Desatya Kedai Media Apps

Lagu Anak Indonesia Terbaik 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda sedang mencari kumpulan laguanakIndonesia untuk putra maupun putri kesayangan anda ? Disiniandaakan menemukan kumpulan lagu anak indonesia terbaik secaragratis.Segera pasang aplikasi Lagu Anak Indonesia ini dan segeradanbernyanyilah bersama putra maupun putri kesayangan anda.Aplikasi Lagu Anak Indonesia ini diperuntukkan untuk anakberusia3-7 tahun. Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat berbagai macamlaguanak-anak terbaik sehingga anda dapat bernyanyi bersama denganbuahhati kesayangan anda.Dengan aplikasi lagu anak Indonesia ini buah hati andaakanmengetahui berbagai macam lagu untuk anak seusia mereka.--------------------------------------------------------Fitur yang tersedia dalam Aplikasi Lagu Anak Indonesia :- Anda Dapat bernyanyi bersama buah hati anda- Melatih Bakat anak-anak- Aplikasi Lagu Anak Indonesia dapat bekerja dalammodeoffline- Dapat menyimpan lagu di dalam gallery ponsel- Lagu yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan sebagai nada dering.- Buku Mewarnai Belajar Natal akan diperbarui secara berkala.--------------------------------------------------------Jadi apa yang anda tunggu ? segera pasang aplikasi LaguAnakIndonesia dan latih kepercayaan diri anak anda sekarang.-------------------------------------------------- ------Bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasiLagu Anak Indonesia ?- Pasang Aplikasi Lagu Anak Indonesia- Buka Aplikasi- Pilih salah satu dari judul lagu lalu dengarkan-------------------------------------------------- ------Bila ada kritik dan saran jangan ragu untuk disampaikankepadakami, segala macam kritik dan saran akan dengan senang hatikamiterima sebagai masukan.DeSatya Kedai DigitalAre you looking foracollection of songs of Indonesian children for boys and girlsinyour favorite? Here you will find a collection of thebestIndonesian children songs for free.Immediately post application of Indonesian Children's Songsandimmediately and sing along with your favorite sonsanddaughters.Indonesia Lagu Anak application is intended for children aged3-7years. Within this application there is a wide range of thebestchildren's songs so you can sing along with your favoritebaby.With the application of Indonesian children's song baby youwillfind various kinds of songs for children their age.-------------------------------------------------- ------Features available in the App Lagu Anak Indonesia:- You can sing along with your baby- Train Talent children- Application Lagu Anak Indonesia can work in offline mode- Can store songs in the phone gallery- Songs produced can be used as ringtones.- Christmas Coloring Book Study will be updated periodically.-------------------------------------------------- ------So what are you waiting for? immediately install theapplicationLagu Anak Indonesia and train your child's confidencenow.-------------------------------------------------- ------How do I use aplikasiLagu Anak Indonesia?- Install App Lagu Anak Indonesia- Open Application- Select one of the title song then listen-------------------------------------------------- ------If there are criticisms and suggestions do not hesitate totellus, all sorts of criticisms and suggestions we will gladlyacceptas input.DeSatya Digital Shop
Radio Dangdut Koplo Indonesia 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda pecinta musik dangdut ? Apakahandamencari koleksi musik atau radio dangdut Nusantara ? segerapasangaplikasi Radio Dangdut Koplo ini segera bila anda pecintamusikdangdut sejati.Dangdut merupakan salah satu dari genre seni musikpopulertradisional Indonesia yang khususnya memilikiunsur-unsurHindustani (India), Melayu, dan Arab.Segera download aplikasi dangdut koplo Indonesia ini segeradanbergoyang bersama kerabat atau saudara anda.Applikasi Radio Dangdut Indonesia ini juga didukung olehkualitasyang baik dan jernih serta chanel radio dangdut lebih dari24 jamnon stop.FITUR RADIO DANGDUT KOPLO INDONESIA★ Dapat menambah chanel radio dangdut favorit anda★ Terdapat berbagai macam chanel radio dangdut nusantara★ Diupdate secara berkala★ Kualitas Suara yang jernih.Jadi tunggu apa lagi ? segera pasang aplikasi radio dangdutkoploini segera..Bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi ini ?★ Download aplikasi Radio dangdut koplo★ Buka aplikasi★ Pilih chanel radio dangdut kesukaan andaSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kamiakanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaAre you dangdutmusiclovers? Are you looking for a collection of music or radiodangdutarchipelago? immediately install the application's RadioDangdutKoplo immediately if you dangdut music lovers true.Dangdut is one of the traditional art genres of popularmusic,especially Indonesia which has elements of Hindustani(Indian),Malay and Arabic.Immediate download Indonesian dangdut thisapplicationimmediately and sway with relatives or siblings.Applicability Radio Dangdut Indonesia is also supported bygoodquality and clear and dangdut radio channels more than 24hoursnon-stop.RADIO FEATURES Remix INDONESIA★ We can add to your favorite radio channel dangdut★ There is a wide variety of radio channelsdangdutarchipelago★ Updated regularly★ The sound quality is crystal clear.So what are you waiting for ? immediately installtheapplication's radio dangdut soon ..How do I use this app?★ Download Radio Remix★ Open the app★ Choose your favorite radio channel dangdutAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure wewillhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Tebak Cepat Warna 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Tebak cepat warna adalah permainan ygsangatsimple tetapi dapat membuat ketagihan. Anda harus secepatmungkinmenjawab warna yang keluar sebelum waktu habis.Dapatkan anda menebak warna yang keluar sebelum waktu habis?berapa nilai yang berhasil anda kumpulkan ? Jadilah yangterbaikdalam permainan tebak cepat warna ini dan kalahkanteman-teman andasekarang.Game ini juga dapat melatih otak anda untuk berfikir cepatdandapatkan nilai sebanyak yang anda bisa.** Fitur game Tebak Cepat Warna **★ Dapat berjalan secara offline★ Dapat melatih kemampuan otak★ Mengisi waktu luang★ Akan diupdate secara berkalaDan bagaimana cara untuk memainkan game tebak cepat warnaini?★ Download aplikasi game tebak cepat warna★ Buka aplikasi★ Mainkan game tebak warna dan jadilah yang terbaikJadi tunggu apa lagi ? Segera mainkan game tebak warnaberikutini.Segala kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kami akanmembantuanda.Guess fast colors isavery simple game but can be addictive. You should as soonaspossible to answer that color out before time runs out.Can you guess the color that comes out before time runs out?howmuch value you managed to collect? Be the best in the gameguessthe color quickly and beat your friends now.This game can also train your brain to think fast and get asmuchvalue as you can.** Features ** Color Quick Guess game★ Can be run offline★ Can train brainpower★ Charge spare time★ Will be updated regularlyAnd how to play the game fast guess this color?★ Download guessing game fast colors★ Open the app★ Play game guess the color and be the bestSo what are you waiting for ? Immediately following thecolorguessing game to play this.All criticism and suggestions with pleasure we will helpyou.
What The Color - Get the Best 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
What The Color Game is simple game andveryaddictive. you must Guess The Color as soon as possible beforetimeruns out.Can you guess the color before time runs out ? What pointwillyou get ? get the best of What The Color Game app and defeatyourfriends now.Exercise your brain by playing What The Color game howmanypoints you get ?In What The Color - Get the Best application, have a manyvarietyfeatures, like :★ Can play with offline★ Exercise your brain★ Addictive Gameplay★ it's free!★ Will be updated periodicallySo what are you waiting for ? Download this app and playwithyour friends now.How to Use What The Color - Get the Best App ?★ Download What The Color App★ Open Application★ And let's play this gameAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.
Islamic Radio 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Are you looking for a collection ofIslamicmusic Radio ? Here is a Islamic Radio that you are lookingfor.Download Islamic Radio app and tell your family and friendsaboutthis app now.Lets download Islamic Radio app and play the music withyourfriends now.This Islamic Radio app is also supported by good qualityandclear and EIslamic radio channels more than 24 hoursnon-stop.Feature this Islamic Radio app :★ There is a wide variety of Islamic Radio★ Updated regularly★ Good of sound qualiutySo what are you waiting for ? Download this now.How to Use Islamic Radio App App ?★ Download Islamic Radio App★ Open the app★ Choose your favorite radio channelAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Tebak Suara Hantu 6.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda penggemar hantu ? atau anda inginmencoba menbak-nebak macam hantu di Indonesia ? Seberapa cepat andadapat menyelesaikan tantangan dari game tebak suara hantu ini ?Segera download dan mainkan game tebak suara hantu ini bersamateman dan keluarga anda.Coba tebak suara hantu apa saja yang terdapat dalam game tebaksuara ini, karena di dalam game ini terdapat berbagai macam suarahantu dari berbagai macam daerah yang harus anda jawab.Segera mainkan game ini dan dapatkan nilai terbaik.** Fitur Game Tebak Suara Hantu **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam jenis hantu★ Game yang sangat menghibur★ Ada 3 pilihan bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaanBagaimana cara bermain game tebak suara hantu ini ?★ Download aplikasi tebak suara hantu★ Buka aplikasi★ Segera mainkan game dan coba menjawab pertanyaanSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kami akanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaAre you a fan of ghost?or you want to try a wild kind of ghost menbak in Indonesia? Howquickly you can solve the challenges of this ghostly voice guessinggame?Immediate download and play games ghost voice guessing game withyour friends and your family.Guess what ghost's voice contained in this voice guessing game,because in this game there are various voices of ghosts from a widerange of areas that you should answer.Immediately play this game and get the best value.** Features ** Game Guess the Ghost Sounds★ Can be played offline★ We can know the various types of ghosts★ Game is very entertaining★ There are 3 options to help answer the questionHow to play the game guess the sound of this ghost?★ Download ghost voice guessing★ Open the app★ Immediately play the game and try to answer questionsAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure we willhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Pocong Ghost Shooter Ball 2.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Pocong Ghost Shooter Ball is made withghostcharacter that is quite entertaining to spend time or whilewaitingfor something. This Pocong Shooter game has 101 levels thatyouneed to accomplish and is completely FREE!Pocong Ghost Shooter Ball is kind of game that is very funtoplay with using a unique ghost bubble shooter,You may ask ? what is Pocong Ghost ? A pocong is an Indonesian/Malaysian ghost that is said to be the soul of a deadpersontrapped in its shroud.How to play this game ? Make combinations of 3 or moreGhostBubbles to make them burst. Clear all the Ghost bubbles toNextlevel.Download Pocong Ghost Shooter Ball app and tell your familyandfriends about this app now.** Feature of Pocong Shooter Ball game **★ Can play in offline★ Unique Ghost Character★ Simple game★ Have 101 Level to accomplishSo what are you waiting for ? Download Pocong Shooter now.How to Use Pocong Shooter App ?★ Download Pocong Ghost Shooter Ball App★ Open Application★ And start the gameAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Canary Jump 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
The Canary jump is and funny jumpingandroidgame. You can help canary to fly high and get as pointsas-many.You must prevent canary from falling down and help canary gotohis cage.Get the highest score and beat your friends now.** How to Play **★ Tap the screen to jump / fly, Get as high as you can.★ Touch the screen before canary falling down.** Feature **★ Can run on offline★ Share you score to your friends.So what are you waiting for ? Download Canary Jump game now.All the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Tabok Lalat 1.1
Desatya Kedai Media
Tabok lalat adalah permainan yangsangatmenghibur untuk mengisi waktu luang anda. Apakah anda dapatmenaboklalat sebanyak-banyaknya ?Ayo segera pasang aplikasi game tabok lalat ini segeradanmainkan bersama teman dan keluarga anda, tabok dan kumpulkanlalatsebanyak-banyaknya sekarang.Jadilah pemenang dengan mengumpulkan lalat sebanyak-banyaknyadankalahkan teman anda.** Fitur Game Tabok Lalat **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Game yang sangat atraktif untuk mengisi waktu luang anda★ Share Nilai anda ke teman anda melalui sosial media** Cara memainkan game Tabok Lalat **★ Tap screen untuk memukul lalat★ Jangan biarkan lalat terlepasJadi tunggu apa lagi ? Segera pasang aplikasi game taboklalatini sekarang juga.Bila ada kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kamimembantuanda.Desatya Kedai DigitalTabok fly is averyentertaining game to fill your spare time. Are you able to flyasmuch as possible menabok?Come soon post application of these flies tabok gameimmediatelyand play with friends and family, tabok and collectflies as muchas possible right now.Be a winner by collecting flies as much as possible and beatyourfriends.** Features ** Flies Game Tabok★ Can be played offline★ Game very attractive to fill your spare time★ Share your value to your friends via social media** How to play the game Tabok Flies **★ Tap the screen to hit a fly★ Do not let the flies apartSo what are you waiting for ? Immediately post gameapplicationtabok these flies now.If there are criticisms and suggestions we are happy toassistyou.Desatya Digital Shop
Reggae Music Radio 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Are you Reggae Music lovers ? Are youlookingfor a collection of Reggae music Radio ? Here is a ReggaeRadiothat you are looking for.Download Reggae Radio app and tell your family and friendsaboutthis app now.Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in thelate1960s. The term also denotes the modern popular music ofJamaicaand its diaspora.Lets download Reggae Radio app and play the music withyourfriends now.This Reggae Radio app is also supported by good quality andclearand Reggae radio channels more than 24 hours non-stop.Feature this Reggae Radio app :★ There is a wide variety of Reggae Music Radio★ Updated regularly★ Good of sound qualiutySo what are you waiting for ? Download this now.How to Use Reggae Radio App App ?★ Download Reggae Radio App★ Open the app★ Choose your favorite radio channelAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Hubungkan Titik Edukasi Anak 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Permainan Menghubungan titik-titik untukanakadalah game edukasi sekaligus menghibur untuk anak. Dengancaramenghubungkan semua titik-titik yang tersedia bedasarkan nomerurutyang tersedia akan muncul gambar dan suara yang menarik.Game Hubungkan titik edukasi anak ini juga dapatmelatihimajinasi anak untuk menebak gambar yang tersembunyi dibaliktitik-titik yang tersedia. Selain itu juga dapatmelatihketerampilan anak sekaligus pelajaran menghitung bagi anakkarenaanak harus menghubungkan titik sesuai dengan nomor urutyangtersedia.Tujuan dari permainan ini untuk melatih bakat dan imajinasianakdengan cara menghubungkan titik-titik pada gambaryangtersedia.Segera pasang aplikasi Menghubungkan titik ini dan segeralatihpengembangan otak anak anda sekarang.Fitur yang tersedia dalam Aplikasi Hubungkan Titik ini :★ Melatih perkembangan imajinasi anak★ Melatih otak anak sejak dini★ Dapat berjalan secara offline★ Disertain suara yang menarik★ Dapat melatih kemampuan anak untuk berhitungJadi apa yang anda tunggu ? segera pasang aplikasiMenghubungkanTitik dan latih imajinasi anak anda sekarang.Bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi Menghubungkan titikedukasianak ini ?- Pasang Aplikasi Hubungkan titik edukasi anak- Buka Aplikasi- Pilih salah satu dari gambar dan mulai untuk bermainBila ada kritik dan saran jangan ragu untuk disampaikankepadakami, segala macam kritik dan saran akan dengan senang hatikamiterima sebagai masukan.DeSatya Kedai DigitalThe game connects thedotsfor children are educational games and entertaining forchildren. Byway of connecting all the dots provided bedasarkanserial numberprovided will display pictures and sound interesting.Game Connect the point of education these children can alsotrainthe child's imagination to guess the image hidden behind thepointsavailable. It also can practice the skills of children at acountinglesson for the child because the child should connect thedots inaccordance with the serial number provided.The aim of the game is to train the talent and imaginationofchildren by connecting the dots in the image provided.Immediately install the application Linking this pointandimmediately train your child's brain development now.Features available in the App Connect this point:★ Train development of children's imagination★ Train the brain children early★ Can be run offline★ Disertain sounds interesting★ We can train the child's ability to countSo what are you waiting for? immediately install theapplicationConnecting Point and train your child's imaginationnow.How to use the application Linking educational point ofthischild?- Install App Connect point education of children- Open Application- Select one of the images and start to playIf there are criticisms and suggestions do not hesitate totellus, all sorts of criticisms and suggestions we will gladlyacceptas input.DeSatya Digital Shop
Tebak Suara Hewan Edukasi Anak 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda penyanyang Binatang ? tentusajahampir setiap orang menyukai binatang. Bagaimana pengetahuanandaterhadap binatang tersebut ? coba uji pemahaman hewan dengancaramenyelesaikan tantangan dari game tebak suara Binatang ini.Segera download game tebak suara hewan dan latih anak andauntukmengenal berbagai jenis binatang sekarang.Coba tebak berbagai macam hewan dan latih anak andauntukmengerti jenis hewan dan suara yang dihasilkan melaluiaplikasiterbak suara hewan berikut.Segera mainkan game tebak suara hewan dan dapatkan nilaiterbaiksekarang.** Fitur Game Tebak Suara Hewan **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam jenis hewan berikutsuaranya★ Game yang sangat menghibur★ Ada 3 pilihan bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaanBagaimana cara bermain game tebak suara hewan ini ?★ Download aplikasi tebak suara hewan★ Buka aplikasi★ Segera mainkan game dan coba menjawab pertanyaanSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kamiakanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaDo you penyanyangBeast?of course, almost everyone likes animals. How does yourknowledgeof these animals? try comprehension test animals bysolving thechallenge of the game guess this animal sound.Immediate download voice guessing game animals and trainyourchild to recognize different kinds of animals now.Guess variety of animals and train your children tounderstandthe type of animal and the sound produced through theapplicationof sound terbak following animals.Immediately guessing animal sounds play games and get thebestvalue right now.** Features ** Game Guess the Animal Sound★ Can be played offline★ We can find various kinds of animals following voice★ Game is very entertaining★ There are 3 options to help answer the questionHow to play the game guess the sound of this animal?★ Download guessing animal sounds app★ Open the app★ Immediately play the game and try to answer questionsAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure wewillhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Guess The Animal Sounds 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Do you Love animal ? how much yourknowledgeabout animals? How quickly you can recognize the sound ofananimal? Let's finish the challenge of Guess The Animal SoundsAppnow.Download Guess The Animal Sounds app and tell your familyandfriends about this app now.Guess The Animal Sounds app made for children can recognizethesound of a wide variety of animals both wild anddomesticatedanimals.Not only that, the child will also learn to compose thealphabetof letters provided to write the word on the name oftheanimal.** Feature of Guess The Animal Sounds App **★ Can Play with offline mode★ Learn about animal sounds★ Can find various types of animals★ Simple and attractive App★ Help button is available to answer★ Education of childrenSo what are you waiting for ? Download Guess The AnimalSoundsapp and teach your kids now.How to Use Guess The Animal Sounds App ?★ Download Guess The Animal Sounds App★ Open Application★ Guess The Animal SoundsAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.
EDM Electronic Music Radio 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Are you Electronic Dance Music lovers ? Areyoulooking for a collection of EDM music Radio ? Here is aElectronicDance Music Radio that you are looking for.Download EDM Radio app and tell your family and friendsaboutthis app now.Electronic dance music, (also known as EDM, dance musicclubmusic, or simply dance) is a broad range of percussiveelectronicmusic genres produced largely for nightclubs, raves, andfestivals.Produced for playback by disc jockeys (DJs), EDM isgenerally usedin the context of a live mix, where a DJ creates aseamlessselection of tracks by segueing from one recording to thenextLets download EDM Radio app and play the music with yourfriendsnow.This EDM Radio app is also supported by good quality andclearand Electronic Dance Music radio channels more than 24hoursnon-stop.Feature this EDM Radio app :★ There is a wide variety of Electronic Dance Music Radio★ Updated regularly★ Good of sound qualiutySo what are you waiting for ? Download this now.How to Use EDM Radio App App ?★ Download EDM Radio App★ Open the app★ Choose your favorite radio channelAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Kuis Tebak Lagu Dangdut 2.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda penggemar musik Dangdut ? atauanda ingin mencoba menebak judul musik Dangdut, musik asliIndonesia ? Seberapa cepat anda dapat menyelesaikan tantangan darigame tebak Judul Lagu Dangdut ini ?Segera download dan mainkan game tebak Judul Lagu Dangdut inibersama teman dan keluarga anda.Coba tebak Judul Lagu apa saja yang terdapat dalam game tebakjudul lagu Dangdut , karena di dalam game ini terdapat berbagaimacam suara potongan musik yang harus anda jawab.Segera mainkan game ini dan dapatkan nilai terbaik.** Fitur Game Tebak Judul Lagu Dangdut **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam Judul Lagu Dangdut★ Game yang sangat menghibur★ Ada 3 pilihan bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaanBagaimana cara bermain game tebak judul lagu Dangdut ini ?★ Download aplikasi judul lagu Dangdut★ Buka aplikasi★ Segera mainkan game dan coba menjawab pertanyaanSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kami akanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaAre you dangdut musicfans? or you want to try to guess the title of Dangdut music,original music Indonesia? How quickly you can solve the challengeof guessing game title Lagu this?Immediate download and play guessing games Lagu title game withyour friends and your family.Guess what song title contained in the title of the song Dangdutguessing game, because in this game there are various sound piecesof music that you should answer.Immediately play this game and get the best value.** Game Features Guess Title Lagu **★ Can be played offline★ We can find various kinds of Title Lagu★ Game is very entertaining★ There are 3 options to help answer the questionHow to play the game guess the song title Dangdut this?★ Download Dangdut song title★ Open the app★ Immediately play the game and try to answer questionsAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure we willhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Lagu Daerah Indonesia 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda sedang mencari kumpulan laguDaerahIndonesia untuk putra maupun putri kesayangan anda ? Disiniandaakan menemukan kumpulan lagu Daerah Indonesia secara gratis.Lagu daerah atau musik daerah atau lagu kedaerahan, adalahlaguatau musik yang berasal dari suatu daerah tertentu danmenjadipopuler dinyanyikan baik oleh rakyat daerah tersebut maupunrakyatlainnya. Pada umumnya pencipta lagu daerah ini tidakdiketahui lagialias noname.Segera pasang aplikasi Lagu Daerah Indonesia ini dan segeradanbernyanyilah bersama putra maupun putri kesayangan anda.Aplikasi Lagu daerah ini selain diperuntukkan untuk anak,orangdewasa pun dapat mendengarkannya untuk menambah wawasan lagudisetiap daerah di Indonesia.--------------------------------------------------------Fitur yang tersedia dalam Aplikasi Lagu Daerah Indonesia :- Melatih Bakat anak- Aplikasi Lagu Anak Indonesia dapat bekerja dalammodeoffline- Dapat menyimpan lagu di dalam gallery ponsel- Lagu yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan sebagai nada dering.- Lagu Daerah Indonesia akan diperbarui secara berkala.--------------------------------------------------------Jadi apa yang anda tunggu ? segera pasang aplikasi LaguDaerahIndonesia dan ketauhilah berbagai macam lagu daerahdiIndonesia.--------------------------------------------------------Bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi Lagu Daerah Indonesia ?- Pasang Aplikasi Lagu Daerah Indonesia- Buka Aplikasi- Pilih salah satu dari judul lagu lalu dengarkan--------------------------------------------------------Bila ada kritik dan saran jangan ragu untuk disampaikankepadakami, segala macam kritik dan saran akan dengan senang hatikamiterima sebagai masukan.DeSatya Kedai DigitalAre you looking foracollection of songs Indonesian Regional for boys and girls inyourfavorite? Here you will find a collection of songs RegionIndonesiafor free.Folk songs or music or songs regional areas, is a song ormusiccoming from a certain area and became popular both sung bythepeople of the region as well as other people. Ingeneral,songwriter this area is no longer known alias noname.Immediately install the application Songs Indonesian Regionalandimmediately and sing along with your favorite sonsanddaughters.Applications song this area apart from intended forchildren,even adults can listen to broaden songs in every regioninIndonesia.-------------------------------------------------- ------Application features available in Indonesian Regional Songs:- Talent Training Child- Application Lagu Anak Indonesia can work in offline mode- Can store songs in the phone gallery- Songs produced can be used as ringtones.- Local Indonesian songs will be updated periodically.-------------------------------------------------- ------So what are you waiting for? The area immediately installtheapplication Songs Indonesia and ketauhilah various songs regionsinIndonesia.-------------------------------------------------- ------How to use the application Songs Indonesian Regional?- Install App Indonesia's Regional Songs- Open Application- Select one of the title song then listen-------------------------------------------------- ------If there are criticisms and suggestions do not hesitate totellus, all sorts of criticisms and suggestions we will gladlyacceptas input.DeSatya Digital Shop
Tebak Lagu Daerah Indonesia 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda penggemar menyukai musikDaerahanda ? atau anda ingin lebih mengerti lagu daerah dariprovinsilain di Indonesia ? Seberapa cepat anda dapatmenyelesaikantantangan dari Kuis tebak Judul Lagu Daerah Indonesiaini ?Segera download dan mainkan game tebak Lagu Daerah Indonesiainibersama teman dan keluarga anda.Lagu daerah atau musik daerah atau lagu kedaerahan, adalahlaguatau musik yang berasal dari suatu daerah tertentu danmenjadipopuler dinyanyikan baik oleh rakyat daerah tersebut maupunrakyatlainnya. Pada umumnya pencipta lagu daerah ini tidakdiketahui lagialias noname.Coba tebak lagu daerah apa saja yang terdapat dalam gameini,karena di dalam kuis ini terdapat berbagai macam suarapotonganmusik daerah yang harus anda jawab.Segera mainkan game ini dan dapatkan nilai terbaik.** Fitur Game Tebak Lagu Daerah **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam Lagu daerah di Indonesia★ Game yang sangat menghibur★ Ada 3 pilihan bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaanBagaimana cara bermain game tebak lagu Daerah ini ?★ Download aplikasi Tebak Lagu Daerah★ Buka aplikasi★ Segera mainkan game dan coba menjawab pertanyaanSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kamiakanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaAre you a fan ofmusiclike your Region? or you want to better understand the folksongsfrom other provinces in Indonesia? How quickly you cancompletechallenges of Quiz guess Song Title Region Indonesia?Immediate download and play games guess this songIndonesianRegion together with your family and friends.Folk songs or music or songs regional areas, is a song ormusiccoming from a certain area and became popular both sung bythepeople of the region as well as other people. Ingeneral,songwriter this area is no longer known alias noname.Guess what folk songs contained in this game, because inthisquiz there are many different sounds of folk music pieces thatyoushould answer.Immediately play this game and get the best value.** Features ** Regional Songs Guess Game★ Can be played offline★ We can find various kinds of songs regions in Indonesia★ Game is very entertaining★ There are 3 options to help answer the questionHow to play the game guess what song this Region?★ Download Songs Guess Regions★ Open the app★ Immediately play the game and try to answer questionsAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure wewillhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Tebak Judul Lagu Indonesia 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda penggemar musik ? atau andainginmencoba menbak-nebak judul musik yang beredar di Indonesia?Seberapa cepat anda dapat menyelesaikan tantangan dari gametebakJudul Lagu Indonesia ini ?Segera download dan mainkan game tebak Judul Lagu Indonesiainibersama teman dan keluarga anda.Coba tebak Judul Lagu apa saja yang terdapat dalam gametebakjudul lagu Indonesia, karena di dalam game ini terdapatberbagaimacam suara potongan musik yang harus anda jawab.Segera mainkan game ini dan dapatkan nilai terbaik.** Fitur Game Tebak Judul Lagu Indonesia **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam Musik di Indonesia mulai dariPop,Rock, Jazz bahkan HipHop★ Game yang sangat menghibur★ Ada 3 pilihan bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaanBagaimana cara bermain game tebak judul lagu Indonesia ini ?★ Download aplikasi judul lagu Indonesia★ Buka aplikasi★ Segera mainkan game dan coba menjawab pertanyaanSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kamiakanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaAre you a music fan?oryou want to try menbak wondered music titles circulatinginIndonesia? How quickly you can solve the challenge of guessinggameSong Title Indonesia?Immediate download and play games Song Title Indonesianguessalong with your family and friends.Guess what song title contained in the title song guessinggameIndonesia, because in this game there are various sound piecesofmusic that you should answer.Immediately play this game and get the best value.** Game Features ** Guess Song Title Indonesia★ Can be played offline★ We can find various kinds of music in Indonesia ranging fromPop,Rock, Jazz and even HipHop★ Game is very entertaining★ There are 3 options to help answer the questionHow to play the game guess the song title Indonesia?★ Download song titles Indonesia★ Open the app★ Immediately play the game and try to answer questionsAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure wewillhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Tebak Kata Nama Hantu 1.0
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda penasaran tentang hantu ? atauandaingin mencoba mengetahui berbagai macam hantu ? seberapabanyak andadapat menyelesaikan pertanyaan dari game Tebak KataNama Hantu ?Segera download dan mainkan game Tebak Kata Nama Hantuinibersama teman dan keluarga anda.Coba tebak nama hantu apa saja yang terdapat dalam gametebakkata ini, karena di dalam game ini terdapat potongan katatentanghantu tersebut yang harus anda jawab.Segera mainkan game ini dan dapatkan nilai terbaik.** Fitur Game Tebak Kata Nama Hantu **★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline★ Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam jenis hantu★ Game yang sangat menghibur★ Ada pilihan bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaanBagaimana cara bermain game Tebak Kata Nama Hantu ini ?★ Download aplikasi Tebak Kata Nama Hantu★ Buka aplikasi★ Segera mainkan game dan coba menjawab pertanyaanSegala macam kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kamiakanmembantu anda.DeSatya Kedai MediaAre you curiousaboutghosts? or you want to try to find various kinds of ghosts?howmuch you can resolve the question of the game Guess the wordGhostName?Immediate download and play word games Guess the Ghost'snamealong with your family and friends.Guess the name of any ghosts contained in these charadesgame,because in this game there are pieces of the ghost said youshouldanswer.Immediately play this game and get the best value.** Game Features ** Guess Words Ghost Name★ Can be played offline★ We can know the various types of ghosts★ Game is very entertaining★ There are options to help answer the questionHow to play the game Guess the word Name This ghost?★ Download Guess Word application Ghost Name★ Open the app★ Immediately play the game and try to answer questionsAll sorts of criticisms and suggestions with pleasure wewillhelp you.DeSatya Media Shop
Wolf Sound and Ringtone 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Whether you 're looking for a Wolf Sounds app?Here is a Wolf Sounds and ringtone that you are looking for.ThisApp have huge collections about Wolf Sounds ringtone for phoneandtablet for free.Download Wolf Sounds app and tell your family and friendsaboutthis app now.This Wolf Sounds application is designed for phone andtabletwith offline mode, so although isn't connected with aninternetconnection, you can still run this application.In Wolf Sounds application, have a many variety features,like:★ There are a wide variety of high quality sound aboutWolf★ Can set sound as ringtone for phone or tablet★ Wolf Sounds application can work in offline mode★ Share the sound for your friends★ Wolf Sounds App will be updated periodicallySo what are you waiting for ? Download Wolf Sounds and listenawide variety of bird soundsHow to Use Wolf Sounds App ?★ Download Wolf Sounds App★ Open Application★ Select one of soundsAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Eagle Bird of Prey Sounds 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Whether you 're looking for a Eagle BirdSoundsapp ? Here is a Eagle Bird Sounds and ringtone that you arelookingfor. This App have huge collections about Eagle Bird Soundsringtonefor phone and tablet for free.Download Eagle Bird Sounds app and tell your family andfriendsabout this app now.This Eagle Bird Sounds application is designed for phoneandtablet with offline mode, so although isn't connected withaninternet connection, you can still run this application.In Eagle Bird Sounds application, have a many varietyfeatures,like :★ There are a wide variety of high quality sound aboutEagleBird★ Can set sound as ringtone for phone or tablet★ Eagle Bird Sounds application can work in offline mode★ Share the sound for your friends★ Eagle Bird Sounds App will be updated periodicallySo what are you waiting for ? Download Eagle Bird Soundsandlisten a wide variety of bird soundsHow to Use Eagle Bird Sounds App ?★ Download Eagle Bird Sounds App★ Open Application★ Select one of soundsAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Suara Kumandang Takbir 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Apakah anda sedang mencari kumpulansuaraKumandang Takbir yang dapat untuk di dengarkan ?Ya dengan aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir ini andadapatmendengarkan koleksi berbagai macam suara Kumandang Takbiryangmerdu.Segera pasang aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir sekarang,dandengarkan suara merdu dari setiap Kumandang Takbir inisegera.--------------------------------------------------------Fitur yang tersedia dalam Aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir:- Anda Dapat mendengarkan Suara Kumandang Takbir kapansaja- Aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir dapat bekerja dalammodeoffline- Dapat menyimpan suara Kumandang Takbir di dalamgalleryponsel- Suara yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan sebagai nada dering.- Aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir akan diperbaruisecaraberkala.--------------------------------------------------------Jadi apa yang anda tunggu ? segera pasang aplikasiSuaraKumandang Takbir Audio ini sekarang.--------------------------------------------------------Bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir ?- Pasang Aplikasi Suara Kumandang Takbir- Buka Aplikasi- Pilih salah satu dari judul lagu lalu dengarkan--------------------------------------------------------Bila ada kritik dan saran jangan ragu untuk disampaikankepadakami, segala macam kritik dan saran akan dengan senang hatikamiterima sebagai masukan.DeSatya Kedai DigitalAre you looking foracollection of sounds that can be Kumandang Takbir to be heard?Yes with this Takbir Kumandang Voice application you canlistento your collection of sounds Kumandang Takbir melodious.Immediately post Kumandang Takbir Voice application now,andlisten to the melodious voice of every TakbirKumandangimmediately.-------------------------------------------------- ------Features available in the Voice Application KumandangTakbir:- You can listen anytime Suara Takbir Kumandang- Voice Applications Kumandang Takbir can work in offlinemode- Can store voice Kumandang Takbir in phone gallery- Sound is generated can be used as ringtones.- Voice Applications Kumandang Takbir will beupdatedperiodically.-------------------------------------------------- ------So what are you waiting for? immediately install theapplicationTakbir Audio Sound Kumandang now.-------------------------------------------------- ------How do I use Voice application Kumandang Takbir?- Install Voice Application Kumandang Takbir- Open Application- Select one of the title song then listen-------------------------------------------------- ------If there are criticisms and suggestions do not hesitate totellus, all sorts of criticisms and suggestions we will gladlyacceptas input.DeSatya Digital Shop
Asian Bird Sounds 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Whether you 're looking for a Asian BirdSoundsapp ? Here is a Asian Bird Sounds and ringtone that you arelookingfor. This App have huge collections about Asian Bird Soundsringtonefor phone and tablet for free.Download Asian Bird Sounds app and tell your family andfriendsabout this app now.This Asian Bird Sounds application is designed for phoneandtablet with offline mode, so although isn't connected withaninternet connection, you can still run this application.In Asian Bird Sounds application, have a many varietyfeatures,like :★ There are a wide variety of high quality sound aboutAsianBird★ Can set sound as ringtone for phone or tablet★ Asian Bird Sounds application can work in offline mode★ Share the sound for your friends★ Asian Bird Sounds App will be updated periodicallySo what are you waiting for ? Download Asian Bird Soundsandlisten a wide variety of bird soundsHow to Use Asian Bird Sounds App ?★ Download Asian Bird Sounds App★ Open Application★ Select one of soundsAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Spotted Dove Bird Sounds 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Whether you 're looking for a Spotted DoveBirdSounds app ? Here is a Spotted Dove Bird Sounds and ringtonethatyou are looking for. This App have huge collections aboutSpottedDove Bird Sounds ringtone for phone and tablet for free.Download Spotted Dove Bird Sounds app and tell your familyandfriends about this app now.This Spotted Dove Bird Sounds application is designed forphoneand tablet with offline mode, so although isn't connected withaninternet connection, you can still run this application.In Spotted Dove Bird Sounds application, have a manyvarietyfeatures, like :★ There are a wide variety of high quality sound aboutSpottedDove Bird★ Can set sound as ringtone for phone or tablet★ Spotted Dove Bird Sounds application can work inofflinemode★ Share the sound for your friends★ Spotted Dove Bird Sounds App will be updated periodicallySo what are you waiting for ? Download Spotted Dove BirdSoundsand listen a wide variety of bird soundsHow to Use Spotted Dove Bird Sounds App ?★ Download Spotted Dove Bird Sounds App★ Open Application★ Select one of soundsAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media
Woodpecker Bird Sounds 6.9
Desatya Kedai Media
Whether you 're looking for a WoodpeckerBirdSounds app ? Here is a Woodpecker Bird Sounds and ringtone thatyouare looking for. This App have huge collections aboutWoodpeckerBird Sounds ringtone for phone and tablet for free.Download Woodpecker Bird Sounds app and tell your familyandfriends about this app now.This Woodpecker Bird Sounds application is designed for phoneandtablet with offline mode, so although isn't connected withaninternet connection, you can still run this application.In Woodpecker Bird Sounds application, have a manyvarietyfeatures, like :★ There are a wide variety of high quality sound aboutWoodpeckerBird★ Can set sound as ringtone for phone or tablet★ Woodpecker Bird Sounds application can work in offline mode★ Share the sound for your friends★ Woodpecker Bird Sounds App will be updated periodicallySo what are you waiting for ? Download Woodpecker Bird Soundsandlisten a wide variety of bird soundsHow to Use Woodpecker Bird Sounds App ?★ Download Woodpecker Bird Sounds App★ Open Application★ Select one of soundsAll the criticism and suggestions can be submitted to us, wewillbe happy to assist you.DeSatya Kedai Media