Dunith De Silva Apps

How To Talk To God 1.0
Dunith De Silva
This app Will help you reach your most innerpower and talk toGod, ask for help, forgiveness and establish a relationship withhim, If you need to know more there is a website too. its not byaccident you came here. God wanted you to.
Ethical Hackers Guide 1.0
Dunith De Silva
Before we begin – the practical use of thetraining you are going to see has been proven by vast group ofpeople – beginners and computer geeks as well. People who maketheir first steps in computer / network security and professionals:network administrators, programmers, black- and white hat hackers.Please, read carefully what we'd like to share with you.It is a step by step training on Website and Web-applicationethical hacking and security.It covers almost all of the Top 10 Most Critical Web ApplicationAttacks presented yearly by OWASP organization (Open WebApplication Security Project) + 10 common techniques /vulnerabilities more.It can be treated as a valuable source of knowledge for any whitehat hacker, web developer, system administrator or IT securityconsultant.
AC & RF Engineering (Pvt) Ltd 1.0
Dunith De Silva
AC & RF Engineering (Pvt) Ltd company appThis app will give you all the information about the companyfrom our past to present, and what we have accomplished then , nowand plan to accomplish in the coming years. You can learn aboutwhat we specialize in and much more by downloading this app,You can also learn how different types of air conditioners work aswell.Thank You
Medicare 1.0
Dunith De Silva
Medication for anyillness quickly downloadit
Shortcut to the web 1.0
Dunith De Silva
Shortcut to the web is an app that is madeeasy for you to connect to your favorite sites in 1 click. you canalso connect to know what celebrities are up to, or whats new intechnology, or if you want to buy something Amazon. all in aninstant.
Castle Fan App 1.0
Dunith De Silva
The Castle fan app welcomes you to thecollaborative project that gives all the information ever needed ,from releasing of new promos and episodes and leaks of awesomenews! get it first here. dedicated to Castle, the hit ABCtelevision series. This fan app is the community and source for allCastle fans out there.
Supernatural Official App 1.0
Dunith De Silva
This app has all the information you need toknow about the show from seals to weapons to characters
They Need Water 1.0
Dunith De Silva
This year our school club wants toprovidewater via solar powered deep (tube) wells to poor formerrefugeesin Mannar / Puttalam in Sri Lanka who have been displaceddue tothe now concluded 30 year long Civil war with the LTTE.These people are extremely poor and in addition to themanyissues they face, they also face severe hardships inobtainingwater, with the situation worsening during the dryseason.Each well can supply water to approximately 20 homes. Theestimatedcost for a well is $4,173 (that's around $200 per family).Thereare an excess of 100 extremely poor families in the area.Theproject will be expanded to provide water for more homesdependingon the funds raised.We would greatly appreciate your kind generosity in helpingtoprovide water to this poverty stricken community. The numberoffamilies who we can help depends greatly on you.Please share and spread the word about our campaign!*Unfortunately, money can not be sent via paypal to Sri Lankaasit is not supported in this country. We would greatly appreciateifyou could donate through other means provided by Indiegogo.Thank you very much.Aaqil AzizInteract Club Stafford International School Colombo,SriLanka
Donate For A Worthy Cause 1.0
Dunith De Silva
after purchasing this app your purchase willbeused for one of the causes listed in the app. an email alsoisprovided so you can contact and find out how your donation isbeingused. Thank you. you saved a life.