Feather Software Apps

战斗力查询 for 英雄联盟 2.1
Feather Software
还在电脑上用浏览器查询玩家战斗力信息?你 out 了!本软件直接在手机上使用,通过多玩盒子的接口查询网络游戏《英雄联盟》的玩家战斗力。通过搜索功能搜索出玩家后,可以查看他的数值,每次战斗的详细情况等信息。更为贴心的是你可以用本软件关注某个玩家后,下次就可以直接在软件中调出他的数据,而不用每次都烦琐地再次查询了。Discover also a computerwith a browser on the player fighting information? You out of!The software used on the phone directly through the queryinterface box to play the online game "Heroes Union" playersfighting. Through the search function to search out the players,you can see his value, information and other details of each caseof fighting.More intimate is that you can use this software concern after aplayer, the next you can call up his data directly in the software,but do not always cumbersome once again queried.
动漫大考堂 2.0
Feather Software
作为动漫达人的人,来挑战自己的动漫知识吧!游戏中收录了大量的动漫知识问答,涵盖动漫作品、监督、声优、海报、制作公司、动漫截图、动漫台词等各种知识问答题,答对加分,打错扣分,连续答对更有生命值的加成,来挑战自己的动漫知识吧。游戏支持排行榜,得分会上传至排行榜中,看看你的动漫知识在全球动漫迷中能排名第几!Asacartoon of people who, to challenge their knowledge ofanimationit! The game contains a lot of animation quiz, coveringanime,supervision, various knowledge seiyuu, posters,productioncompanies, animation shots, animation and other quizlines, answerplus points, wrong points, continuous addition ofcorrect answersand more the value of life, to challenge theiranimation knowledgeof it.The game supports leaderboards, scores uploaded to therankings,to see if your knowledge in the world of animation fans,ranked thefirst of several energy!
手机号码所在地、IP地址所在查询工具 1.0
Feather Software
一个用户用于查询手机号码或IP所在的地区小工具。主要功能:- 查询一个手机号码的所在地。- 查询一个手机号码的运营商以及手机卡的相关信息。- 查询一个 IP 地址所在地。- 查询自己手机无线网络的 Internet IP 地址 。A user to query the phonenumber or IP area where small tools.The main function:- Discover a phone number is located.- Discover a phone number operators and phone cardinformation.- Querying an IP address is located.- Query Internet IP address of its mobile wireless network.