Gerry Quinn Apps

It All Works Out! 1.3
Gerry Quinn
Can you make the sums work out?In this game you are given a set of sums in a grid, andacollection of numbered blocks. Simply drag the blocks intotheslots in the grid, until the sums (across and down) all addupcorrectly.You can choose the puzzle size from an easy 2 x 2 toanear-impossible 5 x 4. You can also choose which operationswillappear (out of plus, minus, multiply and divide).There is no limit to the number of puzzles that can begeneratedfor any choice of options, and hints and solutions arealsoincluded.
Cube Maze 1.0
Gerry Quinn
This unusual maze is in the form of a hollow 3D cube, with a mazecut into each face. A six-pronged object inside it extends throughthe holes on each face, and can only move if there are openchannels on every face on which it is moving. (Opposite faces arethe same.) Drag the extending prongs on whichever face you want, toget from the start to the finishing position. There's anauto-solver, and an unlimited number of mazes in each of threedifferent sizes.
Rock Paper Scissors Annihilate 1.0
Gerry Quinn
Rock blunts scissors... scissors cuts paper... paper covers rock!The game board is covered in a mix of rocks, paper and scissors.Your job is to capture each one until only one item is left. A rockcan be moved to capture a scissors that's beside it, but it can'tcapture paper or another rock. And similarly for the other types.There is always a solution. You can select from four differentdifficulty levels, which just affect the size of the board.
Colour Slide 1.1
Gerry Quinn
Colour Slide is a puzzle in which you havetoseparate the two sets of colouredcounters, so that no two counters overlap. The red counterssliderow by row, and the yellow ones slide column by column. Wheretwocounters overlap, you see an orange counter, and when the puzzleissolved there will be no overlaps.Just drag any counter to move it and the counters of thesamecolour in its row and column.Seems like it ought to be easy, but it's harder thanitlooks!The usual options to undo and solve are available. You mightwantto start by tapping the white flag (solve button) to see howitworks. The options screen allows you to change thepuzzledifficulty, and you can also change the colours if thedefaults arehard to see.
Penguin Puzzle 1.0
Gerry Quinn
The rules are simple: Penguin must get to the fish, whilevisitingevery square on the grid. There's only one minorcomplication. Thegrid is composed of snow and ice squares. Penguincan changedirection when he's on snow, but when he's travelling onice hemust keep going in the same direction, unless he hits theedge ofthe grid. That's it! Every puzzle has exactly one solution.Thereare four difficulty levels, with 30 puzzles in each. The gameshowsbanner ads, but no full-screen ads etc. You can play offline.
Polydoku - Sudoku Jigsaw 1.0
Gerry Quinn
In Polydoku, you are given a set of jigsaw-like (polyomino)pieces,each carrying several numbers - which you must fit into asquareboard. Not only must they fit, but no row or column can havethesame number twice. There are six different styles of puzzle,withdifferent-sized boards and pieces, covering a rangeofdifficulties. Infinitely many puzzles can be generated ineachstyle.