
Surah Rahman 1.8
Surah Ar-Rahman, is the 55th Surah of theQur'an with 78 verses. Out of which 31 remind us (mankind) and Jinnabout the bounties and resources available to them in abundance:“Fabi ayyi aalaaa'i Rabbikumaa tukazzibaan”Translation: "Then which of your Lord's bounties would youdeny?" This is the core subject of this Surah. Repeating a messageagain and again under the same context increase its memorability.The emphasis of our Lord (The most merciful) on a verse 31 timesexhibits its stickiness which acts as a reminder, a complaint andan invitation to mankind and Jinn to think and recall this verseand to adhere to the principles and guidelines given by the GodAlmighty.According to Hadees our Prophet (P.B.U.H) first recited thisSurah in front of Jinn and whenever he reaches on the above verseof Quran, Jinn affirms that they are thankful for all the resourcesand the blessings that Allah, the beneficent provided.Ar Rahmaan,'Allamal Quran, Khalaqal insaan,'Allamalhul bayaan.Allah, ar-Rahman has given us Quran and created us with the rareskill of speech. This Surah further expounds the blessings andresources by highlighting a few bounties like the cosmic balance ofthe universe , two rivers that joins but keep their identityseparate, fruits according to the season and the geography , huskedgrain, prostrating trees, the gigantic ship like mountains insidean ocean and natural fragrance of plants etc. More bounties to comein the life hereafter for the people and Jinn in heaven. The Surahalso gives a brief account of punishments for those who disobeysAllah.Quran’s is Ar-Rahman biggest gift for jinn and men. Thegreatness of the Quran and the ease of its memorability and ourrelation with the Quran and the essential speech skill can bepackaged together to make the best use of this ability to propagatethe true religion of Islam.
Easy Dua 1.8
User reviews help, this updated new version2.0 is an outcome of user’s feed backs. You can relate this appwith our older version, but surely our team is able to pull out aproduct which is authentic yet aids you to learn many small duas byheart without putting much of an effort. Easy dua first and newversion is a bi-lingual (English and Urdu) app, released with anobjective to benefit all users by making their whole day moreproductive and according to the teachings of Islam.WHAT’S NEW:Selection of new supplicationsNew voice and recitationBreak-down of dua into sub-categoriesAfter salah azkarDua for tough times to be recited as when need arisesA new friendly layout, eye catching graphics and easynavigationLighter and easily downloadable new version 2.0The users will feel on a new level due to the addition of new duasselected by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Qasim for this version. We arealso thankful to Syed Umer Arif for initial versions published on19th November 2015 and updated on 1st March 2016 . We are gratefulto both the scholars who helped us to pick out and proofread eachsupplication. Nevertheless, we welcome valuable suggestions,reviews and feedbacks from users.
Mukhtasar Khitab 1.3
Muktasir-Khitab is a compilation of short talks by topics
Surah Muzammil 1.7
This Surah has 20 verses and it is placedatnumber 73 in Quran, this is a Makki Surah.The first few verses invites the prophet peace be upon him, touprise for prayers (tahajjud prayer) in the midnight and readQuran.More important is to prepare prophet peace be upon him forthedescent of the holy Quran and the profoundresponsibilityassociated with it.The main topics covered in Surah Muzammil are:● Midnight prayers its significance and duration ofQayamulailinitially and relaxation afterwards● Instructions related to Quran reading● Encourages the prophet to be patient and stay calm againsttheintolerable and the sarcastic behavior of the opponentsofIslam● The importance of relationship with Allah and theagonizingpunishment of falsehood by citing a famous example ofHazrat Musa(A.S) and the end of rebellious Firaun● On the day of judgment: The disbelievers and the rejects,thepossessors of ease and plenty here in this world can’trescuethemselves from heavy fetters and a flaming fire and foodthatchokes● Read Quran, and keep up praying (Salah) and zakat andwhateverof good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you willfind itwith Allah; that is the best and greatest reward andaskforgiveness before Merciful AllahBenefits associated with this Surah are:● It is narrated from the Holy Prophet SallALLAHU AlayheWasallamthat a person who recites this surah will never face badtimes. Theperson who recites it in the Isha or Tahajjud prayersalways remainsclean here and even dies in a pure state.● The rising by night for prayers is the firmest way ofgettingcontrol over our own ego. This is the time when affairs oflife arestandstill and we are more prepared for thinking,meditation,exploring spiritual inner self and personaldevelopment.● Exclusive devotion of ourselves in front of Allahduringmidnight can heal our wounds, help overcome day to dayobstaclesand a more direct relationship with Allah that is freefromoccupied mind of the day will certainly help strengthen ourcoreideology and belief.● This direct relationship with Allah will also help in thelifehereafter and on the day of judgment, only when there will benoone to rescue usIt is important to understand the core message of this Surahandto seek maxim benefits by reciting Holy Quran only the wayourProphet SallALLAHU Alayhe Wasallam use to do and that’s thebestway Allah instructed in Surah Muzammil.The key features of this Surah are:● Arabic text for self-reading in both on and offline modes● Recitation (Tilawat) in voice of three(3)most distinguishedandpopular personalities ; Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy, QariSyedSadaqat Ali, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais● Listen in Arabic with 1)Urdu Translation 2)EnglishTranslation
Eid Breeds 1.3
View and gain the understanding of Eid breeds
4 Quls 1.0
This is an application is conceivedanddesigned keeping in view our earlier audio applications,however,we have added some new features in this app:● Roman English with Arabic text to facilitate HolyQuran’sreading● Audio files, whichcontain brief speech that highlightstheimportance of charon qul● Audio files of Ayatul Kursi, Durood Shareef inseparatesection● Dua-e-Qunoot audio for easy learning and memorizingThis is in addition to the earlier features which are:● Recitation of 4 Quls by (3) three renowned personalities● A separate reading pane for self-reading● Arabic recitation of Al-Quran with Urdu andEnglishtranslationIt is hard to describe the benefits of Almighty Allah’sKalam.These Surah are very brief and Alhamdollilah most of theMuslimslearn and memorize each Surah from charon qul, moreover,theyfrequently recite these Surah during Salah. Arabic recitationbyfamous and well known reciters helps listeners to recite andrepeatand get to the correct diction, also these soothingvoicessignifies the greatness of the Holy Quran and affirmationthat onlyAllah’s word can touch every individual’s inner self andbringpeace of mind.When retiring for the night, or when one has a physicalailment,to recite the last two/three Surahs (112 Al-Ikhlaas, 113Al-Falak,114 A-Naas) and blow over one's hands and rub one's bodyis indeedfrom the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws).The immense benefits of 4 Quls when combined together, thehiddenrelief in Surah Fateh, power of Durood Shareef and theprotection ofAyatul kursi have countless bounties when recitedtogether one byone or alone. During ailments, black magic or fearof satan or Jinnmany Muslim Scholars recommend these Surah. It isadvisable torecite these Surah or Ayah in abundance in the lightof Hadees, butwe also recommend to seek guidance from Imam orMufti for order,quantity and timings of recitation when entangledin somethingdifficult or countering some evil’s misdeeds.
Surah Kahf 1.1
Surah al Kahf is one of the renowned SurahofQuran. Surah Kahf conveys the message that Allah protects thoseinmiraculous ways who follow righteousness and stay on theAllah’sassigned path. It helps one expatiate from sins, gainblessings ofAllah Almighty and prepare one’s self for the end ofdays.The Surah also comes with a variety of virtues. A few ofthemare:Hadith # 1:It is narrated by Abu Saeed al-Khurdi, who said:“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the night of Friday(Jummah),will have a light that will stretch between him and theAncientHouse (Kabah).” (al-Jaami)Hadith # 2:Regarding the recitation of Surah al Kahf on Friday night,anotherhadith narrates:“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the day of Friday will havealight that will shine from him from one Friday to thenext.”(al-Jaami)Hadith # 3:HazratIbnMardwiyah Al Daiyaa (RA) said that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)said in a hadith:“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf onFriday , he is immune for 8daysfrom all disbelief&sins that will happen. When the Dajjalcomesout, he will be immune to him.”Therefore, on Friday night, a Muslim must find time to sitdownand read Surah al Kahf and become one of the blessed ones.Thekeyfeatures of this applications are:-Surah Kahf for Arabic self- reading in Offline mode-Recitation (Tilawat) in voice of three(3)most distinguishedandpopular personalities ; Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy, SheikhAbuBakr Shatri, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais-Listen in Arabic with Urdu Translation-Listen in Arabic with English Translation
Surah Mulk 1.6
Surah Mulk
Cure of Worries-Durood Sharif 1.4
Even Allah and the angels engage in salaat on theProphet(Pbuh)-Says Al-Quran