Dr. Michael Todd Apps

HamExam (NZ) 1.21
Dr. Michael Todd
The Original HamExam now as an App! Since 2001, HamExam has beenavailable for the PC to help prepare prospective Amateur Radiooperators for their exams. Now HamExam is available as an App forNew Zealand users! The HamExam app generates practice exam papersfor the General User Radio Licence exam. Questions are pulled atrandom from question sets to create trial exam papers forprospective amateurs to practise answering multiple choice examquestions. You can take an unlimited number of practice exams andcheck your answers when finished. If you are interested in AmateurRadio then HamExam is the best possible preparation for the exam!Share your results with your friends or your entire social networkand compare - all direct from the App via Facebook, Twitter, email,SMS and much more! Want a feature to be added? Have any questions?Let me know at apps@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest BE 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest BE App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Berlin. Questions will be randomly selectedfrom the complete list of questions for the official naturalisationtests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sampletests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams. TheEinbürgerungstest BE app contains all 300 questions from thecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany aswell as all the questions for Berlin. With this app you can preparespecifically for the naturalisation test and thus come closer tothe goal of getting a German passport. As with the officialnaturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 of which must beanswered correctly in order to pass the test. For each questionfour possible answers are given, one of which is correct. Thenumber of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, and at the end ofa test your responses will be analysed directly in the app. Missinga feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! You can reachme via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest BW 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest BW App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Baden-Württemberg. Questions will berandomly selected from the complete list of questions for theofficial naturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany,and the generated sample tests allow you to practise authenticmultiple choice exams. The Einbürgerungstest BW app contains all300 questions from the current question pool for the naturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questions for Baden-Württemberg.With this app you can prepare specifically for the naturalisationtest and thus come closer to the goal of getting a German passport.As with the official naturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17of which must be answered correctly in order to pass the test. Foreach question four possible answers are given, one of which iscorrect. The number of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, andat the end of a test your responses will be analysed directly inthe app. Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Then let meknow! You can reach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
HamExam (IT) Radioamatore 1.2
Dr. Michael Todd
Il HamExam originale ora disponibile come un App! Dal 2001 HamExamè disponibile come software per PC e aiuta gli aspirantiradioamatori per preparare gli esami per la Patente diradioamatore. Ora HamExam è disponibile anche come un App per gliutenti in Italia! L'Appl HamExam crea prove di esempio per gliesami radioamatori per la patente di classe A. Domande sarannoscelti a caso dalla lista di esempi di domande. Le prove delcampione così formate forniscono autentici esami a scelta multiplaper gli aspiranti Radioamatori. Le diverse regioni offrono undiverso numero di domande in esame. Scegliere il numero di domandedell'esame per la propria regione. Il numero di esami di esempio etentativi è illimitato, e alla fine di una prova le vostre rispostesaranno analizzati direttamente in App. Se il tuo cuore batte perradioamatori - allora HamExam è la migliore preparazione possibileper l'esame di radioamatore! Condividi i tuoi risultati dei test aituoi amici e fidanzate o l'intera rete sociale e confrontare comesi taglia fuori - tutti direttamente da applicazione tramiteFacebook, Twitter, e-mail, SMS e molto altro ancora! Condividi ituoi risultati dei test ai tuoi amici e fidanzate o l'intera retesociale e confrontare come si taglia fuori - tutti direttamente daapplicazione tramite Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, SMS e molto altroancora! Non siete ancora convinti? Quindi scaricare la versione diprova gratuita "HamExam (IT) Valutazione" verso il basso! Manca unafunzione? Oppure avete domande? Poi fatemi sapere! Mi si puòraggiungere tramite: apps@sionnagh.com.
HamExam (US) 1.4
The Original HamExam now as an App! Since 2001, HamExam has beenavailable for the PC to help prepare prospective Amateur Radiooperators for their exams. Now HamExam is available as an App forUnited States users! The HamExam app generates practice exam papersfor the Technician, General and Extra Class Amateur Radio Licenseexams. Questions are pulled at random from question sets to createtrial exam papers for prospective amateurs to practice answeringmultiple choice exam questions. You can take an unlimited number ofpractice exams and check your answers when finished. If you areinterested in Amateur Radio then HamExam is the best possiblepreparation for the exam! Share your results with your friends oryour entire social network and compare - all direct from the Appvia Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS and much more! Want a feature tobe added? Have any questions? Let me know at apps@sionnagh.com
HamExam (US) Trial 1.1
Dr. Michael Todd
The Original HamExam now as an App! Since 2001, HamExam has beenavailable for the PC to help prepare prospective Amateur Radiooperators for their exams. Now HamExam is available as an App forUnited States users! The HamExam app generates practice exam papersfor the Technician, General and Extra Class Amateur Radio Licenseexams. Questions are pulled at random from question sets to createtrial exam papers for prospective amateurs to practice answeringmultiple choice exam questions. You can take an unlimited number ofpractice exams and check your answers when finished. Want a featureto be added? Have any questions? Let me know at apps@sionnagh.com
HamExam (CA) Trial 1.01
Dr. Michael Todd
The Original HamExam now as an App!Since 2001 HamExam has been available for the PC to helpprepareprospective Amateur Radio operators for their exams. NowHamExam isavailable as an App for Canada users!The HamExam app generates practice exam papers for the BasicandAdvanced Amateur Radio exams.Questions are pulled at random from question sets to createtrialexam papers for prospective amateurs to practise answeringmultiplechoice exam questions.You can take an unlimited number of practice exams and checkyouranswers when finished.Languages: English, FrenchWant a feature to be added? Have any questions?Let me know at michael.todd@ictwa.net.auormick@arcompanion.com
Einbürgerungstest SN 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest SN App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Sachsen. Questions will be randomly selectedfrom the complete list of questions for the official naturalisationtests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sampletests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams. TheEinbürgerungstest SN app contains all 300 questions from thecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany aswell as all the questions for Sachsen. With this app you canprepare specifically for the naturalisation test and thus comecloser to the goal of getting a German passport. As with theofficial naturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 of whichmust be answered correctly in order to pass the test. For eachquestion four possible answers are given, one of which is correct.The number of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, and at theend of a test your responses will be analysed directly in the app.Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! You canreach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
HamExam (IT) Valutazione 1.0
Dr. Michael Todd
Il HamExam originale ora disponibile come un App! Dal 2001 HamExamè disponibile come software per PC e aiuta gli aspirantiradioamatori per preparare gli esami per la Patente diradioamatore. Ora HamExam è disponibile anche come un App per gliutenti in Italia! L'Appl HamExam crea prove di esempio per gliesami radioamatori per la patente di classe A. Domande sarannoscelti a caso dalla lista di esempi di domande. Le prove delcampione così formate forniscono autentici esami a scelta multiplaper gli aspiranti Radioamatori. Il numero di esami di esempio etentativi è illimitato, e alla fine di una prova le vostre rispostesaranno analizzati direttamente in App. Se il tuo cuore batte perradioamatori - allora HamExam è la migliore preparazione possibileper l'esame di radioamatore! Manca una funzione? Oppure avetedomande? Poi fatemi sapere! Mi si può raggiungere tramite:apps@sionnagh.com.
HamExam (CH) Testversion 1.0
Dr. Michael Todd
Das originale HamExam jetzt als App! Seit 2001 ist HamExam alsPC-Software verfügbar und hilft angehenden Amateurfunkern sich aufdie Prüfungen für die Amateurfunkkonzessionen vorbereiten. Jetztist HamExam auch als App für Benutzer in der Schweiz verfügbar! DieHamExam-App erstellt Musterprüfungen für die Amateurfunkprüfungenfür den Einsteigerausweis (HB3) und den Fähigkeitsausweis (HB9 -CEPT). Fragen werden dabei zufällig aus dem vollständigenFragenkatalog des Bundesamts für Kommunikation (BAKOM) ausgewähltund die so entstehenden Musterprüfungen erlauben dem angehendenAmateurfunker die praktische Übung anhand authentischerMultiple-Choice-Prüfungsfragen. Die Zahl der Musterprüfungen undVersuche ist unbegrenzt, und am Ende einer Musterprüfung werdenIhre Antworten direkt in der App ausgewertet. Schlägt Dein Herz fürden Amateurfunk - dann ist HamExam die besteVorbereitungsmöglichkeit auf die Amateurfunkprüfung! Vermissen Sieeine Funktion? Oder haben Sie irgendwelche Fragen? Dann lassen Siees mich bitte wissen! Sie erreichen mich über: apps@sionnagh.com.Sprache: Deutsch plus Französisch, Italienisch in der Vollversion.Auch teilen Sie Ihre Testergebnisse Ihren Freunden oder Ihremgesamten sozialen Netzwerk mit.
HamExam (AU) Trial 1.0
Dr. Michael Todd
The Original HamExam now as an App!Since 2001, HamExam has been available for the PC to helpprepare prospective Amateur Radio operators for their exams. NowHamExam is available as an App!The HamExam app generates practice exam papers for Foundation,Standard, Advanced and Regulations Amateur Radio exams.Questions are pulled at random from question sets to create trialexam papers for prospective amateurs to practice answering multiplechoice exam questions.You can take an unlimited number of practice exams and checkyour answers when finished.Want a feature to be added? Have any questions?Let me know at michael.todd@ictwa.net.au ormick@arcompanion.com
Einbürgerungstest BY 1.11
Dr. Michael Todd
The Einbürgerungstest BY App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Bayern. Questions will be randomly selectedfrom the complete list of questions for the official naturalisationtests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sampletests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams. TheEinbürgerungstest BY app contains all 300 questions from thecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany aswell as all the questions for Bayern. With this app you can preparespecifically for the naturalisation test and thus come closer tothe goal of getting a German passport. As with the officialnaturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 of which must beanswered correctly in order to pass the test. For each questionfour possible answers are given, one of which is correct. Thenumber of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, and at the end ofa test your responses will be analysed directly in the app. Missinga feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! You can reachme via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest HE 1.11
Dr. Michael Todd
The Einbürgerungstest HE App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Hessen. Questions will be randomly selectedfrom the complete list of questions for the official naturalisationtests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sampletests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams. TheEinbürgerungstest HE app contains all 300 questions from thecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany aswell as all the questions for Hessen. With this app you can preparespecifically for the naturalisation test and thus come closer tothe goal of getting a German passport. As with the officialnaturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 of which must beanswered correctly in order to pass the test. For each questionfour possible answers are given, one of which is correct. Thenumber of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, and at the end ofa test your responses will be analysed directly in the app. Missinga feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! You can reachme via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest HH 1.11
Dr. Michael Todd
The Einbürgerungstest HH App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Hamburg. Questions will be randomly selectedfrom the complete list of questions for the official naturalisationtests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sampletests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams. TheEinbürgerungstest HH app contains all 300 questions from thecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany aswell as all the questions for Hamburg. With this app you canprepare specifically for the naturalisation test and thus comecloser to the goal of getting a German passport. As with theofficial naturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 of whichmust be answered correctly in order to pass the test. For eachquestion four possible answers are given, one of which is correct.The number of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, and at theend of a test your responses will be analysed directly in the app.Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! You canreach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest HB 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest HB App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Bremen. Questions will be randomly selectedfrom the complete list of questions for the official naturalisationtests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sampletests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams. TheEinbürgerungstest HB app contains all 300 questions from thecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany aswell as all the questions for Bremen. With this app you can preparespecifically for the naturalisation test and thus come closer tothe goal of getting a German passport. As with the officialnaturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 of which must beanswered correctly in order to pass the test. For each questionfour possible answers are given, one of which is correct. Thenumber of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, and at the end ofa test your responses will be analysed directly in the app. Missinga feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! You can reachme via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Bible Verse of the Day ERV
Dr. Michael Todd
The English Revised Version (ERV) of the Bible is a late19th-century British revision of the King James Version. It was thefirst and remains the only officially authorised and recognisedrevision of the King James Version in Britain. Bible Verse of theDay delivers all the books, chapters and verses of the EnglishRevised Version. Life is often challenging, but the Bible brings uscomfort, knowledge, inspiration and encouragement, teaching us howto live our lives and how to cope with our problems. Brighten yourday with quotes and verses delivered daily to your smartphone ortablet. Search for a verse, or be presented with a verse at thetouch of a button. ⚫ Get inspired by a new verse every day! ⚫ Allthe books, chapters and verses of the English Revised Version fromGenesis to Revelation. ⚫ Try it free for seven days. ⚫ Start yourday with a new daily verse for less than 4 cents per day. ⚫ Shareyour favourites using Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc Want afeature to be added? Have any questions? Let me know atapps@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest NI 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest NI App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Niedersachsen. Questions will be randomlyselected from the complete list of questions for the officialnaturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and thegenerated sample tests allow you to practise authentic multiplechoice exams. The Einbürgerungstest NI app contains all 300questions from the current question pool for the naturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questions for Niedersachsen.With this app you can prepare specifically for the naturalisationtest and thus come closer to the goal of getting a German passport.As with the official naturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17of which must be answered correctly in order to pass the test. Foreach question four possible answers are given, one of which iscorrect. The number of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, andat the end of a test your responses will be analysed directly inthe app. Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Then let meknow! You can reach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest DE 2.1
Dr. Michael Todd
Einbürgerungstest Germany (all states)
Australian Citizenship Test 2.1
Dr. Michael Todd
Sample exams for the Australian citizenship test
Parole de Dieu du Jour BdS
Dr. Michael Todd
La Bible du Semeur est une traduction avec l'objectif de rendre letexte biblique aisément compréhensible au lecteur non averti, et depermettre à ceux qui sont familiarisés avec la Bible d’apprécierd’une manière nouvelle le sens et la richesse de son message."Parole de Dieu du Jour" vous apporte tous les livres, chapitres etversets de la Bible directement dans votre main. La vie est souventdifficile, mais la Parole de Dieu nous donne consolation,connaissance, inspiration et encouragement. La Parole de Dieu nousenseigne comment vivre nos vies et nous aide à surmonter nosproblèmes. Obtenez tous les jours, allégez avec des citations etversets de la Bible directement sur votre smartphone ou votretablette. Égayez votre journée avec des citations et des versetslivrés quotidiennement à votre smartphone ou votre tablette.Recherchez un certain verset ou soyez présenté avec un verset autoucher d'un bouton. ⚫ Laissez-vous inspirer par un nouveau versetbiblique chaque jour! ⚫ Tous les livres, les chapitres et lesversets de la Bible, de la Genèse à l'Apocalypse. ⚫ Essayez-legratuitement pendant sept jours! ⚫ Commencez votre journée avec unnouveau verset biblique quotidien, pour moins de 4 ct par jour. ⚫Partagez vos favoris via Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc. Manqueune fonctionnalité? Ou avez-vous des questions? Alors laissez-moisavoir! Vous pouvez me joindre par: apps@sionnagh.com.
HamExam (DE) Amateurfunk 1.04
Dr. Michael Todd
Das originale HamExam jetzt als App! Seit 2001 ist HamExam alsPC-Software verfügbar und hilft angehenden Amateurfunkern sich aufdie Prüfungen für die Amateurfunkzeugnisse vorbereiten. Jetzt istHamExam auch als App für Benutzer in Deutschland verfügbar! DieHamExam-App erstellt Musterprüfungen für die Amateurfunkprüfungenfür die Klassen E und A. Fragen werden dabei zufällig aus demvollständigen Fragenkatalog der Bundesnetzagentur ausgewählt unddie so entstehenden Musterprüfungen erlauben dem angehendenAmateurfunker die praktische Übung anhand authentischerMultiple-Choice-Prüfungsfragen. Die Zahl der Musterprüfungen undVersuche ist unbegrenzt, und am Ende einer Musterprüfung werdenIhre Antworten direkt in der App ausgewertet. Schlägt Dein Herz fürden Amateurfunk - dann ist HamExam die besteVorbereitungsmöglichkeit auf die Amateurfunkprüfung! Teilen SieIhre Testergebnisse Ihren Freunden und Freundinnen oder Ihremgesamten sozialen Netzwerk mit und vergleichen Sie, wie Sieabschneiden - alles direkt aus App, via Facebook, Twitter, email,SMS und vielem mehr! Noch nicht überzeugt? Dann laden Sie doch diekostenlose Testversion "HamExam (DE) Testversion" herunter!Vermissen Sie eine Funktion? Oder haben Sie irgendwelche Fragen?Dann lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen! Sie erreichen mich über:apps@sionnagh.com.
HamExam 2.9
Dr. Michael Todd
Practice exam papers for Amateur Radio exams
Einbürgerungstest NW 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest NW App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Questions will berandomly selected from the complete list of questions for theofficial naturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany,and the generated sample tests allow you to practise authenticmultiple choice exams. The Einbürgerungstest NW app contains all300 questions from the current question pool for the naturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questions forNordrhein-Westfalen. With this app you can prepare specifically forthe naturalisation test and thus come closer to the goal of gettinga German passport. As with the official naturalisation test 33questions are asked, 17 of which must be answered correctly inorder to pass the test. For each question four possible answers aregiven, one of which is correct. The number of sample tests andattempts is unlimited, and at the end of a test your responses willbe analysed directly in the app. Missing a feature? Or have anyquestions? Then let me know! You can reach me via:michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Parole de Dieu du Jour BeFC 1.02
Dr. Michael Todd
La traduction de la Bible en français courantaété entreprise conformément à un plan établi il y a environtrenteans par l'Alliance biblique universelle (ABU) pour offrir laBibleaux populations du monde entier, dans un langage qui soitaccessibleau plus grand nombre.Pour prévenir tout malentendu, la notion de "langue courante"n'arien à voir avec un langage relâché ou incorrect : il s'agit enfaitd'un niveau de langage admissible pour des milieux cultivés etenmême temps compréhensible pour un public plus étendu."Parole de Dieu du Jour" vous apporte tous les livres,chapitreset versets de la Bible directement dans votre main.La vie est souvent difficile, mais la Parole de Dieu nousdonneconsolation,connaissance, inspiration et encouragement. La Parole de Dieunousenseignecomment vivre nos vies et nous aide à surmonter nos problèmes.Obtenez tous les jours, allégez avec des citations et versetsdela Bibledirectement sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette.Égayez votre journée avec des citations et des versetslivrésquotidiennementà votre smartphone ou votre tablette.Recherchez un certain verset ou soyez présenté avec un versetautoucher d'un bouton.⚫ Laissez-vous inspirer par un nouveau verset bibliquechaquejour!⚫ Tous les livres, les chapitres et les versets de la Bible, delaGenèse à l'Apocalypse.⚫ Essayez-le gratuitement pendant sept jours!⚫ Commencez votre journée avec un nouveau verset bibliquequotidien,pour moins de 4 ct par jour.⚫ Partagez vos favoris via Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc.Manque une fonctionnalité? Ou avez-vous des questions?Alors laissez-moi savoir! Vous pouvez me joindrepar:michael.todd@sionnagh.com.The translation oftheFrench power in Bible was undertaken pursuant to a plan thereareabout thirty years by the United Bible Societies (UBS) to givetheBible to people around the world, in a language that isaccessibleto everyone number.To prevent any misunderstanding, the notion of "commonlanguage"has nothing to do with a loose or incorrect language: itis in facta level of permissible language for educated circles andat thesame time understandable for an audience wider."Word of the Day" brings you all the books, chapters andversesof the Bible directly into your hand.Life is often difficult, but God's Word givesusconsolation,knowledge, inspiration and encouragement. The Word of Godteachesushow to live our lives and helps us overcome our problems.Get daily, lighten with quotes and Bible versesdirectly on your smartphone or tablet.Brighten your day with quotes and verses delivered dailyto your smartphone or tablet.Look for a verse or be presented with a verse at the touch ofabutton.⚫ Get inspired by a new Bible verse every day!⚫ All books, chapters and verses of the Bible, from Genesis totheApocalypse.⚫ Try it free for seven days!⚫ Start your day with a new Bible verse daily for less than 4 ctperday.⚫ Share your favorites via Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc.Missing a feature? Or do you have questions?So let me know! You can contact meby:michael.todd@sionnagh.com.
Parola di Dio del Giorno BCEI
Dr. Michael Todd
Con Bibbia CEI (titolo ufficiale La sacra Bibbia) si intende latraduzione italiana cattolica ufficiale della Bibbia ad opera dellaCEI (Conferenza Episcopale Italiana). La traduzione ufficiale dellaCEI (Conferenza Episcopale Italiana) fornisce una traduzione adattaalla liturgia cattolica italiana, secondo le indicazioni delConcilio Vaticano II. "Parola di Dio del Giorno" vi porterà tutti ilibri, capitoli e versetti della Bibbia direttamente alla tua mano.La vita è spesso difficile, ma la Parola di Dio ci dà conforto, laconoscenza, ispirazione e incoraggiamento, ci insegna come viverela nostra vita e superare i nostri problemi. Ottenere tutti igiorni con facilità e cita versetti della Bibbia direttamente sultuo smartphone o tablet. Illumina la tua giornata con le citazionie versi consegnati ogni giorno al vostro smartphone o tablet.Ricerca di un particolare verso, o essere presentato con un versocon la semplice pressione di un pulsante. ⚫ Lasciatevi ispirare dauna nuova strofa ogni giorno! ⚫ Tutti i libri, capitoli e versettidella Bibbia, dalla Genesi all'Apocalisse. ⚫ Provalo gratis persette giorni! ⚫ Iniziare la giornata con un nuovo versetto dellaBibbia ogni giorno per meno di 4 centesimi al giorno. ⚫ Condividi ituoi preferiti tramite Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, SMS, ecc Mancauna funzione? Oppure avete domande? Poi fatemi sapere! Mi si puòraggiungere tramite: apps@sionnagh.com.
Parole de Dieu du Jour BLS 1.1
Dr. Michael Todd
La Bible Segond est une traduction biblique en français éditée parla Société biblique de Genève et publiée à partir de 1880. Cettetraduction est particulièrement utilisée par les protestants et leschrétiens évangéliques francophones. "Parole de Dieu du Jour" vousapporte tous les livres, chapitres et versets de la Bibledirectement dans votre main. La vie est souvent difficile, mais laParole de Dieu nous donne consolation, connaissance, inspiration etencouragement. La Parole de Dieu nous enseigne comment vivre nosvies et nous aide à surmonter nos problèmes. Obtenez tous lesjours, allégez avec des citations et versets de la Bibledirectement sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette. Égayez votrejournée avec des citations et des versets livrés quotidiennement àvotre smartphone ou votre tablette. Recherchez un certain verset ousoyez présenté avec un verset au toucher d'un bouton. ⚫Laissez-vous inspirer par un nouveau verset biblique chaque jour! ⚫Tous les livres, les chapitres et les versets de la Bible, de laGenèse à l'Apocalypse. ⚫ Essayez-le gratuitement pendant septjours! ⚫ Commencez votre journée avec un nouveau verset bibliquequotidien, pour moins de 4 ct par jour. ⚫ Partagez vos favoris viaFacebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc. Manque une fonctionnalité? Ouavez-vous des questions? Alors laissez-moi savoir! Vous pouvez mejoindre par: apps@sionnagh.com.
Einbürgerungstest ST 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest ST App creates sample exams for thenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany forapplicants residing in Sachsen-Anhalt. Questions will be randomlyselected from the complete list of questions for the officialnaturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and thegenerated sample tests allow you to practise authentic multiplechoice exams. The Einbürgerungstest ST app contains all 300questions from the current question pool for the naturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questions for Sachsen-Anhalt.With this app you can prepare specifically for the naturalisationtest and thus come closer to the goal of getting a German passport.As with the official naturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17of which must be answered correctly in order to pass the test. Foreach question four possible answers are given, one of which iscorrect. The number of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, andat the end of a test your responses will be analysed directly inthe app. Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Then let meknow! You can reach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Parola di Dio del Giorno BNR
Dr. Michael Todd
La Nuova Riveduta è una traduzione della Bibbia in Italiano. Prendeil nome Nuova Riveduta dalla versione Riveduta curata da GiovanniLuzzi negli anni Venti che a sua volta è una revisione dellatraduzione di Giovanni Diodati del XVII secolo. Le nuove revisionitengono via via conto delle concezioni scientifiche più recenti dicritica testuale. È la Bibbia più usata nel mondo protestante edevangelico, vale a dire tra quei cristiani che rifacendosi alprincipio "Sola Scriptura", valorizzano al massimo il testo biblicoritenendolo unica fonte della Parola di Dio. Questa traduzione,nello specifico, ha la particolarità di tenersi al passo con leevoluzioni della lingua italiana e con gli ultimi ritrovamentiarcheologici (es. grotte di Qumran). "Parola di Dio del Giorno" viporterà tutti i libri, capitoli e versetti della Bibbiadirettamente alla tua mano. La vita è spesso difficile, ma laParola di Dio ci dà conforto, la conoscenza, ispirazione eincoraggiamento, ci insegna come vivere la nostra vita e superare inostri problemi. Ottenere tutti i giorni con facilità e citaversetti della Bibbia direttamente sul tuo smartphone o tablet.Illumina la tua giornata con le citazioni e versi consegnati ognigiorno al vostro smartphone o tablet. Ricerca di un particolareverso, o essere presentato con un verso con la semplice pressionedi un pulsante. ⚫ Lasciatevi ispirare da una nuova strofa ognigiorno! ⚫ Tutti i libri, capitoli e versetti della Bibbia, dallaGenesi all'Apocalisse. ⚫ Provalo gratis per sette giorni! ⚫Iniziare la giornata con un nuovo versetto della Bibbia ogni giornoper meno di 4 centesimi al giorno. ⚫ Condividi i tuoi preferititramite Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, SMS, ecc Manca una funzione?Oppure avete domande? Poi fatemi sapere! Mi si può raggiungeretramite: apps@sionnagh.com.
La Palabra de Dios diaria DHH 1.0
Dr. Michael Todd
Dios Habla Hoy, también conocida comoVersiónPopular, es una traducción ecuménica de la Biblia hechaporbiblistas de diversas confesiones cristianas. Fue publicada porlasSociedades Bíblicas Unidas y el CELAM. Está escrita en unlenguajesencillo y adaptado al español de América, al españolhablado “enla calle” y en los medios de comunicación."La Palabra de Dios diaria" le trae todos los libros, capítulosyversículos de la Biblia directamente a sus manos.La vida es difícil a menudo, pero la Palabra de Dios nosdaconsuelo, conocimiento, inspiración y estímulo cuando nossentimosdesanimados. La Palabra de Dios nos enseña cómo vivir y nosayudasuperar problemas y dificultades de nuestra vida.¡Aproveche e ilumine su día con citas y versículos de laBiblia,cada día entregados directamente a su teléfonointeligente(smartphone) o su tableta!Además, esta App le ofrece la búsqueda por versículo y tambiénlaopción de inspiración al toque del botón.⚫ ¡Inspírese en un nuevo versículo cada día!⚫ Todos los libros, capítulos y versículos de la Biblia,desdeGénesis hasta Apocalipsis.⚫ ¡Pruébelo siete días gratis!⚫ Comienza su día cada día con un nuevo versículo de la Biblia,amenos de 4 ct al día.⚫ Comparta sus favoritos a través de Facebook, Twitter,correoelectrónico, SMS, etc.¿Falta una función? ¿O tiene preguntas?¡Hágamelo saber y contácteme en: michael.todd@sionnagh.com!NRSV, also knownasToday's English Version, is an ecumenical translation of theBiblemade by biblical scholars of various Christian denominations.Itwas published by the United Bible Societies and CELAM. Itiswritten in simple language and adapted to Spanish America,theSpanish spoken "on the street" and in the media."The Word of God daily" brings you all books, chapters and versesofthe Bible directly into their hands.Life is often difficult, but the Word of God gives uscomfort,knowledge, inspiration and encouragement when we arediscouraged.The Word of God teaches us how to live and help us toovercomeproblems and difficulties of our lives.Take advantage and enlighten your day with quotes and Bibleverseseach day delivered directly to your smartphone (smartphone)ortablet!In addition, this app offers search by verse and also the optionofinspiration to touch the button.⚫ Inspire yourself in a new verse every day!⚫ All books, chapters and verses of the Bible, from GenesistoRevelation.Seven days ⚫ Try it for free!⚫ Start your day every day with a new Bible verse, less than 4ctper day.⚫ Share your favorites via Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS,etc.Is there a feature missing? Or do you have questions?I let me know and contact me at: michael.todd@sionnagh.com!
La Palabra de Dios diaria BdJ
Dr. Michael Todd
La Biblia de Jerusalén es una versión católica de la Bibliaelaborada en francés bajo la dirección de la Escuela bíblica yarqueológica francesa de Jerusalén. La BJ ha sido traducida alespañol y otras lenguas vernáculas. Se la considera una Biblia deexcelencia para la exégesis bíblica y la Lectio Divina. "La Palabrade Dios diaria" le trae todos los libros, capítulos y versículos dela Biblia directamente a sus manos. La vida es difícil a menudo,pero la Palabra de Dios nos da consuelo, conocimiento, inspiracióny estímulo cuando nos sentimos desanimados. La Palabra de Dios nosenseña cómo vivir y nos ayuda superar problemas y dificultades denuestra vida. ¡Aproveche e ilumine su día con citas y versículos dela Biblia, cada día entregados directamente a su teléfonointeligente (smartphone) o su tableta! Además, esta App le ofrecela búsqueda por versículo y también la opción de inspiración altoque del botón. ⚫ ¡Inspírese en un nuevo versículo cada día! ⚫Todos los libros, capítulos y versículos de la Biblia, desdeGénesis hasta Apocalipsis. ⚫ ¡Pruébelo siete días gratis! ⚫Comienza su día cada día con un nuevo versículo de la Biblia, amenos de 4 ct al día. ⚫ Comparta sus favoritos a través deFacebook, Twitter, correo electrónico, SMS, etc. ¿Falta unafunción? ¿O tiene preguntas? ¡Hágamelo saber y contácteme en:apps@sionnagh.com!
A Palavra de Deus do dia NTLH 1.0
Dr. Michael Todd
A Nova Tradução na Linguagem deHoje,abreviadamente chamada NTLH, é uma tradução da Bíblia emlinguagemmoderna e entendível em Língua Portuguesa, e fiel aostextosoriginais (em hebraico, aramaico e grego). O sentido do textoédado em palavras e formas do português falado no Brasil. Foifeitotodo o esforço para que a linguagem fosse simples, clara,natural esem ambiguidades. É uma tradução bastante útil poraproximar otexto bíblico da linguagem geralmente falada pelaspessoas no dia adia."A Palavra de Deus do dia" lhe traz todos os livros, capítuloseversículos da Bíblia diretamente em sua mão.A vida é difícil amiúde, mas a Palavra de Deus nos dáconforto,conhecimento, inspiração e estímulo quando nossentimosdesanimados. A Palavra de Deus nos ensina como viver nossasvidas enos ajuda a superar nossos problemas e defeitos.Aproveite e ilumine seu dia com citações e versículos daBíblia,cada dia entregados diariamente a seu smartphone ouseutablet.Além disso, esta App lhe oferece a pesquisa por versículo e tambémaopção da inspiração o toque do botão.⚫ Inspire-se em um novo versículo cada dia!⚫ Todos os livros, capítulos e versículos da Bíblia, do GênesisaoApocalipse.⚫ Prove grátis por sete dias!⚫ Comece seu dia com um novo versículo da Bíblia, a menos de 4ctpor dia.⚫ Compartilhe seus favoritos através do Facebook, Twitter,e-mail,SMS, etc.Falta um função? Ou você tem perguntas?Deixe-me saber e contacte-me en: michael.todd@sionnagh.com!A New TranslationinToday's English Version, hereinafter called NLT, is aBibletranslation in modern and understandable language inPortuguese,and faithful to the original texts (in Hebrew, Aramaicand Greek).The meaning of the text is given in Portuguese words andformsspoken in Brazil. It has made every effort so that thelanguage wassimple, clear, natural and unambiguous. It is a veryusefultranslation by approaching the biblical text of the commonlyspokenlanguage by people on a daily basis."God's Word of the Day" brings all the books, chapters and versesofthe Bible directly into your hand.Life is difficult often, but the Word of God gives uscomfort,knowledge, inspiration and encouragement when we're feelingdown.The Word of God teaches us how to live our lives and helpsusovercome our problems and defects.Enjoy and brighten your day with quotes and Bible verses eachdaydelivered daily to your smartphone or your tablet.In addition, this App offers search by verse and alsotheinspiration option the touch of a button.⚫ inspired a new verse every day!⚫ All books, chapters and verses of the Bible, from GenesistoRevelation.⚫ Try free for seven days!⚫ Start your day with a new Bible verse, less than 4 ctperday.⚫ Share your favorites via Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS,etc.Missing function? Or do you have questions?Let me know and contact me in: michael.todd@sionnagh.com!
Gottes Wort für jeden Tag Zürc 1.02
Dr. Michael Todd
Die Zürcher Bibel ist einegediegeneÜbersetzung von hohem Niveau, die sowohl dem modernenStilempfindenentspricht als auch die von den Übersetzernabsichtlich bewahrte»Fremdheit« der biblischen Texte angemessen zurGeltungbringt.Die Zürcher Bibel möchte einen möglichst unverstellten Zugang zudenbiblischen Texten eröffnen. Es gehört zu ihrer Tradition, dassdieÜbersetzung so wenig wie möglich interpretiert und in BezugaufErläuterungen und Kommentare zurückhaltend ist. Die AuslegungistSache derer, die sich mit der Bibel befassen."Gottes Wort für jeden Tag" bringt Ihnen alle Bücher, KapitelundVerse der Zürcher Bibel direkt in Ihre Hand.Das Leben ist oft schwierig, aber Gottes Wort gibt unsTrost,Erkenntnis, Inspiration und Ermutigung. Es lehrt uns, wie wirunserLeben leben und unsere Probleme bewältigen können.Lassen Sie sich jeden Tag mit Zitaten und Versen aus derBibeldirekt auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet erhellen.Suchen Sie nach einem bestimmten Vers oder lassen Sie sichperTastendruck von der App inspirieren.⚫ Lassen Sie sich täglich von einem neuen Vers inspirieren!⚫ Alle Bücher, Kapitel und Verse der Bibel, von Genesis biszurOffenbarung des Johannes.⚫ Testen Sie kostenlos für 7 Tage!⚫ Beginnen Sie Ihren Tag mit einen täglich neuen Bibelvers für 4ctpro Tag.⚫ Teilen Sie Ihre Favoriten über Facebook, Twitter, Email,SMS,etc.Vermissen Sie eine Funktion? Oder haben SieirgendwelcheFragen?Dann lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen! Sie erreichen michüber:michael.todd@sionnagh.comThe Zurich Bible isasophisticated translation of high level, which corresponds toboththe modern sense of style as well as the intentionallypreserved bythe translators "strangeness" of the biblical texts inaproportionate advantage.The Zurich Bible wants to open an unobstructed possible accesstobiblical texts. It is part of their tradition that thetranslationinterpreted as little as possible and with regard toexplanationsand comments is restrained. The design is for those whodeal withthe Bible."God's Word for every day" will bring you all the books,chaptersand verses of the Zurich Bible directly into yourhand.Life is often difficult, but God's Word gives us comfort,knowledge,inspiration and encouragement. It teaches us how to liveour livesand manage our problems.Let yourself every day with quotes and verses from the Bibleshedlight directly on your smartphone or tablet.Search for a particular verse or be inspired keystroke fromtheapp.⚫ Let us daily inspiration from a new verse!⚫ All books, chapters and verses of the Bible, from GenesistoRevelation.⚫ Try free for 7 days!⚫. Start your day with a daily Bible verse for new 4 ctperday⚫ Share your favorites via Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS,etc.Missing a feature? Or you have any questions?Then let me know! You can reach mevia:michael.todd@sionnagh.com
A Palavra de Deus do dia BAM
Dr. Michael Todd
A Bíblia Sagrada - Ave Maria (popularmente conhecida como Bíblia daAve Maria) é uma versão da Bíblia cristã, traduzida do grego,aramaico e hebraico, por monges beneditinos de Maredsous (Bélgica).Considerada uma das melhores traduções do mundo, é a tradução maispopular entre os católicos no Brasil. Tem uma linguagem coloquial,porém sem prejuízo para a compreensão dos aspectos históricos eculturais, que torn sua leitura bastante acessível. A BíbliaAve-Maria é hoje a Bíblia mais lida e conhecida pelos católicos. "APalavra de Deus do dia" lhe traz todos os livros, capítulos eversículos da Bíblia diretamente em sua mão. A vida é difícilamiúde, mas a Palavra de Deus nos dá conforto, conhecimento,inspiração e estímulo quando nos sentimos desanimados. A Palavra deDeus nos ensina como viver nossas vidas e nos ajuda a superarnossos problemas e defeitos. Aproveite e ilumine seu dia comcitações e versículos da Bíblia, cada dia entregados diariamente aseu smartphone ou seu tablet. Além disso, esta App lhe oferece apesquisa por versículo e também a opção da inspiração o toque dobotão. ⚫ Inspire-se em um novo versículo cada dia! ⚫ Todos oslivros, capítulos e versículos da Bíblia, do Gênesis ao Apocalipse.⚫ Prove grátis por sete dias! ⚫ Comece seu dia com um novoversículo da Bíblia, a menos de 4 ct por dia. ⚫ Compartilhe seusfavoritos através do Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, SMS, etc. Falta umfunção? Ou você tem perguntas? Deixe-me saber e contacte-me en:apps@sionnagh.com!
Electronics Questions 1.2
Dr. Michael Todd
Best tool for school and college for practicing all thoseelectrical and electronics questions! This app will help you tolearn electrical engineering, electronics, electromagnetism andphysics. You can practice: ---> Ohm's Law calculations (current,voltage, resistance) ---> DC Power calculations ---> SimpleImpedance calculations ---> Capacitive Reactance --->Inductive Reactance ---> Complex Impedances ---> CutoffFrequency for electrical filters ---> Time Constants forcapacitors and inductors ---> Resonant Frequency for electricalcircuits * Free version only supports Ohm's Law calculations Want afeature to be added? Let me know at apps@sionnagh.com
Motion Questions 1.23
Dr. Michael Todd
Best tool for school for practising all those motion questions!Thisapp will help you to learn about distance/displacement,velocity andacceleration in physics. You can practice: --->Mean velocity (v= s / t) ---> Equations of motion: s = ut +½at², v = u + at, v²= u² + 2as ---> Centripetal velocity---> Centripetalacceleration ---> Momentum ---> Impulse(change of momentum)Share with your friends or your entire socialnetwork and compare -all direct from the App via Facebook,Twitter, email, SMS and muchmore! * Mean velocity calculationsmodule included for free Want afeature to be added? Let me know atapps@sionnagh.com
Deutschlandtest 1.11
The Deutschlandtest App tests the subject areas of “Living inademocracy”, “History and responsibility” and “People andsociety”.Based on the naturalisation test of the Federal RepublicofGermany, you can test your knowledge of the legal and socialsystemand living conditions in Germany. Find out how much you knowaboutGermany and German life, history and the people. How much doyouknow? Could you pass the naturalisation test and become acitizen?Find out now! The Deutschlandtest app contains all 300examquestions of the current question pool for the naturalizationtestin Germany as well as all 160 questions for the states. Therearefour testing options: - A quick quiz of 10 questions fromthecurrent question pool for the naturalisation test in Germany. -Aquiz of 10 questions from the questions for the states. -Amedium-length quiz of 20 questions. - A full test with theoptionto choose the state or have one picked at random. As withtheofficial naturalisation test 33 questions are asked, 17 ofwhichmust be answered correctly in order to pass the test. Foreachquestion four possible answers are given, one of which iscorrect.The number of sample tests and attempts is unlimited, andat theend of a test your responses will be analysed directly in theapp.Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Then let me know! Youcanreach me via: apps@sionnagh.com
Dei Verbum diei Biblia Vulgata
Dr. Michael Todd
The Biblia Sacra Vulgata is a late fourth-century Latintranslationof the Bible that became the Catholic Church's officialLatin Bibleduring the 16th century. The translation was largely thework ofSt. Jerome who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revisetheVetus Latina ("Old Latin") collection of biblical texts then inuseby the Church. Once published it was widely adopted and by the13thcentury was known as the "versio vulgata" (the"versioncommonly-used") or, more simply, in Latin as "vulgata"."Dei Verbumdiei Biblia Vulgata" delivers all the books, chaptersand verses ofthe Bible in Latin. Life is often challenging, but theBible bringsus comfort, knowledge, inspiration and encouragement,teaching ushow to live our lives and how to cope with our problems.Brightenyour day with quotes and verses delivered daily to yoursmartphoneor tablet. Search for a verse, or be presented with averse at thetouch of a button. ⚫ Get inspired by a new verse everyday! ⚫ Allthe books, chapters and verses of the Bible from GenesistoRevelation. ⚫ Try it free for seven days. ⚫ Start your day withanew daily verse for less than 4 cents per day. ⚫ Shareyourfavourites using Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc Want afeatureto be added? Have any questions? Let me knowatmichael.todd@sionnagh.com
Bible Verse of the Day YLT
Dr. Michael Todd
Young's Literal Translation is a translation of the BibleintoEnglish by Robert Young. This is an extremely literaltranslationthat attempts to preserve the tense and word usage asfound in theoriginal Greek and Hebrew writings. The LiteralTranslation isunusual in that, as the name implies, it is astrictly literaltranslation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts.Bible Verse ofthe Day delivers all the books, chapters and versesof the Young'sLiteral Translation. Life is often challenging, butthe Biblebrings us comfort, knowledge, inspiration andencouragement,teaching us how to live our lives and how to copewith ourproblems. Brighten your day with quotes and versesdelivered dailyto your smartphone or tablet. Search for a verse, orbe presentedwith a verse at the touch of a button. ⚫ Get inspiredby a newverse every day! ⚫ All the books, chapters and verses oftheYoung's Literal Translation from Genesis to Revelation. ⚫ Tryitfree for seven days. ⚫ Start your day with a new daily verseforless than 4 cents per day. ⚫ Share your favourites usingFacebook,Twitter, Email, SMS, etc Want a feature to be added? Haveanyquestions? Let me know at apps@sionnagh.com
上帝的每日一词 当代译本
Dr. Michael Todd
用当代译本圣经每天传递的经文照亮你的一天。当代译本,是中文圣经译本从希腊文和希伯来文。上帝的每日一词提供了思高本圣经的所有书籍,章节和经文。生活常常是挑战性的,但圣经给我们带来安慰,知识,灵感和鼓励,教导我们如何生活和如何应对我们的问题。用您的智能手机或平板电脑每天发送的经文和诗歌来增亮您的一天。搜索一节经文,或者点击一个按钮来呈现一节经文。 -每天都会受到新经文启发! - 从创世纪到启示录的思高本圣经的所有书籍,章节和经文。- 免费试用七天。 -用新的每日经文开始新的一天,每天不到4美分。 -使用Facebook,Twitter,电子邮件,短信等共享您的收藏夹想要添加功能?有什么问题吗在apps@sionnagh.com上通知我
Bible Verse of the Day DRB
Dr. Michael Todd
The Douay–Rheims Bible is a translation of the Bible from theLatinVulgate into English made by members of the CatholicseminaryEnglish College, Douai, France. It is the foundation onwhichnearly all English Catholic versions are still based. BibleVerseof the Day delivers all the books, chapters and verses oftheDouay-Rheims Bible. Life is often challenging, but the Biblebringsus comfort, knowledge, inspiration and encouragement,teaching ushow to live our lives and how to cope with our problems.Brightenyour day with quotes and verses delivered daily to yoursmartphoneor tablet. Search for a verse, or be presented with averse at thetouch of a button. ⚫ Get inspired by a new verse everyday! ⚫ Allthe books, chapters and verses of the Douay-Rheims BiblefromGenesis to Revelation. ⚫ Try it free for seven days. ⚫ Startyourday with a new daily verse for less than 4 cents per day. ⚫Shareyour favourites using Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc Wantafeature to be added? Have any questions? Let me knowatapps@sionnagh.com
HamExam (ES) Radioaficionado 1.01
Dr. Michael Todd
El HamExam original, ahora disponible como una App! Desde2001HamExam está disponible como software de PC y ayuda alosaficionados que aspiran a prepararse para los exámenesparalicencia de radioaficionado. Ahora HamExam también estádisponiblecomo una aplicación para los usuarios en España! La AppHamExamcrea pruebas de muestra para el certificado de examenarmonizado(HAREC). Las preguntas serán seleccionados al azar de lalista depreguntas de la muestra. Pruebas de muestra asíformadosproporcionan examen auténtica elección múltiple para losaspirantesa aficionados. El número de muestras y los intentos deprueba esilimitado, y al final de una prueba de sus respuestasseránanalizados directamente en la aplicación. Si tu corazón lateporlos radioaficionados - entonces HamExam es la mejorpreparaciónposible para la revisión de los radioaficionados!Compartir susresultados de la prueba a sus amigos y amigas o todasu red socialy comparar cómo se corta - todo directamente desde laaplicación através de Facebook, Twitter, correo electrónico, SMS ymucho más!Todavía no está convencido? A continuación, descargar laversióngratuita de prueba "HamExam (ES) Evaluación" abajo! La faltade unafunción? ¿O usted tiene preguntas? Así que me haga saber! Sepuedellegar a mí a través de: apps@sionnagh.com Idiomas: español/castellano, catalán
Parole de Dieu du Jour BdJ
Dr. Michael Todd
La Bible de Jérusalem est une traduction de la Bible élaboréesousla direction de l'École biblique et archéologique françaisedeJérusalem. Selon l'éditeur, « réalisée par lesmeilleursspécialistes des études bibliques, elle est actuellementla plusrépandue en France et fait figure de classique ». "Parole deDieudu Jour" vous apporte tous les livres, chapitres et versets delaBible directement dans votre main. La vie est souventdifficile,mais la Parole de Dieu nous donne consolation,connaissance,inspiration et encouragement. La Parole de Dieu nousenseignecomment vivre nos vies et nous aide à surmonter nosproblèmes.Obtenez tous les jours, allégez avec des citations etversets de laBible directement sur votre smartphone ou votretablette. Égayezvotre journée avec des citations et des versetslivrésquotidiennement à votre smartphone ou votre tablette.Recherchez uncertain verset ou soyez présenté avec un verset autoucher d'unbouton. ⚫ Laissez-vous inspirer par un nouveau versetbibliquechaque jour! ⚫ Tous les livres, les chapitres et lesversets de laBible, de la Genèse à l'Apocalypse. ⚫ Essayez-legratuitementpendant sept jours! ⚫ Commencez votre journée avec unnouveauverset biblique quotidien, pour moins de 4 ct par jour. ⚫Partagezvos favoris via Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc. Manqueunefonctionnalité? Ou avez-vous des questions? Alorslaissez-moisavoir! Vous pouvez me joindre par: apps@sionnagh.com.
A Palavra de Deus do dia BEP
Dr. Michael Todd
Bíblia Sagrada Edição Pastoral é uma das traduções mais popularesdaBíblia católica no Brasil. Diferentemente de outras traduções,évoltada para os uso de leigos e devocional, possuindo, porissomesmo, um texto simplificado e de leitura razoavelmente fácil."APalavra de Deus do dia" lhe traz todos os livros, capítuloseversículos da Bíblia diretamente em sua mão. A vida édifícilamiúde, mas a Palavra de Deus nos dá conforto,conhecimento,inspiração e estímulo quando nos sentimos desanimados.A Palavra deDeus nos ensina como viver nossas vidas e nos ajuda asuperarnossos problemas e defeitos. Aproveite e ilumine seu diacomcitações e versículos da Bíblia, cada dia entregados diariamenteaseu smartphone ou seu tablet. Além disso, esta App lhe ofereceapesquisa por versículo e também a opção da inspiração o toquedobotão. ⚫ Inspire-se em um novo versículo cada dia! ⚫ Todososlivros, capítulos e versículos da Bíblia, do Gênesis aoApocalipse.⚫ Prove grátis por sete dias! ⚫ Comece seu dia com umnovoversículo da Bíblia, a menos de 4 ct por dia. ⚫ Compartilheseusfavoritos através do Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, SMS, etc. Faltaumfunção? Ou você tem perguntas? Deixe-me saber e contacte-meen:apps@sionnagh.com!
Einbürgerungstest RP 1.11
The Einbürgerungstest RP App creates sample exams forthenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germanyforapplicants residing in Rheinland-Pfalz. Questions will berandomlyselected from the complete list of questions for theofficialnaturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany,and thegenerated sample tests allow you to practise authenticmultiplechoice exams. The Einbürgerungstest RP app contains all300questions from the current question pool for thenaturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questions forRheinland-Pfalz.With this app you can prepare specifically for thenaturalisationtest and thus come closer to the goal of getting aGerman passport.As with the official naturalisation test 33questions are asked, 17of which must be answered correctly in orderto pass the test. Foreach question four possible answers are given,one of which iscorrect. The number of sample tests and attempts isunlimited, andat the end of a test your responses will be analyseddirectly inthe app. Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Thenlet meknow! You can reach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
Optics Questions
Dr. Michael Todd
Practice Optics Questions
Bible Verse of the Day WNT
Dr. Michael Todd
The Weymouth New Testament ("WNT") is a translation into"modern"English as used in the nineteenth century from the text ofTheResultant Greek Testament by Richard Francis Weymouth fromtheGreek idioms used in it. Weymouth's popular translation of theNewTestament into English was first published in 1903 and has beeninprint through numerous editions ever since with millions ofcopiessold. Weymouth's aim has been to discover how the inspiredwritersthemselves would have expressed and described the events ofthe NewTestament and Gospels, had they been actually writing inthenineteenth and twentieth centuries. In doing so, he hassucceededin rendering it into a dignified modern English editionwithoutecclesiastical nor doctrinal bias making it desirable toChristianreaders of all denominations. Bible Verse of the Daydelivers allthe books, chapters and verses of the Weymouth NewTestament. Lifeis often challenging, but the Bible brings uscomfort, knowledge,inspiration and encouragement, teaching us howto live our livesand how to cope with our problems. Brighten yourday with quotesand verses delivered daily to your smartphone ortablet. Search fora verse, or be presented with a verse at thetouch of a button. ⚫Get inspired by a new verse every day! ⚫ Allthe books, chaptersand verses of the Weymouth New Testament fromMatthew toRevelation. ⚫ Try it free for seven days. ⚫ Start yourday with anew daily verse for less than 4 cents per day. ⚫ Shareyourfavourites using Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, etc Want afeatureto be added? Have any questions? Let me know atapps@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest BB 1.11
Dr. Michael Todd
The Einbürgerungstest BB App creates sample exams forthenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germanyforapplicants residing in Brandenburg. Questions will berandomlyselected from the complete list of questions for theofficialnaturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany,and thegenerated sample tests allow you to practise authenticmultiplechoice exams. The Einbürgerungstest BB app contains all300questions from the current question pool for thenaturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questions forBrandenburg. Withthis app you can prepare specifically for thenaturalisation testand thus come closer to the goal of getting aGerman passport. Aswith the official naturalisation test 33questions are asked, 17 ofwhich must be answered correctly in orderto pass the test. Foreach question four possible answers are given,one of which iscorrect. The number of sample tests and attempts isunlimited, andat the end of a test your responses will be analyseddirectly inthe app. Missing a feature? Or have any questions? Thenlet meknow! You can reach me via: michael.todd@sionnagh.com
HamExam (CH) Amateurfunk 1.15
Dr. Michael Todd
Das originale HamExam jetzt als App! Seit 2001 ist HamExamalsPC-Software verfügbar und hilft angehenden Amateurfunkern sichaufdie Prüfungen für die Amateurfunkkonzessionen vorbereiten.Jetztist HamExam auch als App für Benutzer in der Schweizverfügbar! DieHamExam-App erstellt Musterprüfungen für dieAmateurfunkprüfungenfür den Einsteigerausweis (HB3) und denFähigkeitsausweis (HB9 -CEPT). Fragen werden dabei zufällig aus demvollständigenFragenkatalog des Bundesamts für Kommunikation (BAKOM)ausgewähltund die so entstehenden Musterprüfungen erlauben demangehendenAmateurfunker die praktische Übung anhandauthentischerMultiple-Choice-Prüfungsfragen. Die Zahl derMusterprüfungen undVersuche ist unbegrenzt, und am Ende einerMusterprüfung werdenIhre Antworten direkt in der App ausgewertet.Schlägt Dein Herz fürdie Amateurfunk - dann ist HamExam diebesteVorbereitungsmöglichkeit auf die Amateurfunkprüfung! TeilenSieIhre Testergebnisse Ihren Freunden und Freundinnen oderIhremgesamten sozialen Netzwerk mit und vergleichen Sie, wieSieabschneiden - alles direkt aus App, via Facebook, Twitter,email,SMS und vielem mehr! Noch nicht überzeugt? Dann laden Siedoch diekostenlose Testversion "HamExam (CH) Testversion"herunter!Vermissen Sie eine Funktion? Oder haben Sie irgendwelcheFragen?Dann lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen! Sie erreichen michüber:apps@sionnagh.com Sprache: Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch
Quran Ayah of the Day (Yusuf)
Dr. Michael Todd
The translation of the Quran in 1934 by Yusuf Ali is one of themostwidely known and used amongst English-speaking Muslims,alongsidethe Pickthall and Hilali-Khan translations. Quran Ayah ofthe Daydelivers all the suwar and ayat from Yusuf Ali'stranslation of theQuran (also known as the Koran). Life is oftenchallenging, but theQuran brings us comfort, knowledge,inspiration and encouragement,teaching us how to live our livesand how to cope with our problems.Brighten your day with quotesand ayat delivered daily to yoursmartphone or tablet. Search foran ayah, or be presented with anayah at the touch of a button. ⚫Get inspired by a new ayah everyday! ⚫ All the suwar and ayat fromYusuf Ali's translation of theQuran. ⚫ Try it free for seven days.⚫ Start your day with a newdaily ayah for less than 4 cents perday. ⚫ Share your favouritesusing Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS,etc Want a feature to be added?Have any questions? Let me know atapps@sionnagh.com
Einbürgerungstest MV 1.11
Dr. Michael Todd
The Einbürgerungstest MV App creates sample exams forthenaturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germanyforapplicants residing in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Questions willberandomly selected from the complete list of questions fortheofficial naturalisation tests of the Federal Republic ofGermany,and the generated sample tests allow you to practiseauthenticmultiple choice exams. The Einbürgerungstest MV appcontains all300 questions from the current question pool for thenaturalisationtest in Germany as well as all the questionsforMecklenburg-Vorpommern. With this app you can preparespecificallyfor the naturalisation test and thus come closer to thegoal ofgetting a German passport. As with the officialnaturalisation test33 questions are asked, 17 of which must beanswered correctly inorder to pass the test. For each question fourpossible answers aregiven, one of which is correct. The number ofsample tests andattempts is unlimited, and at the end of a testyour responses willbe analysed directly in the app. Missing afeature? Or have anyquestions? Then let me know! You can reach mevia:michael.todd@sionnagh.com