Maurizio Capannoli Apps

Espresso MokaTimer + Countdown 3
Maurizio Capannoli
Set up your MOKA, select the size and stopwasting your time This timer will alert you when the coffee startsto coming out and when your coffee's done!This program could be helpful if you need a countdown machine(steps in seconds only).It has a pause/resume button and a link to a webpage with usefulhints to prepare your Espresso MOKA.The new version 2 has the capability to customize and saveprealarm/alarm settings for all 4 moka formats.
Call2SMS - Autoresponder 1.0
Maurizio Capannoli
This tiny APP is essentially an automaticSMSresponder to lost or rejected phone calls. The purposeissimply to make our life easier when we are busy and want tosilencethe ringing of the phone alerting our friends that we cannotanswerbecause we REALLY can not or simply because we want to stayalittle in peace on our own. The advantage is that probablythosewho will receive the message will stop calling us torepeatedly andhe maybe proceed with sending us a text messagerather than call usagain.The program includes two screens. The second, which is accessedviathe SETTINGS button, allows the insertion of three custommessagesand a signature.
My LAN Projector 4.0
Maurizio Capannoli
Questa app, ancora grezza ma funzionante,tipermetterà di gestire fino a 6 proiettori LAN via Telnet (max3)e/o via PJLink (max 3). Hai a disposizione una comodainterfacciadi configurazione per lo IP, la porta (spesso 10000 o4352) e uncomando, impostabile a piacimento, per comandare unafunzionespecifica. Nelle impostazioni di default questaimpostazione èdeputata a selezionare la porta HDMI (non tutti iproiettoriutilizzano lo stesso comando per la medesima porta,bisogna spessoprocedere a tentativi). Puoi richiedermipersonalizzazioni.Istruzioni:1) Controlla di essere collegato sulla stessa subnet deituoivideoproiettori.2) Accedi alla pagina di configurazione e inserisci gliindirizziIP, le porte utilizzate e il comando ausiliario. AttivaSOLO ivideoproiettori utilizzati e opportunamente configurati.NOTA: ivideoproiettori NON devono avere password (modelli PJLINK)ocomunque avere password NULLA (telnet)3) Salva e torna alla pagina principale e clicca su "GO"4) attendi che si accenda il LED (circa 5 secondi) e poi inviaicomandi che ti servonoUna volta inviati i comandi, esci dall'applicazione e quandotiservirà di nuovo, riattivala.I videoproiettori 1,5 e 6 sono SOLO PJLINKI videoproiettori 2, 3 e 4 sono SOLO TelnetThis app, still rawbutfunctioning, will allow you to manage up to 6 via TelnetLANprojectors (max 3) and / or via PJLink (max 3). We offeraconvenient configuration interface for the IP, port (often 4352or10000) and a command set at will, to control a specificfunction.In the default settings this setting is appointed toselect theHDMI port (not all projectors use the same command forthe sameport, you often have to undertake attempts). You canrequire mecustomizations.instructions:1) Check to be connected to the same subnet ofyourprojectors.2) Access to the configuration page and enter the IPaddresses,ports used and the auxiliary command. Active ONLYprojectors usedand properly configured. NOTE: The projector mustNOT havepasswords (PJLink models) or still have NOTHINGpassword(telnet)3) Save it and return to the main page and click on "GO"4) wait LED lights up (about 5 seconds) and then send thecommandsthat you needAfter sending commands, you exit the application and when youwillneed it again, re-enable it.The video projectors 1,5 and 6 are ONLY PJLinkThe projectors 2, 3 and 4 are ONLY Telnet