Diosofart Team Apps

Linux Commands Basic 1.0
Diosofart Team
list of commands :+ File Commands+ System Info+ Compression+ Process Management+ SSHAnd Many More ....this App is Very easy to read and follow step-by-stepforeveryone!!
Computer Network Topology 1.0
Diosofart Team
The App covers the basics of computernetworking, the course is part of computer engineering, networkingand communications.List Topology :+ mesh Topology+ bus topology+ ring topology+ star topologyand many more ..!Wishing you happy and Download it for free !The app covers the basicsof computer networking, the course is part of computer engineering,networking and communications.Topology List:+ Mesh Topology+ Bus topology+ Ring topology+ Star topologyand many more ..!Wishing you a happy and Download it for free!
Tutorial MS Access - Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with MSAccess:

+ The Ribbon+ Creating the Database+ Things to Remember When Creating a Table+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learn MSAccess2013 , 2010 , 2016! Very easy to read and follow step-by-stepforeveryone!!
Learn Autocad 2013 Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with autocad:

+ 3D Interface+ 3D Thickness and elevation+ 3D Visualizing Your Models+ 3D Z Coordinates+ 3D User Coordinates System+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com forsupportor further information.
Learn AdobePS -Essentialskills 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want withphotoshop:

+ Basic Terms for Digital Graphics+ Rotating an Image+ Layers+ Straightening an Image+ Adding a Shape+ Image Repair+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learnAdobePhotoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6! Very easy to read andfollowstep-by-step for everyone!!
A7X Lyrics Free 1.0
Diosofart Team
Just One Clicks in apps you will findsallAvenged Sevenfold lyrics . This application is only to assistyouin the process of singing or memorize the lyrics ofAvengedSevenfold Songs ! Download It For FreeJust One Clicks inappsyou will finds all Avenged Sevenfold lyrics. This applicationisonly to assist you in the process of singing or memorize thelyricsof Avenged Sevenfold Songs! Download It For Free
Excel 2013 Basic 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with excel:

+ Functions and Formulas+ Entering a Formula+ Editing a Formula+ Basic Function+ Entering a Function+ AutoSum+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learn Ms. excel.Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!
PHP With MySQL 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with PHP :+ web applications+ Dynamic applications by PHP+ Dynamic application without database+ Introducing the MySQL database+ Polling with MySQL database+ File processing+ Functions in PHP+ Information retrieval+ e-learning+ Web shop+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
Photography For Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
This app contains :+ Camera Settings and Function+ Basic Aperture+ Introduction to Wide Angle+ Shutter & Aperture+ Manual Guide DSLRand many more ...This application currently serving as an applicationinformation. we strongly reject spammers your privacy is protected. Enjoy Theapplication!
Learn Excel Advanced Functions 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with excel:

+ Using the IF Function.+ Using the PMT Function.+ Working with Frequencies.+ Inserting Headers and Footers.+ Creating Hyperlinks.+ Use drawing objects to add visual appeal to spreadsheets.+ Insert screenshots into the spreadsheet.+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learn Ms. excel.Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!
Learn SQL - Programming 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with SQL: 

+ an “impedance mismatch”+ Augmenting SQL: SQL/PSM+ SQL/PSM example+ SQL/PSM example continued+ Other SQL/PSM features+ Interfacing SQL with another language+ Example API: Python psycopg2+ More psycopg2 examples+ Prepared statements: motivation+ Prepared statements: example+ Guarding against SQL injection+ Augmenting SQL vs. API+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
Learn MS Access - Web Base DB 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with MsAccess:

+ Set up a new SharePoint Online Site to host your app+ Choose, ‘launch’ and use an Access web app from a template+ Modify your new Access web app+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
Taylor Swift Lyrics Free 2.1
Diosofart Team
Just One Clicks in apps you will findsTaylorSwift lyrics . Download it for free!Just One Clicks inappsyou will finds Taylor Swift lyrics. Download it for free!
Auto Cad Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with autocad2015:+ Controlling the display in drawing+ Creating Basic Drawing+ Manipulation object+ and many more...this App is Very easy to read and follow step-by-stepforeveryone!!
Learn PHP Programming 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want withPHPProgramming :+ Beginning with "Hello World!"+ Basics+ Commenting and Style+ Arrays+ Control structures+ The if Structure+ The switch Structure+ The while Loop+ The do while Loop+ The for Loop+ The foreach Loop+ Functions, Files, Mailing+ Cookies, Sessions+ Databases, MySQL, PostgreSQL+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
Adobe Photoshop Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want withphotoshop:

+ How To use Tools in adobe+ How To use layer+ How to use image filter+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learnAdobePhotoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6! Very easy to read andfollowstep-by-step for everyone!!
Learn OOP Using C++ 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with C++: 

+ A Survey of Programming Techniques+ Abstract Data Types+ Ob ject-Oriented Concepts+ More Ob ject-Oriented Concepts+ Even More Ob ject-Oriented Concepts+ Introduction to C+++ From C To C+++ More on C+++ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!- Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by their respectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support or furtherinformation.
Learn Adobe Illustrator CS6 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want withillustrator:

+ Toolbox+ Toolbox Description+ Making Selections+ Creating Basic Shapes+ Inserting and Formatting Text+ Arranging+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learnAdobeIllustrator CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6! Very easy to read andfollowstep-by-step for everyone!!
Tutorial Adobe CS3 - Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want withadobephotoshop: 

+ How To use Tools in adobe+ How To use layer+ How to use image filter+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learnAdobePhotoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6! Very easy to read andfollowstep-by-step for everyone!!
Angular JS For Beginner 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with PHP :+ Introduction+ Module 1: Getting StartedSingle Page Application (SPA)The Challenge With SPAsAngularJS.orgDownload AngularJS+ Module 2: Directives, Filters and Data BindingWhat are Directives?Using Directives and Data Binding SyntaxData-Binding Example using AngularJS DirectivesIterating with the ng-repeat Directiveng-Repeat ExampleThe AngularJS API Reference for DirectivesngRepeat DocumentationUsing FiltersUsing Filters Demo+ Module 3: Views, Controllers and ScopeCreating a View and Controller+ Module 4: Modules, Routes and FactoriesModules are ContainersCreating a Module.Creating a Controller in a Module.The Role of RoutesDefining RoutesDefining Routes DemoUsing Factories and ServicesThe Role of the FactoryFactory DemoWrap-Up Demo: Pulling It All Together+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
Zendaya Lyrics Free 1.0
Diosofart Team
List Of Zendaya Lyrics+ my baby+ scared+ Bottle You Up+ and many more...Download it for free !
Panduan E-Filing 2016 1.0
Diosofart Team
Panduan terlengkap untuk E-Filing DJPOnline2016 . aplikasi ini memberikan informasi tentang e-fillingpajakterlengkap :+ Step by Step Pendaftaran E-filing+ Berkas data yang harus di siapkan untuk pendaftaranDJPOnline+ Panduan Mengisi Form DJP SPT 1770SS - 1770S & 1770OP .+ Aplikasi di lengkapi gambar rincian setiap langkahlangkahpengisian form & pendaftaran DJP Online---------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: aplikasi ini merupakan bukan official dariperpajakan.kami hanya membantu Anda agar lebih mengetahui dan fahammengenaiefiling pajak 2016 terbaru.Semoga aplikasi ini memberikan manfaat dan memudahkanpenggunauntuk mengetahui Informasi E-Filing Pajak 2016The most complete guidetoE-Filing Online DJP, 2016. This application providesinformationabout e-filling complete tax:+ Step by Step Registration E-filing+ Data files that must be prepared for registration DGTOnline+ Free Filling Form 1770SS DJP SPT - 1770s & 1770OP.+ Applications in the picture and complete details of each stepandthe registration form filling step DJP Online-------------------------------------------------- -------Disclaimer: This app is not official from taxation. we simplyhelpyou to better know and understand about the latest 2016taxeFiling.Hopefully, this application provides benefits and easierforusers to find information E-Filing Taxes 2016
Learn Ms Access - Reports 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with Ms Access:

+ Creating a Report+ Creating Labels+ Placing Calculations on a Report+ Queries+ Including a Query in a Report+ and many more...This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learn MsAccess2013 , 2010 2016 Very easy to read and follow step-by-stepforeveryone!!
Learn SQL - Recursion 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with SQL: 

+ Recursion in SQL, Ancestor query in SQL3+ Fixed point of a function+ Fixed point of a query, Finding ancestors+ Intuition behind fixed-point iteration+ Linear recursion, Linear vs. non-linear recursion+ Mutual recursion example+ Semantics of WITH+ Computing mutual recursion+ Fixed points are not unique+ Mixing negation with recursion+ Fixed-point iter may not converge+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
PHP For Advanced 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with PHP :+ PHP-MySQL+ Cookie Handling+ Dynamic Images+ PDF+ Flash+ Sessions+ Security+ Tips & Tricks+ Optimization+ Latest Developments+ Future+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
Learn SQL - Part I 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with SQL: 

+ Creating and dropping tables+ Basic queries: SFW statement+ Example: reading a table+ Example: selection and projection+ Example: join, Example: rename+ A more complicated example+ Set versus bag semantics, A case for bag semantics+ SQL set and bag operations, SQL features covered so far+ IN subqueries, Semantics of subqueries+ Scoping rule of subqueries, Examples ofquantifiedsubqueries+ More ways to get the most popular+ SQL features covered so far, Aggregates with DISTINCT+ Grouping, Semantics of GROUP BY, Aggregates with no GROUPBY+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
PHP For Dynamic Web Pages 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with PHP :+ using php on apache and unix+ php code+ working with mysql+ curly brackets+ gnu free documentation license+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.
PHP Class & Object 1.0
Diosofart Team
+ Get more of what you want with PHP :+ Introduction+ Sample Exercise (Class)+ Using Constructors+ Using private+ Inheritance Concept+ Using final+ Using Destructors+ get_class() and get_parent_class()+ Autoloading Objects+ Visibility+ Scop Resolution Operator(::)+ and many more...This App! Very easy to read and follow step-by-step for everyone!!-Enjoy it------------All the content of this application, are owned by theirrespectiveauthors. Contact vicsongvic@gmail.com for support orfurtherinformation.