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Dhammapada : Buddha Says 1.3.0
The Dhammapada is the best known and mostwidely esteemed text in the Pali Tipitaka, the sacred scriptures ofTheravada Buddhism. The work is included in the Khuddaka Nikaya("Minor Collection") of the Sutta Pitaka, but its popularity hasraised it far above the single niche it occupies in the scripturesto the ranks of a world religious classic. Composed in the ancientPali language, this slim anthology of verses constitutes a perfectcompendium of the Buddha's teaching, comprising between its coversall the essential principles elaborated at length in the forty-oddvolumes of the Pali canon.According to the Theravada Buddhist tradition, each verse in theDhammapada was originally spoken by the Buddha in response to aparticular episode. Accounts of these, along with exegesis of theverses, are preserved in the classic commentary to the work,compiled by the great scholiast Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa in thefifth century C.E. on the basis or material going back to veryancient times. The contents of the verses, however, transcend thelimited and particular circumstances of their origin, reaching outthrough the ages to various types of people in all the diversesituations of life. For the simple and unsophisticated theDhammapada is a sympathetic counselor; for the intellectuallyoverburdened its clear and direct teachings inspire humility andreflection; for the earnest seeker it is a perennial source ofinspiration and practical instruction. Insights that flashed intothe heart of the Buddha have crystallized into these luminousverses of pure wisdom. As profound expressions of practicalspirituality, each verse is a guideline to right living. The Buddhaunambiguously pointed out that whoever earnestly practices theteachings found in the Dhammapada will taste the bliss ofemancipation.Due to its immense importance, the Dhammapada has beentranslated into numerous languages. In English alone severaltranslations are available, including editions by such notedscholars as Max Muller and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. However, whenpresented from a non-Buddhist frame of reference, the teachings ofthe Buddha inevitably suffer some distortion. This, in fact, hasalready happened with our anthology: an unfortunate selection ofrenderings has sometimes suggested erroneous interpretations, whilefootnotes have tended to be judgmental.The present translation was originally written in the late1950's. Some years earlier, while consulting a number ofEnglish-language editions of the Dhammapada, it was observed thatthe renderings were either too free and inaccurate or too pedantic,and it was therefore felt that a new translation avoiding these twoextremes would serve a valuable purpose. The finished result ofthat project, presented here, is a humble attempt by a practicingfollower of the Buddha to transmit the spirit and content, as wellas the language and style, of the original teachings.In preparing this volume I have had access to numerous editionsand translations of the Dhammapada into various languages,including Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, Sinhala, Burmese and Nepali. Iparticularly benefited from the excellent translations of the workby the late Venerable Narada Mahathera of Vajirarama, Colombo, SriLanka, and Professor Bhagwat of Poona, India; To them I acknowledgemy debt. A few verses contain riddles, references or analogies thatmay not be evident to the reader. The meanings of these areprovided either in parentheses or notes, and for theirinterpretation I have relied on the explanations given inBhadantacariya Buddhaghosa's commentary. Verses discussed in thenotes are indicated in the text by an asterisk at the end of theverse.
허벌라이프 친절상담 1.1.0
허벌라이프010-7194-1216kmjh0914전화, 카톡상담 가능합니다^^Herbalife010-7194-1216kmjh0914Phone, you can consult katok ^^
기적수업 매뉴얼 8.2.3
1 이것은 기적수업이다. 이것은 필수 과목이다. 오직 이 수업을 언제 수강할지만 너에게 달려있다. 자유 의지는 네가커리큘럼을 짤 수 있음을 의미하지 않는다. 자유 의지는 오직 네가 주어진 시간에 무엇을 수강할 것인지만 선택할 수 있다는의미이다. 2 이 수업은 사랑의 의미를 가르치는 것을 목표로 하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 그것은 가르쳐질 수 있는 것 너머에있기 때문이다. 그렇지만 이 수업은 사랑의 현존에 대한 알아차림을 가로막는 장애물들의 제거를 목표로 한다. 사랑의현존이야말로 너의 타고난 유산이다. 사랑의 반대는 두려움이다. 그러나 모든 것을 포괄하는 것은 반대되는 것을 아무것도가질 수 없다. 3 그러므로 이 수업은 다음과 같이 아주 간단하게 요약될 수 있다: 4 실재인 것은 아무것도 위협받을 수없다. 실재가 아닌 것은 아무것도 존재하지 않는다. 5 여기에 신의 평화가 있다. ---- 개발자 연락처 :+821047534826
기적수업 오늘의 묵상 2.3.1
사랑은 응답할 수밖에 없다.사랑은 올 것이다.왜냐하면 너희가 몸 없이,사랑이 기꺼이 오지 못하도록 방해할어떤 장벽도 설치하지 않고 왔기 때문이다.거룩한 순간에 너희는 오직사랑이 모든 이에게 제공하는 것만을 달라고사랑에게 요청하며,그 이하도 그 이상도 요청하지 않는다.Love has no choice but torespond.Love will come.Because you have no body,Love is not willing to prevent clogBecause came without installing any barriers.You are the only holy momentLove is the only to offer him to everyoneThe love for the request,Nothing more and no less also requested.
ACIM Text 8.2.2
1 This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only thetime you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you canestablish the curriculum. It means only that you may elect what youwant to take at a given time. 2 The course does not aim at teachingthe meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It doesaim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love'spresence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of loveis fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. 3 Thiscourse can therefore be summed up very simply in this way: 4Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. 5 Hereinlies the peace of God.
Sutta Nipata 1.0.0
The Sutta Nipata (literally, "Suttas fallingdown") is a Buddhist scripture, a sutta collection in the KhuddakaNikaya, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. All itssuttas, thought to originate from before the Buddha's parinibbana,consist largely of verse, though some also contain some prose. Itis divided into five sections:Uraga VaggaCula VaggaMaha VaggaAtthaka VaggaParayana VaggaSome scholars believe that it describes the oldest of allBuddhist practices. Others such as Bhikkhu Bodhi and KR Normanagree that it contains much early material.In the Chinese Buddhist canon, a version of the Atthakavagga hassurvived. Fragmentary materials from a Sanskrit version of theNipata also survive.
Lotus Sutra 1.0.3
The Lotus Sutra (Sanskrit: SaddharmapuṇḍarīkaSutra, literally Sutra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma) isone of the most popular and influential Mahayana sutras and thebasis on which the Tiantai, Tendai, Cheontae, and Nichiren schoolsof Buddhism were established. For many East Asian Buddhists, theLotus sutra contains the ultimate and complete teaching of theBuddha and the reciting of the text is believed to be veryauspicious.
UCEM-PT 6.0.5
ACIM Classic Edition 2.0.4
1 This is a course in miracles. It is arequired course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free willdoes not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means onlythat you may elect what you want to take at a given time.2 The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, forthat is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, atremoving the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which isyour natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what isall-encompassing can have no opposite.3 This course can therefore be summed up very simply in thisway:4 Nothing real can be threatened.Nothing unreal exists.5 Herein lies the peace of God.
ACIM Raj Workshops 1.1.0
A Course In MiraclesRaj Workshops
Un Curso De Milagros 6.0.5
Un Curso De MilagrosA Course inMiracles
Ein Kurs In Wundern 6.0.5
Ein Kurs In WundernA Course InMiracles
Um Curso Em Milagres 1.1.2
Um Curso Em MilagresA Course inMiracles
Un Cours En Miracles 6.0.5
Un Cours En MiraclesA Course InMiracles
워크북 2016 2.0.0
1 이것은 기적수업이다. 이것은 필수 과목이다. 오직 이 수업을 언제 수강할지만너에게 달려있다. 자유 의지는 네가 커리큘럼을 짤 수 있음을 의미하지 않는다. 자유 의지는 오직 네가 주어진 시간에무엇을 수강할 것인지만 선택할 수 있다는 의미이다.2 이 수업은 사랑의 의미를 가르치는 것을 목표로 하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 그것은 가르쳐질 수 있는 것 너머에 있기때문이다. 그렇지만 이 수업은 사랑의 현존에 대한 알아차림을 가로막는 장애물들의 제거를 목표로 한다. 사랑의 현존이야말로너의 타고난 유산이다. 사랑의 반대는 두려움이다. 그러나 모든 것을 포괄하는 것은 반대되는 것을 아무것도 가질 수없다.3 그러므로 이 수업은 다음과 같이 아주 간단하게 요약될 수 있다:4 실재인 것은 아무것도 위협받을 수 없다.실재가 아닌 것은 아무것도 존재하지 않는다.5 여기에 신의 평화가 있다.1 This is A Course inMiracles. This is a required course. But only when you want to takethis course it is up to you. Free will does not mean that you canweave the curriculum. Free will is the only means that you canchoose only what you want to take at a given time.2 This course is not aimed at teaching the meaning of love. Becauseit is so beyond what can be taught. However, this class will learnthe removal of obstacles to targeted awareness about the existenceof love. The presence of love is what is your innate heritage. Theopposite of love is fear. But it can not have anything to thecontrary that covers everything.3 Therefore, this class can be very briefly summarized asfollows:4 It is nothing real can be threatened.  It is not the reality does not exist anything.5 Here is the peace of God.
Conversación de Milagros 1.1.2
Conversación de MilagrosMilagrosconversation
Ho'oponopono 2.1.0
100% responsibility and let go
A Course in Miracles Today 1.4.5
1 This is a course in miracles. It isarequired course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Freewilldoes not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It meansonlythat you may elect what you want to take at a given time.2 The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love,forthat is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however,atremoving the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, whichisyour natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but whatisall-encompassing can have no opposite.3 This course can therefore be summed up very simply inthisway:4 Nothing real can be threatened.Nothing unreal exists.5 Herein lies the peace of God.
행복을 부르는 오늘의 확언
If you are happy today, you will be happy tomorrow.
A Course in Miracles Pictures 1.2.5
1 This is a course in miracles. It isarequired course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Freewilldoes not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It meansonlythat you may elect what you want to take at a given time.2 The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love,forthat is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however,atremoving the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, whichisyour natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but whatisall-encompassing can have no opposite.3 This course can therefore be summed up very simply inthisway:4 Nothing real can be threatened.Nothing unreal exists.5 Herein lies the peace of God.
기적톡 1.3.0
기적톡Talk miracle
Miracle Talk 1.2.5
Miracle Talk
A Course In Miracles On-Line 7.5.0
ACIM 7-Languages [Auto]
피클 일주론 1.1.1
Flower of Saju Myungriology
피클명리 만세력 1.2.2
피클 선생님의 일주론, 십간론과 만세력을 같이 볼 수 있습니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : +821047534826
ACIM Workbook for Students 8.6.4
1 This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Onlythetime you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that youcanestablish the curriculum. It means only that you may elect whatyouwant to take at a given time. 2 The course does not aim atteachingthe meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.It doesaim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness oflove'spresence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite ofloveis fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. 3Thiscourse can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:4Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. 5Hereinlies the peace of God.
Sedona Method : Letting Go 2.6.0
Your only real friend is you. Your only real enemy is you. You arean enemy to yourself to the degree that you limit your Self. Youare a friend to yourself to the degree that you de-limit yourself.
ACIM Manual for Teachers 8.2.1
1 This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Onlythetime you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that youcanestablish the curriculum. It means only that you may elect whatyouwant to take at a given time. 2 The course does not aim atteachingthe meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.It doesaim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness oflove'spresence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite ofloveis fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. 3Thiscourse can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:4Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. 5Hereinlies the peace of God.
부처님 말씀 4.3.0
Buddha buddhist buddha
기적수업 워크북 8.8.2
1 이것은 기적수업이다. 이것은 필수 과목이다. 오직 이 수업을 언제 수강할지만 너에게 달려있다. 자유 의지는네가커리큘럼을 짤 수 있음을 의미하지 않는다. 자유 의지는 오직 네가 주어진 시간에 무엇을 수강할 것인지만 선택할 수있다는의미이다. 2 이 수업은 사랑의 의미를 가르치는 것을 목표로 하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 그것은 가르쳐질 수 있는 것너머에있기 때문이다. 그렇지만 이 수업은 사랑의 현존에 대한 알아차림을 가로막는 장애물들의 제거를 목표로 한다.사랑의현존이야말로 너의 타고난 유산이다. 사랑의 반대는 두려움이다. 그러나 모든 것을 포괄하는 것은 반대되는 것을아무것도가질 수 없다. 3 그러므로 이 수업은 다음과 같이 아주 간단하게 요약될 수 있다: 4 실재인 것은 아무것도위협받을 수없다. 실재가 아닌 것은 아무것도 존재하지 않는다. 5 여기에 신의 평화가 있다. ---- 개발자 연락처:+821047534826
기적수업 텍스트 8.6.0
1 이것은 기적수업이다. 이것은 필수 과목이다. 오직 이 수업을 언제 수강할지만 너에게 달려있다. 자유 의지는네가커리큘럼을 짤 수 있음을 의미하지 않는다. 자유 의지는 오직 네가 주어진 시간에 무엇을 수강할 것인지만 선택할 수있다는의미이다. 2 이 수업은 사랑의 의미를 가르치는 것을 목표로 하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 그것은 가르쳐질 수 있는 것너머에있기 때문이다. 그렇지만 이 수업은 사랑의 현존에 대한 알아차림을 가로막는 장애물들의 제거를 목표로 한다.사랑의현존이야말로 너의 타고난 유산이다. 사랑의 반대는 두려움이다. 그러나 모든 것을 포괄하는 것은 반대되는 것을아무것도가질 수 없다. 3 그러므로 이 수업은 다음과 같이 아주 간단하게 요약될 수 있다: 4 실재인 것은 아무것도위협받을 수없다. 실재가 아닌 것은 아무것도 존재하지 않는다. 5 여기에 신의 평화가 있다. ---- 개발자 연락처:+821047534826
세도나 메서드 2.6.0
Lettingo: let it go
천수경 1.6.0
Cheonsu Cheonan Crown Material Bodhisattva Gwangdae Wonmu AebiSimdae Dharani Sutra
호오포노포노 2.1.0
The easiest way to peace
힐링코드 1.3.0
May you fill me with God's light, life and love and heal me.
Miracle Bible 2.0.0
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
피클 만세력 2.2.0
It is a long-lived force with Mr. Pickle's theory of one circleandten months.
금강경 - 금강반야바라밀톡 3.2.0
This is the Geumgang Banya Paramil Sutra.