Gunia UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Apps

CG - Calendars Add-On 1.0.1
Paid subscription service for public calendars (holidays, sports,TV and others)
SyncCal - Exchange to Google 1.3.1
Syncs one calendar into another, e.g. from Exchange to GoogleCalendar
Playgrounds - Map of nearby pl 1.0.8
Find nearby playgrounds for your kids
Booking System 1.0.17
Using this app you can quickly setup a booking system toacceptbookings from your clients by answering a few questions. Ittakesonly a few minutes. Afterward you will have a link to awebsitethat you can send to your clients. On that website they canseewhere you have free appointment slots and can book them. Whenoneof your clients books an appointment you will immediatelyreceive anotification and you can optionally also receive an email.You canselect at which times of the week you would like toofferappointments, how long the appointments are, if a client canbookmultiple consecutive appointments and if clients need to signupfirst or if they can just enter their name and other data. Youcanconfigure what they have to enter by adding custom fields. Itiseasy to setup, just try it. If you have any problems justcontactthe support. It can be used for free for up to 20 hours ofbookingseach month.
CalenGoo Weather Add-On 1.1.0
Allows you to use commercial weather sources in CalenGoo
CG - Conference Call Add-On 1.3
Dialer add-on for CalenGoo to dial special phone numbers withextensions
CalenGoo Calendar Trial vers. 1.0.183
This is a 5 day trial version of the CalenGoo Calendars and Tasksapp.
CalenGoo CRM Add-On (Customer
Used to send SMS notifications to customers or other people.