JSduction Apps

My Exact Location 1.0
Share exact location of places without GPS.This app let you mark a place manually and share it with otherpeople. It doesn't require GPS to mark a location though it usesGPS to locate your current location which helps to mark nearbyplaces. Mark a location and get a location ID which you can sharewith anyone. Using a location ID you can see exact location ofplace marked by other people. This program doesn't share anypersonal data only a location ID. It doesn't share your currentlocation in real-time. This app has been developed consideringfollowing need:1. When a person comes to your place first time. You can mark yourexact location and help people reach you easily.2. If someone is running a business and needs to share all itsoperational units exact locations.3. Have it on your business/visiting cards along withaddress.4. If you love to travel and want to share exact locations ofplaces you have been to.5. While planning an event when it requires sharing of exactlocation of a place like birthday parties or meetinglocations.How does it work : A location on map is identified by its Latitudeand Longitude. You zoom-in to a location, place a marker on it andclick generate ID we receive latitude and longitude of thatlocation and we map it to a location ID. When you share thatlocation ID and someone query for it, we provide latitude,longitude mapped to that location ID and display it on map. An easyway to show people exact location of places on map.Hope you guys like it. Thanks.