GATT di Gaetana Salsano Apps

NP-App 1.0.11
NP-App allows non-profit institutions and its employees, once youRegister online, to become part of a global network of thirdsector. You can thus interact with the non-profit socialorganizations and their staff, volunteers and not, who have access.Non-profit institutions will register by entering your socialsecurity number or reference government and receive a green dot orred depending on whether they are recognized by the government ofreference. The same thing will happen to the employees of theinstitutions that they will certify with a green dot indicates thatthe actual membership of the nonprofit indicated. A red dot for anindividual indicates the non-membership of a institution, but thepotential willingness to work as a volunteer or not. Non-profitinstitutions and employees are pinpointed; this will allow contactpersons and / or institutions located near the mobile device or ofa specific territory. You can send messages between registeredusers. You can publish news, events, announcements project,crowdfunding. NP-App is free; for registration it is mandatory toaccept the terms and conditions of use. NP-App is still in theearly stage, help us to improve it by posting Your comments andsuggestions. The Non Profit saves the world. Let's keep in contact.