Mousebomb Apps

一年级知识竞赛 2.0
一年级知识竞赛 - 学习知识,开发智力----特色:1.家长监督系统2.关卡设计3.答题比赛一年级知识竞赛,让宝宝在游戏中学习知识,家长可以每天查看孩子做题的结果,会自动记录最近一个月的每日成绩噢!游戏以比赛的形式,让孩子进行答题练习,回答正确,所选角色就会往走;每次玩一组测验,回答错误的答案将会被列出;完成比赛会获得名次,获得第一名才可以过关。答题过程中的准确率决定了获得星星的数量。寓教于乐,宝宝玩游戏长知识,家长看孩子的答题数据。本app会记录孩子最近一个月的每日成绩,记录答题时间、准确率、总答题数和答题速度。Grade Quiz- learn, develop intelligence----Features:1. Parents monitoring systems2. Level Design3. answer gameFirst grade knowledge contest, let the baby learn in the game,parents can view the results of the theme of the children do everyday, it will automatically record the last month of the dailyperformance Oh!Game in the form of the game, let the children were practicingthe answer, the answer is correct, the selected character will goaway; every time you play a set of tests, the answer wrong answerswill be listed; finish the race will receive ranking, won the firstprize before they can cross the border. Answer process to obtain anaccurate rate determines the number of stars.Entertaining, baby games long knowledge, answer the child'sparents to see the data.The app will record the child's daily performance last month,recording answer time, the accuracy of the total number ofrespondents and answer speed.
LittleTiger learning Colouring 3.0
Little tiger to learn coloring , the childrencome together!Colouring series of games , the development of the baby's rightbrain wisdom , creativity and cultivate baby baby'simagination.Cute cartoon image , recognize colors, your baby loves coloring.This coloring game contains 28 kinds of colors, each with a realperson pronunciation.How to play: the right of the screen is the color palette ,click on the color , color click on the map , you can fill in theselected color .
Xiaoqiaohu learn idioms 3.0
Xiaoqiaohu learn idioms - Chinese charactershape recognition , learning idiom meaning, synonyms and antonymsXiaoqiaohu learn idioms, enlightenment children to school tolearn idioms , shape identification characters , learning idiomsmeanings , synonyms , antonyms . Each idiom has live dubbing.How to play: the four characters into the corresponding idiomcircle , placed correctly , the word will not be moved, if notcorrect, the word will be able to move freely . Words will popidiom entirely correct interpretation.
Super Dinosaur stick figure 1.1
Super Dinosaur stick figure - learn stickfigure , exercise eye-hand coordination , develop the right brainwisdom------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation , fun andcreative , entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw, babyCome and play with it!How to play: the lower left corner is the medium and smallstrokes , the middle is the eraser , the lower right corner is thestroke color , the upper right corner is saved to the photo album ,the upper left corner is a return to the election off screen.
小俏虎识动物 3.0
小俏虎识动物- 认识动物,辨识形状,培养空间感受力,锻炼眼手协调===================小俏虎认识动物朋友,森林里海洋里的动物都来啦。本游戏包含120个动物,近百种动物种类,每个动物都配有真人发音,点击正确会出现此动物的拼音和名称,一共30关,每关4个动物。贴纸系列游戏,刺激宝宝的视觉发展,辨视形状的能力,同时培养宝宝的空间感受力,锻炼眼手协调。可爱的卡通形象,让宝宝的认识形状。玩法:手指移动动物,放进与之相同的形状里就算成功。Small pretty tiger animalidentification - Animal cognition, recognize shapes, culture spacesensibility, eye-hand coordination exercise===================Small animal friends know pretty tiger, forest, marine animals arecoming.The game contains 120 animals, nearly 100 kinds of animalspecies, each animal with a human voice, click on the right willappear and the name of this animal's history, a total of 30 off,each level four animals.Stickers series of games, stimulate the baby's visualdevelopment, depending on the shape of the ability to distinguish,at the same time develop your baby's sensibility space, exerciseeye-hand coordination.Cute cartoon image, so that your baby's understanding of shape.How to play: finger moving animal, put in with the same shape, evenif successful.
交通工具简笔画 1.1
交通工具简笔画 - 学简笔画,锻炼眼手协调,开发右脑智慧Transport Stick Figure------宝宝学简笔画啦,简单的操作,有趣的创意,寓教于乐让每个宝宝快乐学画画,宝宝们快来玩一下吧!玩法:左下角是笔触大中小,中间是橡皮擦,右下角是笔触颜色,右上角是保存到相册,左上角是返回选关界面。Transport stick figure -learn stick figure, exercise eye-hand coordination, develop theright brain wisdomTransport Stick Figure------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation, fun andcreative, entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw, babyCome and play with it!How to play: the lower left corner is the medium and smallstrokes, the middle is the eraser, the lower right corner is thestroke color, the upper right corner is saved to the photo album,the upper left corner is a return to the election off screen.
Preschooler stick figure 1.0
Preschooler stick figure - learn stick figure, exercise eye-hand coordination , develop the right brainwisdom------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation , fun andcreative , entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw, babyCome and play with it!70 cartoon images, let your baby enjoy the play .How to play: the lower left corner is the medium and smallstrokes , the middle is the eraser , the lower right corner is thestroke color , the upper right corner is saved to the photo album ,the upper left corner is a return to the election off screen.
小俏虎找字母--认识字母,培养观察力 3.0
小俏虎找字母--认识字母,培养观察力,开发右脑智慧------小俏虎来啦,字母宝宝偷偷跟着他,字母宝宝藏在哪里呢?请小朋友们把它们找出来。每一关隐藏5个字母,页面下方提示有哪5个字母,找到一个字母,配有真人朗读,页面下方相对应的字母就会变成黄色,5个字母全部找到了就可以到下一关,12关后的关卡五个字母还形成一个单词,请宝宝们睁大眼睛把它们找出来吧~玩法:左上角是返回按钮,右上角是计时,页面下方提示有哪5个字母。找全5个字母会自动跳到下一关。Tiger looking prettysmall letters - letters recognize, develop observation, wisdombrain development------Small pretty tiger coming, baby secretly followed him letters,letters baby hidden in where? Please kids find them.Each level hides five letters, displays a message indicating whichof five letters, found a letter, with a real reading, correspondingto the bottom of the page letter will become yellow, five letterscan be found all to the next level 12 levels off after five lettersalso form a word, please put them in identifying babies stared Come~How to play: the upper left corner is the Back button, the upperright corner is the timing, suggesting the bottom of the page whichfive letters. Find all five letters will automatically jump to thenext level.
小俏虎趣味数字—0~100轻松学 3.0
小俏虎趣味数字————快乐学数字,培养观察力,0-100轻松学可爱的数字宝宝跑到草地上玩耍了,请小朋友帮他们找到自己正确的位置。找到正确的位置会闪出小星星,同时位置将不可移动。每一页显示一个数字,用四种不同画风来展现,增加小朋友学习的趣味性。玩法:1.选关界面有数字0-100,需要完成一关,才能解锁下一关。2.点击数字进入游戏界面,点击下面的数字拖拽到相对应位置即为成功,四个数字都拖拽正确会显示下一关。3.左上角是返回按钮,进入选数字页面。Small pretty happy ----Tiger Fun digital learning digital, culture observation, 0-100 EasyCute baby went figures playing on the grass, and ask thechildren to help them find their correct position. Finding theright location will be flashed little stars, at the same timeposition will not be moved.Each page displays a number, with four different style to show,increasing children learning fun.How to play:1. Select the numbered 0-100 Off interface, complete one off, tounlock the next level.2. Click the number to enter the game interface, click on thefollowing numbers corresponding to the position is dragged to thesuccess of the four numbers are displayed correctly drag the nextlevel.3. The upper left corner is the return to enter selected digitalpage.
小俏虎学简笔画 3.0
小俏虎学简笔画--学画动物,锻炼眼手协调,开发右脑智慧------小俏虎想变成小画家,森林里的朋友们都来帮他啦。他们排着队等着巧虎把他们画出来呢。哇,一共来了七十几位动物朋友,请小朋友和巧虎一起照着动物们的样子认真画,每画一幅都可以保存在相册里。加油~玩法:左边是笔触大中小,中间是橡皮擦,右边是十种颜色,右上角是保存到相册,左上角是返回选关界面。Pretty small stick figuretiger learn - learn to draw animals, exercise eye-handcoordination, intelligence brain development------Small pretty little tiger would like to become a painter, forestfriends are friends to help him. They lined up waiting for thetiger to draw them out of it.Wow, a total of seventy several animal friends to pleasechildren and tiger together according to the way the animals arecarefully painted, every painting can be saved in an album.Refueling ~How to play: left is medium and small strokes, the middle is theeraser, the right is ten colors, the upper right corner is saved tothe album selected return to the upper left corner is offscreen.
Fruit stick figure 1.1
Fruit stick figure - learn stick figure ,exercise eye-hand coordination , develop the right brainwisdom------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation , fun andcreative , entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw, babyCome and play with it!How to play: the lower left corner is the medium and smallstrokes , the middle is the eraser , the lower right corner is thestroke color , the upper right corner is saved to the photo album ,the upper left corner is a return to the election off screen.
Child playing stickers 1.0
Child playing stickers - right braindevelopment , training observation------Simple operation , fun and creative , entertaining so that eachbaby grow up happy , baby Come and play with it!How to play: Click to select the correct stickers and move themsuitable location.
最强脑记忆 1.1
最强脑记忆——锻炼记忆力你能用最短的时间,最少的次数通关吗?快来试试吧!玩法:1、欢迎界面点击进入选关界面;2、选关界面点击进去为翻卡牌界面;3、卡牌翻出相同的就会展示出来,翻出不同的将不展示卡片内容;4、左上角为返回,通关后显示下一关。Strongest brain memory -memory exerciseYou can use the shortest possible time, the minimum number ofclearance it? Come and try it!How to play:A welcome screen, click to enter the election off interface;2, the election went to turn off screen, click interfacecard;3, the same card will be displayed pulls, pulls out a differentcard will not show the content;4, the top left corner to return, after the show to the next levelclearance.
Child coloring 70p 1.1
Child coloring 70p - recognize colors, rightbrain development , fosters creativity------Colouring series of games , developed the baby's right brainintelligence, creativity and cultivate baby baby imagination.70 cute cartoon image , you can let your baby play with for a longtime .This coloring game contains 28 kinds of colors, each with a realperson pronunciation.How to play: the right of the screen is the palette , click thecolor , color click on the graph , you can fill in the selectedcolor .
Ocean stick figure 1.1
Ocean stick figure - learn stick figure,exercise eye-hand coordination , develop the right brain wisdom------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation , funandcreative , entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw,babyCome and play with it!How to play: the lower left corner is the medium andsmallstrokes , the middle is the eraser , the lower right corner isthestroke color , the upper right corner is saved to the photoalbum ,the upper left corner is a return to the election offscreen.
马戏小丑简笔画 1.1
马戏小丑简笔画 - 学简笔画,锻炼眼手协调,开发右脑智慧Clown Stick Figure------宝宝学简笔画啦,简单的操作,有趣的创意,寓教于乐让每个宝宝快乐学画画,宝宝们快来玩一下吧!玩法:左下角是笔触大中小,中间是橡皮擦,右下角是笔触颜色,右上角是保存到相册,左上角是返回选关界面。Circus clown stickfigure- learn stick figure, exercise eye-hand coordination, developtheright brain wisdomClown Stick Figure------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation, funandcreative, entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw,babyCome and play with it!How to play: the lower left corner is the medium andsmallstrokes, the middle is the eraser, the lower right corner isthestroke color, the upper right corner is saved to the photoalbum,the upper left corner is a return to the election offscreen.
Animal Stick Figure 1.1
Animal Stick Figure- learn stick figure,exercise eye-hand coordination , develop the rightbrainwisdom------Baby learning stick figure friends, simple operation , funandcreative , entertaining so that each baby happy learn to draw,babyCome and play with it!How to play: the lower left corner is the medium andsmallstrokes , the middle is the eraser , the lower right corner isthestroke color , the upper right corner is saved to the photoalbum ,the upper left corner is a return to the election offscreen.
Child Memory Competition 1.0
Child Memory Competition - rightbraindevelopment , cultivation of the memory------This is a classic memory class flop games. Brand behindmanycartoon characters , as long as you can find all the samecardtricks and see how many points you can get it?
月子宝典(实用版) 1.0.0
月子宝典(实用版)————坐月子,看这一本就够了坐月子是女人一生中最好的改善体质时机。如果没有坐好月子,将为以后的身体健康埋下隐患。如何科学、健康地坐月子?就在《月子宝典(实用版)》。坐月子应该怎样洗头、洗澡?坐月子饮食推荐与忌讳?刚生完BB要注意哪几个时间点?产后是否可以大补?产后食物禁忌有哪些?下奶有哪些秘诀?产后如何恢复身材?以上疑问均在最实用的《月子宝典(实用版)》。坐月子,看这一本就够了。Month Collection(utilityversion) ---- confinement, see that this is enoughConfinement in a woman's life is the best time to improvethephysical. If you do not take good month, will be buriedlaterhealth problems. How science, healthy confinement? In the"month ofCollection (utility version)."How should confinement shampoo, bath?Confinement dietary recommendations and taboo?BB just given birth several times to pay attention towhatpoint?Whether postpartum can be nourishing?Postpartum food taboos are there?What are the secrets under the milk?Postpartum how to restore the body?The above questions are in the most practical "monthCollection(utility version)." Confinement, this is enough to seethis.
备孕宝典 1.2.1
备孕宝典 -准爸准妈备孕前诊断、规划、常见问题、最佳年龄、优生筛查、注意事项的综合宝典什么年龄是怀孕的最佳年龄?备孕必知的12注意事项是哪些?如何进行孕前自我诊断?孕前优生筛查包括哪些?影响怀孕的因素又有哪些?爸爸的精子质量如何提高?准爸爸需要注意哪些问题?叶酸如何重要?男性是否也需要补充叶酸?手机辐射是否真的有害?如何快速怀孕?排卵期如何自测?中医有哪些孕前养生观?高龄产妇如何备孕?本宝典内容丰富,知识点全面,信息时代的父母值得人手拥有一册!
少儿谜语-南方熊 - 学习知识,开发智力 1.4
少儿谜语-南方熊 - 学习知识,开发智力----南方熊系列儿童教育游戏特色:1.家长监督系统2.关卡设计3.答题比赛少儿谜语-南方熊,让宝宝在游戏中学习,家长可以每天查看孩子做题的结果,会自动记录最近一个月的每日成绩噢!游戏以小鸟飞行比赛的形式,让孩子进行答题练习,回答正确,小鸟就会往前飞;每次玩一组测验,回答错误的答案将会被列出;完成比赛会获得名次,获得第一名才可以过关。答题过程中的准确率决定了获得星星的数量。寓教于乐,宝宝玩游戏长知识,家长随时查看孩子的答题数据。本app会记录孩子最近一个月的每日成绩,记录答题时间、准确率、总答题数和答题速度。
Remember the cat 1.0
Remember the cat - right brain development,training observation------This is a classic memory class flop games. Brand behindmanycartoon characters , as long as you can find all the samecardtricks and see how many points you can get it?
123消 1.0
123消====数字宝宝陪你一起玩三消啦,看谁眼力好!游戏玩法:- 消除三个或以上相同的图标-- 4个相同的图标连成一线则获得特殊的图标,当它消除时会爆破周围九个。- 横竖两个方向同时有3个图标连成线,会获得闪闪发光的图标,当它被消除时横竖两条都会爆掉。- - 5个图标连成一线时,获得神奇的百变图标。它可以跟任意图标交换,场上所有同类图标都会变身成这个图标,一起消除。好爽快。123 Consumers====Digital baby accompany you to play three elimination friends, toseewho is good eyesight!How to play:- The elimination of three or more identical icons- 4 identical icons in a line then get a special icon when itwillburst around the elimination of nine.- Anyway both directions simultaneously three icons togetherintoline, will get sparkling icons, anyway two will explode when itiseliminated.- 5 icons in a line, get the magic Variety icon. It can beexchangedwith any icon, the field will be turned into all similaricons inthis icon eliminate together. Good refreshing.
Fruit shorthand 1.0
Fruit shorthand - right brain development,training observation------This is a classic memory class flop games. Brand behindmanycartoon characters , as long as you can find all the samecardtricks and see how many points you can get it?
Transport shorthand 1.0
Transport shorthand - right brain development,training observation------This is a classic memory class flop games. Brand behindmanycartoon characters , as long as you can find all the samecardtricks and see how many points you can get it?
少儿猜字谜-南方熊- 学习知识,开发智力 1.4
少儿猜字谜-南方熊 - 学习知识,开发智力----南方熊系列儿童教育游戏特色:1.家长监督系统2.关卡设计3.答题比赛少儿猜字谜-南方熊,让宝宝在游戏中学习,家长可以每天查看孩子做题的结果,会自动记录最近一个月的每日成绩噢!游戏以小鸟飞行比赛的形式,让孩子进行答题练习,回答正确,小鸟就会往前飞;每次玩一组测验,回答错误的答案将会被列出;完成比赛会获得名次,获得第一名才可以过关。答题过程中的准确率决定了获得星星的数量。寓教于乐,宝宝玩游戏长知识,家长随时查看孩子的答题数据。本app会记录孩子最近一个月的每日成绩,记录答题时间、准确率、总答题数和答题速度。
开心饭店 1.3
少儿猜成语-南方熊 - 学习知识,开发智力 1.4