KanataSoft Apps

Inches - Metric Converter Pro 1.0
The Pro version has no advertising. This appconverts from inches to metric (millimeters) and vice versa and isinvaluable to anyone that has to deal with both American (Imperial)and metric tape measures, rulers, wrenches, sockets and drill bits.It supports both fractional (e.g. 5/8) and decimal (e.g. 0.625)inch values and converts them to the nearest tenth of a millimeter.The developer of this app used to work as a handyman and thecapabilities provided are well-suited to everyday 'practical use'rather than scientific applications. The app provides four distinct'pages' each with a distinct capability:Page 1: Fractional inches to millimeters conversion, and viceversa, with easy input of numeric values using iPhone-style'spinner' dials.Page 2: Decimal inches to millimeters conversion, and viceversa, using an ultra-simple calculator-style user interface.Page 3: Provides a table showing the nearest common millimetervalues to any fraction of an inch from 1/32" to 1"; this is veryuseful when you have an American (Imperial) bolt to turn, or holeto drill, but you only have metric wrenches and drill bits.Page 4: Provides a table showing the nearest common fractionalinch values to any metric value from 0.5 to 25 millimeters; this isvery useful when you have a metric bolt to turn, or hole to drill,but you only have American (Imperial) wrenches and drill bits.
DIY - Screws & Bolts - Free 1.0
The purpose of this app is to familiarize the user with the 32 mostcommon types of screws and bolts that you are likely to find on aconstruction site, on a production line, in a workshop or in thehardware store. The images and descriptions provided are useful foramateur do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts to understand what typesof screws and bolts are available and what they can be used for.The information is also useful for apprentices and trainees toincrease their technical vocabulary. The information is even usefulfor 'old-timers' (like the author) who have used many differenttypes of screws and bolts over our careers but never knew the'proper' names of some of the less common types.
DIY Screw Heads & Drivers Free 1.0
The purpose of this app is to helptradesmenand do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts to recognize and namemost ofthe common (and not-so-common) types of screw heads anddriversthat you might have to deal with.The app provides a silhouette of each screw head typetogetherwith its name and summary information about its history andusagein particular products and/or industries.For example, if you are frequently striping the headsofPhillips-head screws it's probably because it isn't a Phillipsheadat all: it might be a Pozidriv or a Frearson and you are usingthewrong type of screwdriver - they all look very similar atfirstglance but this app will help you to tell them apart.
Tire Calculator - Pro 1.3
Privacy statement: this app does NOT have any annoying ads and doesNOT access any personal data on your device. There are many goodtire calculator apps so why choose this one? Most other tire appsallow you to enter two different tire sizes and then provide adetailed numerical comparison of their total diameters etc.TireCalc Pro takes a different approach - one that is more suitedto the real-world scenario of having existing tires mounted on avehicle but then wanting to replace the wheels using rims and tiresthat have different dimensions while preserving the same overalldiameter as the existing wheels. TireCalc Pro makes this easy by: -rapid input of the existing tire size using 'spinner-dials' ratherthan using keyboard entry; - instantly providing a list ofalternative tire sizes that provide a good match the existingtire's overall diameter; - the list of alternative sizes can befiltered down by specifying a desired rim size and/or maximumallowed difference in diameter (expressed as a percentage): this'difference percentage' equals the resulting speedometer error. -Again, the selection of preferred rim size and maximum differenceis made easy using convenient spinner-dials rather than byold-fashioned text input. TireCalc Pro also provides additionalpages that explain everything you need to know when shopping fornew tires: - explanation of sidewall markings (e.g. 245 / 45 / ZR17etc); - definition of 'aspect ratio'; - math formula used tocalculate the overall wheel diameter; - table of speed-rating codeletters; - table of maximum load indices.
English<->Spanish : Pro 1.0
QUESTION: So why should you download this app and not one of theothers? ANSWER: Because it does lightening-fast, word-searchesafter you enter just a few letters - no need to type in the wholeword! TRANSLATION MODES: - English to French; - French to English;SEARCH MODES: - Word starts with ... - word contains ... BANNERMode: - Select a word from any visible list; - Display it usingfull screen width and/or height; CATEGORIES: - View word lists ofthe categories they are associated with; - Examples:Transportation, Food, Time, Medical etc; - 50 categories; - Veryuseful for expanding your vocabulary! PARTS OF SPEECH: - View wordlists of the several parts of speech (POS); - POS = adjectives,adverbs, nouns, verbs etc; GENDER: - All nouns are displayed withtheir gender; - Male, Female; FAST SEARCH: - The core of the app isa modern relational database (RDB), optimized for speed on Androiddevices; - The RDB contains all the words, categories, POS etc; -The word search speed will be the fastest possible on your device;ALWAYS AVAILABLE: - Unlike Google Translate, or conventionaldictionary apps, you do not need an internet connection; - The worddatabase is stored on your device so your app always works, nomatter where you are;
English<->Spanish: Fast & Free 1.0
QUESTION:So why should you download this app and not one of the others?ANSWER:Because it does lightening-fast, word-searches after you enterjusta few letters - no need to type in the whole word!TRANSLATION MODES:- English to French;- French to English;SEARCH MODES:- Word starts with ...- word contains ...BANNER Mode:- Select a word from any visible list;- Display it using full screen width and/or height;CATEGORIES:- View word lists of the categories they are associated with;- Examples: Transportation, Food, Time, Medical etc;- 50 categories;- Very useful for expanding your vocabulary!PARTS OF SPEECH:- View word lists of the several parts of speech (POS);- POS = adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs etc;GENDER:- All nouns are displayed with their gender;- Male, Female;FAST SEARCH:- The core of the app is a modern relational database(RDB),optimized for speed on Android devices;- The RDB contains all the words, categories, POS etc;- The word search speed will be the fastest possible onyourdevice;ALWAYS AVAILABLE:- Unlike Google Translate, or conventional dictionary apps, youdonot need an internet connection;- The word database is stored on your device so your appalwaysworks, no matter where you are;
English<->French: Pro (No Ads) 1.1
QUESTION:So why should you download this app and not one of the others?ANSWER:Because it does lightening-fast, word-searches after you enterjusta few letters - no need to type in the whole word!TRANSLATION MODES:- English to French;- French to English;SEARCH MODES:- Word starts with ...- word contains ...BANNER Mode:- Select a word from any visible list;- Display it using full screen width and/or height;CATEGORIES:- View word lists of the categories they are associated with;- Examples: Transportation, Food, Time, Medical etc;- 50 categories;- Very useful for expanding your vocabulary!PARTS OF SPEECH:- View word lists of the several parts of speech (POS);- POS = adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs etc;GENDER:- All nouns are displayed with their gender;- Male, Female;FAST SEARCH:- The core of the app is a modern relational database(RDB),optimized for speed on Android devices;- The RDB contains all the words, categories, POS etc;- The word search speed will be the fastest possible onyourdevice;ALWAYS AVAILABLE:- Unlike Google Translate, or conventional dictionary apps, youdonot need an internet connection;- The word database is stored on your device so your appalwaysworks, no matter where you are;
DIY - Screws & Bolts Pro 1.0
The purpose of this app is to familiarize the user with the 32 mostcommon types of screws and bolts that you are likely to find on aconstruction site, on a production line, in a workshop or in thehardware store. The images and descriptions provided are useful foramateur do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts to understand what typesof screws and bolts are available and what they can be used for.The information is also useful for apprentices and trainees toincrease their technical vocabulary. The information is even usefulfor 'old-timers' (like the author) who have used many differenttypes of screws and bolts over our careers but never knew the'proper' names of some of the less common types.
English<->French : Fast & Free 1.2
QUESTION:So why should you download this app and not one of the others?ANSWER:Because it does lightening-fast, word-searches after you enterjusta few letters - no need to type in the whole word!TRANSLATION MODES:- English to French;- French to English;SEARCH MODES:- Word starts with ...- word contains ...BANNER Mode:- Select a word from any visible list;- Display it using full screen width and/or height;CATEGORIES:- View word lists of the categories they are associated with;- Examples: Transportation, Food, Time, Medical etc;- 50 categories;- Very useful for expanding your vocabulary!PARTS OF SPEECH:- View word lists of the several parts of speech (POS);- POS = adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs etc;GENDER:- All nouns are displayed with their gender;- Male, Female;FAST SEARCH:- The core of the app is a modern relational database(RDB),optimized for speed on Android devices;- The RDB contains all the words, categories, POS etc;- The word search speed will be the fastest possible onyourdevice;ALWAYS AVAILABLE:- Unlike Google Translate, or conventional dictionary apps, youdonot need an internet connection;- The word database is stored on your device so your appalwaysworks, no matter where you are;
DIY Screw Heads & Drivers Pro 1.1
Ad-free! The purpose of this app is tohelptradesmen and do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts to recognizeandname most of the common (and not-so-common) types of screwheadsand drivers that you might have to deal with.The app provides a silhouette of each screw head typetogetherwith its name and summary information about its history andusagein particular products and/or industries.For example, if you are frequently striping the headsofPhillips-head screws it's probably because it isn't a Phillipsheadat all: it might be a Pozidriv or a Frearson and you are usingthewrong type of screwdriver - they all look very similar atfirstglance but this app will help you to tell them apart.
Tire Calculator - Free 1.3
There are many good tire calculator apps so why choose this one?Most other tire apps allow you to enter two different tire sizesand then provide a detailed numerical comparison of their totaldiameters etc. TireCalc Free takes a different approach - one thatis more suited to the real-world scenario of having existing tiresmounted on a vehicle but then wanting to replace the wheels usingrims and tires that have different dimensions while preserving thesame overall diameter as the existing wheels. TireCalc Free makesthis easy by: • rapid input of the existing tire size using'spinner-dials' rather than using keyboard entry; • instantlyproviding a list of alternative tire sizes that provide a goodmatch the existing tire's overall diameter; • the list ofalternative sizes can be filtered down by specifying a desired rimsize and/or maximum allowed difference in diameter (expressed as apercentage): this 'difference percentage' equals the resultingspeedometer error. • Again, the selection of preferred rim size andmaximum difference is made easy using convenient spinner-dialsrather than by old-fashioned text input. TireCalc Free alsoprovides additional pages that explain everything you need to knowwhen shopping for new tires: • explanation of sidewall markings(e.g. 245 / 45 / ZR17 etc); • definition of 'aspect ratio'; • mathformula used to calculate the overall wheel diameter; • table ofspeed-rating code letters; • table of maximum load indices.
Inches - Metric Converter Free 1.0
This app converts from inches to metric (millimeters) and viceversa and is invaluable to anyone that has to deal with bothAmerican (Imperial) and metric tape measures, rulers, wrenches,sockets and drill bits. It supports both fractional (e.g. 5/8) anddecimal (e.g. 0.625) inch values and converts them to the nearesttenth of a millimeter. The developer of this app used to work as ahandyman and the capabilities provided are well-suited to everyday'practical use' rather than scientific applications. The appprovides four distinct 'pages' each with a distinct capability:Page 1: Fractional inches to millimeters conversion, and viceversa, with easy input of numeric values using iPhone-style'spinner' dials. Page 2: Decimal inches to millimeters conversion,and vice versa, using an ultra-simple calculator-style userinterface. Page 3: Provides a table showing the nearest commonmillimeter values to any fraction of an inch from 1/32" to 1"; thisis very useful when you have an American (Imperial) bolt to turn,or hole to drill, but you only have metric wrenches and drill bits.Page 4: Provides a table showing the nearest common fractional inchvalues to any metric value from 0.5 to 25 millimeters; this is veryuseful when you have a metric bolt to turn, or hole to drill, butyou only have American (Imperial) wrenches and drill bits.
English<->Italian: Fast & Free 1.0
QUESTION: So why should you download this app and not one of theothers? ANSWER: Because it does lightening-fast, word-searchesafter you enter just a few letters - no need to type in the wholeword! TRANSLATION MODES: - English to French; - French to English;SEARCH MODES: - Word starts with ... - word contains ... BANNERMode: - Select a word from any visible list; - Display it usingfull screen width and/or height; CATEGORIES: - View word lists ofthe categories they are associated with; - Examples:Transportation, Food, Time, Medical etc; - 50 categories; - Veryuseful for expanding your vocabulary! PARTS OF SPEECH: - View wordlists of the several parts of speech (POS); - POS = adjectives,adverbs, nouns, verbs etc; GENDER: - All nouns are displayed withtheir gender; - Male, Female; FAST SEARCH: - The core of the app isa modern relational database (RDB), optimized for speed on Androiddevices; - The RDB contains all the words, categories, POS etc; -The word search speed will be the fastest possible on your device;ALWAYS AVAILABLE: - Unlike Google Translate, or conventionaldictionary apps, you do not need an internet connection; - The worddatabase is stored on your device so your app always works, nomatter where you are;
English<->Italian: Pro(No-Ads) 1.0
QUESTION: So why should you download this app and not one oftheothers? ANSWER: Because it does lightening-fast,word-searchesafter you enter just a few letters - no need to typein the wholeword! TRANSLATION MODES: - English to French; - Frenchto English;SEARCH MODES: - Word starts with ... - word contains ...BANNERMode: - Select a word from any visible list; - Display itusingfull screen width and/or height; CATEGORIES: - View word listsofthe categories they are associated with; -Examples:Transportation, Food, Time, Medical etc; - 50 categories;- Veryuseful for expanding your vocabulary! PARTS OF SPEECH: - Viewwordlists of the several parts of speech (POS); - POS =adjectives,adverbs, nouns, verbs etc; GENDER: - All nouns aredisplayed withtheir gender; - Male, Female; FAST SEARCH: - The coreof the app isa modern relational database (RDB), optimized forspeed on Androiddevices; - The RDB contains all the words,categories, POS etc; -The word search speed will be the fastestpossible on your device;ALWAYS AVAILABLE: - Unlike GoogleTranslate, or conventionaldictionary apps, you do not need aninternet connection; - The worddatabase is stored on your device soyour app always works, nomatter where you are;