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A Step 2 Green Apple graded reader by Charles Dickens and retoldbyGina D.B. Clemen. Published by Black Cat. Set in the darkstreetsof 19th-century London, this unforgettable classic tellstheadventures of Oliver Twist, a penniless orphan who goes throughallkinds of hardships for many years. Find out how, in spiteofadverse circumstances, he finds happiness in the end.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where thetextbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and toexplorehistorical background, cultural connections and othertopicssuggested by the text. As well as the story,this reader contains:• A biography of Charles Dickens• A wide range of interactive activities practising thefourskills• Dossiers: Crime in Victorian London, Child Labour• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-styleinteractiveactivities (Grade 4)• A full recording of the text
A level 2 Earlyreads graded reader retold by Ruth Hobart,publishedby Black Cat. A modern-looking girl on the way to hergrandmothermeets an old-fashioned wolf in the woods. But there’s ahappyending. The girl, her grandmother and a wood-cutter all haveteatogether, while the wolf runs away, scared but stillalive!Beautiful illustrations captivate the imagination andmakeunderstanding easy; simple, repetitive language will soonhavechildren memorising the story; games and languageinteractiveactivities after the story make practising English fun;a picturedictionary at the end of the book encouragesvocabularyacquisition; a full recording of the texts aids listeningskills
A level 4 Earlyreads graded reader retold by Judith Percival,published by Black Cat. Daniel is a poor young man who is inlovewith the beautiful Princess Caroline. To make matters worse,helives in a village which is terrorised by an Ogre. But Daniel’scatcomes to the rescue, and finds a way of both getting rid oftheOgre and bringing Daniel and the Princess together…Beautiful illustrations for immediate compehension; gamesandlanguage interactive activities make practising English fun;apicture dictionary at the end of the book encouragesvocabularyacquisition; a full recording of the texts aids listeningskills.
A Step 2 Reading and Training graded reader byGina D.B. Clemen, published by Black Cat.The Chumash, an AmericanIndian people, protest when a property developer builds new homeson their ancient cemetery in Coyote Canyon, California. Then,during the night of the Fourth of July celebrations, a murder iscommitted by a mysterious American Indian warrior.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• Wide range of interactive activities practicing the fourskills• PET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grade 4)• Dossiers: Independence Day, American Indians• A full recording of the text
Une lecture graduée de la collection Lire ets'entraîner de niveau 4, de Nicolas Gerrier. Publié par Cideb. Quisont les auteurs des lettres anonymes menaçant de mort lapopulation de Paris, Nantes et Bordeaux ? Parti sur l’île de LaRéunion pour mener l’enquête, le commissaire Philippe Latour seretrouve face à d’autres énigmes tout aussi inquiétantes...Mensonges, vengeance, catastrophe naturelle… Il aura bien du mal àrésoudre cette affaire.Tout au long de l’histoire, vous trouverez :• des exercices interactifs de grammaire, de vocabulaire, decompréhension et d’expression écrite et orale• des activités type DELF• des dossiers sur : L’île de La Réunion, La France d’outre-mer,L’esclavage et La cuisine réunionnaise ;• un test final• enregistrement intégral du texte.A graduated reading Readthe collection and train level 4 of Nicolas Gerrier. Posted byCideb. Who are the authors of anonymous letters threatening to killthe population of Paris, Nantes and Bordeaux? Party on the islandof Reunion to conduct the investigation, the Commissioner PhilippeLatour is faced with other puzzles equally disturbing ...Lies, revenge, natural disaster ... It will be hard to solve thiscase.Throughout history, you will find:• interactive grammar exercises, vocabulary, comprehension andwritten and oral expression• types of activities DELF• records of: The island of La Reunion, France Overseas, Slaveryand The Reunion kitchen;• a final test• Full recording of the text.
AROUND WORLD 80 DAY 1.8.34r1
A step 2 Reading and Training graded reader by Jules Verne andretold by Eleanor Donaldson. Published by Black Cat. In 1872, arich English gentleman, Phileas Fogg, makes a bet that he can goaround the world in eighty days. Accompanied by his Frenchmanservant, he sets off on an incredible race against the clock.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and toexplorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: Great journeys around the world and Passengershipsand Transatlantic travel• PET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades4/5)• A full recording of the text
Stellina e gli amici 1.8.34q
Stringhe, per seguire il filo della lettura.Un progetto che collega lettore e testo con il magico filo deipensieri, che diverte e fa riflettere.In fondo al mare Stellina e i suoi amici vivono tante avventuredivertenti.Si gioca a nascondino e si trovano anelli magici che esprimono idesideri. S’incontrano anche gli umani, desiderosi di conoscere ilmondo marino.Strings, to follow thethread of reading. A project that connects the reader and the textwith the magical train of thought, that entertains and makes youthink.Under the sea Stellina and his friends live many funadventures.You play hide and seek and you will find magical rings that expresstheir desires. Also meet the human desire to know the marineworld.
LOST WORD 1.8.34q
A Step 2 Reading and Training graded reader bySir Arthur Conan Doyle and retold by Frederick Garland. Publishedby Black Cat. In this story, which inspired King Kong and JurassicPark, a team of brave explorers set out for a‘lost world’ in themiddle of the Amazon rain forest.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) activities• Dossiers: ‘The Lost World’: a New Kind of Story and others• PET-style and Trinity-style activities (Grade 5)• A full recording of the text
Une lecture graduée de la collection Lire ets'entraîner de niveau 2, de Marie-Claire Bertrand et adaptée parDidier Roland. Publié par Cideb. Comment un banal séjourlinguistique peut-il se transformer en une sombre aventure ? C’estpourtant ce qui arrive à Emma, une étudiante allemande venueperfectionner son français à Bordeaux. Un jour, elle trouve lejournal intime de Louise, l’ancienne colocataire, et découvrequelque chose de vraiment inquiétant… Elle décide alors de menerl’enquête pour percer Le secret de Louise. Tout au long del’histoire, vous trouverez :• des exercices interactifs de grammaire, de vocabulaire, decompréhension et d’expression écrite et orale ;• des activités type DELF ;• des dossiers sur Bordeaux, L’Aquitaine et La gastronomiebordelaise ;• un test final ;• enregistrement intégral du texte.A graduated reading Readthe collection and train Level 2 Marie-Claire Bertrand and adaptedby Didier Roland. Posted by Cideb. How an ordinary living languagecan be transformed into a dark adventure? Yet this is what happensto Emma, ​​a German student from Bordeaux to improve her French.One day, she finds the diary of Louise, former roommate, anddiscovered something really disturbing ... She decides toinvestigate to pierce the secret of Louise. Throughout history, youwill find:• interactive exercises in grammar, vocabulary, comprehension andwritten and oral expression;• DELF such activities;• records of Bordeaux, Aquitaine and GastronomyBordeaux;• a final test;• Full recording of the text.
MACBETH 1.8.34q
A Step 4 Reading and Training graded reader byWilliam Shakespeare and retold by James Butler. Published by BlackCat. The tragedy of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and their ambitious,bloody path to tyrannical power – and madness – is as powerful nowas it was in Shakespeare’s day. This reader uses the "ExpansiveReading"approach, where the text becomes a springboard to improvelanguage skills and to explore historical background, culturalconnections and other topics suggested by the text. As well as thestory, this reader contains:• An introduction about Shakespeare and his life• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: Films of Macbeth, Scotland’s History, Witches and TheCastles of Scotland• FCE-style interactive activities• Trinity-style interactive activities (Grade 6)• A playscript• A full recording of the text
A Step 5 Reading and Training graded reader byOscar Wild and retold by Gina D.B. Clemen. Published by Black Cat.When the superbly handsome Dorian Gray sees his portrait he makes aterrible wish: that the portrait will grow older and that he willremain young forever. What happens to the portrait that no one eversees? A disturbing story of a man who is willing to sell his soulfor eternal youth while pursuing pleasure and passion.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• Wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• FCE-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grades 7/8)• Dossiers: The Aesthetic Movement and Oscar Wilde’s London • Arecording of parts of the text
A Step 1 Reading and Training graded reader byAndrea M. Hutchinson, published by Black Cat. Three best friendsare travelling around Australia in search of adventure before theystart university. After celebrating Christmas Day on Sydney’s BondiBeach one of them goes missing… This reader uses the EXPANSIVEREADING approach, where the text becomes a springboard to improvelanguage skills and to explore historical background, culturalconnections and other topics suggested by the text. As well as thestory, this reader contains:• Wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• KET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grade 3)• Dossiers: Sydney and Around Australia• A full recording of the text
A Step 1 Reading and Training graded reader byGina D.B. Clemen, published by Black Cat. Peter O’Nell, MontegoHigh School’s favorite teacher, goes missing in the BermudaTriangle, and the Miami Police can’t solve the case. His studentsdecide to investigate, with the help of O’Nell’s dog, Rover.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where thetextbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and toexplorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• Easy adaptation in American English• Wide range of interactive activities practicing the fourskills• KET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades3/4)• Dossiers: Halloween and others• A full recording of the text
A Step 1 Green Apple graded reader by SirArthur Conan Doyle and retold by Gina D.B. Clemen. Published byBlack Cat. A mysterious lodger, strange messages, a secret societyand a terrible murder are the elements of a case that SherlockHolmes and Dr Watson have to solve...This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as thestory, this reader contains:• A biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grade 3)• Dossiers: Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, Victorian Writers andPolice and Detectives in the 19th Century• A full recording of the text
Une lecture graduée de la collection Lire ets'entraîner de niveau 1, de Régine Boutègége et Susanne Longo,publié par Cideb. Une momie, une malédiction, une pyramide… voilàGuillaume et son ami Paul entraînés dans une aventure étrange oùdes épisodesinquiétants se succèdent sans trêve. Vous entrerez vous aussi aucoeur du mystère, un mystère digne d’un scénario de film où vouspourrez devenir acteur, metteur en scène, costumier,décorateur.Tout au long de l’histoire, vous trouverez :• des exercices interactifs de grammaire, de compréhension etd’expression écrite et orale ;• des activités type DELF ;• un dossier sur l’égyptologie ;• un projet vidéo, La momie du Louvre au cinéma ;• un test final ;• enregistrement intégral du texte.A graduated reading Readthe collection and result in Level 1, and Susanne Regine BoutègégeLongo published by Cideb. A mummy, a curse, a pyramid ... thatWilliam and his friend Paul dragged into a strange adventure whereepisodesdisturbing one another without respite. You also enter the heart ofthe mystery, a mystery worthy of a movie script where you canbecome an actor, director, costume designer.Throughout history, you will find:• interactive grammar exercises, comprehension and written and oralexpression;• DELF such activities;• a record of Egyptology;• a video project, The Mummy Louvre cinema;• a final test;• Full recording of the text.
A step 2 Green Apple graded reader by CharlesDickens and retold by Gina D.B. Clemen. Published by Black Cat.David’s life changes for the worse when his mother dies and he isleft with a cruel stepfather who sends him to work in London. Buthe doesn’t want to work in a factory all his life, so he runs awayand finds a kind relative who is willing to help him. As Davidgrows up, he learns that life is full of trouble, hardship andcruelty. But he also finds friendship, kindness and... love.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story,this reader contains:• A biography of Charles Dickens• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grades 2 and 4)• Dossiers: Dover and Australia• A full recording of the text
A Step 3 Reading and Training graded reader byJonathan Swift and retold by Jeremy Fitzgerald. Published by BlackCat. Lemuel Gulliver tells the story of his fantastic adventures onthe island of Lilliput, in Brobdingnag, in Laputa and finally inthe land of the Houyhnhnms.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• Wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: Popular Travel Books and Utopia and Dystopia• PET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grade 5)• Recording of parts of the text
A Step 4 Reading and Training graded reader byBram Stoker and retold by Kenneth Brodey. Published by Black Cat.Jonathan Harker travels to a castle in Transylvania to sell aLondon house to a certain Count Dracula. He soon learns that thispolite aristocrat is a vampire…This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• An introduction about the life of Bram Stoker• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: Real Vampires, Vampire Bats and others• FCE-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades7/8)• A recording of parts of the text
A step 2 Reading and Training graded reader by Lewis Carroll andretold by Gina D.B. Clemen. Published by Black Cat. Join Alice asshe follows the white rabbit into the amazing world of Wonderland!Watch Alice change size, talk to the smiling Cheshire cat, play agame of croquet with the Queen of Hearts and enjoy the never-endingadventures in the land of dreams! This reader uses the "ExpansiveReading"approach, where the text becomes a springboard to improvelanguage skills and to explore historical background, culturalconnections and other topics suggested by the text. As well as thestory, this reader contains:• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: A great invention: photography; Oxford; Victoriansports• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grade 4)• A full recording of the text
RAPUNZEL 1.8.34k
A level 2 Earlyreads graded reader retold byRuth Hobart , published by Black Cat. A witch takes Rapunzel awayfrom her parents when she is a small child. When Rapunzel grows thewitch locks her in a tower! However, the story ends happily withRapunzel reunited with her parents and marrying a prince!Beautiful illustrations for immediate comprehension; simple,repetitive language will soon have children memorising the story;games and language interactive activities make practising Englishfun; a picture dictionary encourages vocabulary acquisition; a fullrecording of the texts aids listening skills
A Step 3 Reading and Training graded reader bySir Arthur Conan Doyle and retold by Kenneth Brody and RebeccaRaynes. Published by Black Cat. Follow Holmes as he solves themystery of ‘The Blue Carbuncle’, finds a missing fiancé in ‘A Caseof Identity’ and discovers the identity of a strange creature in‘The Yellow Face’.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• An introduction about Conan Doyle and his life• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: Conan Doyle Defends the Crew of the Titanic,ArthurDefends the Underdog and Sherlock Homes on Stage and Screen• PET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades5/6)• A full recording of the text
A Step 3 Reading and Training graded readerretold by Jennifer Gascoigne and published by Black Cat. Varyingaspects of love feature in these five stories based on plays byShakespeare – love and marriage, young love, romantic love, jealouslove and passionate love. Some of the characters find happinesswhile for others love brings only misery and pain.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• An introduction about Shakespeare and his life• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: Courtship and Marriage in Elizabethan Times andothers• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grade 5)• A full recording of the text
A Starter Green Apple graded reader by L.Frank Baum and retold by Gina D.B. Clemen. Published by Black Cat.One day a big cyclone takes Dorothy and her house from Kansas, USA,to a magical country called Oz. But Dorothy wants to go back hometo Kansas, andonly the country's famous Wizard can help her. Follow Dorothy onher many adventures and meet her new friends, the Scarecrow, theTin Woodman and the Lion. But be careful of the Wicked Witch!This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as thestories, this reader contains:• Easy adaptation in American English• Wide range of fun interactive activities practicing the fourskills• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grades 1/2)• Dossiers: Cyclones, Kansas and ‘The Wizard of Oz’: themovie• A full recording of the text
A Step 1 Reading and Training graded reader bySir Arthur Conan Doyle and retold by Gina D.B. Clemen. Published byBlack Cat. ‘The Red-Headed League’ and ‘The Speckled Band’ aretaken from Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Inthese two stories we join Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson inVictorian London as they try to solve two of their most mysteriousand terrifying cases.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• Wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grades 3/4)• Dossier: London in the Times of Sherlock Holmes• A full recording of the text
ROBIN HOOD 1.8.34q
A Step 2 Green Apple graded reader, retold byGina D.B. Clemen and published by Black Cat. Why did Robin Hoodbecome an outlaw? Who were his trusted men? How did Marian findRobin in Sherwood Forest? How was the wicked Sheriff of Nottinghampunished? Who wanted Robin dead or alive? Read the exciting legendof Robin Hood to find out.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story,this reader contains:• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossier: Medieval Times in England, Medieval Life in a CastleTown, Archery,King Richard’s Crusade, The Magna Carta• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grade 4)• A full recording of the text
A Step 1 Green Apple graded reader by VictoriaHeward, published by Black Cat. Max and Laura are again involved inanother mysterious case. This time aphantom thief seems to be able to get in and out of importantmuseums in London easily, stealing valuable paintings. It’sHalloween and Max and Laura with their friends decide to explorethe area around one of the museums. It’s dark and very foggy thatnight and something very spooky is going to happen…This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text.As well as the story, this reader contains:• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: London museums, Travelling around London, etc.• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grades 3, 4)• A full recording of the text
A Step 5 Reading and Training graded reader byDaniel Defoe and retold by Maud Jackson. Published by Black Cat.Regarded by many as the first English novel, Defoe’s famousstorycelebrates how Robinson Crusoe, shipwrecked on a desert island,manages to survive and prosper through his ownresourcefulness.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• An introduction: Daniel Defoe and his World• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: The Slave Trade, Shipwrecks and others• FCE-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades7/8)• A full recording of the text
A level 3 Earlyreads graded reader retold byJudith Percival, published. The little mermaid lives in a magical,beautiful place at the bottom of the sea, but she wants to see whatthe world is like. When she visits it she falls in love with aprince. What will the little mermaid have to do to be able to havea life in the world with the man she loves?Beautiful illustrations captivate the imagination and makeunderstanding easy; simple, repetitive language will soon havechildren memorising the story; games and language interactiveactivities after the story make practising English fun; a picturedictionary at the end of the book encourages vocabularyacquisition; a full recording of the texts aids listeningskills.
ROBINSON CRUSOE-Green Apple 1.8.34q
A Step 1 Green Apple graded reader by DanielDefoe and retold by Benjamin Anderson. Published by Black Cat. WhenRobinson Crusoe tells his parents he wants to go to sea they don’twant him to, but he ignores their wishes and joins a ship. This isjust the beginning of his many adventures at sea, which end withhim being shipwrecked on a desert island.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, this readercontains:• A biography of Daniel Defoe• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: The Atlantic Slave Trade and The real RobinsonCrusoe:Alexander Selkirk• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grade 3)• A full recording of the text
A Step 5 Reading and Training graded reader byNathaniel Hawthorne and retold by Gina D.B. Clemen. In 17th-centuryPuritan Boston, Hester Prynne gives birth to an illegitimate childand is condemned to wear the scarlet letter “A” as a sign of heradultery. She refuses to reveal the identity of her lover, and isforced to lead a life of humiliation.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, written and recordedinAmerican English, this reader contains:• Wide range of interactive activities practicing the fourskills• FCE-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grade 8)• Dossiers: The Occult and Witchcraft, The Puritans and more• A recording of parts of the story
A Step 3 Reading and Training graded readerbyOscar Wilde and retold by Dereck Sellen. Published by BlackCat.The ghost that haunts an English country house decides tofrightenaway the new residents, an American family, but he soonrealisesthat the Americans are not like his other victims!This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where thetextbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and toexplorehistorical background, cultural connections and othertopicssuggested by the text. As well as the story, thisreadercontains:• An introduction about Oscar Wilde’s life and times• A wide range of interactive activities practising thefourskills• Dossiers: Oscar Wilde in America and Ghosts• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-styleinteractiveactivities (Grade 5)• A full recording of the text
A Step 3 Reading and Training graded reader byGina D.B. Clemen, published by Black Cat. A rare diamond disappearsfrom a museum in New York City, where Nick and Bill have a summerjob. Suddenly there is a vampire scare in town. Nick, Bill andMichelle decide to investigate the world of the living dead andmake a terrible discovery… This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READINGapproach, where the text becomes a springboard to improve languageskills and to explore historical background, cultural connectionsand other topics suggested by the text. As well as the story,written and recorded in American English, this readercontains:• A wide range of interactive activities practicing the fourskills• Dossiers: Manhattan, the Heart of New York City and others• PET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades5/6)•A full recording of the text
Ein Titel der Niveaustufe 2 aus der ReiheLesen und Üben -Lektüren mit unterschiedlichem Schwierigkeitsgrad.Veröffentlicht von Cideb. Valeria ist attraktiv und intelligent,aber sie findet keine Freunde. Die Leute gehen ihr und ihrer Mutteraus dem Weg. „Die sind nicht von hier”, heißt es. Und in dem Haus,in dem sie wohnen, soll es nicht mit rechten Dingen zugehen.Valerias Leben scheint sich zu ändern, als Markus, der Schönste derKlasse, sich in sie verliebt. Aber ist er der Richtige für sie? Undwas ist das Geheimnis von Valerias Haus? Eine spannendeLiebesgeschichte, die bei Husum an der Nordsee spielt, mit:• Interaktive Übungen zu Textverständnis, Wortschatz undGrammatik• Lesen Plus als erweitertes Leseverständnis• Themendossiers zur Landeskunde• Vollständige Audio-Version.A title of level 2 of theseries and reading practice-readings of varying difficulty.Published by Cideb. Valeria is attractive and intelligent, but theyfound no friends. People go to her and her mother out of the way."They're not from here," it says. And in the house in which theylive, it is not right to go with things.Valeria's life seems to be changing, as Mark, the best part of theclass, fell in love with it. But he is the right thing for them?And what is the secret of Valeria's house? A thrilling love storythat takes place in Husum on the North Sea with:• Interactive exercises on reading comprehension, vocabulary andgrammar• Reading Plus as an extended reading comprehension• Theme dossier on country studies• Full audio version.
A Step 4 Reading and Training graded reader,retold by Jane Elizabeth Cammack, published by Black CatApower-hungry Richard III, a remorseful Macbeth, a revengeful PrinceHamlet, a powerful Julius Caesar, and a ruthless and ambitious KingHenry V: various aspects of power and ambition feature in thesefive stories based on plays by William Shakespeare.This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text.As well as the text, written in British English, this readercontains:• An introduction about Shakespeare and his life• A wide range of interactive activities covering the fourskills• Dossiers: The Influences on Shakespeare’s Plays and others• FCE-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades7/8)• A full recording of the text
Ein Titel der Niveaustufe 1 aus der ReiheLesen und Üben -Lektüren mit unterschiedlichem Schwierigkeitsgrad.Die Nachbarin ist tot. Hat ihr Mann sie umgebracht? Derfünfzehnjährige Georg ist ihm auf der Spur. Spannung unddramatischer Schlusseffekt sind garantiert.In diesem Buch kann man finden:• Interaktive Übungen zu Text- und Hörverständnis, Wortschatz undGrammatik• Dossiers: Freiburg im Breisgau• Vollständige Audio-Version.A title of level 1 of theseries and reading practice-readings of varying difficulty. Theneighbor is dead, her husband has killed her? Thefifteen year old George is on his trail. Voltage anddramatic final effect is guaranteed.In this book you can find:• Interactive exercises to text and listening comprehension,vocabulary and grammar• file: Freiburg im Breisgau• Full audio version.
Une lecture graduée de la collection Lire ets'entraîner de niveau 3, de Victo Hugo. Publié par Cideb. Adaptéepar Lucia Bonato. Ce grand roman historique publié en 1831 est uneremarquable reconstitution de la vie populaire du Paris du XVesiècle. Quatre personnages dominent la scène : Quasimodo, lesonneur de cloches bossu et difforme de Notre-Dame, Claude Frollo,l’archidiacre à l’âme tourmentée, Esméralda, la belle bohémienne etPhoebus, le capitaine des archers du roi. Tout au long del’histoire, vous trouverez :• des exercices interactifs de grammaire, de compréhension etd’expression écrite et orale• des activités type DELF• des dossiers sur : La place de Grève, hier et aujourd’hui, Lesheures de la cathédrale, Quasimodo et Frollo, Les ponts deParis• un test final• enregistrement d’une partie du texte.A graduated reading Readthe collection and train level 3 Victo Hugo. Posted by Cideb.Adapted by Lucia Bonato. This great historical novel published in1831 is a remarkable reconstruction of the life of the popularParis of the fifteenth century. Four characters dominate the scene:Quasimodo, the hunchback bell ringer of Notre Dame deformed, ClaudeFrollo, the archdeacon to the tormented soul, Esmeralda, thebeautiful gypsy and Phoebus, the captain of the king's archers.Throughout history, you will find:• interactive grammar exercises, comprehension and written and oralexpression• types of activities DELF• records of: Place de Greve, yesterday and today, the hours of thecathedral, Quasimodo and Frollo, The Bridges of Paris• a final test• recording a portion of the text.
ZORRO 1.8.34q
Un título de nivel 1 de la serie Leer yaprender de lecturas graduadas. Johnston McCulley, adaptado paralos estudiantes por M. Sottini. Publicado por Cideb. El Zorro, eljusticiero enmascarado, héroe del sur de California, es una figuralegendaria cuya fama ha cruzado las propias fronteras para cautivara generaciones de lectores y espectadores de todas las edades.Todos hemos aplaudido, al menos una vez, las proezas de estedefensor de los débiles que desafía, lleno de humor, a losdéspotas. Esta narración, llena de suspense, intriga y lancesimprevistos, seducirá al lector novel, y a través de un lenguajesencillo y claro, le conducirá divirtiéndole, hasta suimprevisiblefinal.A lo largo de esta historia, vas a encontrar:• Actividades interactivas de gramática, de comprensión y deexpresión escrita y oral• Actividades interactivas de preparación al DELE• Dossiers sobre la California española, la fiebre del oro enCalifornia, la California de nuestros días, el justiciero• Un test final• Grabación integral del textoA bachelor's level 1 Readand learn series of graded readers. Johnston McCulley, adapted forstudents by M. Sottini. Posted by Cideb. Zorro, the maskedcrusader, hero of southern California, is a legendary figure whosefame has crossed their own borders to captivate generations ofreaders and viewers of all ages. We all applauded, at least once,the exploits of this defender of the weak-defying, full of humor,the despots. This story, full of suspense, intrigue and unexpectedsets, seduces the reader novel, and through a simple and clearlanguage, will lead divirtiéndole until hisimprevisiblefinal.Throughout this story, you'll find:• Interactive activities for grammar, comprehension and oral andwritten expression• Interactive activities in preparation for the DELE• Dossiers on Spanish California, the gold rushCalifornia, the California of today or Alive• A final test• full-text recording
Alice's adventures in wonderland is aStarterGreen Apple graded reader by Lewis Carroll and retold byGina D.B.Clemen. Published by Black Cat. Alice follows the WhiteRabbit downa rabbit hole and finds herself in the magical world ofWonderland,where anything can happen. She grows bigger andsmallerand she meets a lot of very strange characters! These includetheCaterpillar on his mushroom, the smiling Cheshire Cat, theHatterand the March Hare at theirmad tea party, the Queen of Hearts at her crazy game of croquet,andmany more!This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where thetextbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and toexplorehistorical background, cultural connections and othertopicssuggested by the text.As well as the story, this reader contains:• Easy adaptation at Starter level• Wide range of interactive activities practising thefourskills• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-styleinteractiveactivities (Grade 2)• Dossiers: A Drink Called Tea and A Real Queen• A full recording of the text
OWL'S SONG 1.8.34q
A level 2 Earlyreads graded reader by PaolaTraverso , published by Black Cat. Every morning the little birdsfly through the wood and wake the animals up. One day a big brownowl comes. He wants to join the little birds but they do not wanthim. He is too big and ugly and he can’t sing. But when the nightcomes and the wood is quiet and dark, the owl starts to sing hisbeautiful song...Beautiful illustrations captivate the imaginationand makeunderstanding easy; simple, repetitive language will soon havechildren memorising the story; games and language interactiveactivities after the story make practising English fun; a picturedictionary at the end of the book encourages vocabularyacquisition; a full recording of the texts aids listeningskills
A Step 3 Reading and Training graded reader byWilliam Shakespeare and retold by Dereck Sellen. Published by BlackCat. The story of Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the best-known lovestory of all time. The tragic but triumphant story of Shakespeare’stwo young ‘starcrossed lovers’ still shines through in this versionretold in modern English.This reader uses the "Expansive Reading"approach, where the textbecomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explorehistorical background, cultural connections and other topicssuggested by the text. As well as the story and a playscript, thisreader contains:• An introduction about Shakespeare and his life• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossiers: In Fair Verona, Settings and Sources and others• PET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grade 5)• A full recording of the text
A Step 4 Reading and Training graded reader byWilkie Collins and retold by Christopher Hall. Published by BlackCat. Late one night, on a lonely road near London, WalterHartright, a young drawing teacher, meets a solitary woman dressedin white.This is the opening scene of The Woman in White, a great Victoriansensation novel, full of mystery, excitement, and suspense. Who isthe mysterious woman in white, and why is she alone on the road toLondon at midnight? This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READINGapproach, where the text becomes a springboard to improve languageskills and to explore historical background, cultural connectionsand other topics suggested by the text. As well as the story, thisreader contains:• Wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• FCE-style activities• Trinity-style activities (Grade 7)• Dossier on Victorian Asylums• A full recording of the text
SECRET GARDEN-Green Apple 1.8.34q
A Starter Green Apple graded reader by FrancesHodgson Burnett and retold by Elizabeth Ann Moore. Published byBlack Cat. After the death of her parents in India, Mary Lennoxgoes to live with an uncle in Yorkshire, England. Her life is sadand uneventful until she discovers the secret garden and themeaning of true friendship and happiness. This reader uses theEXPANSIVE READING approach, where the text becomes a springboard toimprove language skills and to explore historical background,cultural connections and other topics suggested by the text. Aswell as the story, this reader contains:• A biography of Frances Hodgson Burnett• A wide range of interactive activities practising the fourskills• Dossier: English Gardens• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-style interactiveactivities (Grades 1 and 2)• A full recording of the text
DeA Agenti 2.1
De Agostini Scuola
Effettuando il login con l'account agenziaDeAScuola, dal tuo tablet, anche offline, potrai consultare tuttoilcatalogo digitale, con copertine, schede diprodotto,configurazioni e listino prezzo aggiornato, ma ancheconsultare lepresentazioni interattive delle novità e il vademecum.Il libro su carta evolve in Libro Misto e diventa fruibilesututti i device, dal computer al tablet fino alla LIM.Un´operaaperta che amplifica il sapere e invita a viverlo daprotagonisti.Le Risorse Digitali, con l´ampio archiviomultimediale, i portalidisciplinari e InClasse, permettono dicreare lezioni ad hoc eesercizi a misura di classe e propongono unmodo inedito distudiare, con un livello di interazione ecoinvolgimento senzaprecedenti. Gli Strumenti e i Servizicostituiscono un sistemaunico e integrato utile a definire il pianoformativo, organizzareil materiale di studio degli studenti e agestire la classe.By logging in withtheagency D & C account School, from your tablet, evenoffline,you can browse through all digital catalog, with covers,productspecifications, configurations, and updated price listprice, butalso interactive presentations of the novelties and thehandbook.The book on paper evolves in Book Mixed and becomes usable onalldevices, from computers to tablets to the LIM. An open workthatamplifies the knowledge and invites us to live it asprotagonists.Resources Digital, with The large multimedia archive,disciplinaryportals and InClasse, allow you to create ad hoclectures andexercises in class size and offer a new way to study,with a levelof interaction and unprecedented involvement.Instruments andServices constitute a single, integrated systemuseful to define thetraining plan, organize study material forstudents and managing theclass.
Une lecture graduée de la collection Lireets'entraîner de niveau 2, de Nicolas Gerrier, publié par Cideb.Maxet Lucie habitent à Paris, dans le XIXe arrondissement. Ilsontquinze ans et sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Un jour,alorsqu’il attend son amie pour aller au cinéma, Max est interpelléparun homme blessé qui lui confie une lettre. Que contient-elle ?Cetinconnu est-il un agent des services secrets comme il l’affirme?Quiest ce mystérieux Monsieur Tino ? Max et Lucie décident alorsdejouer les apprentis détectives pour mener l’enquête…Tout au long de l’histoire, vous trouverez :• des exercices interactifs de grammaire, de compréhensionetd’expression écrite et orale• des activités type DELF• des dossiers sur : Paris, Le métro parisien, La Seine,Les personnalités du cimetière du Père-Lachaise• un test final• enregistrement intégral du texte.A graduated readingReadthe collection and practice level 2 of Nicolas Gerrierpublished byCideb. Max and Lucia live in Paris in thenineteentharrondissement. They were fifteen years and are the bestoffriends. One day, while waiting for his girlfriend to go tothecinema, Max is approached by a wounded man who gave him aletter.What does it contain? This stranger is there a secretservice agentas he claims? Whichis this mysterious Mr. Tino? Max and Lucy then decided toplaydetective apprentices to investigate ...Throughout history, you will find:• interactive grammar exercises, comprehension and written andoralexpression• types of activities DELF• records of: Paris, The Paris Metro, Seine,The personalities of the Père-Lachaise• a final test• Full recording of the text.
Une lecture graduée de la collection Lireets'entraîner de niveau 3, de Victor Hugo, adaptée par LidiaParodiet Marina Vallaco. Publié par Cideb. Après dix-neuf ans aubagne deToulon, Jean Valjean rencontre l’évêque de Digne,MonseigneurMyriel, et décide de consacrer sa vie au bien. Quelquesannées plustard, maire de Montreuil-sur-Mer sous le nom de monsieurMadeleine,il recueille Cosette, une jeune orpheline.Malheureusement,l’inspecteur Javert, un policier incorruptible, nesouhaite qu’unechose : emprisonner de nouveau l’ancien forçat. JeanValjean etCosette s’enfuient alors à Paris.Tout au long de l’histoire, vous trouverez :• des exercices interactifs de grammaire, de vocabulaire,decompréhension et d’expression écrite et orale ;• des activités type DELF ;• des dossiers sur : Les Misérables au cinéma, Bagnardsetforçats,La révolution de Juillet ;• un test final ;• enregistrement intégral du texte.A graduated readingReadthe collection and train level 3 Victor Hugo, adapted byLidiaParodi and Marina Vallaco. Posted by Cideb. After nineteenyears inthe galleys of Toulon, Jean Valjean meets the Bishop ofDigne,Monseigneur Myriel, and decided to devote his life to thegood. Afew years later, the mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer in the nameof M.Madeleine, he collects Cosette, a young orphan.Unfortunately,Inspector Javert, an incorruptible cop, wants onlyone thing: thetrap again ex-convict. Jean Valjean and Cosette thenflee toParis.Throughout history, you will find:• interactive exercises in grammar, vocabulary, comprehensionandwritten and oral expression;• DELF such activities;• records of: Les Misérables cinema, Convicts and convictsThe Revolution of July;• a final test;• Full recording of the text.
A Step 1 Green Apple graded reader retoldbyDeborah Meyers and published by Black Cat. The Legend oftheUnicorn tells the story of Rhiannon Carter, a pretty Englishgirl,who lived in the days of King Arthur. One day she makesfriendswith a young unicorn in the forest, but greedy Sir Brangwynfindsout and...The King of the Wizards is a legend from Scotland that tells aboutayoung man who wants to become a great juggler, but he doesn’tknowthat his teacher is an evil wizard.Bedd Gelert is the touching Welsh legend about PrinceLlewellyn’sloyal dog who must protect the prince’s son while hegoes hunting.When he returns after the hunt, it is dark and hemakes a terriblemistake. This reader uses the "ExpansiveReading"approach, wherethe text becomes a springboard to improvelanguage skills and toexplore historical background, culturalconnections and othertopics suggested by the text. As well as thestory, this readercontains:• Wide range of interactive activities practicing thefourskills• KET-style interactive activities and Trinity-styleinteractiveactivities (Grade 2)• Dossiers on Haunted Castes in Scotland, Man's Best Friend• A full recording of the text
A Step 4 Reading and Training graded readerbyPeter Foreman. Published by Black Cat. Since the autumn of1888,when he terrorised London, Jack the Ripper has become famousallover the world. Here is the full story of the mostmysteriouskiller in the history of crime. This reader uses theEXPANSIVEREADING approach, where the text becomes a springboard toimprovelanguage skills and to explore historical background,culturalconnections and other topics suggested by the text. As wellas thestory, this reader contains:• An introduction about the 1880s• A wide range of interactive activities practising thefourskills• Dossiers: Life in the East End and Immigrants in theEastEnd• FCE-style activities Trinity-style activities (Grade 7)• A full recording of the text
A level 1 Earlyreads graded reader retoldbyRuth Hobart, published by Black Cat. A farmer plants a turnipseedand overnight it grows into an enormous turnip! But, eventhough heand his family pull and pull, they can’t pull the turnipout of theground. Read how, in this retelling of a delightful tale,a littlemouse makes a big difference, and everyone enjoys anenormousturnip meal.Beautiful illustrations captivate the imagination and makeunderstanding easy; simple, repetitive language will soonhavechildren memorising the story; games and languageinteractiveactivities after the story make practising English fun;a picturedictionary at the end of the book encouragesvocabularyacquisition; a full recording of the texts aidslisteningskills.
Verbi Latini
De Agostini Scuola
To learn the Latin verbs and verify your level of learning