New Design Group Inc Apps

DMHS: Suicide Prevention Info 1.0.0
New Design Group Inc
The DMHS Suicide Prevention App is a free appdesigned to provide information about suicide intervention, suicideprevention and mental health resources. It also provides directlink to a 24-hour telephone support C.A.L.L. (Crisis Access LinkageLine), as well as many other community resources.This app is an accessible suicide prevention resource, packedfull of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it ifyou are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned aboutsomeone else who may be considering suicide.Everyone seems to be affected by suicide in one way or another.It could be a family member, friend, colleague, someone close orsomeone in the community. It touches all of our lives and can havean impact on others for a lifetime. Tragically, it is known thatmany suicides could have been prevented.One of the biggest challenges is getting people to realize just howmuch suicide is avoidable and can be prevented. Awareness helpsprevent suicide. It is a subject that needs to be addressed andtalked about - that is how lives can be saved.Information, education, resources and supports can help people.That is why Durham Mental Health Services (DMHS) felt it wasimportant to create a mobile app so that anyone can try to help.There are well known effective measures to help preventsuicide.This app has 6 main areas that contain helpfulinformation:o Feeling Suicidal? Think Someone is?o Being Helpful, What to Sayo Safety Plan & Resourceso Youth and Young Adultso Adults & Seniorso Need Support? In Crisis?We hope that people will use this app, share this app to helpcreate a caring, supportive community so people can live theirlives to the fullest potential.We believe that Hope is essential.
DMHS Suicide Prevention App 1.1
New Design Group Inc
​The free 2nd edition DMHS Suicide PreventionApp builds on the previous version by adding such useful featuresas a daily mood tracker, a problem-solving tool, the ability tocreate a personalized safety plan and more. It still contains allof the useful information from the 1st edition (including guidanceon “Where to Start and What to Ask” for people concerned aboutsomeone in their life), in a more welcoming and interactiveframework. It also provides a direct link to crisis support throughDMHS’ C.A.L.L. (Crisis Access Linkage Line) along with informationon many other resources local to Durham Region, Ontario.