto along the whole day.All sections can be read in either slideshow mode (easy topauseat any moment if you need to), or manually skipping with onescreentouch.Organize your life, inspire an idle moment, give a push toyourgoals, or have a snack for thought, all in just one app...Yourdays will never be the same.
Jewelry Online 1.0
Datamix Soft
This app gathers all jewelry-relatedresources(shops, DIY tricks, buying guides, videos, blogs).
Home Recording Podcasts 2.0
Datamix Soft
The advance of technology allows now anypersonwith a regular computer and some low budget gear to producemusicwhose quality can in some cases even rival full fledgedprofessionalproductions.To unleash that power, this app brings together thebestresources on home recording. No matter if you're alreadyanexperienced home recordist, or a newbie thinking ofgettinginitiated into this discipline, in this app you'll findthetutorials, tips and motivation you need to improve yournextmusical project.And now, the app also includes a Getting Started Guide;aselection of short videos encompassing all the main conceptsofaudio production explained in a simple way, so that you can besetto make your own music in no time!
Time Management Tools 1.0
Datamix Soft
This app helps you manage your timebyproviding an overview of the most important existing toolsandtechniques used currently by millions of people to improvetheirlives.Are you running short of time all the time? Do you sometimeswishdays had 36 hours so you could get everything done? Check outthesetime management techniques, designed to increase yourpersonalproductivity; they could make all the difference foryou.Time management is a skill in which everybody can benefitfromimproving, both in professional life and for ourleisureactivities. The productivity tools and techniques gatheredin thisvisual guides will help you improve your focus, set andachievebetter goals, and gain a general sense of freedom with yourtime asyou learn to better alocate your time and resources tofulfill allyour commitments, and get inspiration and guidance tomove towardsthe life you want.Developed by the recognised masters in the teaching oftimemanagement, these tools and techniques are used by millionsofpeople every day to enhance their lives, and you can join themnow.Just spare two minutes and find the tool that's right foryou.The app includes topics like:* Get more stuff done and get the right stuff done* Make sure that nothing falls through the cracks* Feel energized and relaxed* Easily recover the state of clarity when you need anoverviewof your whole workload* Make sure you collect all your best ideas and have a waytohandle them to make your life betterWith clear and concise explanations, and a focus onpracticalstuff, you can find in these videos and guides the tool ofchoicethat can change your life.
Writing Prompts 1.0
Datamix Soft
The aim of Writing Prompts is to stimulateyourcreativity with starting points for stories, intended tobeappealing, and yet allowing room for your creativity. Theyhavebeen developed by an awarded author and avid reader, whosemainsatisfaction would be that some of the contents in this appwouldfire up somebody's inspiration and result in new stuffbeingwritten down!Suitable for writers of all levels, the ideas included rangefromtheme suggestions to technical ideas (modifications instructure,word games, genre crossovers)... This diversity allowsyou to evenmix and match several prompts to help you create yourown story, oryou can also use the ideas simply to start a train ofthought thatcan break through the writer's block, as you imagineyour ownprompts.In writing, getting started is often half the battle. If youhaveever stared at a blank paper or word processor documentfeeling thedesire to write but not knowing where to start, thiscan be the appfor you.
Linux Podcasts 3.0
Datamix Soft
Linux Podcasts is a selection of the bestpodcasts total or partially dedicated to Linux. They vary in thedegree of technicality, but most of them are accessible toeverybody.Either if you are thinking to try Linux for the first time, oryou are a seasoned power user, a gamer or a sysadmin, you'll findhours and hours of amusement, information and useful advice in thisapp.
Rock'n Radio 1.0
Datamix Soft
A collection of the best 'tough' music ofallstyles; from classic punk, heavy and trash, to moreaggressivestyles like doom or grindcore, if it distorts it's here.Includesboth classics and emerging bands... A must for rockheadsout there.With this app you'll always have something worthlisteningto.
As a Man Thinketh 1.0
Datamix Soft
This short book, published in 1903, becamesoonthe authors' best seller. Structured as a collection ofisolatedessays, Allen offers strong insights about matterslikevisualization, positive thinking, and the power of mindtoinfluence our behavior and reality.Written in a simple language, with short chapters and plentyofeasy to understand metaphors, this book is a long lastingclassicthat will interest any person who wants to train their mind,orsimply enjoy a good book on visualization and practicalmentalhygiene.The app also includes an audio version of the book, whichallowslistening to the contents instead of or in addition toreading.
Writer Guides 1.0
Datamix Soft
Improve the quality of your fiction writingand get more stuff through the door with the best tips, tools,howto guides and inspirational prompts from the web.Writing fiction can be a daunting and sometimes solitaryactivity, but hopefully, there is a strong and supportive communityof fiction writers out there who "been there, done that", and arehappy to share their experience with anyone with an Android deviceand any Internet connection.Writer Guides intends to help you:*Improve your writing process, with precise do's and dont'sinstructions, and clear howto guides*Obtain that golden "first idea" that you can build upon, withplenty of actual writing prompts free to use, and also tips on howto develop a story once you've found something that clicks*Learn editing strategies to polish your text from manuscript tofinal draft and take it to the finish line*Get motivated to start; a collection of quotes by famousauthors on writing will provide you the necessary "kick in thepants" in those moments when you find it hard to "get down toit"*Learn about the book creation process, with a no-frills study,written by an editorial industry professional, that includes tipson matters like best way to present material, how publishingworks...No one can put the writing hours for you, but with this app youwill always have the advice, the support and the tools you need tomove on one more step; just keep writing!
Self Help by Samuel Smiles 1.0
Datamix Soft
Samuel Smile's 'Self Help' is consideredthefirst proper book on personal development, and its advicescontinuebeing powerful and relevant a century and a half afteritspublication.The book is composed of both practical advice onuniversalmatters like work ethic, productivity, self esteem,economy,perseverance, focus, diligence... it's everything inhere.Here are a few samples of Smile's clear and elegant style:"There is a Russian proverb which says that Misfortune isnextdoor to Stupidity""(...) in business affairs, it is the manner in which evensmallmatters are transacted, that often decides men for oragainstyou.""Do instantly whatever is to be done, and take the hoursofrecreation after business, never before it. When a regimentisunder march, the rear is often thrown into confusion becausethefront do not move steadily, and without interruption.""Debt makes everything a temptation.""I have often known what it was to be in want of money, butInever got into debt.""What waste, what misery, what bankruptcy, come from allthisambition to dazzle others with the glare of apparentworldlysuccess, we need not describe.""It was not enough that an officer should be able to fight;thatany bull-dog could do. But did he hold his word inviolate, -did hepay his debts?""Every person has two educations, one which he receivesfromothers, and one, more important, which he gives to himself-Gbbon.""(...) we often imagine we are being educated while we areonlybeing amused.""There is no more personal merit attaching to the possessionofnaturally superior intellectual powers than in the succession toalarge estate. It is the use which is made of the one as oftheother, which constitutes the only just claim to respect.""Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried; and few trytheirbest till they have been forced to do it. "If I could do suchandsuch a thing," sighs the desponding youth. But he will neverdo, ifhe only wishes.""Nothing is easy, but was difficult at first, - not evensosimple an act as walking.""Only the poor in spirit are really poor. He who has lostall,but retains his courage, cheerfulness, hope, virtue,andself-respect, is still rich."Smiles accompanies these pearls of thought with beautifultruestories, like the humanity of the Austrian emperor duringthecholera epidemycs, the sailor who taught himself grammar, havingnospare time and taking the money for paper from his food,theperseverance of James Watts, inventor of the steam machine, orthebreathtaking heroism of a group of soldiers during the wreck oftheBirkenhead, to save women and children.An immortal book that everybody can profit of.
Self Reliance by R.W. Emerson 2.0
Datamix Soft
"At times the whole world seems to beinconspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles. Friend,client,child, sickness, fear, want, charity, all knock at once atthycloset door, and say, -- 'Come out unto us.' But keep thystate;come not into their confusion. The power men possess to annoyme, Igive them by a weak curiosity. No man can come near me butthroughmy act. "Widely considered as the head of the Trascendentalistmovement,but, above all labels, an original thinker and outstandinghumanbeing, Emerson's ideas on the virtues of individualism andtherelations person-collective shine at their best in this wellknownessay.Emerson's prose, conceived as a tool to illustrate a point,hasremained actual and easy to read, and his ideas remainaudacious,provocative and without fail as sensible and enlighteningas in thetime they were first published.The book discusses matters like building one's character,thedangers of sticking too much to consistency ("the hobgoblinoflittle minds", as he famously defined), and the existence ofaTruth that is different for each person (as opposed toamonolithic, single-version "Truth"); a Truth to which eachpersonis due their full loyalty.One of those texts that, despite its brevity, never failstoleave you more energized and inspired after reading.For comfort of reading, the original text has been dividedinthis app into 8 different menu entries.
Gore and Horror Land 1.0
Datamix Soft
Find out the latest novelties in the worldofgore and terror movies, revisit the classics, and generallyhavebloody fun with this app that collects the most chillingandcringing resources from the web... Grab a good bunch of stakesandgarlic, throw some silver bullets in, and never forget you havetoshoot them in the head! Tonight you have a meeting withDrWest...
Buddhism 101 1.0
Datamix Soft
In only a few decades, Buddhism has movedfrombeing only practiced in the Eastern world and consideredsomethingexotic en the West, to mainstream acceptance in the wholeplanet.The Buddha's timeless teachings about the nature ofsuffering andthe acceptance of change are applicable to all kind ofsituations,and some of its practices, like meditation, havepositive effectson health and mood that have been confirmed byscience.This app is a compendium or starting guide containing themainconcepts of the Buddhist doctrine (the Four Noble Truths andtheEightfold Path), and also a brief explanation of thedifferentkinds of Buddhism in the world (mainly Theravada andMahayana, witha special note on Zen Buddhism), and some of thefundamentalmeditation techniques common to them (Samatha andVipassana).
Trending News 1.0
Datamix Soft
It's happenning right now - The richandfamous, curious facts, on line life, movies, funnymoments,adorable pets... A collection of the best providers of newsforyour entertainment.
Handy Checklists 1.0
Datamix Soft
This apps offers a selection coveringbasictasks and areas of life that everybody can use frequently.They canbe used as reminders, or as the starting point or'skeleton' foryour own checklists.Checklists provide an overview that helps you get focused onanytask at hand.The intention of this app is not only to provide usefulblueprintsfor your own content, but also to serve as a showcase oftheversatility of this simple tool, in order to inspire you to getinthe habit of doing your own checklists.The current checklists included in the app are:*Habits to Stay Healthy*Things to Check in a Neighborhood*Change of Address*Cooking*Housekeeping*Grocery*Basic Life Skills*Leaving Home for Vacation*Things to Carry in Luggage*Cleaning*Computer Maintenance*First Aid Kit Basics*Car Preparation for Long Trip*Vital Areas of Focus*Computer Ergonomy*Healthy Mental Habits*Traits of a Good Life Partner*Before-Bed Routine*Moving*Car Maintenance*Things to ask to the doctor*House-hunting*Smartphone CleaningStay sharp and save time with this fundamental thought tool.Keepchecking!
Training Within Industry Guide 1.0
Datamix Soft
This app intends to provide anintroductoryoverview to the Training Within Industry system,intended for allaudiences.Training Within Industry is a simple yet powerful trainingsystemwith a trajectory of decades of proven success in all thesectorsof activity where it is applied.The system was developed by the US as the chosen method togetnovice workers up to speed quickly during WWII.Developed in a historic moment when effectiveness wasparamount(increasing productivity was literaly a matter of life ordeath),the method continued to be adopted worldwide after the war,and ithas proven to be so rocksteady that is still used in ourdaysalmost without modification of the initial text. Amongthecompanies that currently use TWI to train their staff aretopplayers like Toyota, IBM or Virginia Mason Medical Center, tonamea few.a TWI program provides to any organization plenty of benefits,likeimproved productivity, a better work culture, faster cycletimes,reducing scrap and rework... It can be applied in anyindustry orservice, and has proven to be successful independentlyof thecultural environment where it is used.Training Within Industry is comprised of 3 main programs:* Job Instruction: used to train instructors in the optimum waytoteach workers a job* Job Methods: used to show workers to introduce improvementsintheir work, and "sell" other people on those improvements* Job Relations: an efficient system for instructors to dealwitharising people problems.Each of the methods can be applied isolatedly to addressaparticular problem of the organization, or they can all be usedasa whole.This app provides a primer on the TWI methods, with plentyofdocumentation, examples, historic documents and alsocurrentresources for those who want to go deeper and reap thebenefits ofthis time tested methodology.
Audio Production Tutorials 1.0
Datamix Soft
Making your own music, and producing ittoquality standards that rival commercial productions, hasbecomeaccessible for everyone thanks to the advances in technologyin thelatest times. All you need is a computer, a few very cheapitems ofconsumer electronics, and one DAW (Digital AudioWorkstation), apiece of software that you can even get forfree.What the software won't teach you is the basic techniques neededtorecord and manipulate the sound, and the flood ofinformationavailable on audio production can sometimes beintimidating for abeginner. To solve that, Audio ProductionTutorials intends tooffer a representative selection of video andtext resources forthose who introduce themselves into the creativeworld of audioproduction and are not sure about where to start.Triaged by an'audiohead', with thousands of hours of productionunder his belt,the criteria for inclusion of the tutorials, out ofmany checked,were the following:* Offering a complete 20,000 ft overview of the processes usedinmusic production to create a music track, from beginningtofinish* Focus on the technique (the way to get a certain thingdone),rather than the tools (particular programs or gear); once youlearnthe fundamentals, you can choose the DAW or plugins that aremoreto your liking, and will navigate through them easily.* Avoiding technical terminology; only tutorials thatexplainedthings in layman terms, in a lively manner and with easyto graspexamples.Very often, the first step is often the hardest. If you everhavehad a wish to express yourself through music, this app can helpyoutake that first step, so later you can move on fromthere,depending on your learning needs and priorities.The audio production techniques covered by the tutorials are:* Equipment used in digital music production* Equalization* Compression* ReverbYou will also find access to an audio forum thread that hasbecomefamous as a comprehensive collection of all there is to knowtoaudio production; not only clear and detailed explanations ofallthe aforementioned techniques, but also enlightening debateonissues like what makes a good song, or the situation and scopeofmusic in the Internet era.
The Writer's Toolkit 1.0
Datamix Soft
Tools to help creative people writenarrativetexts, without stifling or limiting your creativity.This app comprehends an assorted selection of writing tools,focusedon helping any person who intends to write fiction, at anylevel, toget started in a project, of give a helping hand with thedifferentobstacles all writers have to face in their solitarypursuit at sometime or another.Each different element of the app addresses one of thefamiliar"ghosts" a writer usually has to face:* A motivational quote section will get you started by providingyouthe instant inspiration against self defeat, lack of drive,fear offailure...* Two writing ideas generators bring a wide gamut of "blueprints"tochoose from, until you find the idea that makes your creativemindexplode with possibilities. One of the generators createsplots,while the other offers prompts of a more unstructured andpoeticnature, meant to be interpreted openly, according to eachwriter'spreferences and temperament.* In addition to that, for extra inspition you can checkafrequently updated gallery of random pictures, out of which someissure to ignite your imagination and give you the motifyou'relooking for, or the next plot point you need to unlock yourwritingprocess.* Choosing the right name for your characters is another taskthatcan often become burdensome or challenging. The app offers itshelpwith another generator, with customizable parameters likeage,etnicity and sex, and which also provides, if desired,suggestionsabout the character's psychologic traits.* Any fiction writer is familiar with the difficulties of comingupwith a good title. On that note, the app includes twotitlegenerators, for novels and short stories, whose outcome can beused"as is", or as a source inspiration to come up with yourown.Creativity is by definition free, and it depends oncountlessfactors and sometimes just luck. However, this app doesits best tohelp you "getting lucky" more often, using technology toprovideyou quick and easy access to an endless stream ofstimulating ideasand concepts, which then you can cherrypick anddevelop accordingto your own writer sensitivity and preferences.Install it andenjoy your writing!
Writer's Unblocker 1.0
Datamix Soft
This app intends to help creative writersofany level or genre (short stories, novels, plays, scripts...evenpoetry) to get unstuck in those awkward moments when the museseemsto be on an absence leave.The app integrates a series of writing prompts that aredeliberatelydifferent in their scope; some are straightforwardthemesuggestions, others hint ideas about the style, structure ortoneyou can use, and there are even word games you can experimentwith.However, what all of them have in common is that they intendto bewide and open enough to allow different interpretation, sodifferentwriters can profit from them without having theirpersonal style andartistic preferences compromised. The mission ofthe app is helpingyou go back to the writing flow ASAP, withoutbecoming too "pushy"or "paint by numbers" with the suggestions, asit would destroy the"creative" in "creative writing".Under a premise of simplicity and transparency, the app hasbeendesigned in a very unobstrusive way; opening it will takeyoudirectly to a prompt, and you get a new one by touching thescreen.Also, there are 5 different background images withdifferenttextures, which you can also vary by refreshing thescreen.Creative writing is a great exercise for personal expression,evenif you only do it as leisure or to exercise your imagination;getrid of that nasty writer's block and go back to writing in notimewith these prompts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work createdandshared by Google and used according to terms described intheCreative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
In the Penal Colony by Kafka 1.0
Datamix Soft
This story shares the atmosphere of workslike"Metamorphosis" or "America" that have made Kafka anundisputedclassic among the writers of the 20th Century.The reader will find here all the ingredients that are usualinKafka: a tight structure, where everything happens withthefatality of dreams and is always a bit strange. The struggle oftheindividual vs society, a society full of complex rules,dehumanizedand surrendered to its own bureaucracy. The sparse butcrucialnarrative details that make the story both tangible and richininterpretations.A Traveler who's visiting a Penal Colony is "invited" to witnesstheexecution of a prisoner, which is usually carried along throughaconvoluted machine that takes 12 hours to complete its mission.TheOfficer who acts as a host does not spare him any detail abouttheworkings of the machine, of which he is the proud caretaker, orthehistory of executions and previous rulers in theisland.Unavoidably, the Traveler will find himself tangled in theinternalpolitics and struggles of power existing in thecolony.In a tense, gradual atmosphere, Kafka explores matters so currenttous as the finality of technology, its use or abuse, theapplicationof justice, or the utility of punishment. In addition,surprisingly,this short story contains perhaps the most freneticaction scene inthe whole production of the author.The app offers off line versions of both the book and theaudiobook,which you can even use in a simultaneous way for abetter readingexperience, and also access to different audioversions that you candownload.This translation, which has been prepared by Ian JohnstonofMalaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, is in thepublicdomain and may be used by anyone, in whole or in part,withoutpermission and without charge, provided the source isacknowledged,released October 2003. The original text can be foundat: audio version was read by Dominic Vinyard for LibriVox,andbelongs to Public Domain.
Learn Music Now 2.0
Datamix Soft
Learning music is an ability that canenrichevery person's life; you don't have to be a Beethoven or aJimHendrix to enjoy the simple pleasure of playing or writing yourownsongs.However, the first steps can sometimes be intimidating; tosolvethat, this app offers a collection of video starters for themainareas of music (guitar, piano, singing, drumming andcomposition),selected by a seasoned musician with the purpose togive you anoverview of musical possibilities so you can take itfromthere.Technology puts at your fingers all the resources you need tolearn;so don't let lack of experience or old prejudices hold youback.learn music now!!!--------------The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work createdandshared by Google and used according to terms described intheCreative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
Writer Guides (Creative Writin 1.0
Datamix Soft
Writing how-to guides that will help you take your writing to thenext level
The Dhammapada (Book + Audio) 1.0
Datamix Soft
The classic book of Buddhist wisdom, both on written and recordedformat
The Master Key System (Law of 1.0
Datamix Soft
A subconscious mind training guide that teaches to use the law ofattraction
The Science of Getting RichPRO 1.0
Datamix Soft
The timeless classic on the power of intention and creatingprosperity
Belift - Turn limiting beliefs 1.0
Datamix Soft
A mind programming technique that turns limiting beliefs intopositive thinking
NarcStop - Narcissistic abuse 1.0
Datamix Soft
Learn how to spot a narcissist, the mind games they play and how toface them
The Writer's Toolkit 1.0
Datamix Soft
Hints, prompts and motivation to help fiction writers gettingstarted
Trending News 1.0
Datamix Soft
The best trending and curiosity news from the web
The Master Key System PRO (Law of Attraction) 1.0
Datamix Soft
AD FREE VERSION Although it was written before the "lawofattraction" denomination was coined, all law ofattractionpractitioners consider "The Master Key System" a mustread, as oneof the clearest and most concise books on the subject.Initiallyconceived as a weekly correspondence course, even ifconsideredoutside the "law of attraction" umbrella, "The Master KeySystem"is acclaimed as one of the most influential works on selfgrowthever written, and every reader interested in developingusefulskills like visualization, problem solving and will powerwill findin it strong images and hints helpful for their particularlifejourney. The book is integrated by 24 units, each composed of:1) ashort chapter with explanations on how a different aspect ofthelaw of attraction operates, ending in a series of studyquestionsto help the learner's retention, and then 2) a relatedexercise forthe week that the readers are invited to practice oncedaily. Thelessons are all very short, with a language easy tofollow, and canbe read in no time, and the proposed exercises aremostlyvisualizations, which don't take long and are very simple andevenpleasant to do, so they are useful asrelaxation/meditationexercises too. The course intends to developin the student asuccessful state of mind, in consonance with thecreating forces ofthe universe, to put the law of attraction towork to achieve anydesignated goal. Once learned, the technique canbe applied to anyarea of one's life (financial, professional,health, relations...)Another important skill the book shows is howto charge with faithand intention one's own actions, so that theybecome more effectivein obtaining their desired result. This"emotional charge" is anessential ingredient to make the law ofattraction work. The bookis written with the goal of getting to thepoint fast and beingaccessible to all audiences, had them alreadybeen in contact withthis yet-to-be-called law of attraction or not.This eBook editioncontains the unabridged original text in avertically scrollingformat. Each chapter is presented as anindependent item for easieraccess. The app also offers abiographical note about Charles F.Haanel. There is also an ad-freeversion available. "The Master KeySystem" has a long record ofsuccess stories and acknowledgementsthat range from the time of itspublishing to our days, which givesproof of its usefulness andrelevance. If you have sometimes feltintrigued by the law ofattraction, but been taken away by the lacka definite how-to guideon how to go about it, this book could bethe missing piece youneed... For other free ebooks on the law ofattraction, check alsoDatamix's "The Science of Getting Rich" and"It Works!".
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