Fai Mor Min Apps

Fai Mor Min
Peek ME before time runs out!
PasswordMatic 1.1
Fai Mor Min
PasswordMatic is a fantastic tool to help you secure youronlinepresence. Although it is impossible to fully prevent anyaccount toever get hacked, having strong and unique passwords givesyou thebest chances to prevent that from happening. There are threegoldenrules to follow if you want your passwords to be a strongline ofdefense: - Your passwords need to be long (15 characters ormorefor today's computing power) - Your passwords need to becomplex(Lower/Upper Case, numbers and symbols) - Your passwordsneed to beunique (different password for each online account) It iseasy tounderstand why most people do not follow these rules... Itbecomesimpossible to remember all those long, complex, uniquepasswords.This issue results in most users having a unique (ormaybe two)passwords that they use for every single account.PasswordMatic isdesigned to eliminate this burden by helping youbuild and uselong, complex and unique passwords without having toremember them.Using your MASTER password with the website addressand the desiredlength, PasswordMatic creates good passwords foryou. Neither yourMASTER password nor the passwords created byPasswordMatic arestored in the tool nor anywhere but rather theyare recalculatedevery time you need them. Simply enter your MASTERpassword tostart PasswordMatic and select the website for thepassword to beavailable in your clipboard or shown to you.PasswordMatic issimple and fast. Just start the app, enter yourMASTER password andcreate a new favorite website by entering theURL and the desiredpassword length... then save it. Next time youneed to access thewebsite, simply open the app, enter your MASTERpassword and selectone of the options to open the website (passwordis copied to theclipboard for you to paste), copy the password tothe clipboard ORshow you the password on the screen. THAT SIMPLE!If you everdecide to change your password for any site, simplyrecreate itwith a new length or using a new MASTER password and thepasswordwill be completely different from your previous one.PasswordMaticis so flexible that multiple people can use the sametool since thepasswords are not stored in it but rather calculatedevery timethey are requested by the MASTER password entered whentheapplication is started. For more information, visit our websiteathttps://passwordmatic.faimormin.com
Masked (Sex Stats)
Fai Mor Min
Keep your sex stats for your eyes only
First LAX Timer
Fai Mor Min
This is the best timer for Lacrosse scorekeeping