Live2Support Apps

CDMessenger 1.0.2
CDMessenger is brought to you by AstraSoftware Pvt Ltd, pioneers of live chat and live support solutionsfor companies like yours with an online presence.As we like to callit in our workplace, developed with a single purpose and a clearlydefined mission. It is meant to address a singular need withincompanies-- namely, to provide a platform for instant interactionthat was not only secure but could also leverage the potential ofinstant messaging in the broader context of workplacecommunication.The Corporate Digital Messenger is sure to make itsmark across the enterprise.Features in Android AppMessaging for team membersShare files with colleagues.Group chat for files and ideas.EmoticonsAuto AwayBuzz
Live Chat Software by ProProfs 3.1.0
ProProfs Live Chat Software app is a centralized platform forsupport operators to take up all customer queries and provideanswers in real-time. The use of this mobile-optimized chat boxallows your operators to monitor visitors and initiate a chat nomatter where they are. With such a live support chat software, youget to reduce support tickets and turn visitors into delightedcustomers. Provide instant answers without making them switch backand forth between your web pages. The robust live chat software appis equipped with features like visitor monitoring that can helpyour operators understand your customers better. The live chat forcustomer service comes with an intelligent chat engagement featurethat allows your operators to reach out to visitors by sendingproactive invites and auto greetings from the mobile app. Otherthan sending proactive chat invites, the live chat app helpssupport operators monitor incoming, pending chat and track whichoperator is working on which chat. This helps them to make surethat no chat goes unanswered and convert website visitors intoreturning customers in case they have queries related theirproducts/services at all times. Your operators can also easily seewho is on your website, where they are stuck and proactively starta conversation. ProProfs Chat for Android offers a series offeatures, that are listed below: • Track and record offlinemessages • Feature to access control panel from Android smartphone• Invite visitors for live chat • Know your website visitors usingGeolocation • Use canned messages • Close chat feature in chatwindow • Operator logout functionality in operator chat windowBenefits your business can attain from the use of live chat supportapplication are: • Resolve client queries instantly • Improvesupport team’s productivity • Support multiple visitors at the sametime • Provide personalized support based on visitor behaviour •Capture more leads • Grow sales