Marija Apps

Izračunaj popust-Digitron 4.0
Jednostavna aplikacija koja Vam pružamogućnost da izračunate koliko ste uštedeli kupujući proizvode napopustu.Srecna kupovina!tags: popust, digitron, kalkulator, prodavnica, sniženje,izracunaj, izračunaj, srpski, srbija, bosanski, bosna, hrvatski,hrvatskaA simple application thatgives you the ability to calculate how much you save by buying theproducts at a discount.Happy shopping!Tags: discount, calculator, calculator, store, discounted, themath, math, Serbian, Serbian, Bosnian, Bosnia, Croatia, Croatia
Little Owl's Acid Trip 1.0
Little Owls's Acid (LSD) trip is a fun gamefor your phone. A little owl named Hofman is supposed to jump oversome mean poison mushrooms, and probably stay away from the lsd orthings will get.. Well, kinda trippy. How far can you go? Checkoutyour highscore :)P.S. Stay away from drugs, this is just a game :)
Pravoslavne Ikone Pozadine 0.1
Razne srpske pravoslavne ikone zapozadinuvaseg telefona.Sadrzi vise razlicitih ikona i freski:-Bogorodica-Sveti Sava-Sveti Jovan-Sveti Vasilije Ostroski-Sveti NikolaVarious SerbianOrthodoxicons in the background of your phone.Has multiple icons and frescoes:-Mother-Saint Sava-Saint John-Saint Basil of Ostrog-Saint Nicholas
Rainbow Photo 1.0
Rainbow photo adds the famous rainbow filtertoyour photos.You can adjust the rainbow intensity and rotation, and whenyou'redone you can share your photos with your friends!Celebrate love!
Ljubavni kalkulator 1.5
Ljubavni kalkulator je zabavan ljubavnitest,koji koristeći numerologiju (ili nešto slično) računa kolikoste Vii Vaš partner kompatibilni i stvoreni jedno za drugo. Da listesavršeni par ili kratkotrajna romansa?Otkrićemo samo na osnovu vaših imena!Naravno, nemojte ovaj rezultat shvatati smrtno ozbiljno.Akodobijete loš rezultat, to još ne znači da treba da ostavitedečka(devojku) ili da se razvedete.A ako dobijete dobar rezultat, onda naravno sveshvatitenajozbiljnije moguće i čuvajte svoju ljubav jer vam takokažeLJUBAVNI KALKULATOR!tagovi: srpski, srbija, ljubav, parovi, procenat, decko,devojka,muz, zena, srpski, bosanski, hrvatski, srbija, bosna,hrvatskaLove Calculator is afunlove test, using numerology (or something similar) accounts asyouand your partner are compatible and made for each other. Doyouhave the perfect couple, or a fleeting romance?We'll find out just based on your name!Of course, do not understand this result is deadly serious.Ifyou get a bad score, it does not mean that we should leave theboy(girl) or to divorce.And if you get a good result, then of course all understandthemost serious possible and keep your love because you say soLoveCalculator!Tags: Serbian, Serbian, love, couples, percentage,boyfriend,girlfriend, husband, wife, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian,Serbian,Bosnia, Croatia
Pravoslavne molitve Srbija 1.0
Pravoslavni molitvenik je aplikacijakojasadrzi zbirku pravoslavnih molitvi. Molitve su podeljene utrigrupe:1. opste(molitva bogorodici, molitva svetom duhu, psalm50...)2. namenske(za zdravlje, za decu, za onoga koji putuje...)3. svakodnevne(pre i posle obroka, jutarnja molitva...)Patrijar srpski, Pavle je rekao:"Molitva je pobozno upravljanje duse covekove Bogu, ili besedasrcasa Bogom, kroz koju, predstavljajuci nevidljivo boga predsobom,covek izliva pred njim osecanja svoje duse."Ostatak teksta o molitvi takodje se moze procitati uaplikaciji.Sve sugestije vezane za aplikaciju, ili za dodavanjenovihmolitvi slati na Prayer Book isanapplication that contains a collection of Orthodox prayers.Prayerswere divided into three groups:1 general (Mother of God prayer, the prayer to the HolySpirit,Psalm 50 ..)2 dedicated (for health, for children, for those whotravel...)3 daily (before and after meals, morning prayer ...)Serbian Patriarch Pavle said:"Prayer is the soul of man management pious to God, or the sermonofthe heart with God, through which, representing the invisibleGodbefore him, the man poured before him, feeling his soul."The rest of the text of the prayer also can be read intheapplication.All suggestions for application, or to add new prayers
Love calculator 1.0
Love Calculator is a fun love test, whichusesnumerology (or something similar) to calculate if you andyourpartner are compatible and made for each other. Whether you areaperfect couple, or just a romance? Discover it all based justonyour names!Of course, this result is not always something to beconsideredtruly relevant . If you get a bad result, it does notmean that weshould leave your boyfriend (girlfriend) or to have adivorce. Andif you get a good result, then of course its 100% trueand keepyour love because our Love Calculator tells you so!